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Does Peace Deal’s Annexation Plan ‘Divide God’s Land?’ 6/19/20

Israelis divided over annexation - what will it mean on the ground and would it divide God's land? Plus, an update on Turkey's attacks on Yazidis inside Iraq; and Aliyah - why some expect a dramatic increase in Jews returning to the Promised Land. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This weekon Jerusalem dateline,

Israel's divided overthe annexation issue.

What will it mean to thepeople on the ground?

And is it dividing God's land?

Plus an update on Turkey's attacks

on the Yazidi people inside Iraq.

And the miracle of Aliyah,

why summer saying Israelwill see a dramatic increase

of Jews coming back to thepromised land in the years ahead.

All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.

- Hello, and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.

I'm Chris Mitchell.

Around July 1, Israeli PrimeMinister, Benjamin Netanyahu

plans to ask Israel's parliament to vote

on the annexation ofcertain Jewish communities

in the West Bank, Israel'sbiblical Heartland.

But what impact will thishave on Israel, the US

and the people livingin Judea and Samaria?

We talked to some Middle East analysts

about what they thought aboutthe plan and its consequences.

- [Announcer] From the Middle East

to Europe and across the Atlantic,

world leaders are debatingwhether Israel can annex

nearly one-third of the West Bank,

or Judea and Samaria.

But David Parson sees the term annexation

as misleading since Israelis not seizing land.

- Because they are essentiallyjust asserting their title

to something that they alreadyhave a right and claim to,

the international communityrecognize it 100 years ago

at the San Remo conference 1920,

the League of Nations mandate, 1922,

that the Jewish people havea claim to this entire land.

- [Announcer] President Trump's

so called deal of the century

triggered the possible claim to the land.

- What's interesting is thatPresident Trump has said

if the Palestinians won'tcome to the table right away,

Israel can start the processof incorporating this 30%,

up to 30%, into the modernsovereign state of Israel.

- [Announcer] After meetingwith advisors to both Netanyahu

and alternate prime minister Benny Gantz,

Joe Rosenberg says they don'tsee eye to eye on this issue.

- When I sit with close advisors

to Prime Minister Netanyahu,

they make a very interesting case there.

They say,

"Okay Joe, why is this summer different

from all other summers?"

We didn't pick this summer.

The President of the United States

is the first president inhistory to lay out a peace plan

that allows us to have moreterritory in biblical lands

than we ever have been offered by--

I mean, nobody has ever offered us that.

When you talk to the closeadvisors to defense minister,

alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz,

they say,

"Well, we support the idea.

We support the President's peace plan.

However, is this the right moment?"

- [Announcer] Many leadersin Judea and Samaria

are also divided.

Some believe the current plan

risks certain Jewish communities.

- There are around 15significant Israeli settlements

that will probably be dried up.

It doesn't force them to leave,

but they'll probably haveto leave on their own

because they don't see anyfuture as a little enclave

being surrounded by Palestinian state.

- [Announcer] While the plan allows Israel

to vote for sovereignty,

it would also establisha Palestinian state

under these conditions.

The Palestinian Authoritymust recognize Israel

as a Jewish state,

renounce terrorism,

stop incitement and end paymentsto convicted terrorists.

- Only then we start negotiations,

which can lead up to four years.

The American ambassador called it

that the Palestinianswill turn into Canadians.

I prefer the biblical expression,

that wolves will turn into sheep,

and then the reality willlook completely different.

- [Announcer] Some argue,

while it's unlikely thePA will turn into sheep,

the Bible warns against giving away land

God promised to the Jewish people.

- It's difficult to evenexplain it this way.

But I followed the patternfor 20 plus years, Chris,

and this pattern fits.

That the God of Israel is not pleased

about dividing Judea and Samariah

for a future Palestinian state.

- [Announcer] Koenig says he's witnessed

more than a 20 year pattern,

where the US reaps consequences

when it forces Israel togive away its God-given land.

- So, I've been documenting what happens

when the United Statesapplies pressure on Israel

to divide their covenant land.

In my book 'Eye To EyE'I documented 127 events

through hurricane Harveythat happened at the time

or right within the first 24 to 48 hours

of US pressure on Israel todivide their covenant land,

starting with the perfect storm,

going into 911, HurricaneKatrina, Hurricane Harvey,

and unfortunately, life inAmerica before January 28.

And then on January 28,when the plan was delivered

and what has happened inAmerica and around the world

after January 28,according to Coronavirus,

it's been a very significant event.

And if it's the Eye to Eye pattern

that I've documented for 20 years.

- [Announcer] Parsons explainsthe plan would also put

many important Jewish andChristian archeological sites

under a future Palestinian state.

- There are hundreds of otherimportant Bible sites to Jews

and Christians throughout all these areas

that would probably be lost.

And the Palestinian Authorityalready has a record

of not being a real Guardiancustodian of these sites.

In fact, the the recordshows they try and erase it

and replace it with theirown Islamic narrative.

- [Announcer] The issuedeeply troubles the region,

especially Israel's neighbor, Jordan.

- So in some ways,

the King of Jordan is likea man sitting on a volcano,

surrounded by a forest fire,worried about an earthquake,

that the earthquake couldcause the volcano to blow.

Could annexation by Israel of territory

that's very disputed, very controversial.

Could that be the earthquakethat causes Jordan to blow?

I wrote a whole novel series

about the potential ofthe Hashemite's monarchy

being overthrown.

This is not something that we wanna see.

That would create enormousinstability in this region.

- [Announcer] Rosenberg,

who has met with a number of Arab leaders

questions if this is theright time for annexation.

- If you look at the Gulf states,

I think they think thiscomplicates their effort,

their desire to move steadilytowards peace with Israel.

- [Announcer] He adds,most US evangelicals

aren't aware of the currentIsraeli sovereignty debate,

given how COVID-19 and domestic turmoil

dominates their attention.

But he says it's animportant time to pray.

- Well, mainly for wisdomfor Israel's leaders,

and of course for peace.

Israel is just comingout of the COVID crisis.

It's handled it much betterthan many countries of our size.

But it's still an issue.

It goes back to the central question.

Why is this summer differentfrom all other summers?

How should Israel handle IT?

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Up next,

an update on what some arecalling an unprovoked aggression

against one of the region'sreligious minorities.

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- Here in the MiddleEast, just a few days ago,

the Turkish Air Force bombed Sinjar,

the capital of the Yazidi people,

who suffered a genocide a few years ago

at the hands of ISIS.

CBN's Jennifer Wishondiscussed this crisis

with Nadine Maenza, amember of the US Commission

on International Religious Freedom.

- Yazidis who live in northern Iraq

were nearly wiped outby ISIS six years ago,

and now fear returning to theirhomes in and around Sinjar

because of aggressionsby Turkey and others.

U.S Commissioner forInternational Religious Freedom,

Nadine Maenza is hereto help us understand

some of the dynamics in the region.

Thank you Nadine.

First, tell us what happened on Sunday.

- Sure, on Sunday evening,

Turkey commenced airstrikeson Sinjar in Iraq.

And they did what theycalled Operation claw Eagle.

They named it with over 81airstrikes in this area of Sinjar

which is where the homelandfor the Yazidi people,

where they were victimsof genocide in 2014.

In the same week these attacks happened,

Yazidis we're just starting to come back.

They had about 200families which had returned

just a few days before these attacks.

So, it's very troubling to us

as well as many others around the world.

- It sounds like thetiming there is suspect.

Why does this latest moveby Turkey matter so much?

- Well, Turkey has been in a feud

with the KurdistanWorkers Party or the PKK

for quite a long time.

And they consider them terrorists,

and they are accusingthem a planning attack,

or at least that's whatthey're saying it from Sinjar.

There's no proof that that isn't the case.

There is the PKK presence there.

But these attacks to do 81 strikes

in an area that is so poor,

so desperate was so fewamuses it's having returned,

and the ones that didreturn had to experience

literally watching Mount Sinjar on fire.

It was really troubling andreally disturbing to them.

We were told by Murat--

I was told by Murat Ismil, a Gazidi leader

that about 700 familieswere living in a camp

on Mount Sinjar, just two kilometers away

from some of the strikes.

And so, putting their lives in danger,

traumatizing them again.

And it seemed as if they weren'ttrying to hit the targets

as they were trying to makea statement into scare.

Was it to keep the Yazidi's from coming

or was it to make a point

that they consider thePKK to be dangerous,

and they're worthy ofthese kind of strikes,

even though it did not seem to match

the facts on the ground.

And it seems that we've seen this

with with president Erdoganfrom Turkey before where,

when there's domestic problems at home

that you'll see him doinginternational efforts

to draw attention away from that.

A lot of us remember when hearrested pastor Andrew Brunson,

the American pastor of a small church

and accused him of being a spy.

- Well, give us a senseof the current status

of the Yazidi people.

I mean, you mentionedthat only a few families

have gone back,

that some were just startingto go back this week.

You pointed out that six years ago,

they were nearly wipedout by the Islamic State.

What is what is their status right now?

- There's over 400,000 are still in camps

in the Kurdistan Region ofnorthern Iraq, in Doe Hawken.

And then, some of them havealso been able to immigrate away

to other countries.

And so, there's been constructionjust starting to happen.

There really is a need forself governance in Iraq,

for them to be able to buildtheir own security forces

and to build their own--

Have their own mayor,have their own governance,

as the Christians also need.

Those missionaries need the same thing,

that would really help,I think, for long term

for them to be able to have a community.

ISIS went after them really the most,

and kidnapped over 6000 ofthe women into sex slavery.

3000 are still missing.

- I know you have beentweeting about this,

what is the Commission'stake on on turkeys actions?

- That Turkey should not begoing after religious minorities

either in Iraq or in Syria,

and that when they do, we'regoing to call them out.

- Commissioner Maenzo, Thank you so much.

- Thank you for having.

(upbeat music)

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- Israel's minister ofAliyah and immigration says

that in the next 18 months, asmany as 90,000 new immigrants

will come here to Israel.

Tom Hess, the founder of theJerusalem House of Prayer

for all nations, just issuedthe 10th edition of his book

called "Let my people go."

Hess believes becauseof a number of factors,

many of those new immigrantswill come from North America.

Here's our interviewfrom the Mount of Olives.

- All right, Tom.

Thanks for joining us herein Jerusalem Dateline,

Appreciate it very much.

- It's a joy to be withyou in Jerusalem Dateline.

you have a passion for Aliyah,

when did you first havethat on your heart,

and what did you do about it?

- Actually, what happened in 1987,

I was living in Washington, DC.

We had a house of prayer,

overlooking the SupremeCourt in the Capital.

And I was praying, and theLord took me into a trance,

and he showed me 911, heshowed me greater shakings

coming on the United States.

And he said that the Jewishpeople needed to be warned,

because their destinywas ultimately in Israel.

And he said greater shakings would come.

So, I actually wrote a bookcalled 'Let My People Go'

from that experience I had.

We're doing the 10th edition.

Right now, the 15th chapterhas to do with what happened

just this year, 2020,

with all the things thathappened, with pandemic

and anti semitism and thingsthat are happening in New York

and all over the US.

- So what are the main factors right now

where you see increasingthe potential of Aliyah?

It's one thing for sure is the epidemic.

What happened there were something

like 300 Jews died in Israel.

And they estimate maybe 10,000in the US and in Europe.

So, the population is almostthe same here as it is outside.

So, 30 times more Jews died.

In epidemic also people realizethat there's much better

health system in Israel,

the Jewish people they feelthey're being cared for

much better here.

So, there's so many different things,

anti-semitism is rising so much outside.

Also even the birth rate here is 3.5.

And families are healthier here.

So, there's many differentdynamics that are happening

that people realizethat this is their home.

For the first time, probablysince Israel was reborn,

many Jews in the UnitedStates think that it's better

to live in Israel than it is in the U.S.

They used to think they can live there,

and they can bless Israel from afar.

But now they believe that it'stime to come back to Israel,

because I think theysee the ominous things

that are happening.

But I remember in 1986, we went to Russia,

and we did seven Jerichomarches for seven years

around the Kremlin,

and 1.3 million Jews came back.

What happened was that theformer Soviet Union unraveled,

and God allow that to happento bring 1.3 million Jews home,

then Russia went back up again.

So, I don't know right now,

it seems like somethingominous is happening.

And I believe that thisis maybe a last warning

for the Jews that come back in good times,

to be able to bring their finances back,

find a home here, and to settle

before things could shake even more

in the United States of America.

- You talked aboutscriptures in your book.

You have 700 scriptures about how the Jews

will return here to the land.

One of them is in Hosea.What does Hosea say

and why is it so important?

- In Hosea, it says when the lion roars,

His people will cometrembling from the west.

So, we know that the lion is roaring now

over the United States of America.

And it says,

"When the lion roars,

his people will cometrembling from the west."

So, we see that beginning to happen.

They're estimating that next year,

the number of people makingAliyah could more than double.

People are talking about maybe100,000 Jews coming back.

I felt even before this epidemic,that in the decade of the

2000 20s,

that there could be more than1 million Jews come back.

And so we saw that same thingfrom the former Soviet Union

in the 80s.

But that was the time of the North.

Now is the time of the West.

And this is the last major Aliyah

because 80% of the Jews outside of Israel,

live actually in theUnited States of America.

And about 95% live in the Western world.

And these are the areas thatare being shaken the most

by the epidemic.

Maybe God is showing something,

that it's time for hispeople to come home,

because normally, he worksthrough the fissures,

and if people do notrespond to the fissures,

he allows the hunters to rise.

We hate anti-semitism.

But we know that many of theJews from around the world

came back because ofuncomfortable circumstances,

anti-semitism in the nations

was the key that brought them back.

- How would you encouragepeople to be praying

about this right now?

- I think the Christians should pray

that God will open thegates of their cities,

open the gates of their nations,

and that the Jewish peoplewill be able to come back

to Israel.

That they would break open thegates through intercession.

And we need to pray also,

that God will bring a bigbreakthrough to bring them back

before it gets much worse inthe United States of America.

So, I believe that 2020will be the roaring 20s

because the lion of the tribe of Judah

is roaring from the west

and they will cometrembling from the west.

Maybe they come back sooner than later

because this is the year of Aliyah.

This, I believe, is the appointedtime for Jews to come back

from the west, back totheir homeland, Israel.

- Well, Tom, thanks for your expertise,

And you're passion aboutthis, very important topic.

Thank you.

Still ahead, an Israeli startupthat hopes to provide air

free from the corona virus.

(upbeat music)

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- As the world looks for a safe reopening

from the COVID shutdowns,

an Israeli start uobelieves it holds a key

by providing one of thethings needed most clean air.

CBN Middle East correspondentJulie Stahl has that story.

- Three years ago AviadShnaiderman and his brother

decided to take their father'sheating and air conditioning

business into high tech air quality.

Now Shnaiderman is CEO of Aura air.

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- Even before COVID-19Israel Sheba Medical Center

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from allergens to dustto viruses and bacteria.

Sheba used this productbecause in hospital,

we have a lot of infections and problems.

And once you can give an information

and also know how to attackthose three vehicles,

the particles, gasesand humidity in the air,

you can reduce it significantly.

- [Julie] Now they'restudying its effectiveness

against the Coronavirus.

- There's amazing performance.

We can filter the airin very high resolution,

but also disinfected.

We already proved thaton different viruses,

on different types of flu viruses.

And nowadays, we are testingit on the COVID as well

- [Julie] Shnaidermanexplains how it works.

- You have the pre filterto filter big particles.

Then you have our main filterthat have those three layers,

the layers of the EPA, carbon and copper.

With that you have aUVC light that can burn

and destroy the bacteria in the air

while getting to the product,

And lastly, the sterilizerthat generate the positive

and negative ions in the room.

- [Julie] The filter systemis controlled by an app

whose air qualityassistant is named Heidy.

- Well, you're getting therecommendation of Heidy,

as we personalize the product for you,

you control all the devices from one app.

And you have all your locations.

And inside of each and every product,

you can see the air quality outside,

the air quality inside,

a summary of it, exactlywhat is the situation.

So, you can set if you haveany problems of allergies

or asthma, you can seeyour own recommendation.

And lastly, you're going toget also the weather forecast.

- [Julie] They're alsoworking on a portable device

that can provide a 30 footprotective bubble around you.

- The Aura mini is a device

that you can have your self protection.

There's part of the technologyinside of it and with that,

we can give you a safe area,a safe zone around you.

You can use it whileyou walking the street

or even sitting in coffee, ordriving the bus or the subway.

- [Julie] Shnaidermansaysthat interest in Aura air

is growing worldwide since theoutbreak of the corona virus.

Julie Stahl CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Well that's it for thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.

Thanks for joining us.

Remember you can followus on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram and YouTube.

I'm Chris Mitchell.

We'll see you next timeon Jerusalem Dateline.

(upbeat music)


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