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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - October 10, 2019


- Pat, this first oneis from Ana who says,

"I've been going through arough time for many years.

"It's just one thing after another.

"This year, my ex-boyfriendof five years hurt me so bad

"it has put me into a depression

"and caused me to developan anxiety disorder.

"I have never suffered like this before.

"It's been going on for three months now.

"How can I find peace from God,

"so I don't have to takethose horrible medications?"

- The Bible says that great peace

have they that love thy law,

and nothing shall offend them.

I think you need to fall in love

with the love of God, withthe Lord Jesus himself.

And you know, your ex-boyfriendsaid something unkind

and it made you upset, and I mean,

good grief, you sayhe's your ex-boyfriend.

He's got too much of a hold onyou, and you're too fragile.

So fill your life.

Great peace have they who love thy law

and nothing shall offend them.

Love the law of God, let the word of God

take hold of your heart.

Everyday when you get up,begin to read the Bible,

and when you go to bed atnight, before you go to bed,

read the word all day long,meditate on the promises of God.

If you just have two or three scriptures,

if you have one those little promise boxes

take 'em out and read those things,

and let them take hold of your life,

and let that stabilize you, all right?

- Okay, this is Joan who says,

"I've told my husband howunhappy I am in our marriage

"when it comes to intimacy and sex.

"I've prayed, and now he is on medication,

"but he still shows zero interest in me.

"Is it okay to divorce because of this?"

- [Pat] Oh.


I think that that is a ground, I mean,

it's what they call loss of consortium.

You certainly have a legalground to get a divorce.

I don't know what's wrong with him.

You know, there are core hormonal things

that take place in men thatthey need testosterone,

and of course the socalled erectile dysfunction

that everybody reads about.

I don't know what's wrong with him.

It just may be that he's not in interest,

but you know, the Apostle Paul said,

don't stop having relationships

unless you go apart to doa little period of fasting,

but come back together,lest the devil taps you.

Now what your husband is doing is

setting you up for temptation,

because you have the normaldesires of a married woman,

and you deserve a partner whohelps fulfill those desires.

And if he doesn't do it,

he's setting against you and against God.

So, that's ground for divorce,

but I think you ought todo something medically,

psychologically, to seeif he can't get some help,

because the Bible does say,God hates divorce, sorry.

- Mm-hmm.

This is Sarah who says, "I'm a freshman,

"and I live in an areathat is very left sided.

"In class, the teacher saidthat if you say in class

"that homosexuality is asin, it is hate speech.

"Well, I raised my handand said that violates

"my freedom of speech, and that

"I have a right to my opinion.

"Then the teacher toldme that I was homophobic.

"I couldn't care lessabout what they call me,

"but I want to know what homophobic means.

"Does it make homophobic if Isay homosexuality is a sin?"

- A phobia is a aversion to something,

that the idea of a homo, we'rehomosapiens, all of us are,

which means an upright, thinking being.

And this term homophobic is put together,

and it doesn't reallyhave a legitimate meaning,

but to call somebody that because

they stand up forbiblical values is wrong.

And this is the gamenow that's being played.

If you don't agree with the left,

all of a sudden you're a homophobic,

there's something wrongwith you, it's your fault,

if you don't agree with the left

then of course you'rea right wing extremist,

and bigot, and all that other stuff.

Don't buy it, but if I were you

I'd get out of that classif it's any possible.

You don't have to be exposed to that mess.

What else do you got?

- This is Liz who says,

"I'm a firm believer in Jesus Christ.

"However, I've beenhaving these crazy dreams,

"nightmares really, waking upin cold sweats and shaking.

"In my dreams, the devilis trying to overtake me,

"but I keep rebuking him in Jesus name,

"or I'm commanding evil spiritsout of people in Jesus name.

"I also dream of the world ending.

"It feels so real, andit scares me to death.

"I read the Bible nightlyand pray for understanding

"and for them to go away.

"I don't mind fightingthe devil while awake,

"but not while I'm asleep.

"What do these dreams mean?

"I'd appreciate your insight."

- Well, the fight will come while

you're asleep, as a matter of fact.

I think you need to get somepeople together with you.

I mean, you need to have a fellowship.

What you say is, Satan, I bindyou and the forces of evil.

And you need to mean it in your heart.

If you say as far out as you see it,

the devil's not gonna do that,

but that sounds likeit's a satanic oppression

that's coming upon you, and God wants

to set you free from that.

But maybe you can get somepeople around you to pray.

But what the thoughtsyou're having is not normal.

But yes, the devil will attackyou while you're sleeping,

there's no question about it.


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