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No Prayer Too Small - The Superbook Show

Lawrence & Morgan answer the question, “Do you ever want to ask God for something, but you’re not sure if it’s worth his time?” Read Transcript

- Hey everyone.

- How are you doing?

(clock ticking)

- What are you doing?

- I'm waiting for the viewers to answer.

- Do you think they've answered by now?

(bell dings)- Probably.

- So, do you ever wantto ask God for something,

but you're not sure ifit's worth His time?

- All the time.

But it's mostly a "Should I ask God

"to help me find enough spare change

"in my backpack to help mebuy that ice cream at lunch?"

- And do you, 'cause I hope you do.

After all, ice creamis a gift from heaven.

- It is, and I do.

I like to pray about everything.


- You mean to tell me Icould pray about everything,

no matter what it is?

- That's right.

- Oh, I know, that remindsme of a Bible story.

You know, the one with the lady?

(crickets chirping)

She prays?

- You gotta be more specific.

- Cara, Cara what's her name?

- [Cara] Hannah?- No, that's not it.

Oh, I know, it's Hannah.

- [Cara] Seriously?

- In 1 Samuel chapter one?

- That's the one.

She wanted a son so badlythat she sat outside--

- How about we're just gonna show you.

- Great idea, Cara, roll the clip.

- [Narrator] She knelt rightthere and prayed to God.

She begged Him to give her a child,

and promised she woulddedicate the boy to the Lord,

saying, "A razor shallnever come upon his head".

Eli happened to be sitting nearby.

At first he did not understandwhat she was doing there,

but then she explained.

- Go in peace and the God of Israel grant

your petition which you have asked of Him.

- Hannah wanted a son,so she prayed about it.

- Because she knew that herrequest was worth God's time.

- Yeah, and asking fora child is kinda major,

and her son Samuel grew up to be one

of the greatest prophets in history.

- That's true.

- So how do I know if myprayers are worth God's time?

What if they're too small?

- Wanna know a secret?- Yeah.

- God cares about allof our prayer requests.

There's no request that's too small.

- Are you sure?

- Totally, God wants to bein a relationship with us.

- In a relationship?

- Not in a relationship,in a relationship.

You know, friends.

- Yeah, yeah, of course He does.

- You know, the way I see it prayer

is like talking with God.

Sometimes there's major requests.

- Or it's like talking to a friend.

- Exactly, in Exodus 33:11, it says,

"The Lord would speakto Moses face to face,

"as one speaks to a friend".

- Whoa.

- And that's the kind ofrelationship I wanna have with God.

- Most importantly, that's the kind

of relationship God wants to have with us.

- Which means talkingto Him about everything.

- Including whether or notyou have enough spare change

for ice cream at lunch.

- It's so good.

- We can talk to God about anything,

whether or not it'ssomething as simple as trying

to find a parking spot at a football game.

- God loves us and wants tobe close friends with us,

so hearing from you--

- God's close friend.

- Is never a waste of time.

- There's no prayer too small.

- His Word is forever alive.


- What's the silliest thingyou've ever asked God for,

or talked with Him about?

- Let us know in the comments below.

- And don't forget to likeand subscribe to our channel.

- And download the SuperBook Bible App


- [Both] Bye.

- Do you ever wonder if God, ah.

- [Cara] I don't know if God, ah.

- Do you ever want to askGod for something, ah man.

- [Cara] Probably.

- Oh, I know, her name's Cara.

(both laughing)

- [Lawrence] Oh my goodness.

- Exactly, exactly, there'slike a little (laughs).

- Whether or not you'retrying to find a football spot

at a parking game.

It gets me every time.

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