I have cut down going to the casino and now I like going to the arcade, is this a sin also? When does our name get written in the Book of Life? Why does God have a particular problem with liars?
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- We're gonna take a few minutes here
to answer some of thequestions you all have sent in.
Pat, the first one comesfrom Patty who says,
"Hi Pat.
"I value your honest answers,
"and I like going to the casino.
"Then you gave a wordthat gambling was a sin;
"however, when I was going,
"I did not use our tithe or bill money.
"I have cut way downon going to the casino.
"Now I like to go to thearcade and play games.
"Is this a sin also?"
- I didn't say gambling was a sin.
What I said is is tempting God
at the turn of a coloror the spin of a wheel,
that you're asking God
for a miracle.
But you know, I just don't think you wanna
go to a gambling place.
I mean that is just filled with evil.
You know you just don't wanna, I mean,
the waitresses goingaround in scanty costumes,
they're drinking all around the place.
There are people whoare inveterate gamblers.
That's not the environmentyou wanna be in,
I'm sorry.
The idea that you put acoin in the slot machine,
pull a handle, and walkaway, that's something else.
But, gambling is addictive.
It is addictive, believe it.
I know what I'm talking about.
- So now Patty says shelikes to go to an arcade
and play games, butthere's nothing like that.
- Well, I don't,
exactly, shooting bullets,
I don't know what that is, okay.
- Okay.This is Julie who says,
"Revelation 3:5 in the NewKing James Version says,
"'He who overcomes shall beclothed in white garments,
"and I will not blot out his name
"from the Book of Life;
"but I will confess hisname before my Father
"and before His angels.'
"Even though this is themessage to the Church of Sardis,
"I feel as though it's amessage for all of us today.
"When does our name getwritten in the Book of Life?
"Is it when we are born intothis world or when we're saved?
"Also, what is the basisfor our name getting removed
"from the Book of Life?"
- All right, I'll answerthe second part first.
I believe the name being removed had
to do with the whole church.
I think it was an institutional thing
that they're talking about candles,
they're talking about a Church of Sardis,
and you will be taken to the whole church,
because of its whatever itfailed to do would be taken out.
I don't think that it's telling you
that God's gonna blot your name out.
Now, when are you writtenin the Book of Life?
I think when you accept Jesus as Savior,
when you're born again, andyour spirit is transformed,
and you are a new creature in Christ.
But does God blot you out then?
He said, you know, the Lord will keep you.
He's greater than alland no man will take you
out of my Father's hand.
And I just don't think thatthis what God intended.
I don't think that's what that means.
It has to do with the Church,
I believe that he's talkingabout, all right, what's--
- This is Kevin, who says,
"Why does God have aparticular problem with liars?
"What's wrong with lying?"
- What's wrong with lying?
The devil is a liarand the father of lies.
Deceit is at the heart of
what he told Eve in the garden.
He lied to Eve
and Eve passed that on to Adam
and the human race lostits position in paradise.
What's wrong with lying?
The Lord hates liars.Why?
A deceitful tongue, because you are
doing the bidding of Satan himself.
That's why he hates it.All right?
- Absolutely.
That's all the time we have for today.
But thank you.Good questions.