Emma and Lawrence show how the Bible tells us that God cares about the animals.
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- What's up everybody?Welcome to the SuperBook Show.
- Okay, okay. I have a question.
- All right.
- Does God care about animals?
(dramatic music and animal sounds)
- Um, that's pretty random,what makes you ask that?
- Okay, so I have a friend, Cory,
he's really mean to his dog.
- Yeah?
(dog bark)
- When I asked him about it, he said,
"God doesn't care about animals."
And so I figured I'd ask you, does he?
- Yes?
- Yeah?
- Okay, I'll admit, I'venever really thought about it.
But let's figure this out together.
- Teamwork!
Makes the dream function properly?
- I don't think thosewere the right words,
but you know what, it doesn't matter.
Let's start at the beginning.
(dramatic music and birds chirping)
- [Narrator] That's theheavens of the earth
that all the host of them were finished.
Then God looked upon all he had done
and saw that it was good.
- So when God made everything,including the animals,
he said, "It was good."
- Yep, so as of right now I will say yes,
God does care about animals.
(clock ticking)
- So that's it?
Are we going to go into any more examples?
- Yes, I was just pausingfor dramatic effect.
Let's get to the flood.
- [Narrator] You shall take with you
seven each of every clean animal,
a male and his female.
Two each of animals that are unclean.
- Wow!
Look at all of them!
- [Narrator] Also seveneach of birds of the air
to keep the species alive onthe face of all the earth.
- Okay, so even though God sent the flood,
he made sure to keep the different species
of animals alive.
- Yep, so as of right now I will still say
God does care about animals.
- I'm sensing a pattern here.
- You should.
Where to next?
(clock ticking)
- You're asking me?
- Mmhmm.
- How about Proverbs?
I know this one verse in chapter 12,
it says, "For the godlycare for the animals
but the wicked are always cruel."
- You know what?
Now that you mention it, God chose love
for animals all throughout the Bible.
- You think so?
- Yes, in Matthew, Jesussays, "Look at the birds,
they don't plant or harvest or store food
in barns for their heavenlyfather feeds them."
So in other words...
- He takes are of them.
- Yes.
- So, in conclusion, what do you think?
- I think...
(clock ticking)
- Yeah?
- I think Cory should be nicer to his dog.
- His Word is forever alive.
- Don't be cruel.
Download the SuperBook Bible app.
- Please care about ourwebsite superbook.cbn.com
and our Facebook page.
- Be nice to your pets!
- Don't be cruel and downloadthe SuperBook bible app.
That doesn't make sense ifyou say don't be cruel and
so it's okay, sorry.
No it looks like the office.
- [Crew Member] I'lllook at it, thank you.
- Let's get to the flood.
Here it is.
- Yes, um, queue, queue the flood.
Pull the chain.
- Hey, hey, haha.
- [Crew Member] Go backto the chain, it's okay.
- I've never seen you fake laugh, ah ha.
I'm kidding.
- Look at the plants, they neither
plant or harvest, theyneed, look at the birds.
Download the SuperBook Bible app.
- Oh, I thought she said don't be cruel,
build a school.