Read Transcript
- Well, we've receivedlots of your questions.
We wanna answer some of them today.
Pat, this first one comesfrom Christopher, who says,
"I denounced Jesus.
"Can I get Him back?
"Or have I committedthe unpardonable sin?"
- There was a man named Peter
who three times denied the Lord,
and he'd walked with Him,got close and personal,
He swore, "I never knew the man,"
and later on, Jesus said, "Do you love me?
"Peter, do you love me?
"Peter do you love me?"
And Peter said yes,and He said, all right,
you take care of my littlelambs, you feed my sheep,
you shepherd my sheep.
He was restored, Godcan restore you, okay?
- This is Audi who says, "Should I tithe
"on my covid-19 stimulus check?
"My husband and I both workand have four children."
- Look, should you?
I mean, how can I tellyou what you should do?
I can tell you what'll happen if you give.
It'll be given unto you,pressed down, good measure,
running home will then heapen your bosom.
See if you can find somebodyless fortunate that you are,
somebody that's hungrysomebody that's needing,
and see if you can make a gift to them,
and watch what God'll do.
Do you have to tithe?
Of course not.
You wanna be blessed, yes, all right?
- This is Patti whosays, "What do angels do
"versus what God does?
"Why does God use them at all?
"Do angels help unsaved people
"And are we supposed to pray to angels?"
- Well the last part is no,we don't pray to angels.
Absolutely not.
They're messengers of God.
The angelos is a messenger.
They're sent, it says, to lookafter the heirs of salvation.
They're messengers thatdo the will of God.
There're cherub beam thatcover the holiness of God.
There're seraphim who areburning with their holiness
that surround God.
It's part of the Godhead, the angels.
What do they do?
Well, they're there praising God,
and sent to take care ofthe heirs of salvation.
That's other things,but they're messengers,
bringing messages back andforth from the Lord, all right?
- This is Lisa who says,"Pat, I've been living
"with a man for two years."
"He asked me to marry him and I said yes.
"I think he has a hidden pornaddiction, but I'm not sure.
"He's a very good man,but now, since covid-19,
"I don't think we're goingto make it to the altar.
"What should I do"
- Again, dear I can't tellyou what you should do.
What I would adviseyou is you've got a man
who has got a porn addiction,
he will be putting thosesexual women ahead of you,
and you always have somebodyelse in the bedroom,
and it won't be you andhim, it'll be this pornstar,
and I recommend that you get out
of that relationship right now.
But you shouldn't be living with this guy
without being married.
It's not what God wants.
If he really loves you, he will marry you.
And the thing is, youwant a life together.
It's not just sex, it's a life together.
It is bringing up childrenin the nurture and admiration
of the Lord, and it's looking for old age,
and somebody to look after you.
It's a whole lot of goodthings when you get married,
and you know,, just to havesex, you're living together,
it's not cool, don't do it, okay?
- This is Carol, Pat, who says, "Hi, Pat.
"When we pray, we always askthe Father in Jesus' name.
"Growing up, I was told the Father, Son,
"and the Holy Spirit are one.
"Can you explain this?"
- Oh I'm writing a bookon the Holy Spirit,
and I explain it in great detail.
When that book comes out, I'll make sure
that you can get a copy.- Get a copy.
- And it's called "TheSpirit of the Living God"
and I talk in lengthabout the Holy Spirit.
But first of all, you pray to the Father
through the agency of Jesus Christ,
but it's in the Holy Spiritwho makes these things happen.
All right, one last question.
- This is Georgia.
"My husband and I havebeen married for 34 years.
"He's a depressed manand often yells at me.
"He was saved the same time I was.
"He seems angry and bitterall the time towards me.
"How can get past thisemotional pain and move on?"
- You know, the Bible says
have nothing to do with an angry man,
but you're married to an angry man.
I think he may have aneurological problem,
he may have an emotionalproblem from his childhood
you don't know anything about.
He needs counseling.
You need to insist that hegets some kind of counseling
with somebody who knows whatthey're doing in the Spirit,
and pray through these issues.