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The 700 Club - September 3, 2019

Author Jonathan Cahn offers insight into what the future holds while considering what the past is hiding. Plus, a young man chooses a dark path when he believes his identity is based on the world’s definition of success. Read Transcript

(uplifting music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Reporter] Coming up,

the monster storm battering the coast.

CBN News brings the latestupdates on Hurricane Dorian

and where it's headed next.

Then the best-selling authorof "The Harbinger" is back!

Jonathan Cahn revealsthe mystery of the oracle

and the prophetic messageit has about President Trump

on today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome to thisedition of "The 700 Club."

Dorian blasted the Bahamasas a Cat 5 killer hurricane

with winds topping 200 miles an hour

and 23-foot waves swallowinghomes in the Freeport Airport.

Now a Cat 3,

where will Dorian strike next?

Heather Sells has the storm's track

and the astonishingimages from the Bahamas.


- Swim, swim, swim!- Keep going!

- [Heather] Four people cutoff by flood waters swimming

for their lives as theeye of Dorian passed

over the Bahamas.

They narrowly escaped drowning.

The Grand Bahama Airport, like many homes,

is six feet under water.

At the flooded Freeport Airport,

a member of parliament is urging people

to seek higher groundbecause no one can help them.

- We're getting a lot of distress calls

for persons needing rescue,needing to be rescued,

but we cannot get to them right now.

- [Heather] The storm hasbeen assaulting the Bahamas

for more than 24 hours.

It's now stalling out over the islands

while wind and waves devastate,

destroying as many as 13,000 homes.

The total number of those lost

in the storm won't be known for days.

- Did they say how he died?

- I think they say he drowned. (sobs)

- We are in the midstof a historic tragedy

in parts of our Northern Bahamas.

Our mission and focus now is search,

rescue and recovery.

- Some better news, Dorian'sstrength is diminishing.

It has been downgraded toa Category 3 hurricane,

with winds dipping to 120 miles an hour,

that's compared to 185 on Sunday.

In the U.S., there'simmediate concern for Florida.

The U.S. Hurricane Centersays the storm could pass

dangerously close to the EastCoast starting later today.

A slight shift west couldbring the storm onshore.

Hurricane warnings are up along the coast.

After that, the Carolinasface the greatest threat,

the latest track showing partsof eastern North Carolina

potentially experiencinghurricane strength winds.

- A mandatory evacuation is now in place.

- [Heather] Evacuationsare already underway

for those living right along the coast.

All lanes of this SouthCarolina highway are now open

in just one direction,away from the coast.

Flooding is a big concern

with up to 15 inches ofrain possible in some places

and a storm surge thatcould reach seven feet.

- [Citizen] The anticipationof it is nerve wracking.

- [Heather] CBN's EricPhilips is in Daytona Beach

as thousands await Dorian's arrival.

(air whooshes)

- Here in Daytona Beach, Florida,

folks have been told tostay out of the water

because of the pending danger.

But as you can see, somefolks have not been able

to heed that warning, it'sjust too tempting for them.

Hopefully, they will soon, though,

because the worst is yet to come.

It's the kind of surf that makes some want

to grab their boardsand head for the waves,

but the double redflags flying high signal

no one is supposed to be in the water.

Not only are lifeguards leaving,

(waves crashing)

but officials warn the tide is

already drawing dangerousdebris close to shore,

just beneath the surface.

The water signaling a new development

as the hurricane draws near.

(engine hums)

Another new order,

mandatory evacuations forsome residents in the county.

The local transit systemis helping some to get

to the shelters on the otherside of the county for free.

- That is great for somebodythat don't have transportation

is what happened.

I had to work yesterdayso my people rode out.

- [Eric] Buses are taking residents

to shelters like this one atthe Volusia County fairgrounds.

It's a pet-friendly shelter,

which means these twosisters could keep Bonnie

and Bandit by their sideas they ride out the storm.

- It's very important,

I mean these are like our kids, you know?

Because look at all these other hurricanes

when these dogs get lost.

- [Eric] Janice Howarth saysit makes all the difference,

especially in this stressful situation.

- She's my comfort dog.

She's a big comfort to me.

If I get kind of antsy or somethin',

she'll curl up in my lapand I can snuggle with her.

- [Eric] As the storm approaches,

there are sure to be some antsy moments,

but many people are boardingup businesses and homes

and filling sandbags toprotect their property

as best they can.

And in some parts of the county,

there will be a curfewfrom six o'clock tonight

until six a.m. Wednesday morning.

- And people that's not heedin'this warning, they need to

because this is one of thebiggest that we have had.

- Here in Volusia County,

officials say they are expectingtropical storm-force winds

to pick up around noontime today

and last for 24

to 48 hours.

In Daytona Beach, Eric Philips, CBN News.

- Thanks, Eric.

Joe Bastardi is Chief Meteorologist

for WeatherBELL Analytics.

Joe, did you have any ideathis thing was forming

when we talked the other day,was it gonna hit a Cat 5?

- Yeah, Pastor, if you remember,

I said watch what happenswhen it turns west,

how intense it was gonna get.

We have clients in the Bahamas,

the Nassau Port's a client of ours

and we warned them it is goingto be the most devastating,

slow-moving hurricane ever.

And I made it out as publicly

as I could via a couple days before.

Not tryin' to playpompous, people can go back

and check everything that went out saying

this would be a two-dayaffair in these places.

And look, here's what happens normally.

A storm may stall out over the water,

but maybe 150 miles north of the Bahamas,

like Carol back in 1954,stalled north of the Bahamas.

Storms stall in thisarea quite often, right,

between 25 and 30 north.

They're known as the horse latitudes

and they call them the horse latitudes,

I believe if the story's right,

because horses that were being transported

to the New World would diebecause the wind would collapse

and they could not getthe boat all the way

across the Atlantic.

So what happens is, theylearned to sail underneath it

and over the top.

So storms stall here and whenthey make that west bend,

and folks that werewatching the other morning,

I said, that's like textbook,that's what we learned

at Penn State in the 1970s.

My professor, Dr. John Lee,

showed us map after map ofstorms that turned west.

Andrew, when it turnedwest it intensified.

Donna, turns west, it intensifiesand that's what you saw.

It was a classic case.

- Well now, how soon isthis thing gonna turn west?

Or do you think will it maybehit Florida, you think--

- No, it's gonna drift,it's not gonna hit Florida.

It's gonna stay just offshore.

I believe the path is gonnabe similar to Matthew.

The effects similar toMatthew all the way up

to about Charleston and remember,

in Matthew that broke allsorts of flood records.

You're gonna have those flood records tied

or beaten as far as coastalflooding from North Florida

all the way up the coast.

The difference is though,

I believe and we've been sayingit, my company WeatherBELL,

that we believe this isgonna go over Cape Fear,

Cape Lookout just west of Hatteras,

out near Duck, North Carolina.

And just so you remember I was tellin' ya,

when we were on last week,

that you'd have to lookout in Virginia Beach.

I think Virginia Beach is gonna have

hurricane force wind gustsand six to 12 inches of rain.

Part of that is because whenyou look at what happens

on the south end of Chesapeake Bay,

what happens is you geta natural convergence

of the wind coming down thebay and out in the Atlantic

and it sort of funnelsright into tidewaters.

So you'll be seeing places onthe coast, where the storm is,

getting these wind gust andthere'll be another area

that tries to develop north

from Duck toward VirginiaBeach and that area.

And then the final part is New England.

This thing could come inclose enough to New England

to deliver tropical storm tohurricane force conditions

in Southeast New England,

specifically the islands and the Cape.

- Well now, Joe, are wetalking about major flooding?

Are we talking about winddestruction of power lines

and all that sort of thing?

- Major coastal flooding is there.

We're going to have sixto 12 inches locally,

15 inches of rain in a band from Georgia

all the way up toward Southeast Virginia

and Eastern North Carolina, sothat's gonna cause flooding.

The good thing about this, though,

is it's not gonna spread way, way inland

so that water keeps coming down, you know,

out of the mountains likewe saw happen with Florence.

As far as the wind damage goes,

I expect power outagesup and down the coast.

You get wind gusts 100, 120 miles an hour,

we believe this will still be a Cat 2,

perhaps a Cat 3 when it reaches Cape Fear,

or the closest approach to Cape Fear.

You're gonna have power outages.

The thing is it's a slow-moving system,

it was somethin' we knewwas gonna happen last week.

And by the way, we'reprobably going to get a break

from U.S. threats 'tilabout September 20th.

But between September20th and October 15th,

this may ramp up again.

You're gonna see a lot of storms,

we'll get one in the Gulf,one in the Eastern Atlantic.

They'll probably stay outat sea over the next two

or three weeks after Dorian.

But after that, there'll be one more spurt

because there's gonna belots of warm air this fall,

well into October over the United States

and that's a sign that yousee this kind of thing.

- Thanks, Joe, appreciate your comments.

Joe Bastardi, isn't that?

- Fascinating to watch this--- Well, it's a lot of fun--

- But devastating when you--- It's not a fun thing to see.

Well, let me point out,ladies and gentlemen,

what Operation Blessing is doing.

I have a map that they gaveme of where they're located

and they've got facilitiesall over the state of Florida,

up into the Carolinas.

They're positioning all kindsof food and, you know, trucks

and the necessarysupplies to do rebuilding.

And they'll have a number of churches

that'll be working with themso they can have food, water

and the necessary thingsto keep people alive.

So Operation Blessing Disaster Relief,

if you want to help, it's gonna be there.

CBN Center, Virginia Beach,

or you can dial in 1-800-700-7000,


Operation Blessing will be there

and I think it's so importantbecause we really feel

that we can do everything wecan to help suffering people.

And there'll be a number ofyour friends and neighbors

and associates and people youlove who may be in harm's way

because of all thisflooding of this hurricane.

And if it does swing,

instead of going up the coast as Joe said,

if it takes a direct hit into Florida,

it will be devastating andwe hope that doesn't happen.

All right, Terry.

- Well, here at CBN,Labor Day is much more

than the unofficial end of summer.

58 years ago, before wefirst went on the air,

our small staff gatheredtogether on Labor Day

for a special service.

We have kept the tradition

of having a Labor Dayprayer service ever since

and we'd like to sharewith you some highlights

from yesterday's event.

(uplifting music)

- He still answers prayer.

He still fulfills a desireof the hearts of his people

and we can thank God that we're alive.

We can thank God for freedom.

We can thank God for his blessing.

We can thank God for theabundance of this land.

We can thank God for thefact that we're alive

and have family with us andwe're together in his ministry.

We can thank God for so manythings and the Bible says,

"Oh, give thanks to theLord, for he is good.

"His love endures forever,"

because God has put hishand around this place

to protect us!(audience applauding)

"This is my commandment,that you love one another,

"that your joy might be filled!"

Hug one another, God bless you!

(uplifting music)

- Well, it was a wonderful time

of remembering God'sfaithfulness over the years

and that's a great thing forus to remember today, isn't it,

as we look at the news

and all that's happening in the weather.

God is faithful, he isthere, we can trust him.

- You know, Terry, I pointed out yesterday

and it's so important,

when we had that firstLabor Day prayer meeting,

we had no television,

we had not enough money to payfor what we needed to have,

we had no Operation Blessing,we had no Regent University,

we had no ACLJ, we hadnone of the digital media,

we had none of these things.

There was certainly no worldwide vision,

we couldn't even get around the block.

And yet we prayed on that Labor Day

and said, "God, we need your help,"

and he answered so abundantly.

And then I could read over thethings that are being done,

but it's just incredible.

This is a miracle, God has put it here.

All right.- It really is.

Well, coming up, the ancientmystery behind President Trump

and you'll never guess what it is.

Best-selling author JonathanCahn joins us with the answer

and reveals more enthralling mysteries

from his latest page turner.

And then later on, shackledby an opioid addiction,

a former MMA fighter shrinks

to 119 pounds.

The sucker punch he never sawcoming, that's still ahead.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- Well, Jonathan Cahn has done it again.

Today is the official releaseby the date of his new book

"The Oracle, the JubileanMysteries Unveiled."

You can get it on Amazon andwe recommend that you do.

It's an incredible bookthat covers the whole world

and ends up with theSecond Coming of Jesus,

but this is something.

It's "The Oracle," youdon't want to miss it.

Well, Jonathan stunned theworld with his explosive,

New York Times best-sellingbook, "The Harbinger."

Millions were enthralled

by the next three best-sellersand now (laughs) the king

of the prophetic mysterypage has done it again.

(enthralling music)

(heart beating)

- [Announcer] Is it possiblethat an ancient mystery lies

behind the events of ourworld, the leaders of our times

and the course of our lives?

Could this mystery lie behindeverything from world wars,

current events and evenan American president?

Jonathan Cahn, the New YorkTimes Best-Selling Author

of "The Harbinger," "The Paradigm,"

and "The Book of Mysteries"now brings "The Oracle,

"The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled."

- Please welcome back to"The 700 Club" a dear friend,

Jonathan Cahn.

Jonathan, too good to see you!

- My blessing, Pat--- God bless you.

- Always, always.

- How do you come up with these books,

this thing's fantastic!

- Well, it just comes, basically.

This had been coming for like two years.

I've been blown away by this,

but it really comes and theLord put things on my heart

and then I'll say, "Can this be true?"

and I open up and I look and it's real.

So I've been blown away.

I had 3,000 pages of notes to try get

into (laughs) "The Oracle,"

but I can't reproduce it, it's the Lord.

- The Jubilee is spoken of in the Bible.

Every 50 years, debts were forgiven

and the original ownersof the property went back.

You think that actuallyis a controlling factor

of the whole world, iswhat this book says.

- Yeah, it's amazing, I mean, yes.

And the thing is that, Pat,

I would say what if there was a mystery

that reveals that behind everything?

You know, today we'redealing with a hurricane,

well, God is still on the throne

and he's in charge of everything

and this is what "TheOracle's" really showing.

It's not just we're saying it,

he's in charge of every single thing here

and that it's really thesecret behind the past,

the current events, present,

I mean, Trump, we'll get to, I'm sure.

The future, it's really thekey of end time prophecy,

and so specific that itactually gives dates,

or when things happen exactly according

to these mysteries in modern times.

And that is what "The Oracle" is

and this is, you kind of alluded to it,

this is kind of thebiggest spanning mystery

I've ever dealt with.

- You have in here theAustrian-Hungarian Empire

versus the Ottoman Empire

and the fact that theOttoman's got in debt

and then because oftheir debt they had to--

- Let the land go.

Yeah, every single thing in history.

I mean the rise of nations,the fall of empires,

the rise of America ispart of this, as well.

And I mean, it's everythingfrom Moses to Mark Twain,

from the Prophet Ezekiel tothe President Donald Trump,

it's everything inbetween.

The jubilean mysteriesis that every 50 years

this thing happened, thiswas the return to land.

Well, God said in the end times,

"I'm gonna bring Israel back to the land,"

so when they come back,it's linked to the Jubilee.

And the thing is that it'sfollowed this exact pattern

that a prophetic event happens,

I mean, from the 19th centuryto right where we are now.

And the other thing isthat I would say imagine

if there were scrolls thatthey opened up at set days,

and when they open upand read it and chant it,

the things that they chantstart coming true in the world.

If we could know that,

it sounds like it'sscience fiction, it's real.

There are these scrolls,

and this is called the parashah mystery,

and you're gonna see throughout

when these key things happen,

the words are appointed around the world,

even before it happens.

And the other thing isthat with "The Harbinger,"

the first time I ever cameon, on the day I was here,

the oracle is real, it's kindarevealing all the things,

but I framed it with a story

to make it like "The Harbinger."

So it's an oracle sharing,opening up these mysteries.

There's these seven doors

and each seven doors hasabout, maybe eight mysteries.

So there's so much that wecould probably just touch on it,

but we can, you know, I'll give a sample.

- How does Mark Twain figure into it?

I mean, he read "The Innocents Abroad."

Was he for history orhe's part of the oracle?

- He is, but listen, MarkTwain, we know he was a skeptic,

yet God uses everything.

And so you had the first,the opening of this thing.

Moses said, "A strangerwill come to the land

"and it's gonna be devastated,"it's gonna be a desolation.

A stranger's gonna comeand he's gonna bear witness

in saying, "This landis hopeless, desolate,"

he says what the man's gonna say.

The amazing thing, it happens.

The stranger comes to the land.

It says, "After this happens,

"then God is gonna start hisbringing back the people."

So the man makes ajourney and he gets there

and it's Mark Twain.

And he's walking through theland and he's with a notepad

and he's saying the exact wordsthat Moses says he will say.

I mean literally, "There'sno blade of grass growing,"

he says everything.

Then, the thing is thatright after he comes,

that is when this all happens.

He comes in the first year of Jubilee

of this restoration, 1867,

and all this mystical things, in a sense,

start happening in the land.

A man with a measuring line,the release of the lad,

you just--

- Yeah, tell me about the measuring line.

There was a guy that wassurveying the Temple.

- Yeah, well, a biblical sign

of when God's gonna do somethingis, in the Bible it's like,

he says, "I saw a manwith a measuring line,"

it's usually an angel.

But actually a man comeswith a measuring line,

measures out Jerusalem, 1867,same time that Mark Twain,

actually they stay atthe same hotel. (laughs)

It's all begins happening

and then all sorts of things happen.

The city of Jerusalem's beencovered up for 2,000 years,

that man with themeasuring line uncovers it

in the year of Jubilee.

It says, "The land will return."

All the things happen.

Mark Twain writes thebook, his first major book,

it's fulfilling biblicalprophecy and then it all happens.

You know for 2,000 years

the Jewish people have been praying,

"Lord, hear our prayer

"and be merciful andbring us back to the land.

"Hear our prayer, be merciful."

Mark Twain's real name, Samuel Clemens,

means the Lord has heardand has been merciful.

I mean, who could come up with that?

- Samuel Clemens?

- It's Hebrew, it's Hebrew.

And so this happens like that.

So the oracle, as themysteries for instance,

there's a word that was appointed

for the day that Israel wouldcome back into the world,

appointed from ages past,and what was the word?

Israel's about to come back.

When they announce it,it's on the Sabbath,

so the Sabbath, there's a word.

What the word that God appointed?

The word was, the prophecy fromAmos, it says, "In that day,

"I will raise up thefallen tabernacle of David,

"I will put them back in the land."

So they're chanting this allover the world from the scrolls

about the resurrection of Israel

and it's happening at the same moment.

There's something called thejubilean code, from Moses,

that the first time in the Bible

that God ever says to Israel,

"You shall return to yourancestral land," as a plural.

The word, "You shall return,"

is Hebrew (speaking in foreign language).

Every Hebrew letter has a number value

and when you write a Hebrewyear you use the letters.

It comes out to a year.

The word, "You shall return,"come out to the year 1948,

the year--- Come on!

- (laughs) Yes, the yearthat Israel returns is in,

from Leviticus, from Moses,

3,000 years--- 1948.

- "You shall return," equals 1948, yes.

And then, if you look at this,it happens like clockwork.

You had 1867, count 50 years, 1917,

the land returns to the Jewish people,

Balfour Declaration, the English Empire,

and so you got the land returning.

Count another 50 years,it takes you to 1967.

Did anything happen of (laughs) return?

- [Pat] The Six Day War.

- Six Day War and it ends up

with the Israeli soldiersentering the gates.

It says, "Everyone shallreturn to their possession,"

the first time in 2,000 years,

and this has to happen for Jesus to return

because he said inJerusalem, you'll see it.

But the sign of the Jubilee is--

- Was the horn.

And Goren had--- Yeah, yes, it's the trumpet.

It says that, "You'll sound the trumpet

"and they shall return."

Well, did anything ever happen

at a prophetic moment like this?

Well, when the Israeli soldiersget to the Temple Mount,

they hear the sound of the trumpet.

Now this guy sounds the trumpet.

But the mystery is that, youknow it says on the Jubilee,

"The land will returnto its original state."

What was the originalstate of the Temple Mount?

It was a threshing floorand the word in Hebrew

for threshing floor is(speaking in foreign language).

The guys who sounds--- Come on!

- Who sounds the shofaris named Rabbi Goren--

- And it means threshing floor?

- He means Rabbi Threshing Floor.

So he sounds it and he was bornin 1917, the other Jubilee,

so he's a child and hewas born for that moment.

He's 50 years old now,sounding the 50th year sign.

And, Pat, the other date he has,

Goren also means something else.

It means, the horn.

Rabbi Horn sound the horn.

- That's when the troops have come into--

- At the moment.

- Yeah, they won the battle.

- At the exact moment, he got in.

So God has the sound, I mean,showing that this is me,

you know, I'm doing this.

But then if you go, youknow, there's seven doors,

I'm just touching on the doorknobs,

I mean, there's so much.(Pat laughs)

But to get an idea, the onething that Israel didn't get,

in the Jubilee it says

you'll get the legal rights to your land.

It's not that you just gothere, you're recognized.

Well, Jerusalem was neverrecognized by the world.

They refused it and that lasted

until Donald Trump gavethe Jerusalem Declaration,

saying, "We recognize."

First time in modern times,first time since ancient times.

- [Pat] Well, does hisname mean something?

- Yeah, yes, because when did it happen?

Well, what's the next Jubilee?

If you do 1967 and you fastforward, it goes to 2017

and that's exactly when he did it,

when it went forth, Jubilee.

But, you mention it, what is the Jubilee?

You have the Jubilee and youhave the trumpet shall sound,

trumpet is appointed to the Jubilee.

What does our President'sname mean in English?

It means the trumpet!

The trumpet! (laughs)

So Donald Trump, and whendid he come to power?

The year of Jubilee!

And so it's says, "Thetrumpet shall sound,"

the Trump shall sound throughout the land.

Well, he's been sounding eversince, you know, (laughs)

and it says, "When the trumpsounds, the land goes back."

Well, the Trump soundedand Jerusalem went back

to the Jewish people.

Who could put this together, Pat?

I mean, he had to win that election

because he was the Trump

of the Jubilee!(Pat laughs)

- I was reading Ezekiel about that vision.

"I have a prophecy forthe mountains of Israel

"and men will come uponyou," you remember?

- Yeah!

Well, yes, okay.

This all goes with the prophets of Israel.

I mean, I'll give an example of that

and there's more on Trump.

But the example, and thisgoes to the future, too,

what's gonna happen,

but Isaiah says that, "The Lord will fight

"for those mountains likea lion and a young lion."

And the amazing thing,Pat, as I looked at it,

in the Six Day War when they're fighting,

all these key people

who were soldiers in thatwar were named the lion.

And the first two peoplewho went in the gate

on the mountain was ColonelMotta Gur and Arik Akman,

actually, it's in Gordon's documentary.

And the amazing thing is, it says,

"He will fight as alion and a young lion."

Their names together mean the lion

and the young lion.- Come on!

- And the gate they wentthrough was the Lion's Gate.

Because, you know, Messiahcame the first time

to the gates as a lamb,he's coming in as a lion

and that's a sign.

And there's anotherthing, we mentioned Trump,

and it's not like Trumpis reading Leviticus

and saying, "I'm gonna fulfill this."

We can safely assume that.(Pat laughs)

But how God used it,well, the thing is that

when he gave that, theBible says that he followed

this pattern of thisancient king of Cyrus.

Even the document, I mean, it's amazing!

But he wasn't trying to dothis, but what the Bible says

that Israel will go througha period of 70 years,

at the end of the 70 years,

the king will issue a declaration

which is gonna recognizeJerusalem, which is Cyrus.

But could Donald Trumpactually be doing this

without realizing it?

Well, is there a 70 year period?

If you go back from whenhe gave the declaration,

count back 70 years, it takes you to 1947,

the very year that Israelis voted into existence.

And I looked deeper, ifyou count from the very day

that they voted Israel in,on the Hebrew calendar it's

(speaking in foreign language) 17.

Count 70 years from theday and it says after,

so take the next day, (speakingin foreign language) 18,

what day is it?

It comes out to December 6th, 2017.

That's the exact date thathe issued the declaration,

after 70 years to the day!

I mean, to the day.

And the thing is that italso deals with the future.

In the, I know you readit and I'm so glad,

you know, they say youread things just like that.

But the sixth door deals with the future

and one of the mysteries, really, Pat,

of the whole end times is that,you asked about the Jubilee,

is that it's the mystery of return.

And you see, whatever it was,

the Jewish people have toreturn to where they were

at the beginning of the age.

And so they were in Jerusalem,they were in Israel,

so they're back.

But it's not just that,it's the whole world.

2,000 years ago, the world, what was it?

It was pagan and it wasanti-Christian, unChristian.

What we're watching inthe world is the mystery

that the world culture is returning

to where it was--- To paganism.

- Paganism.

We're watching it every day,it's part of the mystery.

Now there can be revival, we pray for it,

but the world culture isreturning to what it was,

so that's all part of it.

But the Church, 2,000 years ago, was also

in its original state,was powerful, dynamic,

you know, Book of Acts, radical.

God is calling the believers,

this is our return to become that again.

And as we see persecution, it's okay,

those who stand will be like that,

will be as it was back then.

God's calling us to livelike the Book of Acts.

So in the same time, the dark is darker,

but we have our own Jubilee.

- Well, what about thedark jubilee you wrote?

- Yeah, the dark jubilee is that

every time we turn on the television,

I mean, you've spoken,we've spoken about it,

we're watching the world,like, almost the culture try

to throw off the Christianity,throw off its faith.

Well, that is the return towhat it was, which is Rome,

you know, the Bible speaks of that.

Which is actually a culturethat hates Christians,

you know, we're watching that.

But it's okay, God is incontrol, it's part of history

and God will call us torise to that challenge.

You know, we say likewhat's the missing piece?

The Jubilee is that theowner leaves the land

and then comes back.

Well, who's the owner of--- Jesus.

- The owner (laughs) of Israel--

- Is the Messiah.- Is the King of Israel.

He left the land andeverything is following him.

And so what the ultimate is returning

because there's gonnabe one Jubilee return,

the king is coming back to the kingdom.

And that's the ultimate, well,almost the ultimate Jubilee,

'cause he's coming.

So it's all leading up to that.

We are in the days ofthat and these are signs

that God is real and God is in everything

and God is leading up to that.

And it's also our lives

because our whole salvationis really jubilee.

It's not just that the God

of Israel is the God of everything,

he's the God of your life,he's the God of my life.

And he's in charge and he's in control

and he's here to restore us

and to make us what we were called to be.

It only gets very personalbecause it's really

how do you apply this power to your life?

- How long do you think it's gonna take?

- You mean, for--

- For the King to come back?

- Well, that's a good question.

Well, there's a few possibilities,

I mean, some people thinkcould it be the next Jubilee

that he comes out?

Or it could be 2,000 yearsfrom the beginning of the age,

which is the cross, which is coming up.

But, the point is, we have to be ready,

you know what I mean, of course.

And we have to be readythat he's coming as a lion

and we have to live like lions now

because we're seeing everything,

it looks like it's out ofcontrol, it's not out of control.

Our God is on the throneand at the end, Pat,

you know you read in theBible, it's what disappeared

at the beginning comes back at the end.

Well, it's a jubilee, becausehow does it all begin?

We lost paradise, but we'recomin' home, you know?

We're comin' home and soit says that in that day,

it says, "He will wipe awayevery tear from our eye,"

and we will, for the first time, be home.

For the first time, Heavenis our ancestral possession.

We will go there.

- I like it, I like it! (laughs)

(Jonathan laughs)

Jonathan, this book is incredible.

It's already become a best-seller.

- It hasn't been releaseduntil today, on here,

and it's been a best-seller.

And I'll just one thing, if it's okay?

They can get it anywhere now,

it's gonna be Amazon to WalMart.

But for "The Oracle," if yougo to,

you're gonna get that

and the publisher'sgonna give you $80 worth

of my books for free.- Will it?

- If you go to,you'll get that there,

but you can go anywhere.

And also, but get itfor unsaved people, too,

because this is likeGod is real, you know?

- You think that there'sgonna be a chaotic situation

in the world before the Lord comes?

- Yes, yeah, I think so, absolutely

because it gets worsebefore it gets better,

you know what I mean, for the dawn.

And we can watch it inthe world and Israel,

but when Trump recognizedIsrael, the world went crazy.

For the Bible says,

the whole world is gonnago crazy over this.

But it's a good signbecause Jerusalem is back.

The Jewish people came back to Jerusalem

because someone else is comin'back to Jerusalem. (laughs)

And we are ultimately goin' to Jerusalem.

- Well, the whole thing of thedesert blooming, it's just,

you know, it's incredible.

- It's restoration.

Pat, I told you I watched "The 700 Club"

before I was a believer,everybody knows that,

how this affected meand I came to the Lord,

it was like Seven Days ofBlaze during the holy time

and you were crucial in that.

But I was an atheist originallyand it was when I opened up

and I saw what everything theBible said is coming true,

God is real, I never knew this!

It's real, it was the miracle of Israel.

God is telling you every day he's real.

Your God is real and he'salive and he's awesome.

- There were some numbers in the Bible

that you talked about.

There's a coin in Egypt thathas those numbers on 'em?

- Yeah, in Daniel, thisis how awesome God is,

in Daniel, there's a number that's 1335.

It's the number of the end ofthe occupation of Jerusalem,

the enemy has to leave.

It all starts appearing in Israel

and in the Middle East on coins and around

in the year of Jubilee, 1917, why?

Because it happens tobe the Muslim calendar

and their year that comes out to 1335,

which is the number ofDaniel to say get out,

(laughs) it was that yearwhich is the year of Jubilee!

And so even the Muslimcalendar, God is over even that.

- And they have coins of that number?

- They have coins of that number.

It's the year 1917, the OttomanEmpire gets out as God says.

And the very day that thatyear culminates was the day

that America told Britain,

go ahead with the Balfour Declaration.

The very day.

I mean, everything, everything.

When Israel was being votedinto the United Nations

and nobody knew the name of it,

there was no name untiljust a few days before.

It came back five months later.

But all around the world,they're opening the scrolls

and they're reading, they're chanting,

and the scripture appointedfor that very day was,

"You shall be called Israel." (laughs)

- Oh, really?- (laughs) Yes, Yes!

It's again, in the Six DayWar when the Jewish people,

they made the decision, we gotta go to war

'cause they're gonna wipeus out, it was the Sabbath.

On that day, the scriptureread all over the world

from the scroll was prepare for war,

it says, "You should go to war."

And I didn't mention this, this is one

and I probably won't get into it,

but when Donald Trump was born, (laughs)

there was an appointedword that was proclaimed

that was the word for his life

and is the mystery of Donald Trump.

It was proclaimed on the day of his birth.

- Incredible!- Yeah!

- Well, how about Ben Gurion?

- People don't know, Ben Gurion,

he's the first leader of modern Israel,

he helped bring it back.

But people don't know, it'slike God resurrected the nation,

he also resurrected the leaders.

The last leader of ancientIsrael was called Ben Gurion.

So the last leader, andhe died and it vanished,

so God raised up a man calledBen Gurion, same thing,

to bring the resurrection.

He's even resurrecting the leaders.

And Ben Gurion, by the way,

when we talked aboutthat day of the lions,

when they come back to Jerusalem,

Ben Gurion comes the next day and says,

"We gotta hold onto it."

Ben Gurion's name means,the lion. (laughs)

- See, incredible!

- God is amazing!

- Jonathan, this is too much.

I wish I had a few monthsto talk about this.

Ladies and gentlemen, youwant to get this book,

it's called "The Oracle"

and it can be availablewherever books are sold.

Mysteries unveiled, wow!

God bless you, man.- Oh, thank you, Pat.

- Thank you.- My joy.

- Praise God.

All right, you can get itwherever books are sold.

It's "The Oracle," it'sa best-seller already

and Amazon's got it

and so does everybody else, okay. (laughs)

Jonathan Cahn, a marvelous,marvelous understanding

of what's happening in the world

about the Jubilee and mysteries.


-, go to it.

Well, still ahead, dirtin his glass of water.

That didn't stop this eightyear old from guzzling it down,

but it did make him deathly ill.

What saved him?

Coming up.

Plus, your questionsand some honest answers.

Nicole asks, "Is it a sin for Christians

"to buy scratch-off cards?"

Stay tuned for Pat's answer,

that's later on today's "700 Club."

(uplifting music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to Washingtonfor this "Newsbreak."

Nine people are missing aftera tragic boat fire Monday

that killed at least 25people near an island

off the Southern California coast.

(air whooshes)

- [Victim] Mayday, mayday, mayday!

(static popping)

- [Rescuer] I can't hear you!

- [Rescuer] Roger, are theylocked inside the boat?

Roger, can you get back onboard and unlock the boat,

unlock the doors so they can get off?

- The call for help came in

around three o'clock in the morning.

The dive boat was anchored near the shore

when it erupted into flames.

Five crew members escapedby jumping into the water,

but most of the passengers were asleep

and trapped inside the burning boat.

Rescuers hope that maybethose still missing were able

to swim to a nearby island.

Investigators say theystill don't know the cause

of the fire.

Well, a neighbor of thegunman who killed seven people

in West Texas says herfamily was afraid of him.

Rocio Gutierrez toldreporters that Seth Ator

often shot at animals at night and she

and her family feared hemight start shooting at them.

An FBI agent says theshooting suspect's residence

was strange and reflectedhis mental state.

Police killed Ator outsidean Odessa movie theater

on Saturday after he openedfire on state troopers

during a traffic stop.

He then fled and then started shooting

at random passers by and vehicles.

You can always get thelatest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Terry will be backwith more of "The 700 Club"

right after this.(dramatic music)

(soft music)

- Imagine being so thirstyyou drink a glass of water

with dirt floating in it,

even though you knew itcould make you deathly ill.

Well, that's what happened

to a boy in the Philippinesnamed John Mark.

And not long after that drink,

he was fighting a high fever for his life.

- [Reporter] For years,eight year old John Marc

and his family havestruggled to find a source

of clean drinking water.

This water comes from a pond up on a hill.

- [Interpreter] Sometimes Ican see the dirt in my glass.

- [Reporter] A second source

of water is a little safer todrink, but much farther away.

- [Interpreter] The container is heavy.

It takes us at least one hour to walk back

because we have to stop and rest.

- [Reporter] One dayafter playing basketball,

John Marc grabbed a glass of water.

Hours later, he got very sick.

- [Interpreter] My stomach hurtin the middle of the night,

I had to keep going to the bathroom.

The next day, I had ahigh fever and a headache.

I missed school for a week

and couldn't play with my friends.

- [Reporter] Then John Marc's family heard

that CBN's Operation Blessingwas going to dig a well

in their community.

- [Interpreter] The wellis close to our home

and it's easy to get water to drink!

The water was cold and tasted good!

- [Reporter] John Marcnow has more time to focus

on school and practice basketball.

- [Interpreter] Thankyou for the new well!

It's a big help to us!(water splashes)

- Not just a big helpbecause of convenience,

but life saving, really.

Can you imagine?

You know, as Americans,we just enjoy such ease

in our lives, don't we?

We want a drink, we go tothe faucet, we turn it on.

A lot of us get it outof our refrigerator door.

I mean, it's just available.

But in other parts of theworld it is not like that.

It's so significant thatyou, 700 Club members,

are able to make that kindof a life-changing difference

in people and in their circumstances.

Listen, if the rest of you

who are not 700 Club memberswould like to be a part

of changing lives like that,

you can do it right thisminute by joining The 700 Club.

It's 65 cents a day, that's $20 a month

and you'll be joining with thousands of us

who are touching theworld in many, many ways,

every single day.

So here's the easy part about it,

our number's toll free,it's 1-800-700-7000.

Just call and say I wantto join The 700 Club

and when you do it, will youdo it using Pledge Express?

That's electronic monthly giving,

it means your bank does all the work,

no stamps, no envelopes needed,

you don't have to remember anything.

It's all done for you,

but it saves us some administrative costs

so we can put even more of your gift

into the lives offamilies like John Marc's.

Our way of saying thank youfor using Pledge Express is

to send you one of these every month,

"Power for Life Teachings."

We get them here at CBN and wewant to share them with you,

we think they'll be a blessing

and you'll be making a huge difference

in the lives of people in need.

So please, call now, 1-800-700-7000.

Well, it's time for someemail, Pat, are you ready?

- [Pat] Let's do it.

All right, let's see what we got.

- [Terry] This first onecomes from Nicole, who says,

"Hey, Pat, is it a sin for Christians

"to buy scratch-off cards?

"Isn't it like depending onanother source for money?"

- Look, there's nothing wrong

with depending on another source,

I mean, you can have several sources.

The question is, you know,gambling is tempting God

and what you're sayingis, "I'll scratch on this

"and I'm gonna get rich and I'm gonna pray

"that God will give me a breakand I'll hit the lottery."

"I pray that I'll pullan inside straight."

"I pray that I'll get a heartto get a complete flush."

"I'll pray that I'll get another ace

"to get a full house," or whatever.

That's tempting God.

But you buy one of thosethings and scratch it off

and you think it's fun.

I mean it to say, to youit doesn't mean anything,

well, if it's, "Whatever'snot of faith is sin."

If you feel it's wrong, don't do it.

But if it's kinda like funand I'm gonna waste $5 anyhow,

so I'm gonna give it--- When you have $5 to waste.

- If you got $5 to waste,I mean, then it's okay,

but I don't think youwant to waste God's money.

It's the attitude ofyour heart, all right?

- This is Diane who says:

I've been in a terriblemarriage for 16 years

and I'm wondering

when do you actually say enough is enough?

My husband has cheated on me several times

and has a bad temper.

He's not physically abusivebut verbally abusive.

We have three children

and I worry about theexample he sets for them.

I'm scared to leave becauseof all the unknowns.

And worried if I did, would it get better

and would anyone ever love me?

With three kids, how do you ever move on

when you're going to be

in each other's lives forever anyway?

Please help.

- Look, first of all,

you have scriptural grounds for divorce.

He's cheated on you sohe's committed adultery,

so that's the ground, okay?

Now what he's doing isdestroying you mentally

and you don't have to continue that.

Now there are courtsset up to help battered

and abused women and alsomentally abused women.

And you can call theground intolerable cruelty,

or whatever, and your husbandwill be forced to pay alimony.

That's the way it works.

And so

I think that

you don't want to getsome rapacious shyster

to represent you,

but if you could find a Christian lawyer

who understands that you're not angry,

you're not trying to hurt somebody

but it's an intolerablesituation and you need some help

and I think you can get it.

In addition, trust whateverGod's put into your hands.

You may have moreabilities than you realize

and use those abilities andlet the Lord take care of you.

But get out of that deal,you shouldn't have to endure

that what you're going through, all right?

- This is Patti who says,

"Where in the Bibledoes it state, or prove,

"once we die we cannot return?"

- Well, the Bible clearly talks

about the rich man and Lazarus.

And Lazarus said, "Let me go from here,"

and he's in Abraham's bosom

and he wants to go warn his brothers

and Abraham says, "I'm sorry.

"There's a great gulf fixed between us

"and you can't go from there to here

"and we can't go from here to you."

I tell you, once you die, it's fixed.

It's appointed that the man wants to die

and after that the judgment.

There's no coming back, there'sno second chance, no way.

And I'm sorry, that's just right there

what the Bible says, all right?

- This is Linda who says:

I hear often, "God hasa plan for your life."

Who is this meant for?

Does this include most peoplewho've lived or are living?

Millions have suffered and died

because of famines, droughts,earthquakes, floods, diseases.

What about the millionsthat are having to live

under cruel rulers or dictators?

Is that the plan for their lives?

- Look, God speaks to Jeremiah, he says,

"I know the thought that I had for you.

"I have a plan to doyou good and not harm."

He's talking to a prophet

and the message is for the prophet.

And I know a lot of peopletake that as it's for them,

but I think he has a prayer, you know.

When Jesus was praying, he said,

"I don't pray for the world,

"I pray for those, Father,

"that you've given me out of the world."

And I think the world,if I could use that term,

lies in wickedness.

And is there a plan for all of them?

Specifically, I don't thinkthe Bible teaches that.

Jeremiah was a prophet,God had a plan for his life

and I think God has a prayer,

if we'll look for the plan,God will show us the plan.

But all these multitudes you talked about,

they don't know God,they don't know any plan

and the Bible doesn't sayhe has a plan for everybody.

I mean, you misquote scriptureon that one, all right?

- Okay, well, that's all the time--

- Oh, boy!- We have today.

But thank you.- Thank you!

- And thank you all for yourquestions, we love that.

Well, Hope Cuellar becamea prisoner in her own home

after her right hip began locking up.

With every step she took,she was terrified of falling.

She suffered this agony for 18 months

and then one day, she washealed in her living room chair

in an instant.

- [Pat] Wow!

- [Reporter] For decades,Hope Cuellar dealt

with limited mobility in her left leg

after injuring it in a car accident.

But when her right hip started locking up,

she became almost totally immobile.

- My good leg was my right leg,

that one did all the work.

And then, all of a sudden,one day I couldn't move it.

It was very painful.

Scary because my doctor took an X-ray

and he said it was bone on bone.

- [Reporter] Steroid injections helped,

but when they wore off, the pain returned.

- I couldn't walk, it just hurt so bad.

I couldn't even leave my house

unless I had help from somebody.

It was really bad.

I would walk and be afraid

that at any moment I was going to freeze

and I couldn't put my foot down.

It was my pain, my hurt.

Nobody knew, it was just me.

- [Reporter] For a year and ahalf, Hope prayed for healing.

One day it came while shewas watching "The 700 Club."

- Someone else, there'sproblems with your right hip.

It's just not moving properlyand it's very painful

and you walk with a limp.

God is healing you.

He's restoring, he's makingeverything new again.

- I jumped up and I said,"That's me, that's me!

"Heal me, Jesus, please heal me!

"In Jesus' name."

I felt the warmth come inmy arm, all the way down,

and I was crying and I was crying

and just accepting the healing.

I knew it, I knew it, I felt it.

The pain is all gone.

I can walk and put one littlefoot in front of the other

and that's all because of Jesus.

He loves us.

- [Reporter] At her next appointment,

Hope told her doctor shewas done with steroid shots.

- I said, "Because Jesushealed me, I'm walking."

She just smiled.

Like I don't know ifthey believe all that,

but, hey, God was therebefore they were. (laughs)

It's true and God willhelp anybody that asks

because he loves us andhe is there to help us.

We just have to ask and believe.

- Unbelievable, what an amazing story!

Well here is another one.

This is Lillie, she's a CBN partner

from Columbia, South Carolina.

She has a grandson, Hassan,

who had debilitating pain in his knee.

An MRI showed he had a torn meniscus

and surgery was advised.

So Grandma Lillie calledour prayer center asking us

to pray specifically thatno surgery will be needed.

The day Hassan reported for surgery,

his doctor did the preliminary exam.

He was amazed, saying, "This can't be!"

Surgery was no longer needed.

Hassan had already been healed.


- Well, folks, we want to pray for you.

We thank God for this.

There's nothing impossiblewith the God we serve.

He's a God of miracles,he's a God of power.

Terry and I are joining hands right now.

Father, we agree together

with people in thisaudience who are suffering.

Somebody has a swollen knee.

You heard about that knee andyour knee has been swelling.

Right now, just touch the knee.

In the name of Jesus, you are healed.


- There's someone else, you have a problem

with the upper palate of your mouth

and it's really affecting your speech,

your teeth, everything.

God is just touching andhealing that for you right now.

It's all gonna settle back into place

and you'll have no problems.

- Somebody, you're goingdeaf in one of your ears.

Put your hand on your ear andjust in the name of Jesus,

receive your hearing.



- Someone else with stomach issues,

you're having such aproblem with digestion,

various foods that you'rejust simply not able

to eat anymore.

But right this moment, today,

God is touching and healing you.

You've had this for a while,

but you're gonna find you can eat anything

you want.- Thank you.

- You'll not have the problem again.

- Thank you, Lord.- In Jesus' name.

- Now, Father, for all in this audience

who are praying with us--- Thank you, Lord.

- Let your presence andanointing be upon them.

Grant them the desireof their heart, Lord.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

And Amen.

Well, today's Power Minuteis from 1 Corinthians.

"Pursue love, yet desireearnestly the spiritual gifts,

"especially that you may prophesy."

Well tomorrow, a shockingstory on child slave labor.

What can be done for 'em?

We're gonna show you howwe're doing something

to help people in that situation.

Well, for Terry and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson,

thank you so much for being with us

and Lord willing, we'll seeyou at the same time tomorrow.

Until then, bye-bye.

(uplifting music)


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