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News on The 700 Club: January 7, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” January 7, 2020.: Read Transcript

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

a fresh set of revenge threats from Iran.

13 separate attacks are being considered.

Some specifically targeting U.S. bases.

Americans troops are racing to the region

to stand up to the thugs.

Where will they hit next?

And is our president personally at risk?

Chris Mitchell has more.

- [Chris] After days of mass ceremonies,

mourners prepared for theburial of Qasem Soleimani.

The crowds were so large at one ceremony

that at least 40 died in a stampede.

In a rare departure, Iran'ssupreme leader Kkamenei

told Iran's military leaders

that the revenge attacks must be direct,

proportional and carried outby Iranian forces themselves.

The question remains how and when Iran

will carry out its vows of retaliation.

Iran's head of securitysaid 13 types of attacks

are being considered,

specifically mentioning U.S. bases.

The foreign ministerrepeating the dire warning.

- [Translator] The United States

is bound to receive adefinite and certain response

for its outrageous act at a time

and in a place where itwould feel the utmost pain.

- [Chris] To defend against those attacks,

the Department of Defenseis sending more troops

and deploying B52 bombersto the Middle East

to strengthen defenses at U.S. bases.

It's also issuing warnings to embassies

throughout the region to be on guard

for rocket and mortar attacks.

It's also warning ships in Mid-East waters

about the possibility of Iranian attacks.

One question is if Iran will try

to hit targets in the U.S.

And if President Trump himself is at risk.

One top advisor to Iran's president

tweeted a magazine article

with a list of his properties.

And one speaker at Soleimani's funeral

called for Trump's assassination.

- This is a regime that has a pattern

of conducting attacksagainst American interests

all over the world.

And I would even say thatthe United States itself,

the homeland, is at risk.

- [Chris] On Capitol Hill,Democrat Senator Tim Kaine

introduced a War Powers Resolution

to limit PresidentTrump's military actions

against Iran.

- In our country it was supposed to be

that we wouldn't sendpeople into harm's way

unless there was a political consensus

represented by a Congressional vote

that war was in the national interest.

And that's what I'm trying to

force Congress to grapple with.

- [Chris] PresidentialCounselor, Kellyanne Conway

said the strike was legal and necessary.

- He's the commander in chief,

and he did what aresponsible, strong, not weak,

commander in chief does

when faced with theopportunity to take out

the, one of the, if not theworld's most wanted terrorist.

- [Chris] A vote on theWar Power's Resolution

is expected on Wednesday,

along with a full briefingfor the House and Senate.

Following the Iraqi Parliament'svote to expel U.S. forces,

a letter circulated that stated

U.S. troops would be leaving.

But later U.S. DefenseSecretary Mark Esper

denied that report.

Iranian Alireza Nader

said some Iraqis fear apull out of U.S. troops.

I don't necessarilythink that it's a given

the U.S. will depart Iraq.

I think a lot of Iraqi politicians,

and much of the public is opposed to that

because they're afraidof Iranian (mumbles).

- Some have floated the idea

of relocating U.S. troopsto Iraqi Kurdistan,

a place many see as a friendly alternative

to the government in Baghdad.

In fact, Senator Marco Rubio tweeted

"maybe it's time for fullyindependent Kurdistan."

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- I have been suggestingthat for the longest

kind of time.

The Kurds are our dear friend and allies.

They want to have a democratic nation.

I wanna show you the map reallyhow this thing works out.

You see that Kurdistan, 36 million Kurds.

You see how it's strategically located

between Iraq and Iran and Turkey.

If we would give independence

to an IndependentKurdistan, 36 million Kurds.

They have the oil fields in Kirkuk,

it's theirs.

They have blocking motion against Iraq

and against Iran.

And if we have them as anally good things can happen.

But my suggestion wasshot down by our leader

when I suggested it to him personally.

And now we're coming back to the fact

that we really need,

that we can withdraw the troops from Iraq,

put them into Kurdistan.

They will have friendly bases.

We wouldn't have to bedependent on the insolate

from the Turks to have our bases.

We can have a base in Erbil

or someplace like that.

It would be by far and awaythe most strategic thing

if we could do it.

But anyhow, that's been proposed,

and maybe the time hascome that thinking people

will say 36 million Kurds,

let's give them a country,

let's have an independent Kurdistan,

and let's arm them as whatever's needed

that they can withstand Syria.

That they can withstand Turkey.

That they can withstand Iran.

That they can withstand Russia

and any other groups thatwanna come against us.

But anyhow that's been floated around.

Now folks there's somethingwe're gonna do on this program

that I think you'll be interested in.

On Thursday we're goingto have the majority

of this program dealingwith your questions

about the Bible, aboutother things in the world.

We'll take them, whatever.

And we have a telephone number about that,

it's 1-800-677,

write that down, 1-800-677-7884.

And you can be getting some,

leave a voice mail with your question.

And Wendy you're gonnaread those questions

and field them.

We'll have most of that program

devoted to Q & A.

- That is gonna be fascinating.

And I love that people are gonna be able

to leave their questionson voicemail today.

You see the number right there.

And, Pat, get ready,

you're gonna get someinteresting questions.

- I wanna do it.

We'll talk about the Bible.

And if I can't answer it,

I'll be more than delighted to tell you

I'm sorry I can't handle it.

But that's the numberagain, 1-800-677-7884.

Your questions about the Bible,

about what's going onin the world, whatever.

I'll do what I can, okay.

Well, in other news, Senateleader Mitch McConnell gets

some surprise support,just when he needs it most.

John Jessup has more on that story

from CBN News.

- Pat, that support for Leader McConnell

comes in the form of votesto block Senate Democrats

if they try to call additional witnesses

in an impeachment trial.

The battle over witnesses has taken on

greater importance now that

former National SecurityAdvisor John Bolton

says he will testify if he is subpoena.

Mark Matin has the update.

- Two moderate GOP Senators,

Senator Susan Collins of Maine

and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,

are backing Senate leaderMitch McConnell's plan

to defer a decision to callwitnesses in this Senate trial.

This comes as former TrumpNational Security Advisor

John Bolton announced he will testify

in a Senate trial if called.

Bolton issued a statement saying

"if the Senate issues asubpoena for my testimony

"I am prepared to testify."

It takes a majority vote to call witnesses

and sense the GOP has a53 seat majority McConnell

has the upper hand in deciding

whether to call Bolton and others.

- The House may have beencontent to scrap their own norms

to hurt President Trump,

but that is not the Senate.

- [Mark] McConnell says the Senate

should follow the precedent

of the 1999 Clinton impeachment trial.

That means waiting untillater in the process

to take up the question

of calling additional witnesses.

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer

says the Senate shouldagree now to call witnesses.

- If any Senate Republicanposes issuing subpoenas

to the four witnesses and documents

we've requested, they wouldmake it absolutely clear

they're participating in a coverup.

- [Mark] Meanwhile, HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi

still hasn't delivered the articles

of impeachment to the Senate.

On Sunday Senator Lindsey Graham

told Fox News that theRepublican-contorted Senate

should change the rulesto override Pelosi.

- Well we're not gonna let Nancy Pelosi

use the rules of Senate to her advantage.

This is dangerous for thepresidency as an institution.

- President Trump tweeted this week

the impeachment hoax just a continuation

of the witch hunt,

which started even beforeI won the election,

must end quickly.

Get this done.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Thanks, Mark.

Pat, the new development in the Senate

comes as a major blow to the Democrats.

- This vote was a sham.

The whole fight hereof resisting Congress,

all they got was Adam Schiff

and a couple of those bias committees

asking the president to send people.

They had no witnesses.

The president had no opportunity

to call his own people.

It is a total fraud.

And so if Nancy Pelosi does not send

those articles ofimpeachment to the Senate

and do it promptly,

the Senate has an absolute right

if it wants to to say weare going to move forward.

We do not believe there is any merit

in these articles of impeachment,

and therefore we vote them down.

They have a right to do that.

They don't have to have a trial.

They don't have to have witnesses.

They don't have to do any of those things.

And so they're an independent body

and according to the constitution

they act like a jury.

And what McConnell is saying is look

if you guys couldn't getthe evidence before you,

why do you think we're gonna give you

the opportunity in the Senate

to have the trial all over again?

We will take the impeachmentarticles you've got,

and if you want to appointmanagers to do it that's fine.

We can import our own managers.

The Senate can actually appoint managers

to represent the House andthe Senate if they want to.

They can do what they feel like.

But the truth is this thing is a joke

and it's high time for Mitch McConnell

to do what he's so skilled at doing,

put the thing to rest.

Well, there's a great ecological tragedy

going on in the continent of Australia.

John has more.

- Pat, that's right, inAustralia, growing concerns there

that three wildfires in the states

of New South Wales andVictoria could merge,

creating what they'recalling a mega-blaze.

Cooler weather gave exhaustedfire fighters a brief break,

but the mega-blaze is expectedto happen later this week

when temperatures heat up.

(audio cut out) arealready starting to come in

as the death toll rises.

- 26 lives have already been lost.

We have unaccounted forpeople across Australia.

We have over 1800 homeshave been destroyed.

- Here in 1953.

We moved to the area in 1951.

The house was built in 1953.

And we have never seen abush fire like this before.

Not since we've been here.

- So far the fires havekilled an estimated

half a billion animals.

And Australia's wildfireseason is far from over,

usually lasting through March.

Well a 6.5 magnitudeEarthquake struck Puerto Rico

early this morning,triggering a Tsunami alert

that was later canceled.

At least one person died

and the electric authority reports

the entire island is without power.

It is the second quaketo hit in as many days.

Monday, a 5.8 quake shookthe United States territory,

leaving about 30 homesdamaged or destroyed.

It also destroyed thiswonderful natural rock formation

shown in these before and after images.

Today's quake is the largest in a series

that have shaken Puerto Rico

in the last 10 days.

Well Christian leadersfrom preachers to artists,

musicians and politiciansare declaring 2020

the year of the Bible.

It is a year long campaign to promote

a global celebration of the word of God.

Recently Wendy Griffith spoke

to the new presidentof Wycliffe Translators

about how new technologies

are making it easier andfaster to spread God's word.

- 20 or 30 years ago

Bible translators had to say goodbye

to friends and family,

sometimes for years ata time to live overseas.

Well today, video chat, text messages

and the global network allow missionaries

to serve from their veryown homes in the U.S.

And connect to translation teams remotely.

- What used to take years and years to do,

now for example, a NewTestament may have been

20 years, 30 years, now manytimes we can bring it along

in about six to eight years,

which is pretty incredible.

- [Wendy] Dr. John Chesnut

of Wycliffe Bible Translators

says today's technologyallows the indigenous

people themselves to engage in the work,

much more so than in the past.

- Many have training,

or we get to train with them

in order to use this technology.

And so more and more they are actually

doing the work.

- [Wendy] Chesnut says they're also seeing

smart phones replace print.

- Smart phones can go

and take text and scriptures and videos

places where print cannot,

particularly in countries where

it may be a safety or security issue

for them to be caught withsomething that's printed.

- Are there still many,many people groups out there

that do not have the Biblein their own language?

- You know, you would think 2019

the work would be gettingclose to being done,

but there's almost 7,000 languages

around the world today,

and it's estimated about 2100

do no have any form ofscripture in their language

that they understand,

that they speak in their homes.

It's about 170 million people

that we believe do nothave any scripture yet

in a language that reallyspeaks to their heart.

- Have you ever been present

when someone actually for the first time

gets to hold the word ofGod in their own language?

- I sure have.

And I'll tell you it's,

just getting to see the expression.

I mean it's something we don't understand

here in the U.S. 'cause I was born with

God's word available.

But when a community has God's word

for the very first time,

and they're getting to experience that,

this is in my language,

it's not in another language,

it's in my language,

God speaks my language.

And that is transformational.

- [Wend] Even with new technologies

the work can still be dangerous.

- It is very much so.

You know the unreached people groups

of the world are unreached for a reason.

They're in some of the hardest areas,

some of the most difficultareas of the world.

And you know sometimes for those of us

from the U.S. that whenthe times get tough

we get kicked out of the country,

but those that are from these communities,

often they're the ones thatare in greatest danger.

And so it is, it continuesto be a sacrifice

for all involved.

- [Wendy] Chesnut saysGod is using technology

to expand his kingdom.

- And so we are looking to continue

to engage fully in technology,

and to see how God will continue

both in speeding up translation,

making higher quality translations,

as well as getting God's word out

in all these forms so that people

can know and understand,interact with his word.

- [Wendy] Wendy Griffith, CBN News.

- Harnessing technology

to help fulfill the great commission.

Pat, back to you.

- The knowledge of the Lord

shall cover the Earth likethe waters cover the sea.

Wycliffe is doing a fabulous job.

They're wonderful people.

And to think thatthey're almost to the end

of the world, where there won't be

one indigenous people group

in all the world that doesn't have

at least one portion of the Bible

they can hang on it.

If it's nothing but John 3:16,

at least they can have that.


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