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The Secret Ways to Fulfill Your Destiny

Dr. Bill Hamon discusses his latest book, “Your Highest Calling” and the process through which believers can fulfill their destinies. Read Transcript

- Here's some good news for the new year.

You can fulfill your highest calling.

All it takes is discoveringthe power available to you

and learning how to putthat power into practice.

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Dr. Bill Hamonwas all of 19 years old

when he began pastoring in 1954.

Years later, he became aBible college professor,

and in 1967, he founded

Christian International Ministry Network.

Considered the father of themodern prophetic movement,

Dr. Hamon has provided trainingfor half a million others

in prophetic ministry.

Dr. Hamon believes his latestbook, "Your Highest Calling,"

is his most important.

He explains that theultimate goal of believers is

to become Christlike andthat even our trials work

to that end.

- Please welcome back to The 700 Club

our dear friend, Bill Hamon.

Bill, it's a pleasure to have you here.

- Amen, man, it's good to be here.

Good to see you, you're looking great.

- I don't know about that.

(Bill laughing)But anyway, I'll take it.

I was reading this, your latest book,

"Your Highest Calling," and I have to say,

I think it's one of your best books.

I think it's important for this time,

that all Christians understand what it is,

what is our highest calling.

So, what caused you to write the book?

- Well, you know, all of my other 13 books

is on the restoration of the church,

where the church camefrom, where we're at,

and where we're going.

Most of 'em are corporate church.

This is to the individual,and it's not just teachin'

or preachin', it's sharingthe truth that's helped me

in the last 66 years of ministry,

because I've seen so manyChristians and ministers fail

or quit because they didn'tunderstand God's process,

and I talk about the law of transformation

and the process for conformity,

and when you realize yourhighest calling is not

to be the greatest five fold minister,

the greatest preacher,the greatest businessman.

Works are great, butthat's not God's priority

and God's highest calling.

When I was 22 years old, Iwas stuck pastoring a church

and I didn't, wasn'tabout, less than 50 people,

and I was inflamed withtaking the world for Jesus and

I was fussin' at God, calling it prayin',

and I said, "Lord, you know, I need to be

"out there traveling, Ican preach, I can profess,

"I can go..." And theLord spoke to me, He says,

"Bill Hamon," He says, "Icalled you to be mine,"

and He said, "If you never talk to me

"in my key language, mightamount to a hill of beans,

"if nobody ever knows youbeyond your family and the work

"but you learn to beconformed in my image,

"think like I think,and come to the place,

"I can trust you as much asmy Heavenly Father trusted Me

"and you confirm to my Christ like Him,"

He said, "As far as I'mconcerned, you'll be the most

"successful person on planet earth."

And that was the seed that was sewn.

I didn't fully comprehend it then,

but now in this book, it's atree with a ripe fruit on it,

after 66 years later.- Yeah, after decades,

and part of that processwas, God tested you,

and so I've gotta ask the question,

why does God do that?

- Okay, let me explain, andthis is one of the hardest,

this is the limit of Christians.

How can Romans 8:28-29 betrue when it's contrary

to the general Biblical principles.

Far as the Bible's concernedin Deuteronomy and throughout,

it's God's will we beinhale with Him prosper.

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 says,if you obey God and voice

and keep His Commandments,everything goes good,

and then you're blessedcoming in, blessed going out.

You're the head and not the tail.

Everything you touch prospers,your children prosper.

I mean, it's all positive and victorious.

So, but how can God allowyou to go through something

that's contrary to all those principles?

Your health, it's gonnaaffect you physically,

or family, or otherwise,and people don't understand

how can that be?

And God gave me a demonstration already.

I'd like to take amoment and explain that.

He gave me the hand.

You take the hand, andall these five fingers,

four fingers, I think I got four.

(both laughing)

They represent your whole natural life,

financial, social, spiritual,everything in the natural.

This is your innereternal man, and Paul says

though the outward manperish, yet the inward man

is being renewed day by day.

So, these are the natural,this is the spiritual,

this is the one God's workin' on.

God will allow any of theseto go through a Job experience

to produce this in a higherlevel of Christ likeness.

And people say, well how does that work?

I said, well, it's likethe law of gravity versus

the law of aerodynamics.

When I fly overseas, Iget on a big airplane,

it weighs tons, lots of people on it,

runs down the runway, takesoff, stays in the air,

and come down right.

People always ask me, how was your flight?

I say, went up, stayed up,came down right, good flight.

But, that law of dynamicssays, it says that

that plane should fall, butthere's a law of aerodynamics,

of thrust and lift,they've explained it to me,

I don't understand, butthrust and lift lifts it up

and keeps it up and brings it down right.

Now, while that is defyingthe law of gravity,

it doesn't affect thelaw of gravity at all.

The law of gravity is still enforced,

nothing's changed, andwhile God is superseding,

it doesn't destroy the law of gravity,

it doesn't disannul the law of gravity or

contradict the law of gravity,

it just supersedes it,

and when God's getting readyto take you through something

that's gonna develop more ofthe character, the nature,

and the life of Christ in it,

then he will allow usto go through a process

that may scramble all of these, I mean,

you still might go bankrupt,

still might go through a operation,

still might do this, andfamily still might go

through a struggle, and whatthose with minds of Christians,

how could that be God?

How could God allow me to gothrough that horrible thing?

And if you read some of the book, well,

I explained several horriblethings we went through,

and we understand is, it'sGod's will but there's

a higher will.

It's God's process, butthere's a higher process

and God's highestpriority, in the beginning,

God made man in Hisown image and likeness,

and told Adam and Eve, fillthe earth with the creation

just like you in My image and likeness

and God's desire was a racein His image and likeness.

Adam and Eve fell, but 4,000 years later,

Jesus came and started a new church race,

and He's working to get a race of people,

a certain amount, that's inHis nature and character.

Just like God told me, He said,

"Bill Hamon, if I canbring you to the place

"that you're so conformedto my nature, character,

"likeness, thinking, attitude, everything,

"that I can trust you asmuch as Father God trusted me

"to fulfill His will on the earth

"and glorify Him and magnifyHis name and bring glory

"to Him, then you will bethe more successful person."

'Cause I was, I wanted to be Oral Roberts,

William Branham, and BillyGraham all rolled one in, but--

- Let's talk about one of thetests that you went through

and then your dear wife said this,

"I can't take

"one thing more."- One thing more.

- Yeah, I can't take, and then

she got a pretty incredibleresponse to that.

First of all, you had to gothrough an accident where

you broke, broke your arm,you were in the hospital,

and then following that, God spoke to her.

What did He say?

- Yeah, well, you know,it was a three way process

we went through, from,

I finished the book "Eternal Church,"

went on a Hawaiian trip for two weeks

for our 50th anniversary,25th anniversary,

but, one of them anyhow, but

then we came back and we started to go

in Tom and Jane's wedding in Arkansas.

On the way, had a wreck,and there was nine

of Evelyn's relatives inthe van, in the motor home,

and of them, a niece got killed,

and so we went fromthat, then we had to go

to Tom and Jane's wedding,

and I performed the wedding ceremony.

Then we had to go to thefuneral of the niece,

I performed that, then I went

to Ken Sumrall's Bible college and church,

preached five time,prophesied over 250 people.

Then we went from there,from Pensacola to Phoenix

where my daughter and son-in-law live,

and on the way, my wife's,of course, her mother,

her mother was danglin'between death and life,

and we had family left there.

My wife says, "I feel likeevery nerve's on edge,

"I can't take one thing more."

And, so we get there, andwe go out and ride horses

for awhile, then we seethese dune buggies there,

and we go riding on that, and I flip it

and break this arm in two places,

and my son-in-law calls mydaughter and talked to my wife

and said, "We gotta go to the hospital,

"your husband just broke your arm."

She said, "I told you not to tease me,

"I can't take one thing more."

We go to the hospital and,it's been an hour and a half

and she hadn't heard anything,

and Glenn goes back to check on me

and my daughter is buying somefood and she's by herself,

and God speaks to her.(bright music)

Now why, my wife always, she, you know,

she was saved, she was...

- Say, say what He said,we're running out of time.

- Okay.- (laughs) Well, actually,

we're running out of time so,

you're gonna have toread the book to find out

what He said. (laughs)

And it's called "Your Highest Calling."

It's available wherever books are sold.

Thank you for being with us.

We leave you with thesewords from Zechariah.

"Not by might nor bypower, but by My Spirit,"

"says the Lord of Hosts."

God bless you, we'll see you again.


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