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700 Club Interactive - January 6, 2020

Author of Your Highest Calling, Bill Hamon will discuss the secret ways to fulfill your destiny, to become like Jesus, and co-labor with Him forever. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] He was alwayslooking for the next best thing.

- I need a bigger house,I need a little more land,

I need a prettier wife,I need some more money.

- [Announcer] And thesearch nearly destroyed him.

- I didn't wanna feel,I didn't wanna think.

- [Announcer] Plus, Bill Hamon is here

to share how to become more Christlike

and fulfill your destiny.

All on today's 700 Club Interactive.

- Welcome to the show.

News of a recent shootingat a church in Texas

is still wracking the nation.

The shooter was broughtdown by a security guard

and other church members.

- What can churches do toprotect their congregations?

Chuck Holton turns tosecurity experts for answers.

- [Chuck Holton] June19, 2019 a Syrian refugee

was arrested in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

for plotting to blow up a local church.

His intent was to inspireother church attacks

in the name of ISIS.

Former FBI agent Mark Lundgren warns that

an attack like this could havefar-reaching consequences.

- To have two or three successful attacks

on churches occur, what we're gonna see is

a conversation over the dinnertable on Saturday night.

"Honey, should we take thekids to church tomorrow,

or should we just livestream this?"

And if you don't think that's gonna impact

the very ministry model ofevery church in America,

you probably justhaven't thought about it.

- [Chuck Holton] Many churches these days

have some sort of security team.

But Lundgren is workingto help these teams

network with those from other churches

by starting the Secure Church Network:

an association of churchsafety and security leaders

who meet to share tips and tactics

for keeping their congregations safe.

- So what we wanna dois create an environment

where worry-free worship can occur.

- [Chuck Holton] At arecent Secure Church event

near Chicago, several hundred attendees

got a chance to do scenario-based training

aimed at approachingsecurity as a ministry.

Former Secret Service agent,Tim Miller, led the training.

- So church security is unique because

the skills we need weekafter week are largely

not firearm skills.

They're skills like talking people down,

we call it de-escalation.

They're skills like dealingwith mentally ill people.

They're skills likeunderstanding that people

come into the church witha variety of addictions.

And how we respond to them really matters

because on the one hand, wewant hurting people to come,

but on the other hand, we wannakeep the congregation safe.

- You know, you're more likelyto be struck by lightning

than you are to be avictim of a mass shooter

attack in a church.

But that doesn't matterthat you shouldn't be

training and prepared for it.

More likely, you're gonnahave a medical emergency

or maybe a mentally illperson come into your church.

And those kinds of things needto be prepared for as well.

And that's why a traininglike this is so important.

- Let's pray that He is with us today.

- Free Palestine!

- Free Palestine!

- Free Palestine!

- I think you just haveto watch the news today

and you can tell that things are changing.

There's just an expansionof these radical ideologies,

mental health struggles, evenanger against people of faith.

And because the conditions are changing,

I think leaders need to bemore thoughtful than ever

about how they really shepard people,

how we protect the flockthat's under our care,

and whether that meansimposing new kinds of

security protocols to help protect folks

against bad actors or whether it's just

thinking through morecarefully the practices

by which we're gonna beready to give medical aid

in a time of emergency.

It feels like we have a responsibility

that is even moreintense than ever before.

- What's the problem, ma'am?

- [Chuck Holton] The trainingincluded some unique tools,

such as a high-tech virtual trainer

that lets attendees experience dozens

of different scenarios ina short period of time.

It's the same methodused by law enforcement.

- Having thoseconversations ahead of time,

doing some drilling, Iknow that our officers

will come through here off hours,

so that way they can learnthe layout much better

and even do some training.

- We want them ministry-mindedbut also highly skilled.

- All right, sit down!

(congregation screaming)

- Hey, freeze!(gunshots)

- Now, church security'sdifferent because, as you know,

churches are welcoming, inviting places,

and security tends to keep people away.

So it's important that wetrain church security folks

with the mindset of ministry.

- I just don't know any church leader

that wants theirgatherings to start to feel

like some kind of an armed encampment.

But the good news, it seems to me,

is that there are practical ways

of increasing security in the life of a

religious community or churchwithout losing that sense

that is still a verywarm and welcoming place.

- [Chuck Holton] Participantssay they get a lot out of

working together with other churches.

- So we're part of Secure Church Chicago,

and we attend these on a regular basis.

They've been very impactful in helping us

develop a plan and a strategy.

- This is my second timeattending a training

here with Secure Church.

So it was really informative,

even just makingconnections and networking

with other churches was alsoa benefit to being here.

But just having afacility to be able to do

scenario-based training wasthe real advantage for us.

- [Chuck Holton] In Chicago,I'm Chuck Holton for CBN News.

- Oh, it's a sad commentaryon today's world,

but this is today's world.

And in today's world,we need to be prepared,

and we need to be preparedfor what would happen

if an active shooter startson a Sunday morning service,

and what do you do?

This isn't somethingyou make up on the fly.

It's much better to be trained.

It's much better to be readyfor this kind of thing.

And regardless if it'ssomeone on a jihadist mission

or someone with having a mental break,

or someone who's just bearing a grudge.

Let's have prepared congregations,

let's have prepared security.

And this, I urge on every congregation.

We should all be ready.

- It's just last Sunday I was at church

and there was a man in front of me

that I didn't know, hadn't seen before,

probably goes to another service normally.

It was the holidays sotimes were different.

And I just suddenly inherently knew

that he was a security guy.

You know, such a strange feeling.

I was like, praise theLord, Oh, you're here.

But it was, actuallyit was a good feeling.

I felt safe.

- You know someone is watching over you.

- And somebody's got a plan.

- And somebody has thetraining that is needed,

and it's kinda like flying today.

We've all had to get usedto that security process

and we all take comfortthere's an Air Marshall

on the flight.

- Exactly, exactly.

Well, coming up, a twistedtake on the American Dream.

He wanted more, more, and more.

So what caused him to cut it all out?

See his transformationstory when we come back.

(uplifting music)

A bigger house, a littlemore cash, a prettier wife.

Jay Hallman wanted wasalways just out of reach.

And when he couldn't get what he wanted,

he just grabbed another bottle.

- Worst thing an alcoholicand an addict can have

is plenty of time, plenty of money.

I mean, when you're riding around

on a brand new Harleypicking up $70000 checks,

it's real hard to admityou have a problem.

- [Announcer] Jay Hallman struggled with

alcoholism and addictionfor over 30 years.

He says the cycles ofaddiction and rebellion

started early in his life.

He was raised in a Christian home,

but saw other kids having more fun,

and felt like he was missing out.

- You know, I say I fell inwith the wrong crowd, I didn't.

I searched them out, I found them.

And immediately started smoking marijuana,

I had met a girl, we started dating,

and started cutting schoolso our parents basically

forbid us to see each other.

So our solution was to, youknow, we'll just run away

and do, you know, just, I wantedto do what I wanted to do.

- [Announcer] Away from home,his substance abuse escalated,

and so did his criminal activity.

- We started, you know,stealing, breaking in houses

to support our drug habit and have money.

- [Announcer] His actions landed him in

juvenile detention for nine months.

Jay soon realized thiswasn't the life he wanted.

- I was not cut out for prison.

I did not want somebodyturning off my lights,

that that was not it looked like on TV,

this ain't cool, this ain't fun,

and I was determined todo whatever I had to do,

which meant not break the law.

- [Announcer] For the next 30 years,

he worked hard and had aprosperous career as a contractor.

But Jay still struggledto find satisfaction.

- As I was pursuing this stuff,

it didn't make me happy so I would say,

ah, I need a bigger house,I need a little more land,

I need a prettier wife,I need some more money.

You know, that's not myproblem, this is my answer.

But when I would get that, you know,

I would be happy forday, a week, or whatever

and then it was like, you know, what next?

- [Announcer] Despite hissuccess, Jay continued

to feel empty.

- I did what I needed to during the day,

and by 3:00 or 4:00, man,I just wanted to escape,

so I started abusingprescription drugs with alcohol

to get me to just oblivion.

You know, I just didn't wannafeel, I didn't wanna think.

I mean, I ain't gonna say I wanted to die,

but I didn't care if I lived.

- [Announcer] He eventuallybecame verbally abusive

towards his wife.

As the relationshipunraveled, for the first time

since he was a child, Jaycried out to God for help.

- And I said, God, get my attention.

Help me.

Help me figure out what's wrong with me,

and then help me do something about it.

- [Announcer] Soon after that prayer,

Jay's wife had enough and left him.

He was devastated and triedto drink the pain away.

Jay says that's when Godfinally got his attention.

- I drank for a fewdays, got really drunk,

and then just a voice in my head,

which I know is God, justsimply laid it upon my heart is,

you think drinking could be your problem?

And you think maybeyou're drinking too much?

And so I decided, okay, thisis what I'll do, I'll cut down.

I'll just drink beer, I'lljust drink a couple beers.

I only did that for, like, a night.

There again, a voice, I knowit was God, clear as day said,

"You're not gonna be ableto do it like that, Jay.

You're not.

You will fail.

You will go right back to it.

If you wanna quit, you gotta do it."

So I woke up that morning,I got rid of all the alcohol

in the refrigerator, dumpedall the liquor down the sink

and I said I'm done.

- [Announcer] Even thoughthe alcohol was gone,

the pain wasn't.

- I was just in mental distress.

I mean, I felt like it was surreal.

Not drinking and not knowing and the fear.

And I just, I needed some consoling,

and something said, hey man, turn on CBN.

The lady was praying and ask if you wanted

to give your life back to God,

and I knew that was my only choice.

So I said a prayer rightthere on my living room floor

and I asked God to come in my life.

And He did.

And you know, I ain'tgonna say it was immediate

peace and comfort, but Ifelt like I had a chance.

- [Announcer] After thatday, Jay never returned

to his old lifestyle.

He began attending a recovery program

where he grew in his faithand understanding of God.

- He let me find outwhat was wrong with me

is I was a godless alcoholic.

And he gave me to solution.

He led me to the church.

And to prove that, I got afellowship of Christian people

that are trying to live a different way

that support me that I can go to

that have helped me heal.

- [Announcer] Now Jaycan see clearly how God

is working in his life.

- He's the only good in me.

If I'm kind, loving, thoughtful,

then I'm expressing God.

If I'm mean, hateful, blaming, judging,

arguing, retaliating, thenthat's the selfishness.

I'm not portraying God in me.

- [Announcer] Today heserves in his church

and leads a supportgroup at a local prison.

- The lifestyle I lived, I should be dead.

And a lot of people that lived it, are.

I'm so thankful God spoke to my heart

and rescued me from the prison of self

and alcoholism that I was in.

I'm thankful that He showedme a different way to live.

- Yeah, we're all in the prison of self

until we come to know the Lord,

until we do what Jay did.

We surrender and say I'vehad enough, I can't do this.

You know, Jesus said this.

He said, "I've comethat they may have life

and have it abundantly."

Not just have it, but have it abundantly.

That was the reason that he came.

And in order for us tohave life abundantly,

He knows that we have tolet go of doing our thing

and grab hold of doing his thing.

We have to recognize, as Jay said,

that in us, there is no good thing.

That when something good comes out of me,

it's because I've given it to the Lord

and it's His spirit working through me.

When I'm selfish, whenI say hurtful things,

anything that I do thatsmacks of not caring,

of not living life theway I was meant to live,

that's me, that's my selfish core.

But it can be different.

You know, I love Jay's story because

it shows the difference so clearly.

Even when God wasspeaking to him initially,

he said, we'll I'll just cut down a bit.

See, there's somethingin us that makes us think

that we can control it all,

that we're even supposed to.

And then God comes andgently, but lovingly says,

you can't do it that way, Jay,

it's just not gonna work for you.

Now, in Jay's scenario, he listened.

I'm sure it wasn't easy,and I know it was a process

because he started toget help for the things

he knew he struggled with.

He didn't just sitthere saying, Woe is me,

this is my lot in life,

or making excuses for why he was opening

one more bottle, pouring one more glass.

He said, I want something different.

Listen, if that's youtoday, this is your day.

Jesus is here now.

His sacrifice for you2000 years ago is current

in its power.

The question is: doyou want life abundant?

You don't have to keep onliving the way you are.

I don't care if you'readdicted to pornography,

if it's alcohol like Jay struggled with.

You know, it might be thatyou're an obsessive spender.

I don't know what your issue is.

I know what my issues were.

I had more than one when I came to Christ.

I just got sick of tiredof being sick and tired.

And that's the best place to be.

When there's nowhere to go but to look up

because that's where yoursalvation is coming from.

And you can't imagine nowhow it's gonna happen,

but I'm telling you, when youget down on your bedroom floor

like Jay did and you say, Jesus, save me,

it happens like that.

Not because you did anything,

not because you earned anything.

Because you meant it.

Let's do that right now.

Just stop what you're doing.

Just say with me, Jesus I'ma sinner in need of a Savior.

Come now, if you don'tcome, I am forever lost.

Come into my heart; I give it to you.

Open the door, come in.

Forgive my sins, teach me your ways,

help me to hear your voicewhen you speak to me,

help me to recognize sin in my life

when it tries to come back.

I'm giving it all toyou and I'm asking you,

I'm asking you to let me belong to you.

Make me one of your children.

Be my Father and my Savior.

Give me a new life.

In Jesus name I pray.

Listen, you've begun an amazing journey.

Don't stop now.

Do what Jay did; start moving forward

and don't accept anything less than that.

Here's one way you can get started.

Call our toll-free number.

It's 1-800-700-7000.

We have got a whole packetof information for you.

How do you live with Jesus?

How do you walk this new walk?

It's called A New Day.

Call and ask for it; it'sfree, so is the phone call.

1-800-700-7000, Gordon.

- Up next, everybeliever's highest calling

and how you can join the process.

Bill Hamon shares how right after this.

(uplifting music)

- Well Bishop Bill Hamonhas accomplished much

in over 60 years of ministry.

He's earned the title from some as the

Father of the Modern Prophetic Movement.

But he says his highest goal, and ours,

should be something else.

Take a look.

- [Announcer] Dr. Bill Hamonwas all of 19 years old

when he began pastoring in 1954.

Years later, he became abible college professor.

And in 1967, he foundedChristian International

Ministry Network.

Considered the Father of theModern Prophetic Movement,

Dr. Hamon has provided training

for half a million othersin prophetic ministry.

Dr. Hamon believes his latestbook, Your Highest Calling,

is his most important.

He explains that theultimate goal of believers

is to become Christlike,

and that even our trials work to that end.

- Well, welcome back to the show

our dear friend Bill Hamon,it's great to have you here.

- Good to be here.

- I've read all your books,

and this one, I think is your best.

You think so too, so whydo you think it's the best?

- Well, because Jesus says you can

accomplish all of these works.

They came to him and said,we prophesied in your name,

cast out devils in your name,

did all these great works,

then He says sorry, younever lived my life,

you never were conformedin my image and likeness.

And it says love is thegreatest of them all.

God is love, so everythingthat God is, Christ is.

So are you gonna say Christ is love,

and so when you say without character,

without Christlikeness,without love, we're nothing.

We don't do it none.

So I've seen--

- I know it's puzzled you for a long time

that whole verse of theseparation that happens.

And Jesus saying, I never knew you.

- Yeah, I wrote a whole book on that.

- Away from me, you lawless one.

- And that shocked a lot of people, yeah.

- But that explains why wehave so many failures now.

- Right, I've seen so many ministers in

my 66 years of ministry that felt like

God didn't back them orGod didn't follow through,

God didn't do for them.

I remember one time I told God, I said,

you gotta back me up, you gottaconfirm me, I said all this.

He said, I just confirm the word,

I didn't say I confirm you.

And I'm worried about yourflesh getting crucified.

In fact, I work it to help it happen.

- Isn't that the key to all of it though?

Putting our own flesh,our selfish desires,

putting that to death.

- Except you take up Hiscross and deny ourself,

we cannot be His disciple.

So this book is written, Ishare a lot of experiences

my wife and I wentthrough and I went through

and found out that it's allworked together for my good.

Now, I got that quoted thatscripture all of my life,

but we only get a half of it

is that we know, when Paul says we know,

he means we didn't get it out the book,

he knows it as working together for good.

Everything is not good, butit works together for good

to those who love God are called

according to His purpose.

So if I tell them if you love God

and called according to His purpose,

then all things have to beworking together for good.

And that good is Christlikeness.

Of course the nextverse explains it to me.

For whom he did foreknow,he also did predestinate

to be conformed to the imageand likeness of Christ.

So God's highest caller to highest desire

from the very creation when he created man

was to have a race of mankindin God's image and likeness.

But just like Himself, He wanted children,

not servants, not robots, not humanoids.

He wanted sons and daughters.

And He didn't want babies,he wanted grown-ups.

He made Adam and Eve, notas babies or teenagers,

he made them as grown-ups soHe could share it with them.

And God's trying to getpeople conformed His image

and likeness to ruin reignwith Him throughout eternity.

'cause the only ones gonna ruin reign

is the overcomers and the Christlike ones.

- Why do we, I knowthis is in my own heart,

that we somehow think it's done?

And that we're not through the process

and then another challengecomes or another trial

or another test and you go,wow I thought that was dead,

and now my old man is come back.

It's like Night of the Living Dead,

here he is live and kicking again.

I thought I had put all that away.

Why is it a continual process?

- Well, when Jesus said He would (mumbles)

I was in South Africa back in the 80's

and they took us through this gold mine

up to the place they poured out the gold,

and the first one's puregold and more shaft.

And they said that the old time ones

that they would turn itup to about 500 degrees

and brings certain elements out.

Then 1000 up to 2500 thisis an 18 karat gold ring.

To get to 18 karat, it's the 5000 degrees.

Well, what happens iswhen you first get saved,

after a while, God turns it up to 500.

Oop, that stuff starts boilingto attitudes, anger, things

and you think, and yourepent and scum it off.

And then God says, okay,two years later, three,

I think they're readyfor that, turns it up,

and more things that didn'tcome loose the first fire

until it becomes a fire,then it says in New Jerusalem

the streets are gold, clear as glass.

So pure gold is so clearthat people doesn't see

anything of us, but allthey see is the Christ in us

'cause He's straight throughus and we're (mumbles) Him.

So with fires going to gethotter and hotter and hotter

until finally we're pure gold.

And so we're not backsliding,

we're just finding stuffthat was there all along.

And we weren't mature enough to handle it

so God waited til a certain level

and it turns the fire up and scums it off.

And so He's gonna purifyus to come forth as gold.

But I try to get people with a vision that

I don't wanna just make it into heaven,

I don't wanna just have acabin in the corner (mumbles).

Jesus gave His all for me.

I wanna be able to give my all for Him.

And I wanna go reign with Him.

- You've got a wholechapter in the book about

this process in marriage.

I know in my life I didn'trealize how selfish I was

until I got married.

And then when we hadchildren, it was like, oh wow,

there's a whole new levelhere that I didn't know about.

Why is marriage such animportant part of this process?

- Well because the mainthing God asks us to do

is decentralize us.

And when we were born, wewere born in this world,

we're the helpless, themost helpless creature,

I was raised on a farm.

Most helpless creature'sa baby, human baby.

And we wanted something, we couldn't talk,

couldn't give any gesture, waah, you know,

and then we got our bedpants, waah, hungry, bah.

We got to where wenoticed when we went Waah

and screamed and yell, everybody came;

my mom, my dad, my brothers.

And this goes on to yearor two, you know, oh.

And we get to subconsciously thinking,

all I gotta do, all mom,dad, everybody's made for me,

everybody's made to meet my needs.

And all I gotta do is waah!

And everybody will come running.

And some people never grow out of that.

And then they're 40 yearsold and still saying,

Meet my needs, bless me everybody.

And then some of them couples get married.

You're married, make me happy, fulfill me,

take care of me, minister to me.

And you're doing it likethis so I'm not happy

so we gotta rush (mumbles).

100%, 100%, not 50/50and so God, chapter 10

I talk about marriage is the ideal place

to deliver us from selfishness

'cause you get married,you're cut in half,

then you have children, you're quartered,

and pretty soon there'snothing of you left.


- Yeah, I had to learneverything I thought was mine

is no longer that.

Thinking my wife, Katherine, will tell ya

I still haven't learned it.

It's an ongoing process.

- I just promised I helpedher out and fix him.


- Soon they'll be delivered.

But isn't this a picture though

of the marriage celebration with Jesus?

And I think for a lot ofguys, this is hard to sort of

get your mind around thatyou're being prepared

as a bride, and you aregoing to be joined with Him.

- And He wants your co-equal.

You know, my two sons got married,

they didn't have a littlenine-year-old immature girl,

or a 90-year-old worn out woman.

They had a beautiful younglady compatible with them.

And Jesus is not coming backfor an old worn out woman

or a young, immature bride.

He's looking for a bridethat is co-level with him.

He had a joint heirshipand He started the process

and it's a law oftransformation and conforming it

to His image.

And it's harder on the flesh,

you're crucifying the flesh.

I tell people, God's out to kill ya.

Might as well die and get it over with.

Let Him live in.

- Might as well say, yourwill be done, not my will.

It's that same prayer fromthe Garden of Gethsemane.

Well, Bill's book iscalled Your Highest Calling

and it's availablewherever books are sold.

Here's a word from Ecclesiastes:

I perceived that whateverGod does endures forever;

nothing can be added toit, nor anything taken

away from it.

God has done it, so thatpeople fear before Him.

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