Jonathan Cahn discusses the Jubilean prophecies and reveals mysteries that impact how to understand the past and be ready for the future.
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- Well Jonathan Cahn has done it again.
Today is the officialrelease date of his new book,
"The Oracle: The JubileanMysteries Unveiled."
You can get it on Amazon,
and we recommend that you do.
It's an incredible bookthat covers the whole world
and ends up with thesecond coming of Jesus.
But this is something, it's "The Oracle."
You don't want to miss it.
Well Jonathan stunned the world
with his explosive New York Times
best selling book, "The Harbinger."
Millions were enthralled bythe next three best sellers,
and now, the king of theprophetic mystery page
has done it again.
(dramatic music)
(heart beating)
- [Announcer] Is it possiblethat an ancient mystery
lies behind the events of our world,
the leaders of our times,and the course of our lives?
Could this mystery lie behind everything
from world wars, current events,
and even an American president?
Jonathan Cahn, the New YorkTimes best selling author
of "The Harbinger," "The Paradigm,"
and "The Book of Mysteries"
now brings "The Oracle: TheJubilean Mysteries Unveiled."
- Please welcome back to The 700 Club
a dear friend, Jonathan Cahn.
Jonathan, good to see you.- My blessing, Pat.
- God bless you.- Always, always.
- How do you come up with these books?
This thing's fantastic.
- Well, I don't, you know,it just comes, basically.
This has been coming for like two years.
I've been blown away by this.
But it really comes and theLord put things on my heart
and then I'll say, "Can this be true?"
and I open it up and I look and it's real.
So it's just been, I've been blown away.
Like, I had 3000 pages of notes
trying to get into it, into the Oracle.
But, I just, I can't reproduce it,
it's the Lord.
- The Jubilee is spoken of in the Bible,
every fifty years debtswere forgiven and the
original owners of the property went back.
You think that actually is a controlling
factor in the whole world,that's what this book says.
- Yeah, it's amazing, I mean yeah, yes.
And, the thing is that you know,
I mean, I would say whatif there was a mystery
that reveals that behind everything?
You know, say we'redealing with a hurricane;
well God is still on the throne and
he's in charge of everything.
The Oracles really showing,it's not just we're saying it,
he's in charge of every single thing here.
And that is, it's really the secret behind
the past, the current events, present,
I mean Trump, we'll getto him, sure, the future.
You know, it's reallythe key of antiprophecy,
and so specific thatit actually, you know,
it gives dates or whenthings happen exactly
according to thesemysteries in modern times.
And that is what TheOracle is, and, you know,
this is, I would, youkind of alluded to it,
this is kind of, kind ofthe biggest spanning mystery
I've ever dealt with, you know.
- You have been here, theAustria-Hungarian empire vs.
the Ottoman empire andthe fact that the Ottomans
got in debt and thenbecause of their debt,
they had to let-
- Let the land go, everysingle thing in history.
Yeah, I mean the rise ofnations, the fall of empires
the rise of America ispart of this as well.
And I mean, it's everythingfrom Moses to Mark Twain,
from the prophet, Ezekiel, tothe president, Donald Trump,
it's everything and inbetween, and yeah, the Jubilean
mysteries is that, youknow, every fifty years
this thing happened, thiswas the return to land.
Well, God said in the end times I'm gonna
bring Israel back to the land.
So when they come back,it's linked to the Jubilean.
The thing is that it'sfollowed this exact pattern
that a prophetic event happens.
I mean, from the 19th century,to right where we are now,
and the other thing is that, I would say,
imagine if there werescrolls that they opened up
at set days and when they openup and read it and chant it,
the things that theychant are coming true,
start coming true in the world.
If we could know that, youknow, it sounds like it's
a science fiction, it's real,there are these scrolls,
and this is called the paradox mystery,
and we can see throughoutwhen these key things happen
the words are appointed around the world,
even before it happens.
So, I mean, and it's,the other thing is that,
with the Harbinger, thefirst time I ever came on it,
you know, on the day, was here.
I was lead, you know, theOracle is real, I mean
it's kind of revealing all of his.
But I framed it with astory to make it, you know,
like the Harbinger.
So it's an oracle sharing,opening up these mysteries;
there's these seven doors,and each seven doors
has about, maybe eight mysteries.
So there's so much so we canprobably just touch on it,
but we can, you know, give a sample.
- How does Mark Twain figure into it?
I mean, the innocence of broad-
- Yes.
- Was he, if it is true,he's part of the Oracle.
- He is part- look, listen, Mark Twain,
what we know, was a skeptic,yet God uses everything.
So the first, the openingof the thing, Moses said
a stranger will come tothe land, and its gonna be
devastated, its gonna bea desolation, a stranger
is gonna come and he's gonna bear witness
in saying "this landis hopeless, desolate,"
he says what the mans gonna say.
Amazing thing. It happens.
The stranger comes along andsays "After this happens,
then God is going to start his'bringing back the people'."
So, the man makes ajourney and he gets there,
and it's Mark Twain.
And, he's walking throughthe land with a notepad,
and he's saying the exact wordsthat Moses says he will say.
I mean, literally there'sno blade of grass growing.
He says everything.
Then, the thing is thatright after he comes,
that is when this all happens.
He comes in the first year ofjubilee of this restoration,
1867, and all these mystical things
in a sense start happening in the land.
A man with a measuring line,the release of the land.
You just --
- Tell me about the measuring man
there was the other thatwas to survey the temple.
- Yeah. Yeah. Well, abiblical sign of when God's
going to do something is in the bible,
is that, he says, " I saw aman with a measuring line."
He's usually an angel.
But, actually a man comeswith a measuring line,
and measures out Jerusalemin the same 1867,
same time that Mark Twainactually stayed at the same hotel.
This all begins happening,
and then all sorts of things happen.
The city of Jerusalem's beencovered up for 2,000 years.
That man with themeasuring line uncovers it,
in the year of Jubilee
it says the land will return,
all the things happen.
Mark Twain writes the book,
his first major book,
its fulfilling biblical prophecy
and then it all happens.
The name Mark Twain,
you know for 2,000 years
the Jewish people have been praying
lord hear our prayer
and be merciful and bringus back to the land.
Hear our prayer, be merciful.
Mark Twain's real name Samuel Clemens
means the lord as heardand has been merciful.
I mean who can come up with that?
- Samuel Clemens
- Its Hebrew and sothis happens like that.
So The Oracle as themysteries, for instance
there's a word that wasappointed for the day
that Israel would comeback into the world.
The thing is that andappointed from ages past.
What was the word?Israel's about to come back
when they announce it's on the Sabbath,
so the Sabbath there's a word.
What was the word that got appointed?
The word was the prophecyfrom Amous that says
in that day I will raise up
the fallen tabernacle of David.
I will put them back in the land.
So they're chantingthis all over the world
from the scrolls aboutthe resurrection of Israel
and its happening at the same moment.
So they call the JubileanCode, from Moses,
that the first time in the Bible
that God ever says toIsrael you shall return
to your ancestral land as a plural.
The word you shall returnis Hebrew (speaking Hebrew)
Every Hebrew letter has a number value
and when you write a Hebrew year
you use the letters.
It comes out to a year.
The word you shall return
comes out to the year 1948,
- Come on!
the year, yes, the yearthat Israel returns
is in, from Leviticus,from Moses, 3000 years
- 1948
You shall return equals 1948, yes.
- Incredible
Yeah and then if you look at this
it happens like clockwork, you had 1867
count 50 years, 1917
the land returns to the Jewish people
Balfour Declaration, the English empire
and so you get the land returned.
Count another 50 yearsit takes you to 1967.
Did anything happen of returns?
- Six Day War.
- Six Day War and it ends up
with the Israel soldiersentering the gates,
it says everyone shallreturn to their possession.
First time in 2000 years now
and this has to happen for Jesus to return
because, you said, Jerusalem you'll see,
but the song of the Jubilee is (laughs)
(speaking Hebrew)
its the trumpet, it saysthat you'll sound the trumpet
and they shall return.
Well did anything ever happen
at a prophetic moment like this?
Well when the Israelisoldiers get to the temple
mount they hear the sound of the trumpet.
Now this guy sounds the trumpet
but the mystery is thatit says on the Jubilee
the land will returnto its original state.
What was the originalstate of the temple mount
it was the threshing floorand the word in Hebrew
for threshing floor is goren.
- Come on!
- The guy who sounds the shofar
is named Rabbi Goren.- It means threshing floor?
- He means Rabbi threshing floor
so he sounds it and he was born in 1917.
The other Jubilee, so he's a child
and he was born for that moment
he's 50 years old now
sounding the fiftieth year sign
and the other date, Gorenalso means something else
it means the horn.
Rabbi horn, sound the horn.
- That's the troops have come into
- At the moment
- They won the battle.
- At the exact moment he got in,
so God has the sound showing that
this is me, I'm doing this
but then if you go,
and I'm just touching on the door knobs,
there's so much,
but to get an idea now what happens.
The one thing that Israel didn't get
in the Jubilee,
it says you'll get thelegal rights to your land.
Its not that you just go there,
you're recognized. Well Israel,
Jerusalem was neverrecognized by the world.
They refused it and that lasted
until Donald Trump gavethe Jerusalem Declaration.
First time in modern times.
First time since ancient times.
- Well does his name mean something?
- Yeah, yes because this was the,
when did it happen?
Well what's the next Jubilee?
If you do 1967 and you fastforward it goes to 2017
and that's exactly when he did it.
When it went fourth, Jubilee
but you mention it, what is the Jubilee?
Jubilee is,
you have the Jubilee
and you have the trumpet shall sound.
Trumpet is appointed to Jubilee.
What does our presidentsname mean in English?
It means the trumpet.
The Trumpet! So Donald Trump
and when did he come to power?
The year of Jubilee!
So it says the Trumpet shall sound,
the Trump shall sound throughout the land.
Well he's been soundingever since and it says
when the Trump sounds the land goes back.
Well the Trump sounded
and Jerusalem went backto the Jewish people.
I mean who could put this together Pat?
He had to win that election
because he was the Trump of the Jubilee.
- I was really on Ezekiel about
I'll have a prophecy forthe mountains of Israel
and men will come upon you.
You remember?
- Yeah, the lion yes okay.
This all goes with prophets of Israel.
I'll give an example of thatand there's more on Trump
and this goes to the future too.
Isaiah says that the lordwill fight for those mountains
like a lion and a young lion
and the amazing thingPat is I looked at it
in this Six Day War when they're fighting.
All these key people whowere soldiers in that war
were named the lion
and the first two peoplewho went in the gate
on the mountain
was Colonel Motta Gurand (speaking Hebrew)
actually its in Goren's documentary
and the amazing thing is there names
it says they will fight asa lion and a young lion.
There names together meanthe lion and the young lion.
- Come on!
- The Gate they wentthrough was the lions gate
because messiah came the firsttime to the gates as a lamb,
he's coming in as a lion and that's a sign
and there's another thing.
We mentioned Trump, its notlike Trump is reading Leviticus
and saying I'm gonna fulfill this.
We can safely assume that.
Well the thing is that when hegave that the Bible says that
he followed this pattern ofthis ancient king of Cyrus.
Even the document, I mean its amazing
and he wasn't trying to do this
but the Bible says that Israel
will go through period of 70 years.
At the end of the 70 years theking will issue a declaration
which is gonna recognize Jerusalem,
which is Cyrus, but could Donald Trump
actually be doing thiswithout realizing it.
Well, is there a 70 year period?
If you go back from whenhe gave the declaration
count back 70 years it takes you to 1947,
the very year that Israelis voted into existence
and I looked deeper, if youcount from the very day that
they voted Israel in on theHebrew calendar its (Hebrew) 17.
Count 70 years from theday and it says after,
so take the next day (Hebrew) 18.
What day is it?
It comes out to December 6th, 2017,
That's the exact date thathe issued the declaration.
After 70 years, to the day.
I mean, to the day
and the thing is that italso deals with the future.
I know you read it and I'm so glad
they say you read things just like that,
but the sixth door deals the future
and one of the mysteriesreally Pat of the whole
end times, is you asked about the Jubilee,
is that its the mystery of return
and you see whatever it was theJewish people have to return
to where they were atthe beginning of the age.
They were in Jerusalem,they were in Israel
so they're back, nut its not just that,
Its the whole world.
2000 years ago the world, what was it?
It was pagan, it wasanti-Christian, unchristian.
What we're watching in theworld is the mystery that the
world culture isreturning to where it was.
- To Paganism
Paganism, Paganism werewatching it everyday.
Its part of the mystery.
Now there can be revival, we pray for it
but the world culture isreturning to what it was
so that's all part of it
but the church 2000 years ago
was also in its originalstate, was powerful.
Dynamic. Book of axe, radical.
God is calling thebelievers, this is our return
to become that again and aswe see persecution it's okay.
That's gonna lead us to be,
those who stand will be like that.
Will be as it was back then.
Gods calling us to livelike the book of axe.
So in the same time the dark gets darker
but we have our own Jubilee.
- Well what about the dark Jubilee?
- Well the dark Jubilee is that
every time we turn on the television,
you've spoken,
we've spoken about it
we're watching the world like almost
the culture trying tothrow off the Christianic
throw off its faith.
Well that is the return to what it was.
Which was Rome, you knowthe Bible speaks of that.
Which is actually a culturethat hates Christians.
We're watching that but it's okay.
God is in control its part of history
and God will call us torise to that challenge
and all this, we saywhat's the missing piece.
All this, the Jubilee is that
the owner leaves theland and then comes back.
Whose the owner, the owner ofIsrael is the king of Israel.
He left the land andeverything is following him.
So what's the ultimate, it's returning
because there's gonnabe one Jubilee return.
The king is coming back to the kingdom
and that is almost the ultimate Jubilee
cause he's coming so itsall leading up to that.
We are in the days of that
and these are signs that God is real
and God is in everything andGod is leading up to that,
and it's also our lives
because our whole salvationis really Jubilee.
It's not just that the God of Israel
is the God of everything.
He's the God of your life,he'd the God of my life
and he's in charge and he's in control
and he's here to restore us and to make us
what we were called to be.
It all gets very personalbecause it's really
how do you apply this power to your life?
- How long do you think it's gonna take?
- You mean for,- For the king to come back?
- Well, that's a good question.
Well, there's a few possibilities, I mean
some people think couldit be the next Jubilee,
you know that he comes out.
- Right.
- Or could it be, it could be 2000 years
from the beginning of theage which was the cross.
You know, which is coming up.
The point is we have to be ready.
We have to be ready thathe's coming as a lion
and we have to live like lions now
because we're seeing everything
it looks like it's out of control.
It's not out of control.
Our God is on the throne and at the end,
I read the end of the Bible
it's what disappeared at the beginning
comes back at the end.
It's a Jubilee, causehow does it all begin?
We lost paradise but we're coming home.
We're coming home and it says that
in that day he'll wipe awayevery tear from our eye
and that we will forthe first time be home.
For the first time heavenis our ancestral possession,
we will go there.
- I like it.
- (laughs)
- (laughs) Jonathan,this book is incredible.
Its already become a best-seller.
- It hasn't been releaseduntil today, on here
and its been a best-seller
and I'll just say one thing if it's okay,
they can get it anywhere now.
It's gonna be Amazon to Walmart
but for the Oracle if you go to the
you're gonna get that andthe publishers gonna give you
80 dollars worth of my books, for free.
If you go to the
you'll get that therebut you can go anywhere
and get it for unsaved people too because
this is like God is real, you know.
- You think there's gonna be
a chaotic situation in theworld before the lord comes?
I think yes, yeah, I think so, absolutely
because it gets worsebefore it gets better.
You know, before the dawn
and we can watch it inthe world and Israel
but when Trump recognizedIsrael the world went crazy.
For the Bible says
the whole world isgonna go crazy over this
but its good sign becauseJerusalem is back.
The Jewish people came back to Jerusalem
because someone else iscoming back to Jerusalem.
- Yeah
- We are ultimately going to Jerusalem.
- Well the whole thingin the dessert blooming
- Yeah.- It's incredible.
- It's restoration.- Yeah.
That's what, Pat, when I was,
I told you I used to watch the 700 Club
before I was a believer,everybody knows that.
How this affected me but Icame to lord at the time,
and it was like seven daysablaze during the holy time
and the thing is, you were crucial,
and I was an atheist originally
and it was when I opened up
and I saw everything theBible said is coming true.
God is real, I never knew this, it's real.
That's what, it was the miracle of Israel.
God is telling you everyday,he's real, your God is real
and he's alive and he's awesome.
- There's some numbers in theBible that you talked about,
that there's a coin in Egyptthat has those numbers on them.
- Yeah. In Daniel, thisis how awesome God is,
in Daniel there's a number that's 1335,
it's the number of the end ofthe occupation of Jerusalem.
The enemy has to leave
it all starts appearing in Israel
and in the middle easton coins and around,
in the year of Jubilee 1917. Why?
Because it happens tobe the Muslim calendar
and their year that comes out to 1335
which is the number ofDaniel to say get out.
It was that year whichis the year of Jubilee
and so it all, even the Muslim calendar,
God is over even that.
- And they have coins of that number?
- They have coins of thatnumber, it's the year 1917
the Ottoman Empire, gets out as God says
and the very day that, thatyear culminates was the day
that America told Britain
go ahead with the balfour declaration.
The very day, everything.
When Israel was being votedinto the United Nations
and nobody knew the nameof it, there was no name
until just a few daysbefore it came back to
five months later but all around the world
there opening the scrollsand they're reading,
they're chanting and the scripture
appointed for that very day was
"You shall be called Israel".
- Oh, really?- Yes, yes.
I mean its again, In the Six Day War
when the Jewish people,they made the decision
we gotta go to war causethey're gonna wipe us out.
It was a sabbath.
On that day the scriptureread all over the world was
prepare for war, it saysyou should go to war.
I mean God is in every,and I didn't mention this,
this is one I probably won't get to but
when Donald trump was born
there was an appointed word
that was proclaimed, thatwas the word for his life
and is the mystery of DonaldTrump it was proclaimed
on the day of his birth.
- Incredible- Yeah.
- Well, how about Ben-Gurion?
- Ben-Gurion he is the firstleader of modern Israel
he helped bring it backbut people don't know
it's like God resurrected the nation,
he also resurrected the leaders.
The last leader of ancientIsrael was called Ben-Gurion.
So the last leader andhe died and it vanished.
So God raised up a manBen-Gurion, same thing
to bring the resurrection,
he's even resurrecting the leaders.
Ben-Gurion, by the way,when we talked about that
day of the lions, when theycome back to Jerusalem,
Ben-Gurion comes the next day and says
we gotta hold onto it.
Ben-Gurion's name means the lion.
- It's incredible.- Yeah, God is amazing.
- Jonathan this is too much,
I wish we had a fewmonths to talk about this.
Ladies and gentlemanyou wanna get this book
it's called "The Oracle"
and it can be availablewherever books are sold.
Mysteries unveiled. Wow!
- (laughs)
- God bless you man.
- Oh, thank you Pat.
- Thank you.
- My joy.
- Praise God.
All right you can get itwherever books are sold
it's "The Oracle", it'sa bestseller already
and Amazons got it, sodoes everybody else, okay.
Jonathan Kahn, marvelous understanding
of what's happening in the world
and the Jubilean mysteries.