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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - February 3, 2020


- Time for some email, are you ready?

- Let's go for it.

- Okay, this first one comesfrom Juan, Pat, who says,

"Convince me why I should believe in God.

"I've prayed and asked forHim for a sign, yet nothing.

"I get no answer from thisGod that billions pray to.

"Why do people believe in Godwhen God does not talk to us?"

- You know, you just askyourself, how arrogant can you be?

You're talking about thecreator of the universe.

He doesn't owe you one blessed thing.

He doesn't have to do anything.

But look at the Bible,

the Bible says the heavensdeclare the glory of God,

the earth shows forth his handiwork.

All you gotta do is look at the stars,

look at the moon, look atthe sun, look at the plants,

look at the beauty of the earth around us,

what more sign do you need thatthere's an existence of God?

But for a little guy outof billions people here

on this earth, a tiny littlesolar system in the midst

of a tiny little galaxy,

and you're telling the creator

that he's gotta show you.

He doesn't have to give youanything, trust me, all right.

He does it because heloves you, all right?

- This is Denise, who says,

"I recently lost my husband,

"I want to know if we'llbe together in heaven."

- I think we will be.

I think there's gonna beglorious relationships,

but just keep in mind that Jesus said

that when you get to heavenyou'll be like the angels,

they won't get marriedor given in marriage

because all that's for this earth.

There's no reproduction,

but in terms of love and these things

that will endure faith, hope and love,

the greatest of these is love.

These will endure and of course

you'll have glorious reunions in heaven

with those we love.

- This is Lucy, Pat, who says,

"We began in an adulterousrelationship with each other.

"Today, we still live together,

"but no longer have sex with each other,

"nor with anyone elseoutside of our relationship.

"Is it a sin to live togethersince we're not married

"to each other?

"He and his former wife are divorced

"and I divorced myhusband before he passed."

- I frankly can't see any reason,

there's nothing wrong incompanion relationship,

that's what's you're talking about.

I do think, you know, whydon't you get married?

I think it would be nice to,

you know we all get old,like it or not (laughs),

and it's nice to knowyou've got a life partner.

And I'm with you in sickness and in health

and one of you is gonna get sick.

One of you will have infirmity.

One of you is gonna be in a wheelchair.

And it's so nice to knowyou've got somebody with you.

So you're living together,

why not solemnify the event?

- This is a viewer who says

"I'm in a difficultsituation and need help.

"I am saved and try tohonoR God every day.

"I lost my 17-year-oldson to suicide in 2009,

"and I thought that was the worst

"I would ever deal with.

"In 2016, I began sufferingfrom terrible stomach problems.

"They took out mygallbladder and I got worse.

"I couldn't eat for about six months.

"I still suffer fromterrible stomach problems.

"In each of these situations I hae prayed

"and felt God would heal me.

"Now, my 19-year-old has been diagnosed

"with a serious mental illness.

"He may have to go to amental hospital permanently.

"I have prayed and asked God for answers.

"Some of my most devout Christian friends

"are getting frustrated because

"we just can't understand whyterrible things are happening.

"Is this just the way life

"is supposed to be for some people?"

- it's not.

The Bible says I pray that you may prosper

and be in health evenas your soul prospers.

And I think, the Bible says a man

shall eat good by the fruit of his lips.

You need to start declaring victory.

What you have declared over and over again

is that you are under a curse

and the curse is upon you,

and every time you acknowledge it

and speak it out you aremaking that curse worse.

God does not wish that for you.

God wants you to be free.

I want you to prosper and be in health,

even as your soul prospers.

So if I were you,

I would begin to confess it.

A man shall eat good throughthe fruit of his lips.

Begin to declare the promises of God.

Begin to speak the promises of God.

I am more than conquered through him

that love me.

In the name of Jesus, Iam more than conqueror,

I am the servant of the living God

and he, I'm his to serve,

and I speak in his name.

All authority in heaven

and Earth has been given to me.

Begin to speak this andwatch what will happen.

- This is Joan, who says

"In Matthew 19:9 it says the divorced wife

"will cause a man to commitadultery if he marries her.

"This has prevented me

"from even allowing another relationship.

"My husband divorced me after 18 years

"to marry his secretary.

"He was an ordained minister,

"but went ahead anddivorced me and married her.

"I do not want to be the cause

"of a man committing adultery to marry me

"so I've remained single.

"Have I misunderstood the scripture?"

- I really think you have.

I think God didn't put allthe burden on the woman.

The man can do what he wants to do,

the woman's boundless.

I think you misread that.

But look, you know, againthe Pauline privilege,

if the unbelieving spouse is (mumbles)

the brother or sister is notbound in a case like that.

Your husband divorced you.

That is a cause for the breakup.

He is committing adultery,

and you have absolute grounds to remarry

and do whatever you wanna do.

So I think you misread that scripture.

But you are free in the Lord,

act like it and take your freedom.

- This is Yaw, who says

"I took a job at a local grocery store.

"The job was a lot faster pacedthan I thought it would be.

"I talked to the managerabout changing departments,

"but he told me either leave or stay,

"but don't waste their time.

"He was annoyed with mebecause I was late twice.

"I chose to leave.

"Now I feel like I did the wrong thing.

"Did I disappoint God?"

- You don't disappoint God'cause you changed jobs.

It's, the Bible says don't forsake wisdom.

And I don't know if,

there might be something wrogn with you,

you've got a problem.

So analyze the situation.

Analyze your own heart,

your own work habits,

and say God, make me theperson I'm supposed to be.

And then begin to live it out.

But no, you didn't fail God

because you changed jobs.


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