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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - February 12, 2020


- All right, it's time for your questions

and some honest questions from Pat.

We'll start with Lori's question.

She says, "I've been stocking up on stuff

"just in case the coronavirushits the United States.

"I recently got the flu andhad to stay home for a week.

"It was a good test to makesure I have everything I need

"to stay here for a long time, if needed.

"Am I nuts?

"I have camping pans to cook outside

"and firewood to cook withto live off the land."

- Well, you never knowwhen power might go out.

I'm a great believer inthe power of sources,

so I have a generator.

There's a generator here,we've got a generator

to keep these lights on.

I have a generator up in the mountains.

You know, so things do happen,

but I think to be scaredof the coronavirus

and tryin' to stock up on that,

you're not gonna get the coronavirus.

- Well, if you get it, you'renot gonna stay at home,

you have to go to the hospital.

- Of course, and then so, exactly.

She's thinking what ifshe gets quarantined

and makin' her stay in her home.

- That's true.- Whatever.

Look, to have some extra cansof soup, to have some beans,

some dried beans and things like that,

there's nothing wrong with that,to have a little something.

You never can tell, I mean for example,

if there is a serious hurricane,

you might not be able to getthe right kind of groceries.

The grocery stores might be empty.

Same thing would happen ifthere's a major earthquake.

So you know, these things do happen,

but I wouldn't worry aboutthe coronavirus, okay?

- Here's one from Maria,she says, "I love dancing,

"but I have heard so many peoplesay that dancing is a sin.

"Can I go out dancingwith my husband, Pat?"

- Did you hear about themissionary who was saying,

"Reverend, is it possibleto go to hell," I mean,

"to go to heaven if you dance?"

And he said, "I don't knowthat you can go to heaven

"unless you dance."

You know, David danced before the Lord.

You see the maidens rejoice in the dance.

I mean, this is part of life,

you know, there's somethingabout the joy of the Lord

that leads us to that,

but in terms of some of the sensuous moves

that are being seen on television,

I think they had somethingon the Super Bowl

considered dancing that was a little too,

I mean it was like aburlesque show, you know?

- Yeah.

Doesn't it just say in Ecclesiastesthere's a time to dance?

- Yeah, well there's a timeto be born and a time to die,

and I don't know, timeto rejoice and you know.

- I think it says a time to dance.

- I don't know anything about dancing,

I don't remember thatpart of Ecclesiastes,

but I think that the idea,there's nothing wrong

when you wanna go out withyour husband and enjoy dancing,

of course, why not?

I mean, he's your husband,and you're his wife, and so.

- I dance in the kitchenwith my husband sometimes.


- You know, it was saidin some Baptist school,

they found a couple out in the bushes

doing something really lewd, and they said

well, thank goodness theyweren't dancing, well.


- Oh, dear.- Okay, next question.

- All right, Carolyn says,"Monday I was listening

"to a guest on your showtalk about taking a Sabbath.

"I have studied and questionedhow to observe the Sabbath

"in modern life.

"I look to Jesus for theanswers, and it seems

"that Jesus didn't observe,did not observe the Sabbath.

"His calling was work thatHe often did on the Sabbath,

"and He received criticism for it.

"Are we required to observe the Sabbath?

"And, if so, shouldn'tit be the seventh day?"

- Well look, the Lord saidthe Sabbath is made for man,

not man for the Sabbath.

God didn't make human beingsto live under the Sabbath,

but the day of rest is a blessing.

Can you image what it would be like

if we had to work seven days a week,

and then go back and work seven more days,

and then work seven more?

The problem that we have in America today,

so many people are actuallyhaving nervous breakdowns

because the commerce never stops.

Business goes on seven days a week,

it used to be we shutthings down on Sunday,

and people had a chance to go to church

and worship God, and rest, relax.

But does it have to be, it'sone day out of the seven,

I mean, it doesn'tnecessarily have to be Sunday.

The Muslims have, the holy day is Friday,

the Jews have Saturday,the Christians have Sunday,

but I mean, one day out of the seven,

but there needs to, God wants us to rest.

And that means you don't,you just have a day of rest,

you're not all keyed up.

It's so easy you know,you've got those emails,

and you've got the cell phones,

and you've got all thestuff that's on the air,

and then you've got thetelevision, you've got the radio,

you've got all the stuffgoing all the time,

and we need to be disconnected,

that's what our guest was saying,

is one day, this is my day of rest,

and I don't do anything.

- The most spiritualthing you can do sometimes

is take a nap.

- Absolutely.- Yeah.

- Absolutely.

Yeah, you know, thetrouble again, with church,

they get people working the church,

their tongues are hanging out,

they aren't doing what the Lord said.

All right, what's next?

- Sheila says, "My granddaughter was saved

"when she was eight years old.

"She's almost nine now, and told me

"she wanted to be baptized.

"When we went to the nextpastor of our church,

"he questioned her andkind of intimidated her

"while asking her for herreason to be baptized.

"My granddaughter was silent,

"and the pastor refused to baptize her.

"Is it okay to go toanother church for this?

"Do I have to change churchesto get her baptized?"

- Well you know, I've had people baptized

in the bathtub in my house.

So, I don't think,yeah, some of these kids

who want to be baptized, theywere coming to the Lord--

- Yeah, that pastorintimidated that little girl

and she didn't talk back,

so he says well, you'renot gonna get baptized.

- He's trying to questionwhether she really knew the Lord,

but you know, it's a workof obedience you know,

you're not saved through baptism,

but this is an act of obedience where

the old man is dead andraised in the newest of life

and it's a thing of obedience.

But it doesn't take somespecial preacher to do it,

you don't have to beordained to baptize somebody,

and you could be baptized in a river,

or you could be baptized at home,

or you could be baptizedin another church.

So, if you have to change churches,

I think that pastor's beinga little bit overbearing.


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