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News on The 700 Club: February 7, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” February 7, 2020.: Read Transcript

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

High alert in Israel.

Terror strikes at the heart of Jerusalem

just days after President Trump announced

his deal of the century.

Defense forces andpolice are on the lookout

after three terroristattacks in just 12 hours.

- Three Palestinians have also died

in recent clashes with Israeli forces.

Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem.

(air whooshes)

- From Gaza to Judea andSamaria to Jerusalem,

Palestinians have rioted and demonstrated

against the White House's peace proposal

to finally bridge the gap betweenPalestinians and Israelis.

One of the latest terror attacks

took place here, outside Jerusalem's

old train station, on Thursday.

A terrorist drove his car into a group

of Israeli soldiers andwounded 12, one seriously.

Another attack came next toJerusalem's Temple Mount,

where an Israeli Arab openedfire on police Thursday.

Moments later, he was killed.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad, both of which

are backed by Iran, supportthese terror attacks.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] The Islamicresistance movement Hamas

blesses the struggle andthese heroic operations

against the Zionistoccupation, its rejection

of the so-called deal of the century,

and blocking it from passing.

- [Chris] For its part,the Palestinian Authority

instructed its security services

not to pursue Palestinian terrorists,

and even before the releaseof President Trump's plan

warned Palestinians not to support it.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Whoever accepts it,

he will pay a heavy price for it.

Yes, he will pay theprice for accepting it.

He will pay the price of treason.

Accepting this deal is the way to treason.

- [Chris] Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

put the blame on PAPresident Mahmoud Abbas,

also known as Abu Mazen.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] And I want tosay something to Abu Mazen.

This is not going to help you.

Not the stabbings, not the car rammings,

not the shootings, and not the incitement.

We will do whatever necessary to defend

our security, to determine our borders,

and to secure our future.

We will do it with you or without you.

- [Chris] Itamar Marcus, whomonitors Palestinian media,

says the PA is fueling the resistance.

- The PalestinianAuthority wants violence,

it wants terror.

It wants the world to know that its people

are angry about the Trump plan.

Whether its people areangry or not, we don't know.

We know the leadership is angry.

It could be that thepeople would like peace,

but the leadership isinterested in a terror wave.

- Israel's national police spokesman

told CBN News the police don't know yet

if these terror attacks will lead

to still another wave ofterror or simply die down.

Israelis and somePalestinians hope and pray

this won't become a new campaign of terror

in the streets of Jerusalemand throughout the land.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- I doubt it will be a new wave of terror,

at least, I hope it'll notbe a new wave of terror,

because I just don't seethat within the people.

But read between the linesas to what these leaders

are saying on the Palestinian side.

When they say, "If yousupport the peace plan,

"we're going to consider that treason,"

what they're saying is,"We are going to kill you."

That is the subtext.

They're calling it treason,but the real threat

is they will kill you.

Here's another thing thatthey consider treason.

If a Palestinian Arab sellsland to a Jew, that is

called treason, and thepenalty for that is execution.

That is absolute racism, butthat's what we're dealing with.

This peace plan, youknow, you can pretty much

guarantee the Palestinian Authority

isn't going to come to any peace table,

and the other part of this is any leader

that then calls for peace,if that's considered treason,

well, they have to be executed, too.

This is, you know, the Bible's true here.

"'Peace, peace,' and there is no peace."

In other news, PresidentTrump says U.S. forces

have killed another majorIslamic terrorist leader.

John Jessup has thatstory from our CBN News

bureau in Washington.(air whooshes)


- Thanks, Gordon.

The president says the U.S.carried out a counterterrorism

operation in Yemen thatkilled Qassim al-Rimi.

Al-Rimi is the founder ofal-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

It's long been consideredthe most dangerous

branch of al-Qaeda because of its attempts

to carry out attacks hereon the U.S. mainland.

Al-Rimi claimedresponsibility for last year's

deadly shooting at the Naval Air Station

in Pensacola, Florida,where a Saudi trainee

killed three American sailors.

President Trump saysthe U.S. and its allies

are safer because of al-Rimi's death.

Well, the death toll isstill rising sharply in China

from the coronavirus,now up to around 640,

with more than 31,000 cases worldwide.

Chinese authorities are looking into

questions raised by the public

about a whistleblower doctor who was

threatened by police after he publicized

his concerns about the newvirus before he died from it.

Hundreds of Americans, meanwhile,

have returned to the United States

after evacuation flights from China.

- This is an emerging virus, and so,

we're still learningmore and more every day.

- And the chief executiveof the Japan Olympics

is also reportedly worriedabout the possible impact

the virus may have on this summer's Games.

Well, here at home, the Democratic

presidential candidates are making

their final pitches tovoters in New Hampshire

before next Tuesday's primary,

including another debate tonight.

Vermont democratic socialistSenator Bernie Sanders

and former South Bend, Indiana,

Mayor Pete Buttigieg leadthe pack in new polling,

after both apparentlybasically tied in Iowa

after the debacle in the caucuses there.

But not on the campaign trail yesterday,

former Vice President Joe Biden,

even though he trailed in Iowa

and is running fourth inthe polls in New Hampshire.

Well, some congressionalDemocrats are determined

to continue investigating President Trump

even after his acquittal inthe Senate impeachment trial.

The president took a victory lap

after that historic vote, and he also

spoke at length yesterday about his

administration's accomplishments

in a different area,supporting religious freedom.

Mark Martin has more.

(air whooshes)

- For the first time sincehis exoneration by the Senate,

President Trump discussed his impeachment,

but his troubles withDemocrats may be far from over.

- This is what the end result is.

(audience applauds)

- [Mark] The presidentsays it hasn't been easy.

He even apologized tohis family for having

to endure what he calls"the rotten ordeal."

Now, Democrats areplanning their next moves.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler

says lawmakers will likelysubpoena John Bolton

to learn what he wasprepared to tell the Senate.

And other high-ranking Democrats

say the Ukraine story isn't over.

Meanwhile, some Republicansare going on offense.

Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson

are looking into possibleconflicts of interest

by Hunter Biden in his Ukraine dealings,

and the Treasury Department has complied

with their request for information about

his government-sponsored travel,

and protective detail he received

while his dad was vice president.

And while the headlines focused on

the president's impeachmentstatements Thursday,

he also used the stage atthe National Prayer Breakfast

to tout his work toprotect religious liberty.

- In America, we don't punish prayer.

We don't tear down crosses.

We don't ban symbols of faith.

- [Mark] It was aproof-of-performance speech

that demonstrates whyhe enjoys high approval

among evangelicals.

- To protect faith communities,

I have taken historic action to defend

religious liberty,including the constitutional

right to pray in public schools.

(audience applauds)

- [Mark] From criminal justice reform

to executive action onthe Johnson Amendment,

the president listedpromises he's made good on.

- I also recently took executive action

to stop taxpayer dollarsfrom going to colleges

and universities that spread the poison

of anti-Semitism and badthings about Christianity.

(audience applauds)

- [Mark] And he remindedthe crowd no president

has done more to protect the unborn.

- And we're pursuing medical breakthroughs

to save premature babies, because

every child is a sacred gift from God.

- Protecting religiousfreedom is a top priority

for evangelicals, and the president

made clear it's a priority for him, too,

one his administrationis following through on.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Thanks, Mark.

And Gordon, as Mark justhit on in that report,

the president still enjoys high approval

from conservative evangelicals.

- Yes, he does, but he doesn't enjoy

high approval in the U.S.House of Representatives.

I predict we'll have investigation

after investigation after investigation.

They're just going to keep on coming,

and not recognize it'sactually hurting everything.

When you look at what it's done,

the current impeachment, I think

the casualty was Joe Biden.

Here he was, just a few months ago

a front-runner for the nomination,

and now he's running a distant fourth.

So, will they wake up to the fact

that it's actually time to govern?

And you may not like theguy in the White House,

but you still have to govern the nation,

and that means you haveto get some things done.



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