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NIH Director Collins Predicts COVID-19 Vaccine by December

NIH Director Collins Predicts COVID-19 Vaccine by December Read Transcript

- [Dr. Collins] This is a diabolical virus

to try to deal with.

What concerns me most is that we're still

in the middle of it.

- [Lorie] As the directorof the National Institutes

of Health, Dr. Francis Collins,

helps lead America's responseto the Coronavirus pandemic.

- Well I'm a physician, I'malso a follower of Jesus,

and I think we are called upon to look at

what are the facts of the matter and then,

with compassion, to try tosee what we can do to help.

- [Lorie] In 2003, Collinsmade headlines in leading

The Human Genome Project,mapping and sequencing DNA.

His best selling book,"The Language of God",

described his conversion toChristianity from atheism.

He later started the BioLogos Foundation,

which leads discussionson the relationship

between faith and science.

- Surveys would say somethinglike 40% of working scientists

believe in God, and notjust a vague idea of God,

but a God who actually answers prayer.

- [Lorie] On the Coronavirus front,

Collins predicts a vaccinewill be available by December.

It would go first to those at high risk.

Then the rest of the country by spring.

One in five Americans, however,say they won't take it.

- Well, I hope they would stepback from what's going on,

in terms of a lot of conspiracytheories and social media

things that are going on and say,

"Okay, let's look at the facts here."

God gave us a brain tothink about these things

and to try to sort throughwhat the evidence is.

When the vaccines get tested,we will be very transparent

about what we've learnedabout their safety

and their efficacy, that is their ability

to prevent disease.

- [Lorie] Getting the truthis important to Collins.

Get this:

He and his associates arecurrently reviewing a jaw-dropping

400 unproven theoriesfor treatments or cures

submitted by doctors and scientists.

- One of my big goalsin the last three months

has been to try to prioritize,with help from all the

smart minds in bothindustry and in academia,

and in government.

Of those 400, which arethe ones that most need

a rigorous test, so we'll findout whether they work or not.

A lot of those clinical trialsare now getting underway.

We will know a lot moreabout this in the next

couple of months.

- While reviewing theastounding number of unproven

treatments, Collins highlightsonly three which have

successfully endured themost rigorous testing.

The antiviral, Remdesivir;

the common steroid, Dexamethasone;

and blood from survivors,known as Convalescent Plasma.

That blood contains antibodiesthat fight off COVID-19

when a person is exposed to the virus.

- And we can go even further than that,

and actually purify theantibodies from people

who have survived, so-calledmonoclonal antibodies.

And those are about to gettested in just the next few weeks

to see whether they alsoprovide lifesaving benefits.

- [Lorie] In the meantime,Collins advises everyone,

even those who seem okay, topractice social distancing,

avoid indoor crowds, wash handsfrequently, and wear a mask.

- And, certainly, mostof you who are listening

are Christians.

Isn't this what we'recalled to, to do what we can

to help those who are most vulnerable?

- [Lorie] And adds this toanyone who might minimize

the danger posed by this virus.

- Many people do manageto get this disease

and do pretty well.

Some don't even know they have it.

But for those who do get severe illness,

who end up in the hospital,end up on ventilators,

end up dying, this isa very serious plague.

And for anybody to try to downgrade that,

who hasn't actually walkedthe halls of a hospital

and seen what this disease is doing,

then really do step backfrom any kind of political

persuasions and, you know,politics and medicine

really don't mix very well together.

We oughta be careful whenwe see that happening.

- [Lorie] Collins remainshopeful and says God is working

in this pandemic, notjust in the laboratory,

but in the hearts of peoplewho for the first time

are searching for the meaning of life.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

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