With a Huge Lead in the Presidential Race, Biden Joins Trump in Saying 'Don't Defund Police'
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- What do you know?
President Trump and Joe Bidenactually agree on something.
The two candidates areboth rejecting calls
to defund the police.
- I don't support defunding the police.
- [Dale] President Trump sayshe's appalled by the idea.
- There won't be defunding,there won't be dismantling
of our police.
- [Dale] House and SenateDemocrats then unveiled
a sweeping police andcriminal justice reform bill.
Among other measure, itwould ban choke holds
and no-knock warrants,
give state attorneygenerals more independence
to investigate alleged abuses,
and make it easier forpeople to recover damages
from police when theirrights are violated.
- Today, with thejustice and policing act,
the Congress is standing withthose fighting for justice
and taking action.
- [Dale] Democratic lawmakers took a knee
before introducing what theysee is a long-overdue response
to racial injustices in law enforcement.
George Floyd will beburied today in Houston,
carried home in a horse-drawn carriage.
Floyd, who was 46, will be laidto rest next to his mother.
- This man, whose deathhas changed the world,
he's changed the world.
You have to come.
You have to, I can't explain it.
- [Dale] The former police officer charged
with murdering Floyd, DerekChauvin, made a court appearance
in Minneapolis via videofeed and had his bail set
at 1.25 million dollars.
Joe Biden met privatelyfor more than an hour
with Floyd's family,including his daughter Gianna.
The protest and riotsstemming from Floyd's death
at the hands of policeare taking center stage
on the presidential campaign.
A new CNN survey releasedon Monday shows Biden
with a whopping 14-pointlead over the President,
55 to 41 percent.
Democrats hope to use the uproar
over the George Floyd killingagainst President Trump,
but on CBN News' Faith Nation program,
Chief Political Analyst DavidBrody said Biden's opposition
to defunding the police pitshim against the far left
of his own party, which heneeds to win the White House.
- Joe Biden just said,
"No, I don't want to defund the police."
So clearly he's putting hismarker down in the center,
in the more of the moderate lane,
but that's not gonnawork for the far left.
They're very active, they're very loud,
and Biden needs all of themto mobilize against Trump.
If he starts to fracture with them,
that's a problem for him in November.
- Meanwhile a Minneapoliscourt who's ordered the city
to implement a series ofstructural changes in policing,
banning neck restraints andchoke holds by officers.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.