- Well welcome to "The 700 Club."
Israel's Iron Dome has been a bastion
against terrorist attacks.
Well now something is threateningthis antimissile system
that could have dangerous impacts
far beyond the Jewish state.
- What is it?
Chris Mitchell has theanswer from Jerusalem.
(siren faintly wails)
(missile blasts)
- [Chris] Israel's IronDome antimissile system
is literally a lifesaveragainst terror attacks
by groups like Hamas or Hezbollah.
This amendment, introducedby Senate Democrat
Chris Van Hollen, couldconceivably prevent the deployment
of this joint US-Israel defense system
to protect areas like theWest Bank or Jordan Valley.
The amendment states,
"No US funds may support the deployment
of United States defensearticles, services,
or training to territoriesin the West Bank
unilaterally annexed byIsrael after July 1, 2020
or to facilitate the unilateral annexation
of such territories."
- The Van Hollen amendment is an example
of American legislatorswho cut off their nose
to spite their own face,
namely, the face ofAmerica's own interest.
- [Chris] Israel's formercongressional liaison,
Ambassador YoramEttinger, argues this move
could have a negativeimpact beyond the West Bank
while also undermining Israel and the US.
- Such a proposal reflectsa total disconnect
by those senators fromMiddle East reality.
When Israel and Jordan
concluded the peacetreaty in October of 1994,
the top Jordanian military commanders,
they told Israeli colleagues
a Palestinian statewest of the Jordan River
would doom the pro-AmericanHashemite regime
east of the Jordan River.
- Others argue the amendment contradicts
President Obama's 2016Memorandum of Understanding
between the US and Israel.
That allowed Israel todefend itself by itself.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
had hoped to announce annexation
of 30% of Judea and Samaria,the West Bank, on July 1st,
but a combination ofWhite House indecision
and a rebound of COVID-19has delayed that decision.
Annexation is a proposalopposed by senators
like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
- Those American senators would do well
for their own American interests.
Israel and the West Bank hasbecome very potent element
of deterrence in faceof Iran's ayatollahs.
- [Christ] Ettinger doesn'tview the Van Hollen amendment
as an anomaly.
On the contrary, hesees it as more evidence
of an ideological shift in America.
- Certainly, that transformationof the American society
has also afflicted Capitol Hill as well,
the House of Representatives,and the Senate.
The secret, so to speak,of the very unique bond
between the US and Israel has rested
on the Judeo-Christian rootsof both the US and Israel.
A departure from Judeo-Christian roots,
a departure by America from those roots,
would also mean adeparture from very special
US-Israel relations,which would not bode well
for either the US or Israel.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Well let me underline what this bill
from Senator Hollen would actually do.
You have incoming missilesbeing launched by terror groups
in areas that are under the control
of the Palestinian Authorityor under the control of Hamas.
This bill means that the Israelis
would not be able to defend themselves
against those missiles.
That's that's the intent of the bill.
Can you imagine anyonetelling us in the US,
if you've got incomingmissiles, well I'm sorry
because our development fundswent into creating the system
of defense for you.
You can't use it.
We would absolutely rise up against that.
And it makes no sense to tell Israel
you can't defend your own borders,
you can't defend yourcitizens from attack.
But that's what's happening and that's...
I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime
where a US senator wouldactually propose a bill
and have it move forward.
But that's where we're going,
and this is coming from the Democrats,
and you've got to start asking why.
Why is there now a risinganti-Israel sentiment
on the part of whatshould be natural allies?
You know, look at the facts.
The facts are Israel'sthe only stable democracy
in the Middle East.
Israel has been our friendsince its founding in 1948.
The Palestinians havenever missed an opportunity
to miss an opportunity.
They've had opportunity afteropportunity after opportunity
to form their own state andcome to peace with Israel.
They have refused it every single time.
And their goal still remainsto drive Israel into the sea.
That means an ethnic cleansing.
That remains a removal ofall Jews from the territory.
That is staggering to me that US senators
would support that kind of ideology,
but that's what we're dealing with.
This is absolutely real.
When Jordan controlled thecity of Jerusalem after 1948,
there was an ethniccleansing of Jerusalem.
The Jewish Quarter was...
All Jews were removedfrom the Jewish Quarter
and they announced,"They'll never come back.
There will never be a Jewishpopulation in Jerusalem again."
That shows their aim.
That shows what they're all about.
And why to put some kindof restriction on Israel,
I don't know, but this is something
that all Christians need to be aware of,
be educated on what'shappening politically
in our United States of America,
and we're in danger of turning against
our only ally in the Middle East.
Well in other news, the numberof new coronavirus cases
has hit a new record.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN news bureau in Washington.
- That is right, Gordon,
the US recorded a littleover 77,000 new cases,
easily the highest numberfor a single day yet.
One reason for the highernumber of cases, more testing.
Still, deaths are rising
in states like Florida and Texas,
and Arizona is runningout of room in morgues.
Despite problems in those states,
the total number of deaths there
remains far below whathappened in New York
and New Jersey earlier this year.
Dr. Anthony Fauci saysthings are a mixed bag
across the country right now,
and on Facebook, he had awarning for younger people.
- You have to haveresponsibility for yourself,
that your getting infectedis not just you in a vacuum.
You're propagating a pandemic.
- Dr. Fauci's warning comes
as teens and children accountfor an increasing number
of coronavirus cases, andscientists aren't sure
whether they'll spread thedisease if schools re-open.
Although many doctors say
they want their kids back in school,
some teachers are torn over the issue.
Charlene Aaron explains why.
- As the pandemic continuesto surprise medical experts,
the debate grows on howthe country's schools
can safely re-open.
Top federal health andeducational officials, however,
support President Trump's call
that students must return to the classroom
for in-person learning.
This issue has becomecentral for the president
as he's pressuring governorsto make it happen in the fall.
In Florida, some schooldistricts want students in class
as early as August despitea surge in state cases.
- Ultimately, it's not a matterof if schools should reopen.
It's simply a matter of how.
They must fully open and theymust be fully operational,
and how that happens is best left
to education and community leaders.
- [Charlene] Last month,the CDC issued guidance
on reopening classes.
- We're prepared to work with each school,
each jurisdiction, to help themuse the different strategies
that we've proposedthat help do this safely
so they come up with the optimalstrategy for those schools.
- [Charlene] Recommendationsinclude masks for students
and teachers, staggered schedules,
wider distance between desks,and eating meals in classrooms
instead of the cafeteria,rules that Nicole Aaron,
a special education teacher in DC, says
would be difficult to follow.
My kids, because of their disabilities,
they're not going to beable to wear a mask all day.
They have sensory needs anddifferent things and challenges
that will not require, will not allow them
to be able to keep a mask on.
If they can't wear a mask,
then what are we reallyexposing ourselves to?
Even if we have on a mask,at some point, you know,
wearing a mask all day for eight hours
is a hard thing to do.
- [Charlene] A recent USAToday/Ipsos poll shows
one in five teachersare unlikely to return
if their schools re-open, many citing fear
over putting themselvesand their families at risk.
It's a concern shared by Nicole Aaron.
- As a parent and as a teacher is,
if I go back to school, thenmy kids have to go somewhere.
If their schools aren't open,then I have to send them
to childcare and I'mputting them in danger.
If I go back to school,
then I could bring COVID into my home.
So either way, I'mexposing my family to COVID
regardless of if I'm going out to work
or if I'm having totake them to childcare.
- [Charlene] Meanwhile,plans for re-openings
are likely to vary fromdistrict to district,
as the virus looksdifferent in each community.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Weighing some very difficult decisions.
Thanks, Charlene.
Well as businesses andgovernments work furiously
to find a coronavirus treatment,
the United States, United Kingdom,
and Canada are accusing computer hackers
believed to be Russian intelligence
of trying to steal valuableprivate information
about a possible vaccine.
George Thomas has that story.
- In a joint communication,those governments alleged
that a hacking group known as Cozy Bear
is attacking academic andpharmaceutical companies
involved in developinga coronavirus vaccine.
Britain's foreign secretary
calling Russia's alleged activities
egregious and unacceptable.
- I think that's pretty appalling,
to have the Russian governmentengaged in that endeavor,
I think is, needs calling out.
- [George] According to a 16-page document
released by Britain's NationalCyber Security Centre,
the Russians are targetingseveral global organizations
with hacking programs calledWellMess and WellMail.
- One of the things that the report stated
was that a lot of this information
came from phishing attacks.
It is sending emails and getting people
to send personal information
that then hackers could use to get in.
And so as ever with these things,
the weak link in the security
isn't so much thecomputers; it's the people.
- [George] The hackinggroup Cozy Bear is familiar
to US intelligence.
Washington identified them
as one of two Russiangovernment-linked groups
that broke into theDNC's computer network,
stealing emails and other documents
ahead of the 2016 presidential election.
- The biggest takeaway from these attacks
is that other countriesare actively targeting
the health research industry.
And we're seeing thepharmaceutical companies
and others being targetedbecause they have the information
that can be used to helpalleviate this global pandemic.
- [George] In April, the USDepartment of Homeland Security
warned that various cybercriminal groups around the world,
including in Russia and China,
were targeting COVID-19 research.
- Russia not only canderive benefit economically
by speeding up their owndevelopment of a vaccine,
but they can also disrupt ourefforts to develop a vaccine.
- [George] On Thursday,the White House said
the US, UK, and Canada are working
to stop Russia's nefarious actions.
- We worked very closely with our allies
to ensure that we would take measures
to keep that informationsafe and we continue to do so
and we're aware of those activities.
- [George] The report doesn't specify
whether Russia's presidentknew about the hacking job.
The Kremlin has rejected the allegations.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- Thanks, George.
Gordon, more and more,the threat is moving
from traditional warfare to cyber warfare.
- Well, once you createstate-sponsored cyber warfare teams,
what do you expect them to do?
They're going to continuetheir nefarious activities.
And let's call this out for what it is.
This is egregious behavior,
because what it does,it actually hinders us
from getting a vaccine.
If the scientists involved,if the doctors involved
have to worry about exchanging information
over the internet orexchanging email information
with their colleagues in aneffort to develop the vaccine,
if that information flow is, in any way,
interrupted by this kind of behavior,
well then, that's terrible for all of us.
And we have to realizewe're all in this together.
If a vaccine is as developed,
of course it's going to beshared with the whole world.
Let us have the freedom toexplore these treatments
and these vaccines without the worry
that some horrible hackeris trying to interrupt it
or steal information.
Please, we've got all gotto come together on this one
and realize we all share this planet,
we're all sharing this virus,
and we will all share the cure.