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The 700 Club - February 04, 2020

A small town drug dealer heads to jail in shame. Find out how he beats the rap. Plus, pastor Robert Jeffress takes a courageous stand against a hostile world. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Today.

A small town dealer.

- There was so much money in selling,

yet I was out of control.

- [Wendy] Heads to the big house.

- I was put in jail.

I was, you know, soashamed of who I'd become.

- [Wendy] How did he beat the rap?

- He said, "I'm gonna letyou write your prescription."

- [Wendy] Plus, from Dallas,Texas to the West Wing.

Pastor Robert Jeffresstakes a courageous stand

against a hostile worldon today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Well welcome folks to "The 700 Club."

Caucus chaos in Iowa.

Inconsistent and inaccuratecounts, delaying the results.

Who's the culprit?

Democratic Party leadersblame it on technology

and are now counting votes by hand.

And still up in the air, who won.

Caitlin Burke has that.

- As the count went deeperinto the night with no results,

the campaigns began topack it up and move on.

- So listen, it is too close to call

so I'm just gonna tell you what I do know.

- [Man] You won!

(audience laughs and cheers)

- [Caitlin] Iowa'sDemocratic Party leaders say

it wasn't a hack or an intrusion,

but they're concerned about quality checks

and inconsistencies,some blaming a new app

designed to help the reporting.

- I'm gonna make sure they're very careful

in their deliberations.

(audience laughs and shouts)

And indications are,

from our indications, it's gonna be close.

- Of course I'm concerned.

- [Caitlin] Officials are nowhand-counting the results.

The disaster further muddying up

a hotly-contested primary season.

Joe Biden, BernieSanders, Elizabeth Warren,

and Pete Buttigieg had all been hoping

to break out of the pack witha win in the Hawkeye State.

CBN correspondent AbigailRobertson is in Iowa

with more on the candidatesand their future.

- [Abigail] With uncertainty in the air

as candidates addressed theirsupporters Monday night,

(audience cheers)

each took advantage of the situation

to celebrate like they were the winner.

- By all indications,

we are going on to NewHampshire victorious.

(audience cheers)

- [Abigail] Sanders supporters are hopeful

this is finally his year.

- I feel like Bernie is really gonna be

that answer that we need.

I think he's the only one viable

that can go against Trump right now.

- [Abigail] While Warren caucus-goers

also had some pep in their step.

- I'm so excited.

I'm so, so thrilled.

- [Abigail] Biden didn't quite make it

as a viable candidate at every precinct.

- I think that, overall,

Biden does have the support we need.

A lot of the candidatesjust have confidence

that he's still gonna do well

and so some Iowans aren'tshowing up for him,

but I think, ultimately, he will do well.

- [Abigail] But hissupporters tried their best

to secure more votes.

- I'm getting text messages

to come over to Bernie as we speak.

- [Abigail] While manyDemocrat voters tell CBN News

it's time for some new leaders.

- I feel that it's time for maybe getting

some younger people withsome different ideas.

- [Abigail] The majoritystands ready to support

whoever wins the nomination.

- I will be behind whoeverthe candidate will be.

- [Abigail] But no matter whom that is,

Donald Trump Jr. tells CBNNews none of the candidates

are a match for his dad.

- The reality, if I look at what I believe

to be the two front runners right now,

whether it's Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders,

I'm like, well one's acommunist, that's great,

I can work with that; the other, honestly,

he can't remember what statehe's in 50% of the time.

- Since 2000, each Democratic candidate

who's won the Iowa caucus has gone on

to win the party's nomination.

Given the unusually crowded primary field,

many campaigns are hopeful that 2020

marks an end of that streak.

Reporting from Iowa,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Well I personally had a lot of fun

in Iowa in the old days.

Bob Dole won the state, but I got credit.

I beat a sitting vice president

who had won against Ronald Reagan,

and so the headlines wereRobertson Burns Bush.


We had our fun, but, you know,

when it was all said and done,

more people in Iowa turned out

for the high school basketball playoffs

than turned out for those caucuses.

Out of three million people,a little over 100,000.

I mean, it's hardly representative.

Well joining us now from Washington

to talk about the debacle in Iowa

and everything happening in Washington

is CBN Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody.

David, this is a black eyefor the Democrats in Iowa.

Do you think it's gonnahave an effect on the race?

- Well I don't even knowwhere to begin, Pat.

Well yeah, I think itis gonna have an effect

on the race right away, and here's why.

Bernie Sanders was poised fora pretty good night in Iowa,

but, well, we don'tjust know that right now

because we have 0.0% of the results in

and so he can't have his big victory.

It does help Joe Bidenbecause it does appear,

with some of those polls,

those entrance and exitpolls coming out of Iowa,

that Biden probably wasn'thaving as great of a night

in Iowa, so at least hemoves on to New Hampshire

without any potential stain in Iowa.

So I think you're seeingsome tangible results.

But I gotta tell ya, this Iowa caucus,

Pat, it's been a mess.

I mean, you know the deal.

2012, let's just go back,

what is it, eight years ago,

we had Mitt Romney declared the winner

and then, whoops, ourbad, two weeks later,

they say actually no, RickSantorum won the caucus,

and of course, that torpedoed his chances

'cause he had no momentumcoming out of Iowa

because he wasn't declaredthe winner at that point.

And then 2016, just four years ago,

Democrats also had problems.

A lot of voter irregularities,

Bernie Sanders and HillaryClinton sniping at each other.

And now we have this.

You know, the big winner last night,

quite frankly, was Donald Trump.

I mean, he won not only theRepublican caucus in Iowa,

but in a way, he kinda wonthe Democratic caucus as well

because this thing has just been

a big black eye for Democrats.

- David, going on tothe impeachment thing,

do you think thatimpeachment is going to hurt

some of those House Democrats

that have voted for impeachment?

- Well I think that'sthe game in town, Pat.

Look, 31 districts that Trump won in 2016,

and these are 31 districts

that Democrats havecongressional seats in,

they basically are therepresentative from that district,

so those are the 31 key House races

that we'll be looking at in 2020.

And on impeachment specifically,you had 29 of the 31,

you can make an argumentthat 28 of the 31,

but 28 of the 31 voted for impeachment

in Trump-backed districts.

That could be a big problemfor Democrats going forward.

- Now we've got the Stateof the Union tonight.

The president has beentold stay off impeachment,

let's stick to the economy.

You think he's gonna do that?

- Yeah, my sense is he probably will.

Look, I give this a 95% success rate,

and what I mean by that is,

look, there's always the5% I'm going off prompter,

but typically, on the State of the Union,

at least in the last few, thelast couple that he's done,

he has stayed on prompter.

He's gotten positive reviews.

If you think about it,

shaping up to be a prettygood week for this president,

you know, the Iowa debaclewith the Democrats,

the State of the Union whichwill be the most watched speech

he gives all year and heusually does pretty well,

and then he'll be acquitted in the Senate

regarding impeachment on Wednesday.

So a pretty good, apretty good trifecta there

for the president.

I have to tell you though,

I'll be, later on this afternoon,

I'll be at the network anchor luncheon

where the president willhost a few media members

to talk more about the State of the Union.

It's all off the record.

We'll have a better sense of it there.

But I will tell you that the theme

is gonna be this Great American Comeback.

He'll talk about the economy, and yes,

he'll talk a lot about socialism

and what that could mean forthis country going forward.

- You know, one thing that,

seems, it looks like, in this impeachment,

Adam Schiff was lying through his teeth.

Do you think that Lindsey Grahamand the Judiciary Committee

is gonna open some hearings?

Who is the whistleblower,what happened to the FBI,

what was the JusticeDepartment doing, et cetera?

Do you think that's gonna happen?

- Well I think it's 50-50.

I mean, I think there'spart of the Republican Party

that just wants all ofthis to be over with.

The president though is,as you might imagine,

he has a list, and he'spretty good friends

with Lindsey Graham, soyou can make the argument

that that list, if you will,

of people that he'sgot a few problems with

going forward might resurface.

But I think, at this point,

look, I think all of theoxygen is gonna be sucked up

in 2020 with all the campaigning going on.

And in this Trump White House,

it's just one thing after another,

so Adam Schiff todayand who's next tomorrow.

I mean, it's one of those things.

So I have a feeling that'sjust gonna get drowned out.

Should it get drowned out?


Do I think it will?

I think everybody's readyto move on here, Pat.

- Too early to select a winner for 2020?

You think he's gonna take the,

that he's running againsta, quote, communist?

What do you think?

- Well I have to tell ya,if it's Bernie Sanders,

then Christmas has comeearly for the Trump campaign.

I don't think there'sany question about it.

I mean, look, Bernie'sproblem, beyond socialism

and the train to Leningradthat we've talked about

and honeymooning in Russia, look it up,

the problem here for Bernie

is that he's relying on younger voters.

Younger voters are not as reliable

as we know those 55 and older voters are,

and so that's gonna be a problem

beyond all of the socialism talk.

There's a treasure, you know, Pat.

I mean, there's a treasuretrove of stuff on Bernie.

That would be a big deal.

But look, let's behonest with Bernie here.

If he wins Iowa, and I don't know

when we're gonna findout the Iowa results,

maybe before my daughter'shigh school graduation

in June at some point.(Pat laughing)

And then you have New Hampshire.

I mean, Bernie is leadingin New Hampshire as well.

There've been a couple polls

that say Biden andBernie are pretty close,

but there's one poll actually,a pretty reputable poll,

that shows Bernie ahead by 15 points.

I mean, Bernie could dothe Iowa, New Hampshire.

He's strong in Nevada as well.

And then South Carolina becomesa crap shoot at that point.

I mean, even thoughthat's Biden's fail safe,

at that point, you know, all bets are off.

So this could actually be Bernie's year,

and, you know, hold on.

Excedrin time for the Democrats.

- Thanks, David.

Thank you for your insights.

Folks, the word is thatthere're 20,000 new cases

of coronavirus, 20,000 cases,

and health officials in America

say they need more money to keep it out.

It's going to be possiblya worldwide pandemic.

Efrem Graham has more.

- Pat, the United Stateshas recorded its 11th case

of the coronavirus, with a married couple

in California falling ill.

The husband visited China's Hubei Province

and transmitted the disease to his wife.

The Department of Healthand Human Services

is notifying Congress now itneeds as much as $136 million

in additional funds to fight the epidemic.

There are now more than 20,000confirmed cases of the virus

in China and at least 146in 23 other countries.


- Thanks, Efrem.

If this thing spreads as fast as,

we're talking about whatcould be a global pandemic.

The question is, in Africa, South America,

they don't have the samefacilities we have in America

to identify and to isolatecases of this stuff.

And it spread so fast.

We just don't know.


- Yeah, it's interesting to just watch

how complex that whole

- Unbelievable.- ability

to spread.- Well they shut down

the casino in Macau, for example.

And China's just gripped by panic

and all over the country of China

because this thingspreads person to person

so rapidly.- Absolutely.

- Yeah, all right.- Well, time for prayer.

Well coming up, it was the straw

that broke the camel's back.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo

lit the World Trade Center in pink.

Why did this drive two womento take on the blue state?

Find out.

And then, later on, greed, power, status.

That's what drove one drug dealer

to commit four feloniesby the time he was 25.

What heart-stopping surprise ended it all?

Stay tuned to find out.

(dramatic music)

(inspirational music)

- A David versus Goliath battlefor the soul of New York.

Two conservative womenare running for Congress

in this heavily blue state.

The odds are stacked against them.

So what happened that made it impossible

for them to stay out of the fact?

Wendy Griffith has the answer.

- [Wendy] In January 2019,

New York passed theReproductive Health Act,

expanding the right to an abortion

for any reason, evento the point of birth.

It also eliminated severalrestrictions on abortion.

Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo

signed the nation's mostaggressive abortion bill into law

as state representatives cheered.

(people clapping and cheering)

- Later that night, the governor ordered

the One World TradeCenter to be lit in pink

to celebrate the event and, quote,

shine a bright light forward

for the rest of the nation to follow.

It was the straw thatbroke the camel's back

for attorney Beth Parlato of Buffalo

and real estate agent andauthor Liz Joy of Albany.

- I've had enough.

When you have people that aresupposed to be role models

for your children, thegovernor of New York,

clapping and cheeringand lighting up buildings

for aborting children all the way up

until the time of delivery,

I just decided that I've had enough.

- [Wendy] Joy is a doctor's wife

and mother of four grown children

who has never run forpolitical office before.

She says, as a Christian andlifelong resident of New York,

she couldn't stand by and do nothing.

- Our country is built on thisJudeo-Christian foundation.

And I see in the House of Representatives,

we have professed socialists.

Socialists do not respect human life.

Socialists do not respect freedom.

- [Wendy] Parlato, whose campaign ad

features her big Italian family

passing around Grandma'spasta and meatballs

says it's her love of family

and family values thatcompelled her to run

in New York's 27th congressional district.

(upbeat Italian music)

- As a conservative and as a Christian,

family is everything to me.

My kids are everything.

What kind of world are wegonna have for our children,

for my grandchildren,if we don't do something

about what's going onin our nation right now?

- Although Joy and Parlatohave plenty of passion,

what they'll need comeElection Day are votes.

And as the new kids on the block,

they face an uphill battle.

Liz Joy is running ina Democratic stronghold

against incumbent Paul Tonko,

a 70-year-old career politician

who has held the seat since 2009.

He voted against the Born Alive

Abortion Survivors Protection Act

which protects babies whosurvive a botched abortion.

He voted that those infant children

should not receive any medical care.

He's also a strong supporterof Planned Parenthood.

- I'm deeply concernedby the misguided fixation

to take away valuable resources from women

with efforts to defund Planned Parenthood.

- [Wendy] Joy says Tonko's abortion views

are too extreme for many NewYorkers, even some Democrats.

- I am conservative and Iam, but I am pro-choice also,

but I think that was too aggressive.

- This is kind of a decision

between women and their doctors

instead of amongst male legislators.

- [Wendy] So you're okaywith being a resident

of the state with the mostaggressive abortion laws

in the country?

- Well yes, because Ithink that government

should really get outof making that decision.

- I don't like it.

I think taking a human life is wrong

and I don't believe that an inconvenience

is something that should justify that.

- [Wendy] Meanwhile,Beth Parlato is running

in the state's most Republican district,

New York's 27th, just outside of Buffalo.

The attorney, former judge,

and former Fox News contributor

will try to fill the seat previously held

by Republican Chris Collins.

Collins recently resignedbefore pleading guilty

to charges related to insider trading.

- The election to win inthis election is the primary,

so whoever gets through the primary

will be the next congresswoman.

- [Wendy] Parlato believes

we are one election away from socialism

and says there are too fewconservative women in office.

- We have 13 Republican women in Congress.

There's 90 Democratic women in Congress.

So the loudest voices arethe voices on the left

and we don't even hear anythingfrom the Republican women.

We need more Republicanwomen to sit at that table

and to get things done for our families,

for our nation, and really, for the voters

in New York State, in my district.

- [Wendy] In order to sit at that table,

Parlato will have to beattwo other Republicans,

both current New York state senators,

Rob Ortt and Chris Jacobs.

But Parlato believes she has the edge.

- Everywhere I go, nomater where I speak at,

you know, speaking infront of homeschool groups

or conservative Christiangroups or Christian radio

or even conservative radio,no matter where I go,

the reception has been overwhelming.

- [Wendy] For Joy, winningin a solid blue district

will depend, in large part,on the evangelical turnout.

In 2016, she wrote a book called"How to Be Salt and Light:

"The Christian's Guide to Voting."

She says if believerswill get out and vote,

they can change the politicallandscape of America.

- In 2016, the country had the largest

evangelical Christian voting block

that ever turned out in thehistory of the nation to vote.

And, you know, we have PresidentDonald Trump as a result,

a pro-life president and a pro-life--

- And pro-Israel.- Yes, pro-Israel,

that's right.

Christians need to be steering the country

instead of it being the other way around.

- Win or lose on Election Day,

Joy and Parlato say this isnot the time to be silent.

They hope their campaignswill inspire others

to let their voices be heardfor such a time as this.

Wendy Griffith, CBN News, New York.

- Isn't that amazing?

Well I congratulate those ladies.

We need more people likethat who are willing to,

of course, it's difficult.

You give up your family life.

You give up your financial life.

You're abused in themedia by your opponents.

I mean, it's not easy.

We've made it like a marathon ordeal,

like running the gauntletto run for office,

and it's a tough call, butthose women, God bless 'em.

And I hope there'remany, many more like them

who are willing to standup for what they believe.

It's so important.

Terry.- Hear, hear.

Still ahead, how to thrivein a hostile culture.

10 tactics to help youdevelop your spiritual Rambo.

Learn how to be courageous

when Robert Jeffress joins us live.

But first, a love story.

A man falls for something

he says filled every void inside of him.

So why did that love turn toxic

and drop a bomb on himat Thanksgiving dinner?

You'll find the answer.

It's coming up.

(dramatic music)

(tense music)

- Brian Blevins lovedserving his customers.

He felt he was meeting theneeds of his community.

After all, this pusher manwas in love with his product,

claiming it filled everyvoid inside of him.

So what happened at Thanksgiving dinner

that blew the lid off his operation?

You're about to find out.

- I was introduced to cocaine

and I found that I could bring that drug

to a town that didn't have any cocaine

and pretty much met the need

of the people I wassmoking marijuana with.

- [Reporter] Brian Blevinswas raised in the church

and his parents were Christians,

but he says it never felt personal.

- We would hear, you know, about Jesus

and I knew the stories in the Bible.

I just thought it was just religion

and I didn't have anyrelationship at all with God.

- [Reporter] His fatherwas a good provider,

but worked long hours andplayed music on the weekends,

which caused Brian to feel rejected.

- There was a lot of weekendsthat he would be away.

I probably felt like hecould've been around more often.

- [Reporter] Brian wasa strait-laced student

who got good grades untilhe began spending time

at a relative's house.

- That's where I was really introduced

to alcohol and marijuana.

- [Reporter] Brian hoped to go to college

but was hungover when hetook the entrance exam.

With few other career optionsin his rural Indiana home,

he turned to selling drugs.

- I really didn't see the need for college

because there was so much money

in selling the drug that I was using.

There was a lot of prideand a lot of greed.

You know, there was a status, too,

of having control of things,yet I was out of control.

- [Reporter] As a result of his dealing,

Brian had four felonies by thetime he was in his mid-20s.

- I was arrested for methamphetamine.

And when I was introducedto heroin, I fell in love

with something that couldfill every void inside of me.

I would never tell myselfthat I had a problem.

You know, I would blame other people.

- [Reporter] All the while,Brian's parents prayed for him.

- We prayed for him every day.

We thought some earlymorning hour we'd get a call

saying that he was ina wreck or overdosed.

- [Reporter] In 2015, Brian was attending

Thanksgiving dinner with his family

when he got a big surprise.

- I was arrested and I was put in jail

and I was so full of shame,guilt and condemnation

that I couldn't pick up thetelephone and call my parents

because I was, you know, soashamed of who I'd become.

- [Reporter] Brian's fatherasked a family friend

to visit him in prison.

- And he looked at meand he said, "Brian."

He said, "If you died today,"he said, "where would you go?"

I was separated from God.

You know, I didn't have a relationship.

And he really talked tome about a life with Jesus

and being able to repent,you know, for my sins

and (sobs) that hewould take away my past.

And that's when I gave my heart to Jesus.

- [Reporter] Brian wentback to his jail cell.

- And I said, "God, if you're real,

"It's gonna take a miracle tohelp rid me of what's inside."

And I said, "I'll goanywhere, I'll do anything,

"and I'll say anything, and I'll give you

"all the praise, honor, and glory."

- [Reporter] Shortly after that,

Brian went before a judge for sentencing.

- He said, "Brian," he said,"I'm gonna let you write

"your prescription to your recovery,"

and he gave me an opportunity

to serve my six years on house arrest.

- [Reporter] Brian also got involved

with AA and Celebrate Recovery.

- I saw "Experience, Strength and Hope"

from some other people andthey were talking about

getting clean and staying clean.

This selfish, pridefulperson became humble

and I no longer was a victim.

I really want to fix all therelationships in my life.

- [Reporter] Today, Brian andhis parents are close again.

He also runs Hope House, aprogram for recovering addicts

in Hartford City, Indiana.

- I get to minister Christand witness my story

through my experience.

So I just try to meet the needsof the recovery community,

and in doing that, it really helps me

to maintain my sobriety.

- There was a time whenI used to tell Brian,

I said, "Brian, why can'tyou be more like your dad

"and do the right thing?"

And now, I wished Icould be more like him.

- God's grace in my life

has just been so good and so amazing.

I just try to do my bestto seek his face every day

and to share his grace withthose I come in contact with.

- The question that was asked of Brian

and I'll ask it to you:

If you were to die today,where would you be?

Your spirit will goforth and leave your body

and you'll be now in eternity.

But where will you spend eternity?

That's the answer.

Where will you spend eternity?

Now you've only got two choices.

Paul said I'm in a strait betwixt two.

Well I mean, that was staying here

or being caught up to be with the Lord,

but for others, there's a dividing point.

When death comes, you'reeither gonna spend eternity

with God in a place ofjoy that we know as heaven

or you're gonna spendeternity apart from God

in a place of anguish andremorse that we know as hell.

There's no other way.

So you have a choice when you're alive,

that you could make that decision.

And we're not talking aboutthe rest of your life.

We're not talking aboutliving to 60 or 70 or 100.

We're not talking about that.

We're talking about forever and ever

and ever and ever and ever.

There's no end.

There's no death.

There's no end of it.

It's just anguish or joy.

You're either gonna haveeternal bliss or you're not.

Now the question is up to you.

So Brian was asked that question:

Where are you gonna spend eternity?

And I ask you right now on this program.

You're watching.

Where will you spend eternity?

And if you want to spend it in paradise

with the Lord God forever and ever

in joy unspeakable and full of glory,

then I want you to praythis prayer with me.


And I will introduce you tothe one that will keep you

in the middle of his wonderful love.

So pray this with me rightnow and don't be afraid.

Pray these words.

Jesus, that's right.

Jesus, I know you died topay the price for my sin,

and because of yourdeath and resurrection,

I can live forever if Iembrace you as my savior.

And so now I come to you, Lord.

I confess that I am a sinner

and I ask your cleansing and forgiveness.

Lord, come now into my heart.

Live your life in meand I will live for you

and I will serve youall the days of my life.

Thank you, Lord.

Thank you, in Jesus' name.

Now for those that prayed that prayer,

I want to ask God to bless you.

Father, may the blessing of God

rest upon those who prayed just then

and may the anointing of the Holy Spirit

rest upon them from this moment on.

Thank you, Lord.

Now, I want to give yousomething, if you prayed with me.

It's a little pamphlet, a little booklet,

called "A New Day," andI have a CD in here,

a very important teaching about,

well you just made an important decision,

and I've got a booklet here and a CD

and I'll give this to you free.

But if you prayed with me,there's no money involved.

I want you to call thoughand just tell somebody.

And you need to confess what you just did.

The telephone number is 1-800-700-7000.

It's toll-free, it's easy to remember,

and I want you to call rightnow and say, "I just prayed.

"I've just given my heart to the Lord

"and I know from this moment on,

"because of the work of Jesus,

"I am going to be withhim forever in heaven."



Terry, what's next?

- Well still ahead, YourQuestions, Honest Answers.

Lois wants to know: What is the difference

between the Kingdom of Godand the Kingdom of Heaven?

Stay tuned to find out.

It's coming up.

(uplifting music)But,

he's the pastor whoprayed for the president

and the leader of a 14,000-member church.

Today, Dr. Robert Jeffress talks about

how to live courageouslyin an ungodly culture.

He joins us live after this.

(uplifting music)

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to "The 700Club" for this CBN newsbreak.

President Trump andEvangelist Franklin Graham

are among many people offeringencouragement and prayer

to conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh

following his surprisingannouncement on his show Monday

about his diagnosis ofadvanced lung cancer.

He said he'll be takingtime off as necessary

for treatment and recovery.

The 69-year-old Limbaugh

said he has a great medicalteam assembled to help him

and he told his staff he hasa deep personal relationship

with God that's working tremendously.

- The archbishops of Canterburyand York have apologized

after The Church ofEngland recently announced

biblical guidelines for sexuality.

That said, onlyheterosexual, married couples

should have sex.

The archbishops said theyand the bishops of the church

acknowledge the statement has,quote, "jeopardized trust."

The church has struggled withhow to address LGBT rights

as society has become more liberal.

It does allow its clergy tobe in homosexual relationships

if they are abstinent.

Remember, you can alwaysget the latest from CBN News

by going to our website.


Pat and Terry are back withmore of today's "700 Club."

It's coming up right after this.

(dramatic music)

(inspirational music)

- Do you feel surrounded

by a culture that's completely hostile

to what you and your family believe?

Well you're not alone,

and that's why pastor andauthor Robert Jeffress

wrote his latest book, "Courageous,"

with 10 strategies forthriving in a hostile world.

Take a look.

(soft music)

- [Reporter] Dr. RobertJeffress is a pastor

of a 14,000-memberchurch in Dallas, Texas.

But you might remember whenhe prayed for President Trump

in the Oval Office.

Dr. Jeffress says that Christians

have to learn how to live out their faith

in an increasingly godless culture.

- Only when we strengthenourselves internally,

by relying on God'spromises and God's presence,

only then will we act ina bold, courageous way.

- [Reporter] In his book, "Courageous,"

Dr. Jeffress shares 10 strategies

for thriving in a hostile world.

(uplifting music)

- Please welcome to "The 700Club" Dr. Robert Jeffress.

It's wonderful to have you

here today.- Oh, good to be here, Terry.

Thanks for having me.

- Before we talk about the book,

which has so much to talk about,

I just want to ask you aboutpraying for the president.

What was that like?

What was the air likein the room that day?

- You know, it's so interesting.

Many times when I've been with him,

he will just ask me, "Robert,will you pray for us?"

And in fact, one time,we were in a meeting

and things were going on and he said,

"Robert, don't you thinkwe oughta pray first?"

So he had to remind thepastor to pray sometimes,

but he's a great man and he'strying to do the right thing.

And I tell you, Terry,every time I'm with him,

he says, "You tell the evangelicals

"I appreciate their prayers for me."

It really means a lot to him.

- Well I think the evangelicals appreciate

some of the decisions he's made,

- Yes.- certainly, as well.

Your book isn't just abook about the challenges

of the culture we live in.

It's really a book about being ready,

about standing firm inthe midst of a world

that is ever-changing.

What made you decide to write this?

- Well I think,

I don't think it's everbeen more difficult

to live out your faiththan it is right now.

You know, C.S. Lewis said this world

is enemy-occupied territory,

and that's a great way to describe

what we face.- Yeah, it is.

- And you know, Terry, we have incoming

coming from every direction,from the outside coming at us,

whether it's a culture that's hostile

toward the things of God orjust the normal things of life

like Rush Limbaugh is goingthrough with a cancer diagnosis.

- The unexpected, yes.- Yeah, we have attacks

from without, we have attacks from within.

We still have that residue

of a sin nature that drags us down.

And if that weren't enough,we have an adversary below

- Yes.- who's trying to take us out.

And I think God wants us todo more than just survive.

He wants us to thrive in themidst of those challenges.

So what I did in thisbook, "Courageous," was

I took 10 survival tactics.

You know, survivalists tellus if you're in an avalanche

or a plane crash, don't panic,gain situational awareness,

remember your training.

I took those 10 survival tactics

and looked at them froma spiritual perspective

so that Christians, again, don'tsurvive but they can thrive

in the midst of a hostile world.

- Go back to the first one thatyou mentioned, don't panic,

because I think it's so easy for us to sit

and just rail on about thethings that we see in the world

that are wrong and talk about,

you know, I'm feeling soanxious or I'm so frustrated

or I'm so depressed about all of this.

But there's an antidote to that.

- There is, in fact, Ijust got a letter this week

from a young mother who said:

This message, don't panic,

I never knew I would need itas much as I did this week

because I got a bad cancer diagnosis

and was told I only havea few months to live.

And she, her first instinct was to panic.

80% of people in a threateningsituation, they freeze.

But then she used the toolsthat I talk about from Joshua.

You know, Joshua wasfacing a panicky situation,

having to follow Moses,but God said to him,

"Do not fear.

"Do not be dismayed.

"Take courage."

And I talk about it in thebook in that first chapter.

We can rely on God's promises.

We can rely on God's presence.

We can rely on God's commands.

And if we follow those things,

we don't have to be dismayed,

no matter what the situation is.

- Taking inventory.

Recognizing whose we are and who we are.

- Yeah, you know, every chapterof this book, "Courageous,"

starts with a real-life survival story

that illustrates that principle.

And in that chapter, Take Inventory,

I tell the story of Apollo 13.

Everybody remembers the Ron Howard movie.

Here are these astronauts,didn't have the right air filter.

All they had on board was abungee cord, some plastic bags,

and two socks, and theyrigged up this contraption

to get them home safely.

Well you know, God hasnot left us in this world

without the inventoryof spiritual resources,

and I talk about the two resources.

The armor of God.

We all know Ephesians 6,

the breastplate ofrighteousness and so forth.

But also, Terry, the people of God.

We don't have to gothrough these crises alone.

Solomon said two are better than one

and a cord of three strandsis not easily broken.

So we need to realize we've got

everything we need asChristians to live victoriously.

- And that takes,

you address the victimmentality in the book.

When you know the things

that you're talking about right now,

it puts an end to that victim mentality,

the woe is me, I'm here,there's nothing I can do,

all these enormous thingsare happening around me,

I'm one little person.

- That's one of the tips I talk about,

develop a victor not a victim mindset.

Our friend, Chuck Swindoll, says,

"The older I get the more I realize

"life is 10% what happens to you

"and 90% your responseto what happens to you."

And I use the story of Joseph.

I mean, here was a guy

who was sold into slavery by his brothers,

falsely accused of rape by his boss' wife,

he was forgotten in prison.

I mean, he could've been intherapy the rest of his life

for all those things he went through,

and yet, remember whathe said to his brothers

when he was confronted with them?

"You meant it for evil,but God used it for good."

That's a victor's mindset.

When we understand thatnothing comes into our life

that hasn't come through thewill of God, the power of God,

and the love of God, it gives us

a victorious mindset.- And you know,

when we have that mindset,God's able to use us

in ways beyond anythingwe could've ever imagined

because it's all preparation.

- That's right, right.

No accidents in the life

of the child of God.- What's the most

important thing for us to hang on to?

- Well I think it all starts with courage.

Jesus said, "In this world,you'll have tribulation,

"but take courage, for Ihave overcome the world."

And you know, courage isobeying God regardless

of the consequences.- What you don't understand.

- That's right, and I think,

the bottom line for courage

is realizing we live our lifefor one person, God himself,

and when we understand,we don't have anything

to fear from other people.

Jesus said, "Don't fear thosewho can only kill the body.

"Fear the one who killsthe body and the soul."

And as long as we're pleasing to God,

we have nothing to fear.

- And he uses everything for our good.

That's a promise.

That's not just a statement.

That's a commitment to us

as his children.- God tells us

all things to work together for good.

That's the good, the bad, the ugly things

in our life.- Yes.

- He uses them, not forour happiness necessarily,

but to conform us to the image of Christ.

- You are pastor of a14,000-member church.

What are you hearing your people say today

that has motivated you to this?

- I think, the reason Iwrote this book, Terry, is

I appreciate so much whatthe president is doing,

the focus on religious liberty,

the breath of fresh air in our country,

but I do believe it's justa temporary situation.

I believe the left, at somepoint, will get in charge again,

and I think there's gonnabe a wholesale persecution

against Christians in this country.

And I wrote this book to equip Christians

for what I believe iscoming in our culture.

We better be ready.

- We better be ready,

and it's not like we haven'tbeen given the ammunition

- That's right.- to do that.

Well this is part of that ammunition.

We've talked about just afew of the tactics to thrive

in Dr. Jeffress' book.

You'll want to get all 10of them in your arsenal,

so get a copy of his book.

It's called, appropriately, "Courageous,"

and it's availablewherever books are sold.

Let's not be caught off-guard.

Let's be prepared.

Thank you so much.

- Oh thanks for having me.- Wonderful to have you

back again.- Thank you,

Terry.- Good to see you always.

Well coming up, we've got your email.

Marina says: Pat, Istruggle with swearing.

I really want to stop.

What do you suggest I do?

We've got your questionsand some honest answers

coming up after this.

(uplifting music)

(inspirational music)

- During the dry season,

Chantol and her grandmotherwould dig holes in the ground

in a desperate search for water,

and the little bit theyfound was polluted.

They had no choice but to drink it.

So what happened?

- Well it made Chantol so sick

that she had to be hospitalized.

- [Reporter] Had to collectthe family's drinking water

from this pond near her home in Cambodia.

- [Interpreter] The water tasted sour.

It was a disgusting brown color,

but we had to drink it.

- [Reporter] The pondbecame even more dangerous

when rice farmers sprayed their fields

with chemical fertilizers which ran off

into the drinking water.

This is Chantol's grandma,who's raising her.

- [Interpreter] I did not want them

to drink those chemicals,but I don't know what to do.

- [Reporter] In the dryseason, Chantol and her grandma

had to dig holes in search of groundwater.

It was polluted too.

- [Interpreter] Some peoplebought water from a vendor,

but we don't have money for that.

- [Reporter] According to Grandma,

Chantol got sick anaverage of twice a week

from drinking bad water.

- [Interpreter] One time,I have a big stomach ache.

It hurt so much.

Then my grandma took me to the hospital.

- [Reporter] When Operation Blessing

heard about the need in the village,

we dug a water well for them.

- [Interpreter] The wateris so clean and cold.

We have not had anyone getsick since we got a new well.

Thank you to everyone whohelped give us clean water.

(gentle music)

- Can you imagine what it would be like

to have to go out anddig a hole in the ground

to get polluted water,to have stomach aches

for your little children,

you're crying out to God,"Why is my child so sick?"

Can you imagine that?

You need to put yourself inthe role of somebody like that,

and you say, "Well, can you do something?"

Well, God looks down on this world

and he says, "Are yougonna be compassionate

"on people like Chantol and her family?

"Are you gonna lookafter those if you can?"

Well we can't help allthe people in the world.

There're many billionsof people in this world,

six or seven billionof them, however many.

But we can, one family ata time, we can help people.

And so how do you do it?

We ask you to join the 700 Club,

that's with a gift of $20 a month,

that's 65 cents a day,and you can be a member

of the 700 Club.

And then something thatwe want to give you.

I was privileged to be the writer

of something that the lawsof the Lord himself gave.

The little booklet's called"Ten Laws of Success."

We're having a lot ofinteresting comments on that.

- It's wonderful.

Everybody I know who's readit has said they're keeping it

next to the bedside or the table

so they can read it.- Well it's a healing book

for success and, you know,the Lord just gave it to me

and it's just amazingwhat sort of flowed out.

It came from him.

It didn't come from me, it came from him.

But this little bookletwill change your life

and we'll give this to you,"The Ten Laws of Success,"

when you join the 700Club as our gift to you,

as our present.

So pick up the telephoneand call in, 1-800-700-7000,

and we want you to be a 700 Club member

and to help people like Chantol.

Okay.- Time for some email.

Are you ready?- Let's go for it.

- Okay.

This first one comes from Lois, Pat,

who says: What is the differentbetween the Kingdom of God

and the Kingdom of Heaven?

- I don't know whichwould be the difference

between Great Britainor the king of England.

I mean, you know, the kingis in charge of a kingdom,

and so God's Kingdom extendsthroughout the universe

and the Kingdom ofHeaven is wherever he is.

So I don't think, frankly,there's any difference.

It's just the way it's written.

- Right, right.- All right.

- This is Marina, who says:Pat, I struggle with swearing.

I pray to stop.

It's worse when I'm angry,

but even when I'm having a conversation,

a cuss word will slip out.

On most days, my kidswill have to remind me

I said a cuss word whenI didn't even notice.

I really want to stop.

What do you suggest I do?

- I wanna tell you a story.

My golf days, when I was playing golf,

I was playing with aguy name Walter Hoving

who happened to ownTiffany's and he had with him

a wealthy man from Cleveland, Ohio

who may have been involvedwith the Rockefellers

or some bank up there, but he was loaded.

And so every time he hit a bad shot,

he began to swear and heused the Lord's name in vain.

And finally, I said tohim, "You know something?

"God isn't responsible for that bad shot.

"You are."

He said, "Oh."

And you know what he said?

He said, "That preacher didmore to stop my swearing

"than anybody else."

Because God didn't do it,and he began to realize

that he was using the Lord's name in vain

to cover up his bad stuff.

So how do you stop swearing?

You know, it's just that kind of thing.

Well there's got to bea reverence for God,

and somehow along, youneed to teach your children

and yourself to have a reverence for God

and when you swear andyou use hell and damn

and all those words.

But the big thing is the real name of God,

and that's one of the commandments,

you shall not take the nameof Jehova, Yahweh, in vain.

But just realize that you're not walking

in reverence to God.

That's the important thing.

All right.

- This is Craig, who says:Pat, in Matthew 6 and Luke 12,

Jesus tells us not to worry about our life

or what we eat, drink, or wear.

If I focus on my diet and exercise

thinking that I canimprove or extend my life,

am I failing to follow Jesus'command for how to live?

- No, what Jesus is talking about,

don't worry about thefact that you don't have

enough food to eat, thatyou're worried about

how you're gonna have some place to live,

that you're gonna have clothes to wear.

The idea that you pick the right food

and try to live healthy is,

that's not what he's talking about.

He said, "Seek first the kingdom of God

"and his righteousness,and all these other things

"will be added to you."

But he said this is what theGentiles are looking for.

They're looking for money,they're looking for food,

they're looking for clothes,they're looking for status,

and all that stuff.

Don't you do that.

You seek the kingdom of God

and this other stuffwill be taken care of.

It doesn't mean that you'renot supposed to eat healthy.

That's a totally different,

it's a misunderstandingof what he had to say.

- This is Laura, who says:

When the Bible says wewill give an account

for everything we did, does it mean

that this will be in front ofother Christians or just God?

Will God have a list, andare we to explain everything,

or is it all summarized?

- He doesn't say.

You've misinterpreted the Bible.

It says you'll given an account

for every idle word that you utter.

And it's what comes out of your mouth.

So it's every idle world,not everything that you do.

We live our lives, as Dr.Jeffress said earlier,

for the audience of one,and if He's pleased with us,

so the big thing is letthe words of my mouth

and the meditation of my heart

be acceptable in thy sight, O God,

my strength and my redeemer.

The words of my mouth and the meditation.

So I think that's it.

Are you complaining with your mouth?

Are you swearing with your mouth?

Are you harsh andcritical with your mouth?

Are you praising God with your mouth?

You're gonna give accountfor every idle word that you,

not every act, every idle word.


- This is Gayle, who says:

You said that artificialsweeteners were bad for the gut.

Is stevia also bad for the gut?

When we have to count every calorie,

I just need that extrasavings from a sweetener.

I only get 1,200 calories a day.

I use Splenda, but I woulduse stevia if it's better.

- Well stevia is a whole lot better

because stevia is natural.

As I understand it, and I may be wrong,

but Splenda is derived from taking sugar

and putting chlorine in it,

and out of that comes this sweetener.

I believe that's the case.

It's a sucralose thing.

And I think what you're looking at

is that these artificial sweeteners,

whether it's Equal or Sweet'n Low or any of those things,

do violence to the gut flora.

And stevia, as far as I can tell,

is absolutely naturaland it's very healthy,

so I wouldn't worry about that all.


- Lots of people using it now.

- Well I hope they are.

(Terry laughs)

I'm using it like crazy.

And they probably don't have enough.

All right, we leave youwith today's Power Minute

from the book of Haggai.

"I am with you," says the Lord.

That's a good one.

Tomorrow, he's called theBilly Graham of Latin America.

Luis Palau shares his amazing testimony

of surviving terminal cancer.

And I want to put in aprayer for Rush Limbaugh.

He's doing a good workand he's got cancer.

You want to pray thatthe Lord will heal him.


See you tomorrow.


(inspirational music)


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