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(dramatic music)
- [John] Tonight.
- Should they expunge theimpeachment in the House?
They should.
- [John] The president,still letting loose
after a long week.
- She broke the law.
- [John] Accusing the speaker of the house
of illegality for tearing up his
State of the Union address, and...
- Not countin' on New Hampshire.
- [John] The Democratic presidential field
moves to New Hampshire,leaving the muddled results
from the caucuses in Iowa.
This, as more Americanssuccumb to the Corona virus.
- They're somber, it's pretty quiet.
- [John] A cruise shipquarantined as questions mount
over the official toll in China.
All this and more tonighton "Faith Nation."
(upbeat music)
- New positive job numbers out today,
but the president is still reeling
from impeachment fever.
Welcome to "FaithNation," I'm John Jessup.
Jenna Browder has the night off.
President Trump pushing back today
on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's claim
that he will forever be impeached.
This, after reports someRepublican lawmakers
plan to expunge Trump's impeachment record
if they win back the House.
CBN White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,
joins us now to explain.
Ben, this all rests, ofcourse, on the condition
that Republicans canactually win back the House
in the general election.
- Yeah, John, you'reright, the GOP is confident
that will happen.
The voters have, quite frankly, had enough
of Democrats and predict, come November,
they will give control to theHouse back to Republicans.
President Trump got windof some lawmakers' plans
to clear his name if thathappens, take a listen.
- Should they expunge theimpeachment in the House?
They should because it was a hoax.
It was a total political hoax.
- Now President Trump spokefor some seven minutes
before leaving the WhiteHouse here behind me,
and again called out HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi.
He used words liketerrible and disrespectful
after she ripped up his speech following
the State of the Union address.
- First of all, it's an official document.
You're not allowed, it'sillegal what she did.
She broke the law, but Ihaven't been asked a question
other than, a lotta people that viewed it,
they couldn't believe that she did it.
I thought it was terrible.
I thought it was very disrespectful
to the chamber and to the country.
- Trump also touted thelatest economic report,
which quite frankly looks pretty good.
A quarter of a million jobswere added in January alone.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports
construction, healthcare, transportation,
and even warehousing are among
the strongest areas of growth.
- We just came out withfantastic job numbers.
I think it was 230,000or something thereabouts,
which was much higher than projections.
So jobs continue to be great.
Our country continues to do great.
- This is the first jobsreport since Trump signed
a Phase I trade dealwith China, and again,
trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.
China also slashed tariffson $75 billion worth
of US goods, which includes thousands
of American products likesoy beans, oil and cars.
It will begin next week on the 14th,
but John, as you know, the strong economy
is one of the president'sstrongest campaign points
heading into 2020.
- All right, CBN White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,
thanks Ben.
Well tonight, the Democraticpresidential candidates
face off for the firsttime since the fiasco
in Iowa's first in the nation caucuses.
CBN news reporter, Caitlin Burke has more
on tonight's debate in New Hampshire
ahead of the first in the nation primary
Tuesday in the Granite State.
(screen whooshing)
- The Democratic presidentialcandidates are making
their final pitches tovoters in New Hampshire
before next Tuesday's primary,
including another debate tonight.
Seven candidates qualified, Andrew Yang,
Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer,Senators Bernie Sanders,
Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar
and former vice president, Joe Biden.
Buttigieg and Sanders leadthe pack in new polling,
the latest resultsputting the two candidates
in a virtual tie, but Warren and Biden
want people to know they're still in this.
- I'm not goin' anywhere.
(audience applauding)
And I'm countin' on New Hampshire.
We're gonna come back--
- This is a moment whenpeople are off the sidelines
and people are ready to get in this fight.
- Tonight's debate will take place
at St. Anselm College'sSullivan Arena in Manchester.
The format will allow candidates to answer
direct questions for oneminute and 15 seconds
with 45 seconds for rebuttals.
There will be no openingor closing statements,
however candidates willget a closing question.
- All right, CaitlinBurke, thank you so much.
Joining us now is CBS News
political reporter, Musadiq Bidar.
He has spent the last eightmonths and three days,
to be exact, in Iowa covering the
Democratic presidential race there for CBS
and joins us now from Des Moines.
Thanks for being with us, Musadiq.
- Thanks for having me, John.
- Well, with 100% ofIowa's precincts reporting,
the AP says it stillwon't declare a winner.
Can you give us a lookback on the chaotic week
and what happened in the caucuses?
- Mm hmm, well, we have beentrying to figure that out
for the last few days, but what is clear
is that there was abreakdown in the system.
The phone applicationthat the precinct chairs
and county chairs were meantto use to report results
from the grounds of party headquarters
stopped working in many instances.
Precinct chair were unableto get into the app.
Some gave up on it.
I had one county chairtell me that she instructed
all her precinct chairs tojust call in the results.
Of course, this is whatthey had done in the past,
but in this instance on Monday night,
when you have all these precinct chairs
all of a sudden callingin the party headquarters
to report results, the phonelines were bogged down.
It took a long time.
Some were on hold foras long as 45 minutes
up to three hours and many precinct chairs
and country chairs justkinda gave up on it
on Monday night andsaid, we're goin' home.
We're gonna do this tomorrow.
At this point, we still didn't have
any of the results.
Candidates gave their speechesand went to the airport
to head for New Hampshire.
At about 1:30 in the morning,the Iowa Democratic Party
held a short press call and told us that
they are reviewing theresults and we won't know
much more until Tuesday.
By Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.Central Time, we finally got
about 60% of the results and, after that,
it took nearly three days to get to 100%.
Where we are now is that, you have
Mayor Pete Buttigieg slightly ahead
in the state delegate count
while Senator BernieSanders is slightly ahead
in the popular vote.
- Right, Musadiq, thepresident today weighed in,
declaring in a tweet thatIowa and New Hampshire
will not be moved fromthe primary schedule
as long as he remains in office.
He called it a great tradition.
How seriously are partyofficials entertaining
the idea of ditching Iowa?
- Well, this is aconversation that comes up
every four years.
Of course, this year,on the Democratic side,
you had a presidentialcandidate actually calling out
Iowa for its lack of diversity and saying
that it shouldn't go first because
it doesn't represent the people
of the Democratic party.
Secretary, Julian Castro did that.
Mayor Michael Bloomberghas also called for it.
And last night, DNC Chair, Tom Perez said
that there will be seriousconversations about this.
He said that, every four years they
have conversations about reforms.
After calling the Iowacaucuses last night,
Tom Perez, he called ita major league failure.
He said that there are going to be,
he said, make no mistake about it.
There will be conversationsabout the order,
about how primaries andcaucuses are going to work out.
So it's something thatwe're gonna keep an eye on
because it's a conversation that
comes up every four years.
- Musadiq, turning to the debate tonight
and next Tuesday's primary, how critical
is New Hampshire now for the remaining
Democrats still in the field?
- It's gonna be very criticalbecause the one thing
you get out of Iowa is, Iowa is supposed
to narrow down the field.
It's supposed to provide thecandidates with momentum.
The delegates you get out of Iowa is
a drop in the bucketcompared to what you need
to win the Democratic nomination.
You need about 1991 delegates.
Iowa awards 41 pledged delegates
and what happened on Monday night is that
no one candidate wasable to explicitly claim
that momentum to kindagive them a jump start
they need in New Hampshire,Nevada and so forth.
So it's going to becritical for the candidates
on the debate stagetonight in New Hampshire,
and then, in the followingdays to get that message
and make that final closingargument to the voters
that they're the candidate who can
represent them in the general election.
- Well, Musadiq, I'msure that you are eager
to get back home, awell-deserved one-way trip
ticket back to California after your
eight months covering Iowa.
Thanks for being with us today.
- Thank you for having me.
(screen whooshing)
- Coming up, more from our "Faith Nation"
political panel on the Democratic race
and the wild week in Washington.
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- Well, welcome back.
Joining us now after a long week,
what really feels like a long year
is CBN News chief politicalanalyst, David Brody.
David, it's as though the upcoming week
is now the official beginning
of the Democratic race afterthat false start in Iowa.
- Yeah, 100%, and if youthink about this week
kind of overall, horriblefor the Democrats,
great for Trump.
I kinda have a winnersand losers, if you will,
of the week 'cause, youknow, after the full week
is done, you wanna kindajust kinda decompress
and think who's up, who's down.
Well, Trump is up clearly.
Pelosi is down, Democratsare down for sure.
But also, I think ultimately, what this is
gonna be about is, thisis a big week, actually,
for Pete Buttigieg, andI think this got lost
a little bit in the shuffle to a degree.
Sanders and Buttigieg tied in Iowa.
We can talk about that in a moment.
But watch out for Buttigiegcoming up in New Hampshire
and beyond, that's something to watch.
- Can we rewind a little bit
- Sure.- And help put this week
into perspective?
We started out the weekwith closing arguments
in the Senate impeachmenttrial, still ongoing Tuesday
when President Trump delivered his
State of the Union address,and then the following day,
he was acquitted.
He took a victory lap yesterday.
So how does this week go down in history?
- Listen, here's thething, and I'm trying to
kinda pause and say this.
This truly is an historicweek ever in Washington, DC
and in the country, and the reason I pause
for a moment, John, isbecause, it seems like
every week on "Faith Nation," we say,
this is historic.
We've never seen thisbefore, but really, John,
we have never seen back-to-back, I mean,
Monday, Tuesday, every singleday, there was something
and it was all consequential,
not just in this week, butthe ramifications it will have
as we move forward into November.
- David, the presidentis looking to expunge
his impeachment record in the House.
You heard Ben's report earlier.
Is that even possible?
- It's possible, look,they're talking about it.
Okay, so let's just get thisout in the open right now.
Expunged does not meanimpeachment goes away, okay.
So he's an impeached president.
Check Wikipedia, it'll be there forever,
but expunged means, in essence,
it's more symbolic, if you will.
In other words, the Republicans would say,
that's it, we're done.
There really wasn't an impeachment.
Now remember, that means they have to win
the House of Representatives in November.
They need to flip 18 seats.
Kevin McCarthy and theRepublican leadership
think they can do that because
Nancy Pelosi went downthe impeachment road.
- They think it's doable.
- They think it's doable.
- For those who thought we were putting
impeachment behind usafter that Senate vote,
we learned that that's not the case.
House Judiciary Chairman, Jerry Nadler,
already saying that he will likely
subpoena John Bolton.
Will we ever see the endof these investigations?
- No, never, and so, this is the Democrats
shooting themselves in the other foot.
They shot themselvesin the foot this week,
and now, if they wannasubpoena John Bolton,
really, you're serious?
I mean, you already have a stain on,
you've already riled thebase up on the Trump side.
Now you wanna go after Bolton?
I mean, this is just, itreally makes no sense,
and it kinda gets to,and I've taken some hits
for saying this, but some blind hatred
by the Democrats for this president.
Now people say, it's not blind hatred.
It makes sense, we don't likethis president for a reason.
Fine, but at some point, you have to say,
you know what, let'sorganize and get together
and defeat this presidentat the ballot box
rather than wasting all your time on
all different sorts of investigations.
- David, just under a minute left.
The president's ongoingspat with Speaker Pelosi,
what's going on here?
- Well, you know, what Ifind fascinating is that,
if you read the mainstream media clips,
they say Pelosi is a genius,
that she is able to corral her caucus,
which is true, by the way, in terms of
corralling the caucus, but she has
had a lot of missteps,from going after Trump
on impeachment to thetearing up of the speech.
I mean, look, one thing we'velearned about Donald Trump
is that he usually steps on himself
after a big night on State of the Union,
and she didn't let himhave that opportunity.
She stepped on herself that night.
It was just a colossal mistake.
Back to blind hatred, I'm concerned,
if you're a Democrat,you have to be concerned
that they're not keeping their eye focused
on the final victory here in November,
which is what they want rather than just
getting Trump at any cost.
- All right, CBN newschief political analyst,
David Brody, thanks for being with us.
- Thanks, John.
(screen whooshing)
- Coming up, the latest on the outbreak
as the Corona virusspreads across the globe
and how it's affecting Americans
both here at home and abroad.
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- Well tonight, hundreds ofAmericans are quarantined
on cruise ships amid thedeadly Corona virus outbreak.
This, as a number of confirmedcases in China skyrockets.
CBN News national security correspondent
Eric Philips has the latest, Eric.
- Well, John, totalcases now exceed 31,000
along with a growing death toll.
That number includes one ofthe first doctors in Wuhan
to raise the red flag about the disease.
Concern over the Corona virus spreading
in confined spaces intensifiesas two massive ships
in Japan and Hong Kongquarantine more than 7000 people,
including 428 Americans.
Fortunately, passengersbeing held on a ship
for testing docked in Bayonne,New Jersey, have disembarked.
With the cases in Chinanow exceeding 31,000,
President Trump still struckan optimistic chord Friday.
- They're working really hard and I think
they're doing a very professional job.
I had a great conversationlast night with President Xi.
It's a tough situation.
I think they're doing a very good job.
- [Eric] Meanwhile, thedoctor who first warned
about the illness died from it.
Dr. Li Wen Liang, a 34-year-oldWuhan ophthalmologist
was reportedly reprimandedwhen he spoke out,
his death sparking massive grief online
and in the streets of Beijing.
- [Interpreter] We heardthe news of his death
with heavy hearts because he gave his life
for ordinary people.
We are extremely grateful.
We should learn from him.
(plane engine zooming)
- [Eric] The US continuesto fly loads of Americans
back home from Hubei province.
They'll be quarantined for 14 days.
Some, like Frank Wucinski and his daughter
became sick in Wuhan.
- We've been in this hospital probably
for the next three days tillthe CDC results come back.
- Today, President Trump'sCorona virus task force
announced the US government is prepared
to spend up to $100million to assist China
and other countries as well as the WHO
in battling the Corona virus.
By the way, the number of confirmed cases
of Corona virus in the US has remained
in the low double digitsfor about a week now,
and none of the 600 plusCorona virus-related
deaths have happenedon American soil, John.
- All right, CBN News national security
correspondent, Eric Philips, thanks, Eric.
Well, joining us now from New York City
is Gordon Chang, speaker, columnist
and author of the book,
"The Coming Collapse of China."
Gordon, thank you for being with us.
Let's get right to it.
You say China isoverwhelmed by the outbreak
and the number of casesis probably much higher.
How bad are we talking?
- We really don't know,John, and that's the problem.
Consistently, Beijinghas been under-reporting
and part of it isdeliberate falsification,
but also it is becauselocal health workers
are not even able to pick up corpses.
So, accurate tallying of the deaths
and the number of patients,
that's a very low priority,so you can understand that.
I tend to think that thisis just gonna skyrocket
for another few weeks, andprobably, we're gonna see
cases in China, newcases in April and May.
Towards the summer, that'swhen these types of diseases
tend to peter out becauseof the hot weather.
And then we'll have relief.
- Gordon, after speakingwith his Chinese counterpart,
President Trump todaypraised China's response
and predicted Xi Jinpingwill be successful
at stopping the outbreak.
Based on your last answer, I suspect
you don't share the samedegree of confidence.
= No, I don't becauseBeijing has gone back
to its old ways of secrecy.
On January 26th, theCommunist Party announced
the formation of itscoordinating committee.
It's called The Leading Groupand, of the nine people,
only one was a public health professional.
The group is heavy with propaganda types,
including its vicechairman and the chairman
is the premier of thecountry who is considered
to be politically expendable.
So that shows, in a very visible way,
that Beijing is much more serious about
controlling the narrative thanit is solving the problem,
and by the way, those two goals
are inconsistent with each other.
You either control the narrativeor you end the disease.
It's very hard, almostimpossible to do both.
- Gordon, any suspected foul play
in the death of Dr. Li?
Now, he's the whistleblower physician
who first sounded thealarm about the virus
back in December and, of course,
news reports of him passingaway just yesterday.
- Well, there are all sorts of rumors
that are circulating in China,
but the basic narrative isthat, it's not the virus
that killed Dr. Li, it'sthe Communist Party.
And they're speaking metaphorically.
Not that somebody stuffeda pillow over his head.
This is, I guess, the important thing
because people are nowcalling for freedom of speech
because they realize it's thenature of the political system
that allowed the virus to spread.
And that's why theysay the Communist Party
is responsible for his death.
That's the reason why this has caused
such an outpouring of griefand anger across China.
And it also comes justafter a Xinhua University
law professor has calledfor Xi Jinping to step down.
That shows the Chinese people are
losing their fear of China's ruler.
- Gordon, last question for you.
How effective is the quarantine in Wuhan?
Is there any chance that we could see
it spread to other places where
it's kind of already been reined in,
like Beijing or Shanghai?
- I don't think it's been reined in
in those other cities.
The mayor of Wuhan saidthat, before the quarantine
was put into effect, 5million people left the city.
That means a lot of thosepeople were infected
and that, we're probably gonna have
serious outbreaks, not onlyin the area around Wuhan,
but maybe Chongqing, maybe Shanghai.
We just don't know, but these people
have been traveling aroundthe country already.
And these draconianprocedures that China's
put into place, they sound good,
but they're far too late,after the Communist Party
allowed this virus to spread.
- All right, GordonChang, from New York City,
thank you so much forbeing with us this evening.
- Thank you.
- Well, to other foreignnews, the president says
the United States carried out
a counter-terrorism operation in Yemen
that killed Qasim al-Rimi.
Al-Rimi is a founder of AlQaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
It's long been consideredthe most dangerous
branch of Al Qaeda because of its attempts
to carry out attacks on the US homeland.
Al-Rimi claimedresponsibility for last year's
deadly shooting at the naval air station
in Pensacola, Floridawhere a Saudi trainee
killed three American sailors.
President Trump says theUnited States and its allies
are safer because of al-Rimi's death.
Well, high alert in Israel.
Terror strikes at the heart of Jerusalem
just days after President Trump announced
his deal of the century.
Defense forces andpolice are on the lookout
after three terroristattacks in just 12 hours.
Three Palestinians havealso died in recent clashes
with Israeli forces.
The Palestinian Authority is warning
Palestinians not to support the plan.
- [Interpreter] Whoever accepts it,
he will pay a heavy price for it.
Yes, he will pay theprice for accepting it.
He will pay the price of treason.
Accepting this deal is the way to treason.
- [John] Israel's national police
spokesperson told CBN News,
the police don't know yetif these terror attacks
will grow into still anotherterror campaign or die down.
Israelis and somePalestinians hope this won't
become a new wave of terror on the
streets of Jerusalemor throughout the land.
(screen whooshing)
Coming up, from theVatican to Washington's
national park, we'll take a look at
this worldwide special event.
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- [Announcer] From Washington, DC,
uncompromising stories,interviews and analysis
from veteran journalists.
David Brody.
- Escalating fight.
- [Announcer] Jenna Browder.
- Chose his words carefully.
- [Announcer] Ben Kennedy.
- Planned to join him.
- [Announcer] And Amber Strong.
- For impeachment growsa little bit louder.
- [Announcer] Bringingyou the political news
that matters.
- We get out and tellthe story of the progress
that we're making in this country.
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- And finally tonight, from the Vatican
to right here in Washington, DC,
Tim Tebow is bringing the promto kids with special needs.
Night to Shine is comingto Nats Park tonight,
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raised awareness abouttheir inspiring lives
and highlighted their shining smiles.
Well, thank you for watching"Faith Nation" tonight.
We hope you have a great weekend
and see you right back here Monday.
(upbeat music)