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The 700 Club - January 7, 2020

A woman’s ten decades of pain vanish in a snap. Plus, every couple makes mistakes that can threaten a marriage. Authors Tim and Kathy Keller share strategies to strengthen your union. Read Transcript

(dramatic thematic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up: Howto save your marriage.

- [Tim] Doesn't say waittil they come to you.

- [Wendy] Tim and Kathy Keller

share the mistakes couples make.

- [Tim] It'll be payback.

- [Wendy] And the lessonsthey're still learning today.

- Sometimes, it's leave me alone.

- [Wendy] Then, decades of pain.

- [Woman] It starts hurtingand the hurting gets worse.

- [Wendy] Vanishes in a snap.

- [Woman] Instantly the pain was gone.

- [Wendy] How did it happen?

- I stood up, I walked around,

and I said, "Yes, God!"

- [Wendy] Find out on today's 700 Club.

(dramatic thematic music)

- Welcome to The 700 Club.

A fresh set of revenge threats from Iran.

13 separate attacks are being considered,

some specifically targeting US bases.

American troops are racing to the region

to stand up to the thugs.

Where will they hit next,

and is our president personally at risk?

Chris Mitchell has more.

- [Chris] After days of mass ceremonies,

mourners prepared for theburial of Qassam Soleimani.

The crowds were so large at one ceremony

that at least 40 died in a stampede.

In a rare departure, Iran'sSupreme Leader Khamenei

told Iran's military leaders

that the revenge attacks must be direct,

proportional, and carried outby Iranian forces themselves.

The question remains how and when Iran

will carry out its vows of retaliation.

Iran's head of securitysaid 13 types of attacks

are being considered,specifically mentioning US bases.

The foreign ministerrepeating the dire warning.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] The UnitedStates is bound to receive

a definite and certain response

for its outrageous actat a time and in a place

where it would feel the utmost pain.

- [Chris] To defend against those attacks,

the Department of Defenseis sending more troops

and deploying B-52bombers to the Middle East

to strengthen defenses at US bases.

It's also issuing warnings

to embassies throughout the region

to be on guard for rocketand mortar attacks.

It's also warning ships in Mideast waters

about the possibility of Iranian attacks.

One question is if Iran willtry to hit targets in the US,

and if President Trump himself is at risk.

One top advisor to Iran's president

tweeted a magazine articlewith a list of his properties,

and one speaker atSoleimani's funeral called

for Trump's assassination.

- This is a regime that has a pattern

of conducting attacks

against American interestsall over the world,

and I would even say thatthe United States itself,

the homeland is at risk.

- [Chris] On Capitol Hill,Democrat Senator Tim Kaine

introduced a war powers resolution

to limit President Trump'smilitary actions against Iran.

- In our country, it was supposed to be

that we wouldn't sendpeople into harm's way

unless there was a political consensus,

represented by a congressional vote

that war was in the national interest,

and that's what I'm trying

to force Congress to grapple with.

- [Chris] PresidentialCounselor Kellyanne Conway said

the strike was legal and necessary.

- He's the Commander in Chief,

and he did what aresponsible, strong, not weak,

Commander in Chief does whenfaced with the opportunity

to take out one of the,

if not the, world's most wanted terrorist.

- [Reporter] Under the war power.

- [Chris] A vote on thewar powers resolution

is expected on Wednesday,

along with a full briefingfor the House and Senate.

Following the Iraqi Parliament'svote to expel US forces,

a letter circulated

that stated US troops would be leaving,

but later Defense SecretaryMark Esper denied that report.

Iranian-born Alireza Nader said

some Iraqis fear a pullout of US troops.

- I don't necessarilythink that it's a given

the US will depart Iraq.

I think that a lot of Iraqi politicians

and much of the public is opposed to that

because they're afraid ofIranian hegemony basically.

- Some have floated theidea of relocating US troops

to Iraqi Kurdistan, a place many see

as a friendly alternative tothe government in Baghdad.

In fact, Senator Marco Rubio tweeted,

"Maybe it's time for afully-independent Kurdistan."

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- I have been suggesting thatfor the longest kind of time.

The Kurds are our dear friends and allies.

They want to have a democratic nation.

Now, I want to show you on a map

really how this thing works out.

You see that Kurdistan.

There're 36 million Kurds.

You see how it's strategically located

between Iraq and Iran and Turkey?

If we would give independenceto an independent Kurdistan,

36 million Kurds, they havethe oil fields in Kirkuk;

it's theirs.

They have blocking motionagainst Iraq and against Iran,

and if we have them as aally, good things can happen.

If, but my suggestion was shot down

by our leader when I suggestedit to him personally,

and now we're coming back tothe fact that we really need.

But we could withdrawthe troops from Iraq,

put them into Kurdistan.

They would have friendly bases.

We wouldn't have to bedependent on Incirlik

for the Turks to have our bases.

We could have a base in Erbil

or somebody like, some place like that.

It would be by far and away

the most important strategicthing if we could do it.

But anyhow, that's been proposed

and maybe the time has comethat thinking people will say

they're 36 millions Kurds,let's give them a country.

Let's have an independent Kurdistan,

and let's arm them as whatever is needed

that they could withstand Syria,

that they could withstand Turkey,

that they could withstand Iran,

that they could withstand Russia

and any other groups thatwant to come against us.

But anyhow, that's been floated around.

Now folks, there's somethingwe're gonna do on this program

and I think you'll be interested in.

On Thursday, we're goingto have the majority

of this program dealingwith your questions

about the Bible, aboutother things in the world.

We'll take 'em, whatever.

And we have a telephone number about that.

It's 1-800-677, writethat down, 1-800-677-7884.

And you could be getting some call,

and leave a voicemail with your question,

and Wendy, you're gonnaread those questions

and field them;

we'll have most of thisprogram divested to Q and A.

- That is gonna be fascinating,

and I love that people are gonna be able

to leave their questionson the voicemail today.

You see the number right there.

And, Pat, get ready!

You're gonna get someinteresting questions.

- Yeah, well, I want to do it,

but we'll talk about theBible, we'll talk about,

and if I can't answer it,I'll be more than delighted

to tell you, "I'm sorry, Ican't handle it," but all right.

But that's the number,again: 1-800-677-7884.

Your question about the Bible,

about what's going on inthe world and whatever.

I'll do what I can, okay.

Well, in other news, SenateLeader Mitch McConnell

gets some surprise supportjust when he needs it most.

John Jessup has more onthat story from CBN News.

- Pat, that support for Leader McConnell

comes in the form of votesto block Senate Democrats

if they try to call additional witnesses

in an impeachment trial.

The battle over witnesses hastaken on greater importance

now that former NationalSecurity Advisor John Bolton

says he will testify if he's subpoenaed.

Mark Martin has the update.

- Two moderate GOP Senators,Susan Collins of Maine

and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,

are backing Senate LeaderMitch McConnell's plan

to defer a decision to callwitnesses in the Senate trial.

This comes as former TrumpNational Security Advisor

John Bolton announced he will testify

in a Senate trial if called.

Bolton issued a statement saying,

"If the Senate issues asubpoena for my testimony,

"I am prepared to testify."

It takes a majorityvote to call witnesses,

and since the GOP has a 53-seat majority,

McConnell has the upper hand in deciding

whether to call Bolton and others.

- The House may have beencontent to scrap their own norms

to hurt President Trump,but that is not the Senate.

- [Mark] McConnell saysthe Senate should follow

the precedent of the 1999Clinton impeachment trial.

That means waiting untillater in the process

to take up the question ofcalling additional witnesses.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says

the Senate should agreenow to call witnesses.

- If any Senate Republicanopposes issuing subpoenas

to the four witnesses anddocuments we've requested,

they would make it absolutely clear

they're participating in a cover-up.

- [Mark] Meanwhile, HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi

still hasn't delivered

the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

On Sunday, Senator LindseyGraham told Fox News

that the Republican-controlled Senate

should change the rulesto override Pelosi.

- Well, we're not gonna let Nancy Pelosi

use the rules of theSenate to her advantage.

This is dangerous for thepresidency as an institution.

- President Trump tweeted this week:

"The impeachment hoax, just acontinuation of the witch hunt

"which started evenbefore I won the election,

"must end quickly.

"Get this done."

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Thanks, Mark.

Pat, the new development in the Senate

comes as a major blow to the Democrats.

- This vote was a sham.

The whole idea of resisting Congress,

and all they got was AdamSchiff and a couple of those

biased committees asking thepresident to send people,

but they had no witnesses,

the president had no opportunity

to call his own people;it was a total fraud.

And so if Nancy Pelosi does not send

those articles ofimpeachment to the Senate

and do it promptly,

the Senate has an absoluteright, if it wants to,

to say we are going to move forward.

We do not believe that there's any merit

in these articles of impeachment,

and therefore we vote them down.

They have the right to do that.

They don't have to have a trial,

they don't have to have witnesses,

they have to do any of those things.

And so they're an independent body,

and according to the Constitution,they act as like a jury,

and what McConnell is saying,

look, if you guys couldn'tget the evidence before you,

why do you think we're goingto give you the opportunity

in the Senate to havethe trial all over again?

We will take the impeachmentarticles you've got

and if you want to appointmanagers to do it, that's fine.

We can appoint our own managers.

The Senate can actually appoint managers

to represent the House andthe Senate, if they want to.

They can do what they feel like.

But the truth is, this thing is a joke

and it's high time for Mitch McConnell

to do what he's so skilled atdoing: put the thing to rest.

Well, there's a greatecological tragedy going on

in the continent ofAustralia, and John has more.

- Pat, that's right.

In Australia, growing concernsthere that three wildfires

in the states of New SouthWales and Victoria could merge,

creating what they'recalling a mega blaze.

Cooler weather gave exhaustedfirefighters a brief break,

but the mega blaze is expectedto happen later this week

when temperatures heat up.

The damage estimates arealready starting to come in

as the death toll rises.

- 26 lives have already been lost.

We have unaccounted forpeople across Australia.

We have over 1,800 homeshave been destroyed.

- Here in 1953, we movedto the area in 1951,

the house was built in 1953,

and we haven't ever seen abushfire like this before.

Not since we've been here.

- So far the fires have killed

an estimated half a billion animals

and Australia's wildfireseason is far from over,

usually lasting through March.

Well, a 6.5-magnitudeearthquake struck Puerto Rico

early this morning,triggering a tsunami alert

that was later canceled.

At least one person died, andthe Electric Authority reports

the entire island is without power.

It is the second quaketo hit in as many days.

Monday, a 5.8 quake shookthe United States' territory,

leaving about 30 homesdamaged or destroyed.

It also destroyed thiswell-known natural rock formation

shown in these before and after images.

Today's quake is the largest in a series

that have shaken PuertoRico in the last 10 days.

Well, Christian leadersfrom preachers to artists,

musicians, and politiciansare declaring 2020

The Year of The Bible.

It is a year-long campaign to promote

a global celebration of the Word of God.

Recently, Wendy Griffithspoke to the new president

of Wycliffe Translatorsabout how new technologies

are making it easier, andfaster, to spread God's Word.

- 20 or 30 years ago, Bibletranslators had to say goodbye

to friends and family,sometimes for years at a time,

to live overseas.

Well, today, video chat, text messages,

and the global network allow missionaries

to serve from theirvery own homes in the US

and connect to translation teams remotely.

- What used to take years and years to do,

now, for example, a New Testament

may have been 20 years, 30 years?

- [Wendy] 20 years?

- Now, many times we can bring it along

in about six to eight years,which is pretty incredible.

- [Wendy] Dr. John Chesnutof Wycliffe Bible Translators

says today's technology

allows the indigenous people themselves

to engage in the work, muchmore so than in the past.

- Many have training, orwe get to train with them,

in order to use this technology,

and so, more and more, theyare actually doing the work.

- [Wendy] Chesnut says they'realso seeing smartphones

replace print.

- And smartphones can go andtake texts and scriptures

and videos places where print cannot,

particularly in countrieswhere it may be a safety

or security issue for them

to be caught withsomething that's printed.

- Are there still many,many people groups out there

that do not have the Biblein their own language?

- You know, you would think 2019,

that the work would begetting close to being done,

but there's almost 7,000languages around the world today,

and it's estimated about 2,100 do not have

any form of scripture in thelanguage that they understand,

that they speak in their homes.

It's about 170 millionpeople that we believe

do not have any scripture yet

in a language that reallyspeaks to their heart.

- Have you ever been present

when someone actually, for the first time,

gets to hold the Word ofGod in their own language?

- I sure have, man, and I'll tell ya,

it's just getting to see the expression.

I mean, it's something wedon't understand here in the US

'cause I was born withGod's Word available,

but when a community has God'sWord for the very first time,

and they're getting to experience that,

this is in my language.

It's not in another language,it's in my language,

God speaks my language, andthat is transformational.

- [Wendy] Even with new technologies,

the work can still be dangerous.

- It is, very much so.

You know, the unreachedpeople groups of the world

are unreached for a reason.

They're in some of the hardest areas,

some of the most difficultareas of the world,

and, you know, sometimes,for those of us from the US,

that when the times get tough,

we're get kicked out of the country,

but those that are from thesecommunities, they're often,

they're the ones that arein the greatest danger.

And so it is.

It continues to be asacrifice for all involved.

- [Wendy] Chesnut saysGod is using technology

to expand His kingdom.

- And so we are looking to continue

to engage fully in technology,

and to see how God will continue,

both in speeding up translation,

making higher-quality translations,

as well as getting God'sWord out in all these forms

so that people can know and understand,

interact with His Word.

- [Wendy] Wendy Griffith, CBN News.

- Harnessing technology

to help fulfill the Great Commission.

Pat, back to you.

- The knowledge of theLord shall cover the earth

like the waters cover the sea.

Wycliffe has done a fabulous job.

They're wonderful people.

And to think that they'realmost to the end of the road,

where there won't be oneindigenous people group

in all of the world that doesn't have

at least one portion of theBible that they can hang on to.

If it's nothing but John 3:16,at least they can have that.

Wendy, amazing!- Amen, that is amazing.

Well, up next, JustinBieber and his bride,

they read this book justbefore they got married.

Do you know what it is and who wrote it?

Hear how you can get a new marriage

in the new year with yoursame spouse; that's coming up.

Then later on, a womansuffers hip pain for decades.

Doctors can't help her,so where does she turn?

That story still ahead.

(cinematic thematic music)

- Well, before rock star Justin Bieber

married Hailey Baldwin,

the couple was spottedreading a book on marriage.

And then, suddenly, itwent viral on the internet,

and the book shot tonumber three on Amazon.

Now people all across Americaare reading it to learn

what's the most powerful tooltoo build a happy marriage.


Paul Strand has that.

- [Paul] Tim and KathyKeller follow up bestseller

"The Meaning of Marriage"with a daily devotional

that slices their adviceinto 365 bite-sized pieces.

- What this does is it breaks it down

and makes it digestible.

Actually, it slows you down and says,

now, on this page, we talked about this.

- [Paul] By the way, ifyou think you've heard

of the Kellers' "The Meaningof Marriage" recently,

it could be because ofsuperstar Justin Bieber

and Haley Baldwin justbefore they got married.

- They were seen readingthe book together.

All these little fan places,

all these fan places

that never do Christian stuff, by the way,

all started reading the book

to try to figure out whatin the world is this book?

It went to number three on Amazon.

- [Paul] Now they've publishedthis daily devotional

where you can take in theKellers' counsel and advice

a little bit at a timeover the whole year.

- [Tim] So, it'd be best

if you read "The Meaning of Marriage"

and then used the devotional.

- [Paul] One of the Kellers'biggest life lessons

is making your marriage a place

where you both frequentlysay you're sorry.

- The most powerful people

are the ones who repent the most quickly,

and the most frequently,and the most deeply.

- This act keeps youaccountable to each other,

vulnerable and open.

On the flip side, you alsoneed to constantly forgive,

and do so completely.

Tim says if you'reburdened and weighed down,

that kind of forgiveness can feel

like a resurrection from the dead.

- The way Jesus took the little girl

and picked up her, touchedher by the hand and said,

you know, "Honey, it's time to get up,"

and brought her up.

- For all this to work, though,

Tim says you need to beeach other's best friends

who can be trusted completely.

Then you can trust your mate's corrections

like a surgeon's cuts: meantto heal and make you better.

Another key point?

Tim says you need to learn to forgive

before you confront your mate's offense,

even before they repent.

- Mark 11:25 says: If you stand praying,

and you have anything againstanybody, forgive them.

It doesn't say wait 'til they come to you.

It says if you know you've gotsomething against somebody,

you forgive them.

- [Paul] Confront too early

and it can just make things worse.

- It'll be payback.

The other person willsee that you are actually

really just trying to make them feel bad,

and they're just gonna get their backs up.

- Another important thing:speak the love language

your mate understands.

The 5 Love Languages are:

Words of Affirmation;Gifts; Acts of Service;

Quality Time; and Physical Touch.

If you aren't communicating

in your mate's primary love language,

you won't likely get through to them.

- You pass each other becauseyou're trying to show love,

you're trying to show affection,

but if you haven't actually mastered

the other person's lovelanguage, they don't feel loved.

- [Paul] For instance,newly-married Tim, an extrovert,

had a rough time handlinghis introverted wife's

need for time alone.

- Now that I know her so well,

I realize there's a spot

at which she can only dopeople so much in a day

or in a week or, youknow, that sort of thing.

Now, I'm so delighted because, frankly,

what an easy way to love somebody

but to walk out of theroom and let her read!

- [Paul] And wives often needto see the love language.

- I feel loved when somebodyhelps me with household chores.

Now that wouldn't necessarilyoccur to anybody else.

But if you bring me cards,if you bring me flowers,

and you leave the laundrymounting up like this,

I don't feel loved.

- Kathy and Tim say

you need to take practicalsteps to find out

and speak each other'slove languages every week.

They recommend learning tocreatively focus on each other.

Plan walks, picnics, maybegardening, doing chores together.

Another key is filling these moments

with praise, appreciation, and gratitude.

Make it a refuge whereyou can safely share

fears, hurts, and weaknesses.

Help each other grow spiritually

by reading scripture and praying together.

The Kellers are trying.

- We've been saying, "Howcould I make you feel loved

"this week or today, morelove than you feel right now?"

- And sometimes it's just

leave me alone and let me read my book.

- Yeah, sometimes it's leave me alone.

- [Paul] Paul Strand,CBN News, Washington.

- That's interesting.

How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.

- So, you know, the Love Languages,

you know, the gifts, andthe words of affirmation,

I like all of them, I can'tjust pick one of those!

I want 'em all.

- Well, they want youto wash the dirty dishes

or sweep the floor or do some chores.

Okay, whatever makes you happy,

but that was mine.

It's whatever makes you happy, dear,

but I think whole oh, it's my fault.

No, it's not!

Yes, it is; it's my fault, I did it.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure, I did; it's all my fault.

Okay, and then the spouse begins to think,

well, he didn't really do it,but he's trying to be sweet,

all right.

- We don't let the sun set on your anger.

That was one of the things

that my husband and I talkedabout before we got married.

- Big deal.

- I said let's never go to bedangry, and we have kept that.

- Yeah, well, that'll keep you going

for the longest kind of time.

Well, this daily devotional is a companion

to Tim and Kathy Keller's book

called "The Meaning of Marriage."

You can find it, and here it is right now,

wherever books are sold.

Timothy Keller and Kathy Keller,"The Meaning of Marriage."

Okay.- All right.

Well coming up later, like a war zone.

A single mom can barely believe

how a hurricane ravaged her hometown.

Overwhelmed, how doesshe start to rebuild,

and where can she turn for help?

And up next, pushing throughhip pain for decades,

this woman never gave up hope.

How did she get healed in an instant?

See for yourself right after this.

(cinematic thematic music)

(dramatic cinematic music)

Hip pain flaring up suddenly,disrupting her life,

and making it hard for even to sit still.

That's what Linda Hess hadto endure for 10 long years,

but she never lost hopefor a total healing.

Why not?

Take a look.

- [Elizabeth] For decades,Linda Hess has struggled

with pain in her left hip,

caused by several falls on icy sidewalks,

and compounded by other injuries.

- Stresses, as you get older, mounts up,

and the next thing youknow, out of the blue,

you're going about yourbusiness, raking up leaves,

and it starts aching and it starts hurting

and the hurting gets worse.

- [Elizabeth] Which is exactly

what happened in October 2019.

- And I get in and all of a sudden

it just starts hurting and it won't stop.

And I'm walking aroundtrying to ease that out,

and nothing happens.

- [Elizabeth] The pain made it hard

for Linda to do anything,even sitting still.

However, she believed God could heal her,

so she leaned on scriptureto encourage her faith.

- I started quoting versesof scripture over myself.

Like: By His stripes I am healed.

He himself bore all mysicknesses and diseases.

I mount up with wings aseagles; I run and I'm not weary.

I walk and I don't faint.

I eat the good of the land,

and my youth is renewedlike the eagles, praise God.

- [Elizabeth] Linda is anavid viewer of the 700 Club,

and has been for many years.

- I like the 700 Club because, basically,

you get the true news out of it.

You get good, solid teaching.

- [Elizabeth] Linda not onlyenjoys the news and teaching,

but also the times of prayer.

And three days after the painflared, on October 16, 2019,

she sat down to watch likeshe had many times before.

- I was sitting on a sofa'cause it was hurting a lot.

And it'd been hurting for three days,

and I'm just watching Pat.

They get into the prayer section

where they give words ofknowledge, and there it was.

- Who are suffering.

Somebody's got a hip problem.

It's your left hip, I believe.

Put your hand out there on that hip,

and what seemed to bearthritis is going away,

and the joint will be completely healed.

In Jesus' name, begin to move it,

and you will be very thrilled.

- I did and it wasinstantly, the pain was gone.

I stood up, I walked around,and I said, "Yes, God!"

- [Elizabeth] Linda hasn't had pain since,

and is able to do all the thingsshe needs and loves to do.

That includes sharing herstory with those around her.

Above all else, her heart of gratitude

sums her healing up in one word.

- Thankfulness.

Absolute thankfulness.

- Wow, in an instant Linda was healed

from 10 years of hip pain.

Can you imagine that, wow?- It's marvelous.

Here's something, Wendy.

Phyllis lives in Manchester, New Jersey.

Was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation,

placed on medication.

One day, she was watching our show

and you said, "There'ssomebody, your name is Phyllis,

"you're in deep, deep distress.

"God is calling your name out.

"You're going to be made whole,"

and the word of knowledge,Phyllis was retested,

the atrial fibrillation was gone,

and let me tell you, that is a miracle!

- Wow, praise God!- A miracle, yes.

- Praise the Lord!

Okay, here's one.

Barbara of Heflin, Alabama was concerned

about a lump in her right breast.

It was there for over six months,

but because she had no medical insurance,

she did not see a doctor.

While Barbara was watchingThe 700 Club last month,

she heard you give a wordof knowledge, Pat, saying,

"There's a lady with alump in your right breast.

"You have been concerned is it cancerous.

"It's not cancer.

"God is going to take that lump away.

"Right now, don't worry,just touch that area,

"in the Name of Jesus, touch!"

The lump left immediately afterthat word of knowledge, Pat.

- Isn't that amazing?

You didn't know Phyllis,and I didn't know her,

- No way.- But God knew them.

All right, folks.

The Bible says whatsoeverthat you ask in prayer,

believe that and you shallhave the thing that you say.

God wants you to be whole.

Jesus Christ bore yoursins and your sorrows

and by His stripes you are healed.

Now, we're going to jointogether in prayer for you,

and at this point of time,I want you to believe God

as we pray, receive and answer.

You say, well, you don'tunderstand, it's too bad.

No, it's never too bad.

Whatever the situation is,

you have had it since you were a baby,

you could have scoliosis, youcould have all kinds of stuff.

God can straighten yourspine, give you healing,

take away cancer, whatever.

Now, we're going to join hands.

Please pray with us right now,

and we're gonna believe God.- Thank you Jesus.

- Father, I thank you.- Thank you, Lord.

- You said where two ofyou would agree on Earth

as touching anything that they would ask

it'd be done for them by myFather which is in Heaven,

and we agree now, forthose in this audience,

there's somebody else thathas a lump in your breast,

you heard that other testimony,

and this time it's the left breast,

and God is just touch that breast,

in the name of Jesus, the lumpis disappearing as we speak,

in Jesus' name; Wendy.

- There's someone,

you've been having trouble with your eyes,

and your vision is gettingincreasingly worse,

and you're fearful.

Just put your hand right now on your eyes.

God is touching your visionand restoring your eyesight,

in the name of Jesus, youare going to be amazed

at what God is doing; thank you, Lord.

- There's somebody, Ibelieve the name's Duncan.

You've got a right kneethat's hurting you terribly.

It may be a torn meniscus, whatever.

Just put your hand on thatknee, in the name of Jesus

it is being healed in Jesus' name, touch!

- Thank you, Lord.- Yes.

- There's somebody else withjust dibilitating hip pain.

You saw this story, you said, that's me.

I hope they call out hip pain again.

Well, we are because Godwants to heal you also.

He's no respecter of persons;

just put your hand on your hip right now,

you're being touched in Jesus' name.

Thank you, God.- Has bladder cancer.

You've got cancer of the bladder,

and it's really beensomething that worrying you.

You've been afraid to have surgery,

but God has seen you now,and just put your hand

on that abdominal area,in the name of Jesus,

we come against cancer.

We speak the word; you are healed!

Thank you, Lord.

Wendy, one more.- There's someone,

you've just had debilitating migraines,

and you've just thoughtthis is never gonna end,

it's been hurting your work,

and God is touching you right now;

those migraines are not goingto continue, in Jesus' name.

- Charlotte, you've got a goiter.

Reach over to your neckand the goiter is shrinking

right now, as we speak,right at this moment.

Thyroid is working, in Jesus' name, amen.

- Amen.- Wherever you are,

please call us; we'dlove to hear from you.

If you need further prayer,

we've got telephones available.

Somebody's there on the phoneif you want specific prayer.

Just call, it is1-800-700-7000, all right?

- All right, well, still ahead,

informative, entertaining,and always unpredictable:

Your Questions and Honest Answers.

David says, "Pat, what doyou think about acupuncture?"

Pat answers that question

and much more of your email coming up,

plus, a heart attack on thecourse did not deter him.

Why is this cyclist so determinedto race across America?

Stay tuned to find out.

(cinematic thematic music)

(dramatic thematic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN NewsBreak.

The United MethodistChurch is expected to split

into two denominations overthe issue of same-sex marriage.

Church leaders are calling their proposal

a different form of reconciliation.

It states, quote, "Theundersigned, in recognition

"of the regional contextsand divergent points of view

"within the globalUnited Methodist Church,

"propose separation as a faithful step

"with the possibilityof continued cooperation

"around matters of shared interest."

Church members have been atodds for years over the issue,

with some in the US leading the call

for inclusion for LGBTQ people.

Their plan was struck down last year

with votes from conservative members

in the US, Africa, and the Philippines.

Well, turning overseas,Turkish forces are deploying

to the North African nation of Libya.

Turkey's President Erdogansays he's sending troops

and military advisors to Libya

to support the UN-backed government

gradually building up forces there.

The US embassy in thecapital city of Tripoli

is criticizing Turkey for the move,

calling Turkish-backed Syrian fighters

part of a toxic foreigninterference in the country.

The UN-backed governmentis fending off attacks

by Libyan oppositionforces supported by Russia,

Egypt, the UAE, and Jordan.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be backwith more of The 700 Club

right after this.(dramatic thematic music)

(cinematic thematic music)

- Welcome back.

Shock and awe, that's what Teri felt

when she saw the massivedestruction of Hurricane Michael.

She and her daughter had fledtheir Panama City Beach home

just prior to the storm.

When she returned, thissingle mom was devastated.

Where on earth could she turn for help?

- [Justin] Teri is a single mom

raising her active12-year-old daughter, Alyssa.

- She's into dance and gymnastics,and running, or jumping,

and it's just go, go, go all the time.

- [Justin] When Hurricane Michael

barreled towards Panama CityBeach, the power went out,

and Teri decided she neededto keep her daughter safe.

- So, by flashlight, I packedup a suitcase full of clothes

and we got in the car, andwe headed north to Georgia

to some friends' house.

And I think it was the wisestthing I could've ever done.

- [Justin] She made itout just before the storm

delivered record damage to her hometown.

When she came back two days later,

she wasn't prepared for what she saw.

- It's devastating.

This is her home; this is theonly home she's ever known.

I didn't want her to see this.

We just didn't know what to do;

you don't know where to start.

- [Justin] With suchwidespread devastation,

it was hard for her to find help.

- Every one of my family and friends,

they're dealing with the same thing I am,

so it's not like I can call my brother

and different people and come help me,

'cause they're all dealing with their own.

- [Justin] That's when Operation Blessing

came to her rescue.

- I was so overwhelmed, Ididn't know where to start.

They helped me pack and sort,

and haul stuff out to theroad, and tear out sheetrock,

and so many amazing, amazing things.

I cannot say enoughabout Operation Blessing.

(group cheering)

- [Justin] And our volunteersspent time with her.

- They would pray with me,

and they would share stories with me.

They are incredible peoplewith the biggest hearts

of people that I've ever met.

- [Justin] In Teri's time of need,

Operation Blessing was there.

- When we are surrounded by destruction,

to have these people come in,

help get our homes to wherethey can come in and rebuild.

It is an amazing blessing.

We thank you foreverything you did for us.

- And if you're a member of The 700 Club,

that was you; you were there.

And we just want to say thank you

because you're making a difference

in the lives of so many hurting people.

If you're not, and you'd like to help,

hey, it's easy to do.

Just go to your phoneright now and call us

and say I want to become a member.

It's just 65 cents a day;

$20 a month is all it takesto become a CBN partner.

The toll-free number's on your screen:

1-800-700-7000, or youcan log on to

When you do that, wewant to give you a gift,

it's called "Power for Life."

These are monthly teachingsfrom Pat and Gordon.

They are phenomenal andwill really help your faith

grow every single month,

and the way you get this isyou sign up for Pledge Express.

That's where your bank does all the work,

no checks, no stamps, nohassle, and it's amazing

and you will love it, and youwill love "Power for Life."

Well, coming up, we'vegot your email questions.

Debra says, "I have a 19-year old niece

"who is practicing witchcraft.

"Should I confront mybrother and sister-in-law,

"who are not Christians, about this?"

Your Questions, HonestAnswers waiting in the wings.

Plus and ultra-distance cyclist

is determined to race across America,

even after he has a heart attack

in the process of qualifying.

The question is why,and the answer is next.

(dramatic cinematic music)

(cinematic thematic music)

- Well, 2020 is set to bea big year for Chris Pyles.

In June, he plans to take part

in one of the most gruelingcompetitions in the world,

a bicycle race all across America.

Just qualifying for this eventtakes superhuman strength,

so why is Chris stilldetermined to compete

even after he had a heart attack?

You're about to find out.

- When I race, I feel God is always there.

Every hill I climb, I'm like,

"Lord, please just me up this hill."

- [Announcer] Ultra distance cycling,

where riders can cover 150miles or more in one day,

takes stamina, grit, and determination.

For Chris Pyles, it's more than a passion,

it's his calling.

- I do this all the time.

I get to the top of the hill,

I've done the climb, and I thank Him,

I thank God, I thank Jesus,

I thank the Holy Spiritfor getting me there.

- [Announcer] Before biking,

Chris found his connection to God

through using his gifts involunteer missions work,

rebuilding homes after natural disasters.

- It just seemed like I had to do that.

Like I had these gifts,

so I had to help thesepeople by using my gift.

It just solidified myrelationship with Him.

- [Announcer] Then in 2016, after 10 years

of doing volunteer missionswork across the US,

he says God began steeringhim in a new direction.

It started at a charitybike ride in Maryland.

- I saw this one guy on a bicycle

and he's being followed by a van

with all these stickers on itand all these flashing lights,

and there's spare bicycles andwheels up on the roof rack.

Well, I looked at some ofthe stickers on the vehicle,

and across the windshield,they have Race Across America.

I'm like, "Hmm, wonder what that is?"

So I Googled it and looked it up.

It is billed as The World'sToughest Bicycle Race.

It starts in Oceanside, California,

and it ends in Annapolis, Maryland.

It's approximately 3,100 miles,

approximately 170,000 feet ofclimbing, vertical climbing,

and solo riders have 12 days to do it.

I'm up for a challenge, butI'm like, "That is crazy."

Well, fast-forward to last year,

I'm praying to God, "What's my mission?"

Well, this Race Across Americastarted coming up again.

A lot of people raise moneyfor charity during this race,

so I look at charities, and I'm like,

nothing really stood out for me.

But then God gave me, "Well,why can't your mission

"for this race be tospread my hope and love

"across the country to all the people

"that you're gonna come in contact with?"

- [Announcer] As Chrisbegan assembling his team,

he made sure they wereall on the same page.

- We came up with the teamname Racing for Christ,

and our mission is toshare the hope, love,

and peace of Jesus Christ with others

through our actions and words."

- [Announcer] To getinto Race Across America,

Chris had to qualify at theWorld Time Trial Championship,

where competitors had tofinish a 400-mile course

in 24 hours or less.

It would take everything Chris had,

and almost cost him his life.

Things were going well,until the 18-hour mark.

- All of a sudden, I came in to stop

to pick up some water bottlesfrom my crew chief, Eric,

and I felt like I was gonna pass out.

So, I just sat there on my bike,

kind of slumped my headover the handlebars,

and just, I just told Eric, I was like,

"Just give me a minute here."

But I just couldn't move.

I just felt awful.

- [Announcer] Chris pushedon to ride the full 24 hours.

But after the race,

EMTs put him on an ambulancefor the nearest hospital.

On the way, they ran an EKG that showed

what Chris felt on thecourse was a heart attack.

Adding insult to injury,

Chris finished just 30 milesshort of the 400 he needed

to qualify for Race Across America.

- My thought was, during thiswhole thing, I wasn't mad.

I wasn't, you know, upset.

I was like, because I knewGod had given me this mission.

Like, I knew I was doing His will

because of all the people that they put,

He's put in my path, andeverything that had come up to then

had been just laid out by God.

So right after that happened, I was like,

"Okay, God, what's this little twist

"that you're throwing in here,

"you know, with this heart attack?"

- [Announcer] Chrisrealized it wasn't God,

but his inexperiencethat caused the problem.

His lesson learned, he tooksome rest, got better training,

and just 3 months after his heart attack,

went back out for another qualifier.

- When all was said and done,

I rode 417 miles and had qualified,

and God, the way He can doit, just threw in a bonus,

'cause I got second place in my age group,

and the guy who got first

is one of the best ultracyclists in the world right now.

So to get second behind him,

I mean, it was just, not just satisfying,

but just to see what God could do.

I mean, it's like, youknow, I have a heart attack

three months, three and ahalf months before qualifying

for the toughest bicyclerace in the world.

And I just, I'll admit it, I broke down

and I was like bawling.

Like, riding the bike,like, you can't see,

I'm, like, blurred withtears and stuff like that,

but it was incredible.

- [Announcer] Chris is nowspending endless days training

for the 2020 Race Across America.

What keeps him going ismore than competition,

but the chance to sharethe hope and love of Christ

and give God the gloryfor making it possible.

- I'll be honest with you:

This is a race, I want to win.

But, really, if I win, butwe're not doing his mission,

it's not worth it.

Physically, it's gonna be so grueling,

but I'm looking forward to it.

My favorite scriptureis: I can do all things

through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.

He can do anything, you know.

He can have you do anything,

especially when you're following His will.

- You talk about anexample of perseverance.

Chris is one of them.

What a man!

Talk about tough, he is really tough!

And we wish him the best; we hope he wins!

- Yes, amen!- All right.

What you got?- He's gonna do well.

Well, before we answertoday's email questions,

I want to remind you thatif you have questions

about what's currentlygoing on in our world,

we have a special phonenumber available for you.

It's 800-677-7884.

You can call this number

and leave a voicemail with your question.

We'll be answering thosequestions on Thursday's show.

Again, that specialnumber is 1-800-677-7884.

We look forward to your questions,

and, are you ready for some questions?

- Let's lay 'em on!- Okay.

- Bring 'em on, that'swhat we say, all right?

- David says, "Pat, what doyou think about acupuncture?"

- Well, I think acupuncture works

as long as you don't attach it

to all this ying and yangbusiness about Oriental mysticism.

You know, I had a performance horse,

and we actually had an acupuncturist

who would do work onthat horse to relax him.

We do have certain junctures in our body

that, if touched properly,

they will let the flowof energy go through,

so I've got nothingwrong with acupuncture.

My wife was over inChina, dirty, dirty room.

This woman was getting ready

to have some kind of an operation,

and they were sedatingher with acupuncture,

and my wife was holding herhand and praying for her.

But, you know, I've got nothing,

as long as you don't think

that there's some kind of a ying and yang

and some kind of mystical life force

and all that stuff, all right.

- All right, here's one from Debra.

She says, "Dear Pat, Ihave a 19-year old niece

"who's practicing witchcraft.

"I believe she is sending evil dreams

"and apparitions to me at night.

"My 87-year old mother, who lives alone,

"has also awakened to see a spirit

"of my niece, or my niece,

"levitating in the bed next to her.

"My mother, my husband, and Iare all born-again Christians.

"We always pray daily foreach of our family members

"with protection prayersand the blood of Jesus.

"Now we make sure weplead the blood of Jesus

"over ourselves, our homes,before going to sleep at night.

"Should I confront mybrother-in-law and sister-in-law,

"who are not Christians, about this?"

- I think you should showthem something in the Bible.

There are a number ofscriptures in the Bible

dealing with spirits that peep and mutter,

and how these things are wrong.

Just say, look, read theBible; here's what it says.

But as far as you and your mother,

what you do is, "I bind you,Satan, and the forces of evil."

Speak it, don't just bepraying for protection,

but bind Satan because thatis a spirit of witchcraft

that is coming into yourhome and it is affecting you,

so, "I bind you, Satan,and the forces of evil."

Say it with your mouthand believe it, all right.

- Amen, good word.

All right, Joe says, "Hello, Pat.

"We know that God promisesto meet our needs,

"but why are so manyChristians suffering poverty,

"losing their jobs and homes?

"What advice can you give to those

"who struggle with paying their bills

"and providing for their families?

"Could it be something in their lives

"blocking God's blessings?

"I get very sad when Isee things like this."

- Well, that's a lengthy question.

People, some people are poorbecause they waste their money.

They buy things they don't need;

they don't budget their money.

They also, there's unexpected sicknesses

that bring about poverty,

but I do believe a man shall eat good

by the fruit of his lips,

and I think if peoplewould confess prosperity,

confess blessing, you know,

this is the day the Lord hath made,

I will rejoice and be glad in it.

You know, you'll eat goodby the fruit of your lips,

so I believe these peopleneed to confess this

over and over again, but at the same time,

it doesn't say, you don't forsake wisdom.

How do you manage your money?

Do you spend more than you take in?

Do you have any kind of saving set aside?

Are you investing in yourself?

Are you trying to improve your talents

so that you're a more valuable employee?

They're all the things you have to do,

and if people don't do that,

if they just kind of flotsam and jetsam,

then they're gonna suffer.

It's just the way it is.

But the Bible says the pooryou'll have always with you,

and there're always poor people

because of various reasons, all right?

- All right, here's one, Pat.

Jess says, "Do you think Nancy Pelosi

"is holding off sending theimpeachment to the Senate,

"waiting to see if Trump is reelected

"and if the Democrats gaincontrol of the Senate?

"If this happens, Pelosiwill certainly be able

"to remove Trump as president."

- No, I don't think that's.

That's too far down the road.

I think what's gotta be donein the next couple of weeks.

And if she doesn't act,

the Senate's gonna actapart from her, all right?

- All right, here's onefrom, let's see, Abigail.

Abigail says, "Are video games bad?

"So many people spendhours playing and gaming.

"When does a hobby turninto an addiction?"

- Well, it does when it becomesan addiction, that's when.

If you're addicted to anything,where you can't stop it,

it becomes a curse in your life.

I think video games,some of them are just,

some of them are soviolent, they're terrible.

What is that one that's so well-known?

- You know, I don't know?

Do you know, David?- Grand Theft Auto.

- Grand Theft Auto?

Grand Theft Auto.

- Well, Grand Theft Auto is one of them.

I mean, people are shootingand shooting other people down.

I mean, it's terrible.

It leaves you, of course.

And if it takes over,then it's an addiction.

Well, Today's Power Minuteis from James, Chapter 5.

The prayer of faith will save the sick,

and the Lord will raise him up.

Tomorrow, can you believe it?

Armed teachers in classrooms.

Could that be coming to a school near you?

Well, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Arm Miss Marple andsee that there's not a.

- See you tomorrow.

(cinematic thematic music)


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