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Animals of God - The Superbook Show

Mariah and Quinn are at the Virginia Beach Zoo and share how we can learn about God by looking at the animals. Read Transcript

- Welcome to the Superbook Show.

- And welcome to the Virginia Zoo.

- If you look around the zoo

you'll see all kinds of animals.

- And if you look with spiritual eyes,

you'll see all kinds

of reminders of God and his Word.

- Let's take a look.


Take for instance the elephant.

Elephants are known tohave remarkable memories.

There's a case where two elephants

met at an elephant sanctuary

and immediately recognized each other.

The two had been in thesame circus for a month

23 years earlier.

- [Mariah] They knew each otherfor a brief amount of time,

but never forgot.

- The elephant reminds us to remember.

- David sang praises to God saying

remember all His miracles, His wonders,

and His fair decisions.

- Ready for some more?

- This is the aldabra tortoise.

Not an animal known for its speed.

Being slow can sometimes be a good thing.

The Bible tells us--

- Understand this my dearbrothers and sisters,

you must all be quick tolisten, slow to speak,

and slow to get angry.

- Pretty quick on that one.

- And speaking of speed.

The cheetah.

Fastest land animal anywhere, can run

up to 70 miles an hour.

- Do you know what's even faster?

How quickly God forgives us.

- Be even tempered,content with second place,

and quick to forgive an offense.

Forgive as quickly and completely

as the Master forgave you.

When you look at the lions,how can you not think

of Daniel in the lion's den?

- When the king saw that Daniel was safe,

he said, "I decree thateveryone throughout my kingdom

"should tremble with fearbefore the God of Daniel.

"He rescues and saves his people.

"He performs miraclulous signs and wonders

"in the heavens and on earth.

"He has rescued Daniel fromthe power of the lions."

- What must it have feltlike to spedn the night

in a pit with a bunch of lions?

- What must it feellike to spend the night

in the pit with God?

- Good point.

Pay attention to the birds in the sky

and you can feel God's love.

- Remember Jesus' words, Lookfor the birds in the sky.

They neither plant norharvest, nor do they store

grain in barns.

Yet your Father inheaven takes care of them

and aren't you worth more than birds?

- Anywhere you look inthe zoo you can hear God

talking to you.

- Calling you to rememberor to be quick to forgive.

- Reminding you of how muchhe cares for and loves you.

- So next time you'reat the zoo and looking

at all the animals, say aprayer of praise to God.

- His Word is forever alive.


What's your favorite animal?

- Let us know in the comments below.

And here's the challenge,tell us what that animal

says to you about God.

- [Together] See ya next time!

- Aldabra.

- [Director] Aldabra.

- Aldabra.

- Adabra cadabra.- Aldabra.

Aldabra tortoise.

- [Director] Aldabra.

- Aldabra?


Okay she already knewwhat I was gonna say.

Okay, aldabra, like algebra but aldabra.

- [Director] Sure.

- She's like whatever.

As long as you can say it right.


I'm a turtle with naturally curly hair.

The Bible tells us understand oh...

- [Director] Not your line!

- Sorry!(laughing)

- [Together] The cheetah.

(laughing)- I'm so sorry.

- [Director] Girl, not your line!

- [Mariah] Okay.

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