- America is drowning in liberalism.
The White House and Congress
are pushing for massivereconstruction of our economy,
along with a rash of executive orders
that are driving our country to socialism.
What is called wokeism and cancel culture
is on the rise.
Censorship is rife,especially against Christians.
So how can we fight back?
Author Steve Strang has some answers.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] Imagine waking up one day
and finding out that the whole world
is raining anger and hatred at you
for something you said decades ago.
The mob no longer comeswith torches and pitchforks,
now they come with tweet,posts, blogs and memes.
They go to your employers and demand
that you lose your job.
They come to your home, yourschool, your place of worship,
they harass your family and friends,
and they will not stop untilyour life is destroyed.
They are are the cancel culture.
Cancel culture is real.
And if you think they're notcoming for you, you're wrong.
Stephen E. Strang,
author of the bestselling"God and Donald Trump,"
shows you how in his newbook "God and Cancel Culture:
Stand Strong Before It's Too Late."
- Steve Strang joins us now.
Steve, you are an investigative reporter.
That's how you trained.
You were canceled this year
when Amazon stoppedstocking books published
by your company, Charisma House.
What happened?
- Well, Pat, in the early 2000s,
we published a book byReverend Lou Sheldon,
called "The Gay Agenda."
It was not particularly controversial,
even though it predicted a lot
of the things that have happened.
Back in that era, evenHillary Clinton said
that marriage was betweenone man and one woman.
Then mysteriously last fall,
somebody at Amazon, we have no idea who,
went through and took the book down
as if it didn't exist.
We could get no answers.
Apparently, they went throughand just eliminated anything
that they didn't thinkagreed with their agenda.
And this is what's happeningwith cancel culture.
This has been going on for millennia.
Dictators, tyrants have always tried
to cancel voices thatdon't agree with them.
We see it today in theextreme in North Korea,
and China, and you saidliberalism is advancing.
It is.
These trends have beengoing on for a long time
but now it seems it's almosthappening at warp speed.
And it's not only in countries like that
but in a country like America
where we have freedom of speech,
freedom of religion,we're getting canceled.
And my concern is that ultimately,
it's to cancel Christianity.
- Steve, you pointed out in this book,
I mean, you have several examples
but for example, the president talked
about hydroxic, what was it?
- Hydroxychloroquine.
- And people have been canceled
for mentioning that on the air.
What's the status with that?
- I have a whole chapterin "God and Cancel Culture"
about all this medical stuff.
I mean, here are things
that they are not FDA approved.
It's called off-label
but they found that hydroxychloroquine,
which treats malariain places like Africa,
in fact, Africa has verylittle COVID compared
to the rest of the world
because so many people take these drugs.
And they found that if theywere administered early,
that nearly everybody recovers.
So Donald Trump said it,
and suddenly, all the peoplethat hated Donald Trump
wanted to cancel thisas if it wasn't okay.
Ivermectin, which is somethingI take as a prophylactic
also has very, very good results.
We want to get rid of this dread virus,
and here are some things,
but if people speak up,
if doctors who are very well respected
even want to mention this,
it's canceled as if it didn't even exist.
They want us to take the vaccines.
There's a lot of evidencethat the vaccines
are very dangerous.
I go into that as well.
But what's happeningis that they're wanting
to cancel anything that doesn't agree
with their agenda, andthat's just one example.
- You talk about, Michael Lindell
has written a foreword to your book
but Mike got wiped out,
and he was selling pillows
and everybody liked his pillow,
and then all of a sudden,
he talks about dominion,
and he talks about the other Smartmatic,
and he was saying thatthey rigged the election.
And all of a sudden, he's been sued
and he's been canceled.
- I know, it's dreadful,
and it actually happened before that
when he just supported Donald Trump.
And totalitarian governmentshave done this for centuries,
but it's new for businesses,
woke businesses canceling people.
So here you have Mike Lindell,
people wanna punish him.
23 major retailers quitselling his pillow.
What does that have to do with anything?
They're trying to punish him.
They're trying to make an example
of people like him sopeople like you and me say,
"Hey, they got canceled for speaking up.
Maybe I should be quiet."
And that's self-censorship,self-cancellation,
and I believe that that'sthe most dangerous of all
because then they don't have to come
and cancel us one byone, we cancel ourselves.
People are intimidated.
People need to speak up,especially Christians
because we're also losingour religious freedoms
as we saw with COVID
where they said thatchurches were non-essential,
where they shut down churches
while liquor stores andmarijuana dispensaries
and big box stores were open.
You could even riot in Los Angeles
with a mask and burn buildings,
and somehow that was okay
but going to church, youmight be a super spreader,
and thankfully, the Supreme Court ruled
that churches were essential
but brave citizens like Jay Haan
of Pasadena had to sue the government
just to get our constitutional rights.
Our constitutional rights donot go away during a crisis.
And it's dangerous.
They're getting away withmore and more and more,
and we have to stand strongbefore it's too late.
And that is the point of the book.
We haven't totally lost yet.
But we're going to lose.
We're gonna get to a point of no return
if we don't stand up,
and I think the end game
is socialism, which is really communism,
which is always atheistic,
and which always cancelsor tries to cancel God.
- What about theso-called climate deniers.
If somebody is against global warming,
do they get canceled too?
- Well, many times they do,
and this is just one more narrative.
It's anything.
There's a whole spectrum of things.
If you don't agree with them,
they want to treat youlike you don't exist.
Their attitude is we won,you lost, get over it.
Your opinions are notimportant in the public square.
And we've got to stand up,
and one by one by one,
we're being canceled.
And they're doing it in away they don't explain it.
People are puzzled, they talkabout community standards.
Well, the community standards
are some far left version of reality
that they want to make as if it's true.
We've got to stand up,especially Christians
who tend to be nice,rather passive people,
need to stand up one by one by one.
We need to supportpeople that are canceled.
And we've got to stand strong
before it's too late,
as the subtitle of the book says.
- Steve, it's called"God and Cancel Culture."
It's an amazing book.
And it's available whereverbooks are sold I guess.
(Pat chuckling)
They cover this on Amazon.
- It hasn't been canceled yet.
It releases today.
I appreciate you havingme on the very first day.
- Well, we're honored asyou give us this chance
that it's quite an alarming book.
And the biggest thing that I saw in there
that some credit card companies
will refuse to process the credit
of people so they not only cut them off,
they cut off their source of money.
Steve, is that true?
- It's absolutely true
and these things are kindof below the radar screen,
but we can see an example
of limiting your ability to buy and sell,
like you said with Mike Lindell,
and I think it's movingtoward the end of time.
Earlier in my life,
I couldn't see how you'd have666 tattooed on your head
but now with these chipsand the different things
that are happening,
we're actually seeing howthis could come about,
and I believe that we're racingtoward one-world government.
This is my attempt to tryto get people to wake up.
We still have freedoms.
We can still pray.
Earlier you were sayingthat American needs
to turn back to God.
That is the answer.
God is still in controland prayer changes things.
- Steve, thank you so much.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this book, as far as I can tell
is still available.
You can get it whereverbooks are sold, I guess.
It's called "God and Cancel Culture."
It's an interesting read.
And today's the day it's released.
Stave, thank you very much.