'It's Going to be a Viral Sickness:' Did a SC Woman Predict the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2019?
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- I have with me via SkypePastor Kadesha Jenkins.
She is with New BeginningsOutreach Ministries
in Columbia, South Carolina.
Welcome, Pastor.
- Thank you for having me.
- First of all, I saw thevideo that you recorded
from 2019, a year ago, March of 2019,
where you were sharinga very powerful prophecy
that the Lord gave you aboutwhat we're seeing happening
with the coronavirus right now.
Talk about that.
- I'm just honored again to be on
and that was a moment
that I definitely cannot
really, really, reallyjust grasp, at this moment,
to just say it was just all planned.
It wasn't planned at all.
It was just a move of God.
I had a dream and the dream that I had
was that there was a majorstorm that was coming,
and that dream showed lovedones, even in my family,
that was caught up in that dream,
that was caught up in that storm,
and so, at that night,the Lord ushered me,
He unctioned me to go liveand speak on this dream.
- On Facebook, you went live on Facebook?
- Right, yes, it was on Facebook Live,
and it was March the 23rd last year,
and I went Facebook Live,
and I just began tojust speak to the people
about the dream and just tell the people
of what God was showing me in the dream.
And then, at the moment,God began to just take over
and He began to show me that there was
so many drastic things thatwas getting ready to come.
Even in that live, I spokeabout different things
that were gonna take place,
and one of the things was a virus.
And He specifically spoke that
it was going to be like a flu,
but was going to be a pandemic.
It was going to be a virusthat was going to take lives.
He literally said to tell the people
that a virus is coming
and it's not going to be a
here-and-just-go-away type thing.
It's coming because Mypeople have turned from Me.
What I saw was likelives and people laying,
prostate, all over the place.
And it was just like sickness,
it was caught like domino effect,
it was just passing through,
and I had no clue thatit was going to just
go like it is now, but I know God spoke
and God said it was going to be viral
and it was going to take out lives.
And one of the things thatHe kept warning the people
was "turn back to Me, turn back to Me."
We are in a time now where I believe
that God is saying, even from that time
when I spoke on the virus,
He was adamant about "Mypeople returning to Me".
It was just "return to Me"because there was so many
that have walked away from God
and He just wanted us to know
that this was something that was coming.
There's no praying it away, none of that.
This has to take place because
He's doing a reset in this time.
- Wow, and that was March of 2019.
And here we are, Marchof 2020, one year later.
What was your response when you saw
this word that God gave you a year before
taking place, coming topass right before your eyes?
- Oh, first of all, I was just like,
at first, I was like, okay,it didn't cross my mind.
I didn't even think aboutit to be honest with you.
I didn't think about itwhen the virus came out.
It didn't even cross mymind about the prophecy.
It was spoken.
Usually, when God givesme a word, I speak it
and I keep on moving, Iget what God says and I go.
And it didn't cross my mind,
it didn't bring back thethought of the prophecy.
Someone inboxed me on Facebook
and they said, "Pastor Kadesha,
"where was the videothat you did last year?
"You prophesied this was coming."
And I was like "whatare you talking about?
"I don't remember what you were saying.
"What are you talking about?"
And the lady said, "you didthis, you spoke this last year,
"that this virus was coming."
And it started registeringwith me even more
and I started searching.
I had my assistant, I waslike, we gotta find this video,
we gotta find this live.
Let's go through all my livefeeds and let's find it.
And she found it, and when she found it,
I downloaded it onto my phone.
And I went through and Ilistened to the whole thing
and I was just like, oh myGod, You said this was coming.
God, You warned us.
You let us know that Youwere bringing this to pass.
We had to be prepared, wehad to get it together,
and so I had it for a while.
It was people on social media
that was saying, y'all, PastorKadesha already spoke this.
Y'all should've beenprepared, this and that--
- You didn't put it outthere, they put it out.
- Right, they put it out there.
I wasn't even saying anything about it.
And then, just a week agoor maybe two weeks ago,
God says, "post it, post itagain, post the video again,"
and I said, "Lord, areYou sure, are You sure?"
And He said, "Post it again."
And so I posted it andthen I did a clip of it
just to put where itwas spoken on Facebook,
and then I uploaded it ontoYouTube, and overnight,
it went viral, just like that.
So, Pastor Kadesha, whatare you hearing the Lord say
is His purpose forallowing this coronavirus,
this COVID-19, this flu-like virus,
that the Lord spoke to you about?
What does God want?
What is He saying He wants to see happen?
- I truly believe in this hour,you know, this is a reset.
One of the things Godhas been saying to me,
even though we know thatGod is not going to bring
a flood like He did with Noah,
but this is a plague,it is, it is what it is.
It's a plague from Godand, as we've known before,
there's been many plaguesthat have hit the earth.
There's nothing new thathappens under the sun,
nothing new that happensunder the heavens,
and our God is a just God,
and everything that He do,He is just in what He does,
and I believe that where we are now
and what God is saying is"return to Me, return to Me."
The Bible says in FirstCorinthians, chapter two,
where Paul was givingthe message of wisdom,
and he said that thepeople have been operating
off of the world's wisdom,the world's knowledge.
It's been all about the things
that has been going on in the world
and so many have turned away from God,
and God is saying in this time:
What did you expect Me to do?
What were you expecting Me to do?
You took prayer out of the schools.
What were you expecting Me to do?
You stopped worshiping Me,you stopped praying to Me,
you stopped doing things, you allow things
that I don't accept to beaccepted into the world.
You're passing laws that are not of Me.
He said: what did you expect Me to do?
My people Israel, My people,I've done so much for you.
I've taken care of you, I blessed you,
I brought you out so many times.
What were you expecting Me to do
in a time where you pushed Me away?
And Paul began to speak inthat particular scripture.
He says we've been operating
off of the world's knowledge for so long,
we've been operating off ofwhat they say and what they do
and we've forgotten about God.
We've compromised, we'vegone along with things,
to be able to be free or beable to say this or say that
or live in a certain wayof living, a certain will.
God is like, what did you expect Me to do?
He said, I am in a time now
where I've been tired for along time, I'm just tired.
He says, and it's going to getworse before it gets better.
He said, where we are now is
"turn back to Me, turn back to Me."
The Bible tells us, in Second Chronicles,
chapter 7, verse 13 and14, that this is a plague.
He's shutting the sky, He'ssending the plague of diseases,
He's sending the plagues of the locust,
the different things that's coming.
He said, but if My peoplewho are called by My name
would humble themselves and pray,
seek My face, turn from their wicked ways,
guess what, I will hear from heaven
and I'll heal the land,
and so what we have to do iswe have to turn back to God.
Paul was saying in FirstCorinthians chapter two
that the only way we're gonna be able
to recognize the signs,
the only way we're gonnabe able to recognize
what He's doing is if we get in the spirit
because it's the spirit that understands
what God is doing right now.
If you are not in the spirit,
if you are not living in the spirit,
you will not be aware of what's to come.
God says there's apeople, there is a people
that I have covered, I havea people that is saved,
and that's His believers,those that believe,
those that have been standing firm,
those that have been trusting.
He said those that havebeen operating in the spirit
because the Bible tells us, inFirst Corinthians chapter 12,
that the spirit gives discernment,
and those that have beenwalking in the spirit of God
are discerning their times.
They're knowing what God is doing
and those won't be lost,those won't be cast out.
So He's saying I'm rising upthose that are in the spirit.
I'm rising up thosethat have been believing
so that they can spread Myword throughout this world
because the world's knowledgeis not where the power is.
The power lies in God,
the power lies in believing,the power lies in prayer.
The Bible says, in Acts chapter one,
that God, when Jesus wasgetting ready to ascend,
He said that, when the Holy Spirit comes,
then you will receive power.
So God is saying that, when we get to
like the day of Pentecostin Acts chapter two,
when we all get on one accord,
when we all seek Himlike we're supposed to,
when we all love Himlike we're supposed to,
the power will come andit will heal our land,
it will wash it away, it will clear it up.
But it's gonna take usto get in the spirit,
it's gonna take us to move away
from the knowledge of this world
and take on the knowledge of God.
This is what God is saying.
God is saying I'm goingto do what I'm doing.
It's going to happen
because it's gonna getworse before it gets better.
There's more that's coming,there's more turmoil,
there's more that's gonna happen,
but we, as the believers,have to hold firm,
we have to pray, and wehave to warn the people
to get in line, get in line.
We have to seek the lost sheep
and we have to speak the word to them,
that they come back to God
so that God can allow this to go away.
It's gonna go away, it's going to go away.
It's not going to last.- Do you see?
Do you see some have actually said
they believe that God isgoing to do out of this
the greatest revival thatthe world has ever seen?
- Oh yes, oh yes.
This is exactly what'shappening right now.
The Bible speaks about when Ezekiel
was in the grave, the dry bones,
the grave of the dry bones.
This is what's happening right now.
And what God is doing is Godis raising up the prophets,
the prophets now, the true real prophets.
He's raising up the prophets
and, when they begin to speak,
the wind, the words thatcome out of their mouth,
is going to go across the world
and it's gonna be like God said:
Ezekiel, call on the four winds
from the four corners of the earth.
Call the east wind, the west wind,
the north wind, and the south wind,
and speak to the windsand tell the winds to go,
to wake up the army.
This is what's happening.
God is sending a revival
and He's raising up His prophets
to speak His heart, tospeak what He wants,
so that the revival can hit,
and the dry bones, those desolate places,
those dead bones, thosedead people, can rise up.
Those that have not been awakened,
those that have been walking in darkness
and have not been seeing,
God says I'm raising themup now, the prophets,
so that My world can come back.
We are in a place of awakening and reset.
God is just resetting things.
He's just bringing backwhat He wants to see.
God wants to be glorified
and He's gonna be glorified at ease.
- Amen, Pastor, this isjust absolutely incredible.
It's so--- He says it.
- Want you to pray becausesome who were watching
maybe feel afraid, they feeldespondent, they feel hopeless.
Would you pray right now?
- Yes, yes, yes, and before I pray,
I wanna say, we understand that we wrestle
not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, powers,
wickedness, rulers of thedarkness of this world,
wickedness in high places.
We have to understand thatfear is a principality
and so it's a prince of fearthat is roaming through the air
and we understand what we wrestle against,
we understand how to fight.
And so I am definitely inthe place where I understand
that we, the people,have to get to the place
where we understand that this is fear
and fear is not where God is.
And so I pray: Father,
in the mighty name of Jesus,
Father, we thank You,O God, for this moment.
We thank You for this time
that you're allowing us to be in.
God, we know and we understand
that we are in a very pivotal time,
a time where You are trying
to get the attention of Your people,
You're trying to get theattention of the lost,
You're trying to get the attention
of the political people in high places.
God, You want us to come back to You
and so, Father, we are praying right now,
God, that as this prayer isgoing through the airways,
we are speaking, O God,that fear is diminishing,
that this is a timewhere You are operating,
O God, in a way that You want us to see,
You all-powerful, You wantus to see You glorified.
O God, so I pray right nowfor those that are watching,
O God, that fear is notwhat they operate in,
but they walk in faith,they walk in believing You,
that You are still God, andthat You will never fail us,
You will never, O God,turn Your back on us,
You will never leave us nor forsake us.
So God, I pray right now, God,
that You awaken Yourpeople, awaken the nations,
awaken the globe, awaken it, O God,
those that are sleeping, O God,
that we wake up and we recognize
that You are doing somethingso mighty in the land.
We understand that corona is here,
we understand that this virus is here,
but we understand that You are here
and You are never leaving.
It's You that have the power,
it's You that have theauthority to wipe it away.
It's You that hold all power in Your hand,
O God, to cleanse this.
You are God and You candiminish this immediately.
You are that type of God, so God,
we are praying thatYou come in the airways
and You cleanse, You come in the airways
and You do what You do best.
O God, I pray, God, that,as this is going forth,
that those that may hear it, God,
that are dealing with this sickness,
we speak healing overtheir bodies right now,
God, that when they becomeaware of who You are
and what You're doing, You're healing.
O God, we understand that so many
have lost their lives to this.
We pray for their loved ones, O God,
that You comfort themin this time of loss,
that You comfort, O God, that You heal,
that You deliver, that You set free,
God, that You bring forth Yourlight through Your people,
those believers thatare already believing,
those believers that arealready walking up righteous,
O God, that we be thelight that somebody needs,
we be, O God, that revival
that somebody needs to be revived,
that somebody needs to be redeemed.
Father, we thank You.
Father, we thank Youfor this moment, O God,
that You are not slackconcerning Your promises.
Even in this, this isstill the year of double.
Even in this, this is stillthe year of clear vision.
Even in this, O God, we shall prosper.
Even in this, we shall be going higher
and higher in You, even in this,
because You promised us these things.
Father, we thank You, O God,
for what You're getting ready to do
and what's already taken place,
and how You're already delivering
and how You're alreadyhealing because You're God.
We love You, O God, we praise You, O God,
we come back to You, O God,
and for those that maynot know You, O God,
we open up the doors for salvation.
God, we even repent of our sins, O God,
God, and we pray and weintercede on behalf of those
that may not know how to pray,
O God, that they come to You today.
Father, we thank You, Father, we love You,
we appreciate You, forYou are God and God alone,
and we give You all glory and honor today.
This prayer we seal in themighty name of Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Savior, Amen.