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Pelosi Says 'Don't Tell Joe Biden' but We Should Cancel the Biden-Trump Presidential Debates

Pelosi Says 'Don't Tell Joe Biden' but We Should Cancel the Biden-Trump Presidential Debates Read Transcript

- Here to tell us more is

CBN's Chief PoliticalAnalyst, David Brody.

David, law and order isa big issue this year.

How will President Trump's and Joe Biden's

differing policies affectvoters, do you think?

- Well, I think we're starting to see

some of that already, Mark.

Sources that I'm talking to that are close

to the President say thatthey have internal numbers

showing that the battlegroundstates that are key

in this election, placeslike Florida and Michigan,

Wisconsin, places likethat, Pennsylvania as well,

they're seeing an uptickin the President's numbers

based on this issue that you just raised.

Law and order and protecting cities,

making sure there's notrioting in the streets

and all of that.

So that's the internal numbersfrom the Trump campaign.

We've seen some of thisas well in polling,

where the President's approvalnumber actually ticking up,

as high as 52%, and there'sother analytical data

out there as well, to suggestthat Biden could potentially

have a problem on his hands ifhe keeps avoiding the issue,

as it relates to riotingin the streets in Kenosha

and many other places across the country.

- David, we saw plentyof criticism of Trump

during the DemocraticNational Convention last week,

and last night, Vice PresidentPence dished out some attacks

of his own against Biden.

How has this back and forth played a role

in both conventions?

- Well look, you're right.

I mean at the DemocraticNational Convention,

it was Orange Man Bad, right?

It was Donald Trump isbasically the devil incarnate,

if you will.

I put that in air quotes,but you know what I'm saying.

I mean, the Democrats can't stand him.

And this week we've seen amuch different situation,

to the point where many folks,not just the Vice President,

but Kayleigh McEnany and many other folks,

just regular ordinary Americans saying,

"Hey, this president actually helped me",

or there's compassionstories about this president.

Look, no one's gonna allof a sudden believe that

Donald Trump is this wonderful boy scout.

No one's suggesting that.

But I do think that therehas been a marked difference

this time around with the Republicans.

So we'll see.

I can tell you this,

that Joe Biden has to be very careful here

because the law and order issuethat you mentioned earlier,

Mark, really hangs over all of this.

And what I mean by thathe has to be very careful

is by staying silent, bynot speaking out at all

about the violence and therioting and the mob mentality,

he is giving the Presidentand Mike Pence oxygen

in this campaign to reallydo some damage and run up

a little bit more of atotal in the suburbs,

which he's gonna need come election night.

- What can we expect fromPresident Trump tonight, David?

- It's the Biden Bashathon, Part Two.

Mike Pence started on Wednesday night.

Tonight the Presidentgoing to go full throttle,

according to two of my sources.

Yes, he'll talk about America,

and he'll talk about someof what he's gonna do

in a second term.

And he'll talk about howDemocrats want socialism,

and we have to prevent that.

That's what the President will say.

But a lot of his speechis gonna be dedicated

to bashing Joe Biden.

And you might say, well whynot go to an uplifting message

and all of that?

The source I'm talking totells me that the media refuses

to do any hard digging on Joe Biden

and let him get away witha lot of what he said

in the past and policies and all of that.

So tonight, you're gonnahear the President go through

a litany of what Joe Biden has said,

and it's gonna get pretty darn nasty.

Get ready, Mark.

I've got popcorn ready.

I've got two bowls of it, actually.

- (laughs) Any surprises tonight,David, that we can expect?

- Well, I think just thequestion is, you know,

how much does Donald Trump go off script?

And, you know, we know it'sgonna be in the prompter,

but Donald Trump likesto riff a few times.

But I can tell you this, that typically

in convention speeches,State of the Union,

things like that, he prettymuch stays on prompter.

And when I say on prompter,90 to 95% on prompter,

and he usually gets good reviews.

The problem with DonaldTrump has always been,

he kinda steps on his own good press,

24 hours after the good press.

So we'll see how it goes.

- All right, our ChiefPolitical Analyst, David Brody.

Thank you for your time, sir.

- Thanks, Mark.

- And be sure to tune intoFaith Nation this evening

for more on the convention and the latest

from our nation's capitol.


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