- [Announcer] This is CBN NewsWatch.
- Thanks for joining us for CBN NewsWatch.
I'm Mark Martin.
Democrats take the stagetonight in New Hampshire
for another presidential debate.
The first and secondplace finishers in Iowa,
Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders,
will likely do battle tokeep their momentum going.
All seven candidates arehoping the debate will
help them win over Granite State voters
before this Tuesday's primary.
Gary Lane has more.
(dramatic music)
- [Gary] The uncertainty ofIowa is weighing on Democrats
as they prepare to square offfor debate in New Hampshire.
With 100% of the precincts now reporting,
Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg
are only 1/10th of 1% apart in the tally.
Both candidates aredeclaring victory in Iowa.
Bernie Sanders is still reelingover the delayed results.
- What happened in Iowa was a disaster.
It was a disaster for theIowa Democratic Party.
- [Gary] DemocraticParty Chairman Tom Perez
is calling for an Iowa recanvas.
- I want to make surethat every Iowa voter
knows that their vote was counted
and that we take our commitmentto accuracy very seriously.
- [Gary] New Hampshire election officials
promise the vote counting debacle in Iowa
will not happen in the Granite State.
Thursday, the Democraticpresidential candidates
crisscrossed the state for afew more hours of campaigning
before preparing for tonight's debate.
Former Vice President Joe Biden,
who came in fourth in Iowa,
is expected to target BernieSanders in the debate.
- He calls himself a Democratic Socialist.
Well, we're alreadyseeing what Donald Trump
is gonna do with that.
- Meanwhile in Washington, House Democrats
are expected to keepinvestigating the President
despite his impeachment acquittal.
They still want to hear testimony
from former NationalSecurity Advisor John Bolton,
who may have expressed concerns
about Trump's July 25th phone call
with the Ukrainian president.
Republicans in the Senate,led by Lindsey Graham, say
they may call Vice President Biden's son
to testify about his dealings
with Ukraine's BurismaHoldings energy company.
While Washington politicians
keep investigating theiropponents this election year,
a new Gallop poll shows90% of Americans say
they are satisfied withthe way things are going
in their personal life.
The same poll finds consumer confidence
at a 20-year high, and ifthose attitudes continue,
they'll likely influence theway people vote come November.
Gary Lane, CBN News.
- Virginia recently became the 38th state
to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
The deadline to ratifyit expired decades ago,
but Monday the House Rules Committee
is meeting in Washingtonto remove the deadline.
Victoria Cobb, president of the
Family Foundation ofVirginia joins us now.
Victoria, you're opposed to the ERA.
Are you concerned theHouse will be able to
advance it with this change?
- Well, certainly we don't believe
that amendments can work in perpetuity,
that we can propose something in the '70s
and it can be valid in 2020,
so we are concernedabout Congress's actions,
but we know that the courtshould be able to stand strong
on how our founders intended us to ratify
an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
- Why do you think thatthe ERA is bad for women?
- Well, it is not a matterof equality for women,
which is what people always say.
It's actually a matter ofthe fact that this language
is attempting to makewomen and men the same,
and that has tremendouslyterrible outcomes
on issues like abortion and on things
that are so personal, asin our school locker rooms
and bathrooms, and what doesbiological sex really mean
versus how people feel about their gender?
- Many legal experts say theonly way to revive the ERA
is for Congress to passit again and start over,
asking states to ratify it.
Do you think there'san appetite in Congress
and nationally to do that?
- Well, certainly, peoplebelieve in equality for women,
and we believe that we have it.
Certainly there is an ideathat we can continue to
move those societal conceptsforward, but the need
for a constitutionalamendment simply isn't there.
The courts have been very clear.
Our Constitution alreadyensures equality for women
in the 5th and 14th amendments,
so we think we are where we need to be,
and we simply need tolet this terrible wording
and this vague idea that isoutdated and not valid go.
- Victoria, Virginia'snew Democratic leadership
is systematically transforming your state.
Both chambers of thelegislature have passed
new protections for LGBTQ people.
What does this mean forreligious institutions?
- Well, we're deeply concerned because
many of the laws that are being passed
do not seem to have ample exceptions
for faith communities, not just churches,
but we're talking about Christian schools.
We're talking about outreachministries of churches,
like homeless shelters, so weare doing everything we can
to attempt to block thesefrom passing both chambers,
but we do need to makethe faith community aware
that we are gonna have to rally,
and we may have to litigatewhen our religious freedom
comes into play once these go into effect
if we are unsuccessful in blocking them.
- All right, Victoria Cobb,
the president of the FamilyFoundation of Virginia.
Thank you for your time, Victoria.
- Thanks for--
- And for more politicalnews and analysis,
be sure to catch FaithNation this evening.
You can watch it right hereon the CBN News Channel.
President Donald Trump says the U.S.
carried out a counter-terrorismoperation in Yemen
that killed Qassim al-Rimi.
al-Rimi is a founder of al-Qaedain the Arabian Peninsula.
It's long been consideredthe most dangerous
branch of al-Qaedabecause of its attempts to
carry out attacks on the U.S. mainland.
al-Rimi claimedresponsibility for last year's
deadly shooting at the Naval Air Station
in Pensacola, Florida,where a Saudi trainee
killed three American sailors.
Trump says the U.S. andits allies are safer
because of al-Rimi's death.
Thousands of people remainstuck aboard a cruise ship
docked in Japan because ofdozens of coronavirus cases.
Japanese officials said that41 new cases of the infection
were confirmed on theDiamond Princess cruise ship,
bringing the total numberof cases on board to 61.
The ship has been placedunder a 14-day quarantine.
Meanwhile, here in the U.S., 12 passengers
onboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship
in a New Jersey port havealso been quarantined,
though none have yet testedpositive for the virus.
There have been more than 600 deaths
since the outbreak began, asscientists around the world
continue to work to create a vaccine.
Doctors in Texas have already developed
an experimental vaccine.
- This response differsin that data on the virus
was rapidly available online,
and has been able to beshared across the nations
so that scientists in multiple countries
who are interested inworking on these viruses
and really want to respondto the public health crisis
are in ability to rapidly designvaccines, test anti-virals,
and think about mechanisms forintervention with the virus.
- Altogether more than 31,000people have tested positive
for that virus.
Severe storms last night wreaked havoc
across parts of the U.S..
A state of emergencywas declared in a county
in West Virginia after astorm dumped massive amounts
of rain causing flooding.
Meanwhile, on the otherside of the country,
officials are warning of landslides
following flooding in Washington State.
And down south, a powerfulwinter storm with high winds
swept through Alabama,destroying mobile homes
and leaving one person dead.
The National Weather Service says
more extreme winterweather is expected today,
with snow and high windsin New England states.
Our AccuWeathermeteorologist has the latest.
(dramatic music)
- Strong winds reportedThursday as we tracked out
a very potent cold frontand low pressure system.
They brought gusts up to 76 miles per hour
out to Jacksonville, Florida,
and we did see confirmed tornadoes as well
across the southeast.
Now today, that same stormsystem continues to ride
along the eastern seaboard,
bringing strong windsthrough New York City,
Waterbury, Connecticut, Albany as well.
Anywhere in that windadvisory want to remain alert.
We are also gonna be lookingat high wind warnings
at that immediate coastline,so through Atlantic City,
Long Island, as well asthe Cape and Islands,
you will be dealing with the potential
for some power outages assome gusts could be seen
up to 60 miles per hour.
Now we are looking at avariety of precipitation
for your Friday.
We've already seen very heavy rain across
portions of Interstate 95.
Our storm system will continueto lift further to the north
and that will taper off the rain sector,
but we will still be lookingat a decent amount of snowfall
through upstate New Yorkand portions of New England
as our low pressure intensifies.
On the backside of this,this is where we have
a snowstorm potential through Syracuse,
along Interstate 90 and Burlington,
as well as Caribou.
We are gonna be looking at snow rates
running one inch to three inches per hour.
That is a significantlyhigh rate here for one hour.
That could lead to somevery treacherous travel.
We are anticipating someareas through Vermont,
such as Burlington, inthat 12 to 18 inch zone.
As you head into Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
we started the day off with heavy snow
and now that continues to lighten up.
You're in that three to six inch snow zone
into your Friday night, sohere's a look at that Futurecast.
3:00 p.m. Eastern time,snow will continue to press
further to the north, andwe'll be really concerned
with the strong winds onthe backside of the storm.
That could lead to some whiteoutconditions through Maine,
Vermont, New Hampshire, upstate New York,
into those commutinghours, and as we continue
into your Friday night, our storm system
will continue to liftout towards the north,
and we will see some relief.
By Saturday, high pressurebuilds in for many areas
and we get a better chanceof sunshine in New York City
with a high at 40.
(dramatic music)
- [Mark] Coming up, whatthe Church of England did
that should be a warning for Christians
when it comes to standing forGod's word in today's culture.
But before we go to break, here's a look
at what's trending on CBNNews.com.
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- Welcome back, the Archbishopsof Canterbury and York
have apologized afterthe Church of England
recently announced biblicalguidelines for sexuality
that said only heterosexualmarried couples should have sex.
I spoke with culturecommentator Todd Starnes
about what happened.
(dramatic music)
Todd, the Church of England is apologizing
for a biblical stance on sex?
- Yes, and I think it'simportant that people understand
the Church of England isnot the Church of God.
This is really mind boggling.
They are literally, Imean, if you step back
and think about this for a minute,
they're apologizing for holy scripture.
What gives them the right to do that?
But again, this is partof a much bigger issue
in my estimation, because again,
we live in a society now,where if you don't agree
with a certain verse from the Bible,
you just get to remove that verse.
You get to reinterpret thatverse the way you want,
and that's just not how the Bible works.
- What does this say aboutthe cultural influence
on the church?
Let's talk big picture here.
- Big picture, this isa pretty dangerous place
for the church to be in,and we've seen this play out
across western Europe especially,
where quite frankly, manyof the church houses,
many of those great cathedrals,sit empty on Sundays,
and the reason why is because the church
has tried to become culturally relevant,
but the problem is when theybecame culturally relevant,
they became spiritually irrelevant,
and that's one of thereasons why we have seen
many of these church houses empty out.
Again, big picture though,we're watching churches
across the globe capitulate
to the LGBT community, the LGBT movement,
and this is a very dangerous development.
- Todd, why is the apologyfrom the Church of England
such a dangerous thing?
I mean, don't Christianshave a right to stand
on what the Bible says even in England?
- Here's a much bigger concern I have.
We have watched militant LGBT activists
try to silence people offaith and their businesses.
They've taken over thepublic school system.
Now they are targeting the church houses,
and basically what they're trying to do
is eliminate or eradicateanyone or anything
that stands contrary totheir personal beliefs,
so it's really only a matter of time,
and I know this is goingto sound outrageous,
but it really is onlya matter of time before
we start hearing people say you know what?
Wait a second, where are the Christians
getting their teachings on homosexuality?
The Bible, well, maybe weoughta start banning the Bible.
Do not surprised in thenext couple of years,
if we start seeing that argument
being advanced by some of these militants.
- Todd, talk about how it's possible
to stand for biblical values on sexuality
and still love thosein the LGBTQ community.
- Well, of course, and this is the big lie
that's being perpetrated bythese militant LGBT activists
and the mainstream mediaand Hollywood at large,
that if you believe intraditional marriage,
if you follow the Bible'steachings on sexuality,
that makes you a homophobe.
That makes you a hater,and that is certainly
not the case at all.
Look, I know many gaypeople, have gay friends.
I'm sure that many peoplewatching this broadcast
have gay friends as well.
This is not about hate.
This is about following theteachings of the scripture.
That's what this is really all about.
- All right, Todd Starnes,
conservative commentator and radio host.
Thanks for your time, Todd.
- Thank you.
(dramatic music)
- ... is having an impactlong after the game.
(dramatic music)
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- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is Studio 5.
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- The fact that Ryan Cooglerwas gonna be directing the film
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- Thanks for sticking around.
Time now to talk sports with Shawn Brown.
Welcome, Shawn, good to see you.
- Good to see you, Mark, good morning.
- All right, well let'stalk about the Super Bowl.
It did not disappoint,incredible comeback by the Chiefs
to win it, but what aresome of the faith headlines
that came out of all of this?
I know there were a lot.- There were, man.
You know, it's always hard,because sometimes I go in,
I have maybe wo or threenames from each team.
This time, man, bothteams didn't disappoint
in that regard, man.
And it's hard to rootfor one or the other,
when you've got so many solidguys on both teams, man,
guys like of course, PatrickMahomes, from Kansas City.
He told me, he said itallows, his faith allows him
to be who he is and becomfortable with that.
That's huge, huge.- Yeah, it is.
- Kansas City guard, Stefan Wisniewski,
we're here because God wants us here.
He was talking about both teams,
that we were destined to be here for this,
and just to recognizethe magnitude of that
and the opportunity thatthey have is phenomenal.
San Francisco 49ers runningback, Raheem Mostert,
he has Psalm 23 inked across his chest.
- Wow.- And then recited
the whole thing, andthis is at opening night.
- Wow.- So that's the kinda platform
we're talking about.
Of course, Emmanuel Sanders,who I've talked to before
is another one, and so I love these guys
using the platform they have.
They get it, it is thebiggest game in football,
but we're gonna enjoy itand we're gonna perform
for an audience of one, I love it, man.
- Yeah.- Just so awesome, yeah.
- Yeah, that is awesome, you're right.
Well, I understand there were several
Hall of Fame inducteesnamed the night before
the Super Bowl, including Isaac Bruce
of the St. Louis Rams.
Talk about what hetweeted about that honor.
- I will, but first, I gotta point out
what my guy Troy Polamalu, whoI had a chance to interview
a few years ago, another solidman who's among these guys,
and just a solid believer.
Isaac Bruce tweeted, he said, "God is good
"and gracious to me.
"Tonight we rejoice in His faithfulness."
Even at this height, the height of--
You know, this is where allthe NFL players want to be.
This is the goal.
They want a championship andthen they want this here,
the Hall of Fame, and to be on that stage
and say hey you know what,I'm gonna give credit
to where credit's due,because he is a guy who,
I've heard a little bit of his story,
he thought football was everything,
and he realized when hegot everything, it wasn't,
and he said you know,I need something else,
and that's when he gavehis life to the Lord,
around 23, 24 years old, andnow he's at that landmark
of becoming a Hall of Famer,and he says you know what?
Praise the Lord, thank you.
This is all you.- Yeah.
- It just shows his level of humility
and recognize that Godwas all a part of this
and it's just fantastic.- Yeah, that's wonderful.
Wonderful, well, amoving memorial this week
for Kobe Bryant and his daughter,
and the others that were killed
in the tragic helicopter crash.
Talk about that.- Well, they had a--
Kind of a tribute earlier last week,
weekend, and it wasphenomenal, very, very moving.
Kobe Bryant just gave--
He addressed the crowd so well,
saying that this is about family, love.
He acknowledged all of the lives lost,
all of the families,
and just did a tremendous job.
Former teammates of Kobe's, you know,
they shared, and it wasjust a moving night.
The actual memorial service, though,
will be February 24th,
which is significant because 2-24,
two is actually his daughterGianna's basketball number,
and of course 24 is his number,
so there is some significance there,
but all of the familieswill have their memorial
at the Staples Center onthe 24th of this month,
and that's gonna be somoving, it's gonna be big.
I'm glad they're doing it together
because they were together, and it's just
a great celebration of lifefor all of these people.
- Yes, yeah, well talkabout what's coming up
on Going the Distance this weekend.
- Going the Distance, you know what, man?
I'm gonna show--
I don't know if you'refamiliar with Pat Williams.
Long time Orlando Magic,one of the co-founders.
- [Mark] I've interviewedhim a couple times.
He's a huge guy, and hewas on Fox and Friends,
talking about Kobe andthe fact that you know,
people are really starting to think about
their own mortality and so I'm gonna share
a little bit of hisstory, just being an owner
and then just sharinghis latest book, man.
He's phenomenal.
He's written several books,
but this is the one thatyou want to catch up to,
and it's actually fantastic,so be ready for that.
- Okay, Shawn Brown, our sports director,
thanks for your time, sir.- Thanks, Mark.
Always good to be with you, man.
- Yeah, you as well, sir.
Well, you can catch Goingthe Distance with Shawn
this weekend, like I said,Saturday evenings at 6:30 Eastern
and Sunday nights at 7:30 Eastern
on the CBN News Channel.
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- [Announcer] From Washington D.C.,
uncompromising stories, interviews,
and analysis from veteran journalists
David Brody.- Escalating fight.
- Jenna Browder.- Chose his words carefully--
- Ben Kennedy.- Plan to join him.
- And Amber Strong.- For impeachment
grows a little bit louder.
- [Announcer] Bringing you thepolitical news that matters.
- We get out and tellthe story of the progress
that we're making in this country.
- [Announcer] Watch Faith Nation,
weeknights at six on the CBN News Channel.
(dramatic music)
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- [Woman] This is our nature as a country.
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- [Announcer] For a gift of $10 or more,
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- [Woman] And I wish that other people
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(light music)
(upbeat music)
- I am Regent's firstROTC graduate student.
(upbeat music)
(light music)
- The Oscars are this Sunday,
but controversy surrounds the awards show.
It involves the Academy which decides
who and what is nominated.
As Charlene Aaron showsus, the lack of nods
for people of color onceagain takes center stage.
- Inside Hollywood, the Academy
is often referred to as a club.
Its members vote how they want to vote,
which could result in politics
and pocketbook over quality.
In 2015, the hashtag Oscars So White
became the clarion call for diversity
at the Academy Awards.
Now five years later, somesee little to no progress.
Harriet star, Cynthia Erivois the only person of color
nominated in this year'sacting categories,
a big disappointment for manycalling for more inclusion.
- The pattern over the last few decades
has been a couple steps forward,
a couple of steps backwards.
- [Charlene] Actor JoaquinPhoenix addressed the issue
while accepting theBritish Academy of Film
and Television Arts Awardfor his role in Joker.
He said, "I think that wesend a very clear message
"to people of color thatyou are not welcome here.
"I don't think anybody wants a handout
"or preferential treatment,
"although that's what wegive ourselves every year.
"I think people want to be appreciated
"and respected for their work."
CBN entertainmentreporter Efrem Graham says
he's surprised high quality films
featuring African Americansweren't nominated this year.
- I think that's a surpriseto not only myself,
but to lots of people.
I mean, many were expecting nominations.
We expected a nomination forEddie Murphy for Dolamite.
We expected more of the cast
and directors fromHarriet to be nominated.
I remember watching Just Mercy and seeing
Jamie Foxx's performance,and everywhere he went,
everyone was sayingOscar worthy performance.
- [Charlene] In 2016,the Academy announced
major changes to its membership,
which now includes 16% people of color.
Movie Guide founder Ted Baehrhas commented on the issue,
saying Academy voters do nothave an objective standard.
"The recent Oscars So White controversy
"reveals a diversity problem,but the solution presented
"by the Academy of MotionPicture Arts and Sciences
"will not fix their problem,because their standards
"are not principle based.
"The voters do not havean objective standard
"by which they all vote,and both the nominations
"and the outcry for the lackof diversity in the nominations
"reveals the flimsiness of the criteria
"for what good filmmaking is."
Meanwhile, the Christian film Breakthrough
received an Oscar nominationthis year for Best Song,
but Devon Franklin, the film'sAfrican American producer,
admits more inclusion is needed.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- And that's gonna do it for this edition
of CBN NewsWatch.
We hope you'll join us next time.
Have a great day.
(dramatic music)