- [Chris Mitchell] Fromthe Middle East to Europe,
and across the Atlantic,
World leaders are debatingwhether Israel can annex
nearly 1/3 of the WestBank, or Judea and Sumaria.
But David Parsons sees theterm annexation as misleading,
since Israel is not seizing land.
- Because they are essentiallyjust asserting their title
to something that they alreadyhave a riding claim to.
The international community recognized it
a hundred years ago with theSan Remo Conference, 1920,
the League of Nations Mandate, 1922,
that the Jewish people havea claim to this entire land.
- [Reporter] President Trump's so-called
"Deal of the Century"triggered the possible
claim to the land.
- What's interesting is thatPresident Trump has said,
"If the Palestinians won'tcome to the table right away,
"Israel can start the processof incorporating this 30%,
"up to 30%, into the modern,sovereign State of Israel."
- [Chris] After meeting withadvisors to both Netanyahu
and alternate Prime Minister, Benny Gantz,
Joe Rosenberg says they don'tsee eye to eye on this issue.
- When I sit with close advisors
to Prime Minister Netanyahu,
they make a very interesting case.
They say, "Okay Joe, whyis this summer different
"from all those other summers?"
We didn't pick the summer.
The President of the UnitedStates is the first president
in history to lay out apeace plan that allows us
to have more territory in biblical lands
than we ever have been offered by,
I mean, nobody has ever offered us that.
When you talk to the closeadvisors to Defense Minister,
Alternate Prime Minister, Benny Gantz,
they say, "Well, wesupport that, the idea,
"and we support thePresident's peace plan.
"However, is this the right moment?"
- [Chris] Many leadersin Judea and Sumeria
are also divided.
Some believe the current plan risks
certain Jewish communities.
- There are around 15significant Israeli settlements
that will probably be dried up.
They will have to, itdoesn't force them to leave,
but they'll probably haveto leave on their own
because they don't see any future
as a little enclave beingsurrounded by a Palestinian state.
- [Chris] While the plan allows Israel
to vote for sovereignty,
it would also establisha Palestinian state
under these conditions.
The Palestinian authority...
- Only then, we start negotiations
which can lead up to four years.
The American Ambassador called it
that the Palestinianswill turn into Canadians.
I prefer the biblical expression
that wolves will turn into sheep.
And then the reality willlook completely different.
- [Chris] Some argue,while it's unlikely the PA
will turn into sheep, thebible warns against giving away
land God promised to the Jewish people.
- It's difficult to evenexplain it this way,
but I've followed thepattern for 20+ years, Chris,
and this pattern fitsthat the God of Israel
is not pleased aboutdividing Judea and Sumeria
for a future Palestinian State.
- [Chris] Koenig says he's witnessed
more than a 20 year pattern
where the U.S. reaps consequences
when it forces Israel togive away its God-given land.
- So, I've been documenting what happens
when the United Statesapplies pressure on Israel
to divide their covenant land.
In my book, "Eye to Eye"I documented 127 events
through Hurricane Harvey,that happened at the time,
or right within the first 24 to 48 hours
of U.S. pressure on Israel todivide their covenant land.
Starting with the perfectstorm, going to 9/11,
Hurricane Katrina, HurricaneHarvey, and unfortunately,
life in America before January 28th,
and then on January 28thwhen the plan was delivered,
and what has happened in America
and around the world after January 28th,
according to coronavirus, hasbeen a very significant event,
and it fits the "Eye to Eye" pattern
that I've documented for 20 years.
- [Chris] Parsons explainsthe plan would also
put many important Jewish andChristian archeological sites
under a future Palestinian State.
- There are hundreds ofother important bible sites
to Jews and Christiansthroughout all these areas
that would probably be lost.
And the Palestinian Authorityalready has a record
of not being a realguardian/custodian of these sites.
In fact, the record showsthey try and erase it,
and replace it with theirown Islamic narrative.
- [Chris] The issue deeplytroubles the region,
especially Israel's neighbor, Jordan.
- So, in some ways the kingof Jordan is like a man
sitting on a volcano,surrounded by a forest fire,
worried about an earthquake.
The earthquake couldcause the volcano to blow.
Could annexation, by Israel, of territory
that's very disputed, very controversial,
could that be the earthquakethat causes Jordan to blow?
I wrote a whole novelseries about the potential
of the Hashemite monarchybeing overthrown.
This is not something that we want to see.
That would create enormousinstability in this region.
- [Chris] Rosenberg, who has met
with a number of Arab leaders,
questions if this is theright time for annexation.
- If you look at the Gulf states,
I think they think thiscomplicates their effort,
their desire to move steadilytowards peace with Israel.
- [Chris] He adds, most U.S.evangelicals aren't aware
of the current Israeli sovereignty debate,
given how Covid-19 and domestic turmoil
dominates their attention.
Buddy says, "It's animportant time to pray."
- Well mainly for wisdomfor Israel's leaders,
and of course, for peace.
Israel is just comingout of the Covid crisis.
It's handled it much betterthan many countries of our size.
But it's still an issue.
It goes back to the central question.
Why is this summer differentfrom all other summers?
How should Israel handle it?