Parents of Assyrian priest kidnapped & Christians arrested in Turkey: Iran protests & Christianity growing; Homelessness at highest levels since Great Depression; Surviving battlefield & Homefront; Amazon palm purchasing. Mark of Beast?
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- Today from the Global Lane,
parents of an Assyrianhumanitarian priest kidnapped.
Other Christians arrested in Turkey.
And in Iran, Christianity grows
as anti-Ayatollah protests spread.
American homelessness,
it's at levels not seensince the Great Depression.
Is Trump to blame?
And Amazon purchasing inthe palm of your hand.
Mark of the beast or smart commerce?
And it's all right hereon the Global Lane.
An urgent call to prayer
for an elderly Assyrian Christiancouple missing in Turkey.
The couple, Hermez and Shmoni Diril
are the parents of outspokenChaldean priest Remzy Diril.
They've been missing for more than a week
and here to fill us inis Juliana Taimoorazy.
She's founder of the IraqiChristian Relief Council
and Senior Fellow at the Thelos Project.
So Juliana, tell us about this couple.
Who are they and what happened?
- The real couple is anAssyrian Christian couple
that have lived in Turkey all their lives.
They were born in Turkey.
What has happened forthe past, about 30 years,
the PKK Conflict withTurkey has really pushed out
a lot of Assyrians fromtheir indigenous lands
and the Diril couple was one of them.
About 10, 11 years ago,
they decided to return totheir village to rebuild it.
Their expertise is honey making
and their honey is reallyfamous throughout the country
and as you know, Father RemzyDiril is a phenomenal priest
who has dedicated his whole life
to the cause of thepersecuted church in Iraq,
those who have fled to Turkey,
so he single handedly hasserved 7000 Iraqi Christians
who have been living inTurkey since 2014 and 15.
And now we see that theyhave been kidnapped,
unfortunately, his parents.
We believe,
according to one of the eyewitnesses in the village
who is their own relative,there were Kurdish people,
Kurdish men, two Kurdish men,
and one Kurdish woman that came armed
and they took the parents on the 11th,
which was a Saturday of January
and they took them away without,we don't know the reason,
no one has reached outto us or to the family,
they have not asked for ransom,
so we don't know what's happening
and this is why we reallycome to you, all of you,
to ask for prayers
because these are critical, critical hours
as investigations havebecome more intense.
- Juliana, I know therewas a candlelight vigil
in Chicago over the weekend,
so besides praying, whatelse can our viewers do?
- Please write to your state reps.
Please ask them that theChristian persecution
throughout the world,
but especially in theMiddle East is skyrocketing.
If this continues, really Christianity
will not be able tosurvive in the Middle East,
especially Turkey.
Southern Turkey was apart of ancient Assyria,
those are our ancestral homeland
and we are being pushedout systematically.
So if you write to your state reps,
we know that these peopleare not American citizens,
however they are our brethren in Christ.
So the US can do a lot byputting even more pressure
on the Turkish government.
Turkish government is actuallydoing everything they can,
but we can always apply more pressure
for them to really take thisa little bit more seriously,
to bring these elderly parents home.
You know, just considerthem your own parents.
Father Hermez is in his seventies,
Mother Shmoni is in her late sixties.
- So it's a matter of priority or not
for the Turkish government,
but three Assyrian Christians
were arrested in Turkey January 9th.
One looked after a 1500year old monastery.
What can you tell us about that?
- So the monk, the Assyrianmonk, also was arrested.
They accused him of aidingthe PKK by providing him food.
You know, when they come to our people,
what is important to knowthat they come at gunpoint.
They put so much pressure onour Assyrian Christians there
for food or to finddirections out of a location
and at gunpoint, an innocent human being,
an elderly or a monk in this case,
what can they do when theyare put under such pressure?
And if the Turkish governmentis not able to handle
or stop the advancement of the PKK,
what is a simple monk can do?
Still, they are Turkish citizens,
they abide by the lawsas much as possible.
This is why we appeal even more strongly
to the Turkish government
to really take this advancement of the PKK
against the minorities, theChristians there, more seriously
and really try to push themout as much as possible
and protect the citizens.
- Okay, well Juliana Taimoorazy,
Senior Fellow at the Thelos Project,
thank you for joining us.- Thank you so much.
(dramatic music)
- Political protest are spreading in Iran
but so too is Christianity.
The faith is spreading like wildfire
across the Islamic Republic.
Maybe a million or moremuslims have come to Christ.
I talked recently with Mike Ansari,
with the Heart for Iran ministry
about how recent pressureson the Iranian regime
are affecting Christiansin the Islamic Republic.
Some of the young people especially
are very frustrated with the regime,
but that doesn't necessarily mean
they're embracing Christianity,
so how is it that they'recoming to the Lord?
- It's very interestingbecause you're right.
Roughly about 50% of Iran's population
is under 30, if not more,
and many of these peopleare connected to the West.
They're following our social media,
the pop culture in the West,Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga
and they're askingthemselves the question,
why is there such a divisionbetween their culture
and their society, and the one in the West
and they want to belong to the West.
So many of them are asking the question,
do I really want to beidentified with the ideology
and the lifestyle that the Iranian Muslims
have set out for me?
And they're saying no,they're rejecting it flat out
and they're gravitating toanything that is outside.
Majority of them are researching
and finding out moreabout the meaning of life
and quite a few are following
a personal challenge and journey,
finding out more about Jesus.
- How is the government in Iran
reacting to the spread of Christianity?
- Remember, Iran is an Islamic Republic.
It is not happy when it losesits Muslims to Christianity.
Therefore it has createda taskforce since 2010,
in particular where theyare conducting raids
on the underground house churches,
they are arresting people,
they're putting God's fear into them.
As a matter of fact, just this week
we got callers calling us and telling us
that after they contacted our call center,
they were contacted byIranian intelligence
to tell them that they have no right
contacting the infidelsoutside of Iran, meaning us.
So it shows that the Iranian government
is very, very frustrated.
There are rampant arrests and persecution.
We hear every day from advocacy groups
and human rights organizations
about atrocities that Iranian minorities,
not only Christiansbut also Bahais, Sunnis
and other factions are facing.
It's a systematic harassmentthat Iranians are facing,
simply because they do nothave a choice to choose
anything they want to choose.
- [Gary] And we know thatIranian women face persecution
just for not covering theirheads, wearing a scarf.
Regarding church growth then,what role are women playing?
Are they playing a significant role?
- Absolutely.
The women of Iran are courageous,
they're bold, they're strong.
They're very much at theforefront of the movement
of the growth of Christianity in Iran.
They're not afraid.
Islam portrays the woman's position to be
of being dominated by men and society.
The Iranian women are courageousand they're standing up,
and they're leading themen into making a decision
that is transforming Iran from inside out.
A lot of Iranians aregiving their heart to Christ
and a lot of underground churches
that are connecting with us
are being led by Iranianleaders that are women.
- Doctor Mike Ansari with Heart for Iran,
thank you for being with us.- Thank you.
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(dramatic music)
- Homeless numbers are surging
in the San Francisco Bay area,
in Los Angeles, and other large US cities.
Are high tech salaries andexcessive property taxes
partially to blame fordriving up housing costs?
Some high tech companies on the West Coast
are stepping in to help provide some help
but they say it's not up to them
to solve the housing crisis.
Michael Fischer is President of New York's
Central Park South CivicAssociation on the East Coast.
Michael, thanks for joining us.
So we thought LA had a problem
with a reported 36000homeless people in their city,
but New York has 61000,
the highest number sincethe Great Depression.
Why so many homeless in America
at this time of unprecedentedeconomic prosperity?
- Well first of all, I'd liketo make a slight correction.
It's more like 80000 homeless,
which has seen a 17% growth
since Mayor de Blasio has taken office.
As far as why we're seeing such a growth
in the homeless population on the streets,
it's because the politicians
are just kicking the can down the road.
They don't want to get involved with it.
The majority of peoplethat are on the streets
are mentally ill.
These are people who need rehabilitation.
The shelters themselves arenot gonna help these people.
They go into these shelters,
they get beat up, they get robbed,
they never want to goback into the shelters.
What the government needs to do,
and this is New York as wellas California, Los Angeles,
Austin Texas, SeattleWashington, et cetera, et cetera,
is they need to put together facilities,
contemporary facilitiestoday, to help people
that are either mentally ill,maybe they're a drug addict,
maybe they have issues with alcohol
but they need to have these facilities
to rehabilitate thesepeople, get them up to speed.
Then, once they're offthe drugs and everything,
or alcohol, or maybe they're mentally ill
and they're given medicationsto help them there,
then they can be trained,go out and get jobs
and be placed in affordablehousing and live a normal life.
- Out in California, Iknow Governor Gavin Newsom,
he blames President Trumpfor the homeless problem
in the Golden State,
saying that HUD's withholding information
that California needs to release funds
to address the problems.
So, is Donald Trump toblame for homelessness there
and in New York City?
- Well first of all, Mayorde Blasio is spending
an excess of $1 billionin his second term.
In his first term, he didn't do anything.
Second term, $1 billionto open up 90 shelters
that he wants to open up
in the most expensive areas in the city.
So there are these slum lordsthat own these buildings
that are making millionsand millions of dollars
and it doesn't addressthe people on the street.
The people on the streetdon't go into these shelters.
These shelters areaddressing moving people
from one building, one shelter to another
or it's addressing theissue where people have
these early release programs out of prison
and they go into these shelters,
but it's not addressing the actual people
that are living on the streets.
Trump has nothing to do with this issue.
I mean, I know that Mayor deBlasio is trying to blame Trump
for his lack of affordablehousing in New York City,
but quite frankly, hecan't blame Trump for this.
You've got to blame de Blasio for this
because he's not helpingpeople off the streets.
- Well de Blasio is the mayor, is he not?
So what needs to be done beyond this?
I know that Amazon and Microsoft
are committing hundredsof millions of dollars
for an affordable housingprogram for low income Americans
but you say it's mostlymentally ill people,
so would that work at all?
- Well I mean, I know thatAmazon is putting together
a program for people that needshelters to come in at night
and then once overnight they stay there
and they leave the next day,
but that's not really addressingthe problem on the streets.
I think that what Google and Microsoft
and all these othercompanies should be doing is
sticking to what theydo best, providing jobs.
So how about we do this?
How about we rehabilitate...
How about maybe if they want,
they can contribute fundingtowards rehabilitation,
if they like,
if they want to donate theirmoney to the government,
although the government does have
plenty of funding for that.
But how about these companiesprovide jobs for these people?
Once these people are rehabilitated,
how about Microsoft and Amazon
and some of these other large companies
provide training and jobs for people?
For them to get into the shelter business,
that's not their business,that's not what they do best.
They do best creating jobs for people.
Why don't they help thehomeless people there,
that would be great.
- Well I know Amazon wantedto come into New York
but AOC got involved in that,and they said "forget it".
Beyond that, quickly,what role can churches
and ministries then play in all of this?
- Oh, a big role.
I think that the problem with government
is they literally just, theycreate smoke and mirrors.
They create the impressionthat they're doing things.
For example, I know inNew York Mayor de Blasio
creates this program called"Turn The Tide" program,
so he has all these fancy names,
he spends millions ofdollars on brochures.
He should also be sittingdown with the churches
and meeting with them, andputting together programs,
working together with the churches
to find ways that the churches
can also help the homeless people.
It would be great if wecould get a summit together
between the mayor of NewYork, governor of New York,
governor of California
and mayors of the majorcities in California
and some of the mayors
and governors in some of the other states
that are being impacted by this crisis
where you're seeing people
that are literally livingin tents along streets.
You see needles all over the place,
people defecating in the streets,it's a terrible scenario.
Let's have a productivemeeting, let's sit down,
let's come up with somesolutions to this problem.
I don't think it's that complicated.
I certainly would rather see politicians
sitting down with the president
and trying to come up with a solution
than spending all this wasteful time
on trying to impeach the president.
- Okay, instead of pointing fingers,
maybe coming up with solutions.
Michael Fischer,
President of Central ParkSouth Civic Association,
thank you for sharing those insights.
- My pleasure, thank you.
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(dramatic music)
- Battles on the front lines and at home.
Since 9/11, tens of thousands of Americans
have fought honorably against terrorism
in Afghanistan and the Middle East.
We often hear about acts of heroism,
and how they struggle tosurvive on the battlefield.
After many return home, alifelong struggle begins.
Our next guest is all too familiar
with both the fight on the battlefield
and the struggle forveterans on the home front.
Tom Satterly was a SeniorNoncommissioned Officer
of Delta Force.
He served in the army for 25 years.
He's author of the new book, "All Secure:
"A Special Operations Soldier's Fight
"to Survive on the Battlefieldand the Home Front."
Tom, thanks for being here.
So I'm sure you havemany stories to share.
First, tell us about one from your book
about rescuing hostages,capturing terrorists,
that kind of thing.
- I'll tell you one story from the book
that really sank homewas when we were in Iraq
and we did a helo mission south of Baghdad
and it was supposed to be a wedding party,
with someone we were lookingfor but on end field,
one of our helicopterswere hit with an RPG
and subsequently crashedabout 300 meters away
and once we gained entry, oneof my assaulters got blown up
with a terrorist with a grenade.
He had shot him, buthe dropped the grenade
and got him in the room withhim and for that moment,
I had one of those recurring nightmares
of Somalia Revisited,
to where the Blackhawk got shot down
and people were getting injured
and we were out awayfrom any reinforcements.
So, the fear of that happening again
struck home to me very, very deeply
and that story ringswith me more frequently
than the high levels ofSaddam Hussein capture
or the Blackhawk down one.
It was being in leadership
and being responsible forall those men on the ground.
- Tom, I'm sure like many soldiers
who see their fellow troopsand friends killed in battle
it's something you just can't forget,
so how did that experience affect you
when you returned home?
- You know, it affectedme physically, actually.
I was destroying my life,I was reclusing to myself,
I was shedding all my friends,
I was ruining my family lifeand just started drinking
and with the over 13different pills from the BA,
I started abusing a lotof the pain medications
and my life just started totank and I realized one day,
when I was sitting in a car in Akron, Ohio
and I almost took my own life
that I had reached what Ithought was the lowest point
but you'll find in the book
that I actually reach alower point even later
before I could bounce back.
But the weight all that,the loss and the guilt
and the shame, a lot of it wasshame, it just weighs on you
and you don't understand how heavy that is
until you reach that point
and that's when a lot ofpeople reach out to us.
It's at a dire point in their life
and they finally want to makea change or a difference.
- [Gary] And many veterans
just aren't the same person after war.
I guess some family membersjust don't understand that
and the war experienceand how it's changed you
so what don't they get, Tom?
It's hard on them too.
- They don't understand that who came home
is a better person than who left,
they're just morally injured.
They're confused about whatthey've done, they're angry.
All the tools that theyused to survive in combat
are no longer needed,
however they don't know howto put those tools down.
The anger, the aggression, the violence,
and so they take it outon their family members
and they all call saying,"why am I so angry?
"Why do I yell at my family,why do I ruin every holiday?"
And we just talk to them aboutletting go of those tools.
Thanking the past for thetools that it gave you
but they're no longerneeded in society today.
- And I know for you, threemarriages ended in divorce.
As you said, you nearlykilled yourself in 2014.
How do you get beyond it, Tom?
- Love, attachment to atribe and having a purpose.
At the time, I thought I had no purpose.
I thought I was a burdento everyone in society
and that my job was doneand that I had no future,
so once I had a tribe to connect to,
I had love, the connection of my now wife
and I had a purpose anda desire to help others,
that gave me my new mission.
- And is that the message,
I'm sure that's the messageyou give to fellow veterans
and those who are contemplating suicide
or involved in substance abuse?
Anything else you'd tell them?
- I'd tell them not to chase happiness.
Everybody looks for happinesseither in more wealth
or in a different job,or a different location.
You know, the grass is always greener.
Instead I tell them tochoose happiness daily
and everything else will come.
- Okay, the book is "All Secure:
"A Special Operations Soldier's Fight
"to Survive on the Battlefieldand the Home Front".
Tom Satterly, thank you so muchfor sharing your experience.
- Thank you, it was my pleasure.
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David Brody--- Escalating fight.
- [Announcer] Jenna Browder--- Chose his words carefully.
- [Announcer] Ben Kennedy.- Planned to join him.
- [Announcer] And Amber Strong.
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and get "To LiFe".
- [Woman] This is our nature as a country.
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- [Woman] And I wish that otherpeople throughout the world
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(dramatic music)
- Mark of the beast alertor just smart commerce?
Amazon, the world's leader inonline shopping and shipping
is preparing to offer you
a new way of making yourpurchases, biometrics.
Just swipe your hand and beep,your purchase is complete.
The idea is to link your palmprint to your credit card.
You'll no longer have torisk losing your credit card
or forgetting your pin number or password.
Hands down will have a whole new meaning.
According to the Wall Street Journal,
Amazon has contacted Visa,Mastercard, JP Morgan Chase
and others about linking credit cards
to biometric hand printscanners and terminals.
The New York Post reports
Amazon has already testedthe new payment system
and plans to introduce the technology
at its Wholefoods stores.
Former CIA Counter Terrorism,Counterintelligence
and Staff Investigator Kevin Shipp warns
this system will eventuallybe used to control purchasing.
You see, we're headinginto a brave new world
where we'll be told hand,finger and facial scans
will make check out easier for you
but remember whomever orwhatever controls the information
can use it to control you.
Folks, we need to keep an eye on this.
Information can be stored notonly to track our purchases,
but also to learn about yourbank accounts, credit cards,
even to track our movements.
Who we are, where we go,what we do, what we buy,
what charities andpolitical groups we support.
Ask Chinese Christians; theCommunist government there
is using facial recognition software
to track their movements
and a social credit system is in place
to control them andothers in Chinese society.
That may come soon to the United States
and elsewhere in the West.
Can you imagine not being able to buy food
or gasoline for your car
because your biometric didn't work?
Beep, rejected.
You have intolerant views about abortion,
same sex marriage or guns.
In the book of Revelationchapter 13:16 and 17,
we're told that eventuallyeveryone will be forced to,
quote, "receive a mark on their right hand
"or on their foreheads so thatthey could not buy or sell
"unless they had the mark."
So is Amazon's new paymentsystem the mark of the beast?
No, not yet.
Your fingerprints, face and hands
are wonderfully craftedby God, not a beast,
but microchip implantsare already being used
in animals and some humans
and requiring them for making purchases
may be the next step.
Let's be vigilant.
Stay tuned, there's more tocome but not from us today.
That's it from the Global Lane.
Be sure to follow us onFacebook, iTunes, SoundCloud,
YouTube and Twitter, anduntil next time, be blessed.
(dramatic music)