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- This is from Ed, Pat, who says,
"Can you explain the 'Song of Songs'?"
"I have a friend, andshe and I are Christians
"with a lot to learn."
"She thinks the 'Songof Songs' says it's okay
"to have sexual relations out of wedlock
"if two people are in love;
"I say it's deceiving and it is sin."
"Can you clear this up for me?"
"I still think I'm right, buthaven't much to back it up."
- All right, the "Song ofSongs" is supposed to represent
the relationship of JesusChrist to His church.
We use the term Bride ofChrist to describe the church
and we don't have a sexualrelation with Jesus,
because it's spiritual.
So this describes a betrothed person.
It has nothing to do with immorality
or fornication or anything like that.
It's the love affair of oneperson toward his betrothed.
She is going to be his bride.
And she's talking to himand he's talking to her,
so you've got to go back and forth.
But spiritually, it dealswith Jesus and His church,
and I think if you read it carefully,
you will see that they aren'tjust having sex together;
that they're getting ready to get married
and he's describing thebeauty of his lovely bride
and she's describing the nature,
the manliness and thevirility of her betrothed.
But she's gonna get married to him.
They're engaged to be married.
Now what else?
- Okay, this is Peter, who says,
"Dear Pat, I'm sure you'refamiliar with the college
"bribery scandal wherecelebrities bribed schools
"to get their kids intotheir preferred college."
"My question is: Why arethe parents in trouble
"but not the collegesthat accepted the bribes?"
"Seems to me that the admissions person
"should be more introuble than the parents
"for accepting the bribes."
"What do you think?"
- Well I don't thinkthe college will know.
If they get some money,somebody comes in and says,
"I wanna enroll in your school".
The college doesn't knowthe source of their money
and doesn't know thatthey've been cheating
on the SATs or LSATsor that sort of thing.
- But didn't money exchangehands with some of those,
with the coaches?
- Well if they did, then they'reequally guilt, absolutely.
But you know, Terry, I'm head of a school,
and what we are just desiringis to get good students.
And nobody has to bribeus to come to school.
And I don't see why theseparents thought it was
some kind of prestige to getaccepted to USC or something.
I mean, you can get a verygood degree all over the place,
online and so forth, and youdon't have to go to all that
bribery and I think it was adelusion they were guilty of.
- [Terry] And certainly paid the price.
- The question, if there was bribery
and the schools knew aboutit, of course they're guilty.
But a lot of school don't haveany idea of what's going on.