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700 Club Interactive - September 4, 2019

New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn discusses the Jubilean prophecies; mysteries that will impact how to understand the past and be ready for the future. Read Transcript

- [Gordon] A womantrapped in a dark world.

- That moment I kneweverything he promised

was never gonna come true.

I knew, I gotta go, Igotta get outta here.

- Hear how she escaped.

Plus, "the Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled."

New York Times best-sellingauthor, Jonathan Cahn,

is here to discuss his latest novel

all on today's 700 Club Interactive.

Well welcome to the show.

Recently well-known Christians,

Joshua Harris and Marty Sampson

revealed that they were leaving the faith.

Both chose Instagram to share the news.

- The viral reaction has ledto a conversation in the church

about what it reallymeans to be follow Christ.

Charlene Aaron has the story.

- Joshua Harris, authorof the best-selling book,

"I Kissed Dating Goodbye," madeheadlines when he announced

that he is no longer a Christian.

Weeks later former Hillsong worship leader

and songwriter, Marty Sampson,

shocked the Christiancommunity when he said

he's struggling with his faith.

20 years ago Harris' bookon Christians and dating

became a best seller andcatapulted his ministry.

He now renounces histeachings on purity saying

they "contributed to a cultureof exclusion and bigotry."

Harris also apologizedto the LGBT community

and recently took partin a gay pride festival.

Last month on Instagram Harris revealed

he's left Christianity altogether.

"I have undergone a massive shift

"in regard to my faithin Jesus," he wrote.

"By all measurements that Ihave for defining a Christian,

"I am not a Christian."

Harris isn't alone.

Marty Sampson, who wrotemusic for Hillsong years ago,

posted his doubts aboutthe Christian faith

on issues such as Hell andsuffering in the world saying,

"I'm genuinely losing my faith,and it doesn't bother me."

These online confessionsquickly traveled the web

leading to various reaction.

John Cooper, leader of theChristian Rock band, Skillet,

took to Facebook with his concerns saying,

"We must value truth over feelings."

In an interview with CBNNews Cooper highlighted

the importance of stayingtrue to God's Word.

- Everybody is so confusedabout what truth his,

and the church is supposed to be

invading culture with the Kingdom of God,

and instead we are lettingthe culture invade the church,

and that's not the way thatwe're supposed to do it.

Jesus is the only thing in this world

that will never change.

- [Charlene] Many say what is playing out

fulfills Scripture.

First Timothy, chapter four says,

"The Spirit clearly saysthat in the latter times

"some will abandon the faithand follow deceiving spirits

"and things taught by demons."

- I think that certainly this fits into

this falling away that the Bible predicts,

but there has been fallingaway throughout history

and what's made this alittle different is that,

because of social media andplatforms like social media,

it's so easily talked about and shared.

- [Charlene] VirginiaBeach pastor, Dan Backens,

says part of the problem is the lack

of real biblical discipleship.

- It's not as easy todisciple as it used to be.

People don't like to be accountable.

These songwriters,their lyrics are shaping

the theology of a wholemovement of young Christians,

and it's not deep enough, in my view,

to withstand the pressuresof a secular age.

- As an educator I have to say

one of the troubling thingsfor me about watching

Joshua's rise in ministry is the fact that

he did not go for training.

He was training when he wrote this book.

We need to wait 'tilfolks mature a little bit

before we put them on a platform.

- [Charlene] Dr. Corne Bekkeror Regent University adds

that another troubling aspect

is celebrity culture in Christianity.

- It's deeply concerning to me,

even when he makes this announcement,

the way that it was made onInstagram with a mood picture

of him contemplating abeautiful pool in nature.

- [Charlene] Backens sees this as

a wake up call for the church.

- I think it's a call to intercession.

We gotta pray for a spiritof revival in our churches

and really go at this thing from our knees

and crying out to God for this generation.

- [Charlene] While Bekkerencourages believers to hold on.

- The glorious thingabout the Christian faith

is that it's not locatedin the human person,

it's located in the faithfulness of God

and of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.

So I would say to them,hold on to the Scriptures,

hold on to Christ, yourfoundation is firm.

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- I'll tell you, Terry,the thing that amazes me

about all of this story is that

somehow we're thinking it's new,

or it's some kind of breaking thing,

but this has been throughout the church.

You go back to the Apostle, Paul,

and the Apostle Paul talked about

people that he knew who were Christians,

and then he has this unusual expression,

the shipwreck of their faith.

That it was possible to leave the faith,

and to leave the church,

and it's not just basedon behavior where you sin,

but you literally lose trackof who you are in Christ

and you start not believing.

And you look at what'sthe root cause of that,

and I think both theseindividuals have expressed

issues with concepts of sin and Hell,

and then concepts of whydo we suffer in this life,

and that's not new.

That has been a prime cause ofpeople losing their religion,

we just have new sayings for it.

- Yeah, I think Dr. Bekker also mentioned

Joshua's age at the timethat his book came out,

and I mean his book was a big deal,

it really impacted the culture.

- He became an overnight sensation.

- Yeah, you know, fame is aserious thing to contend with,

I think, for believers in general.

- I think for everyone.

- Yeah, exactly.

- Fame can be very caustic.

- Yes.

- And not just to thepersonality that suddenly finds,

well, I've become a commodity,

I can't function is society anymore

without my reputation, orfame, or whatever preceding.

And then the relationshipsaround you become affected by it.

- Well and the busyness of it.

The more people come to know you,

the more they want of you,

the more you're pulled here and there,

and the less time you have to really

search these things out for yourself.

I mean, we're all young in our faith

when we first come to the Lord,

it takes some time to getinto the Word, to be taught.

I just think that that's what

you have happening in this scenario.

However, as God is want to do,

something that appeared atfirst negative like this,

and is in and of itselfa negative perspective,

creates this kind of discussionand encourages us all

to dig deep, to figure it out.

We're going home from here, this isn't it,

so better do a little research on that.


Just sayin'.

- Well, the problem with losing your faith

is that now you're withoutGod, and without hope,

and so what's the pointand what's the purpose.

You can start really looking at that,

and then you get into,

what did the Apostle Paul do as a solution

to people who lost their faith,

and that's not something that'sany secret friendly here.

He expressed twice that he woulddeliver them over to Satan,

the reason being, andhe says it very clearly

in First Corinthians, chapter five,

so that their flesh may perish

but their spirit may be redeemed.

That's a hard prayer.

You're not going to seethat too much today,

not sure it should ever even be expressed,

but it's in the Bible,that's what Paul did.

- And maybe we wouldn't be comfortable

with the actuality of that,

but what we would want iswhat Paul wanted in the end,

for their spirit to findtruth, and to be alive,

and to have eternal hope.

- And he spoke from the point of view

that he was willing forhimself to be a accursed

so that people could be saved,

he was willing to give of himself.

And so, if you have that point of view

and that actually becomesan expression of love.

- Perhaps not secret friendly either, but.

- Well, love is a secret friend.

- Yes.

- Love is always very attractive,

and particularly the love that says--

- I'm willing.

- I'm willing, I'm willing to go.

Well up next, New YorkTimes best-selling author,

Jonathan Cahn is here to discuss

his latest novel, "The Oracle."

Don't go away.

(slow music)

Well Jonathan Cahn'sbook, "The Harbinger,"

sold over two millioncopies and spent 100 weeks

as a New York Times Best Seller.

His latest work, "The Oracle,"promises to be another hit.

Take a look.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] Is it possiblethat an ancient mystery

lies behind the events of our world,

the leaders of of our times,

and the course of our lives.

Could this mystery lie behindeverything from world wars,

current events, and evenan American president?

Jonathan Cahn, the New YorkTimes best-selling author of

"The Harbinger," "The Paradigm,"

and "The Book of Mysteries,"

now brings "The Oracle: theJubilean Mysteries Unveiled."

- Well Jonathan joins us now,and it's great to have you.

- Great to be here.

- You got another blockbusterhere, "The Oracle."

Tell us about it.

What are you trying to do with

drawing attention to the Jubilee here?

- Yeah, "The Oracle," it's gotta be

the biggest mysteryI've ever written about

because it's everything.

It's a secret really behind the past,

the present, current events,the future, end time,

the template of the end times,

and it's so big it includes everything

from Moses to Mark Twain,

from the prophet, Jeremiah,to Donald Trump, as you know,

and it's really the God of the Bible--

- [Gordon] Never heardMoses and Mark Twain

in the same sentence.

- But they're together,that's the amazing thing.

Mark Twain is actuallya piece of the puzzle

of prophesy and Israel.

But the thing is that the--

I just watched your segmentbefore about the falling away,

but this is showing you that culture says

that God is from the past.

The God of the Bible istotally, gigantically real,

and He is behind all theevents that are happening,

and "The Oracle" is revealing that.

That, first of all, you have

the Jubilean mysteries you mentioned,

that is the 50th year, you return home,

you're restored what you lost.

Well, God said at the endtimes we're gonna bring

Israel back to the land, as we know.

Well, the amazing thing is that it follows

the Jubilee pattern of coming home.

Every 50th year this thing happens,

a major prophetic event happens.

There's a mystery calledthe Parasha Mystery,

which is the scrolls in the Jewish people.

They are these scrolls thatthey open up on the Sabbath

and they read the appointed word,

it's been appointed from ages past.

But the amazing thingis, as they read them,

at key times the events they're reading

are taking place in the world,

again, and again, and again up to our day.

So it is really is a gigantic thing

that encompasses everything,and what is coming.

And it's not just the event,

but even people are born at exact times,

given exact names thatare part of the mysteries,

starting with Mark Twain,going down to Donald Trump.

But it's really everything,and it's really also saying

it's not just what He'sdoing in the world,

but the same God is the God of our lives,

He is in every event.

- Alright, well let'sfocus it down to Jerusalem,

'cause I think Jerusalem is the key piece.

- [Jonathan] Absolutely.

- And the recognition of Jerusalem

as the undivided capital of Israel.

- [Jonathan] Yes.

- That that occurred 51 years.

- No, no wait, well let me show you.

First of all,

the first Jubilean yearin "The Oracle," is 1867,

that's when Mark Twain--

There's a prophesy that the stranger

shall come to the land and bear witness,

and Mark Twain, he actually comes,

he says the same words that Moses said,

and then all these things starttaking place in that year,

that the release of the land begins then.

Jerusalem, the City of David,

that's been hidden for 2,000 years,

is revealed, it comes back in the light,

everything, a million things.

But then, if you go 50thyear from there it's 1917,

is the Balfour Declaration,

the land returns to the Jewish people.

Go fast-forward 50th year, 1967,

and Jerusalem is restoredto the Jewish people

in the Six-Day War.

But the one thing they nevergot was the recognition

of the world giving recognition.

Well that happens byDonald Trump, as you said,

that's in 2017, in the year it happens.

But the thing is that, Gordon,

I will say something aboutTrump, if that's okay,

that first of all in '67when they get to the Wall,

and you're really an expert on this,

because they get to the Wall,

they hear the sound of theshofar, the sound of the Jubilee.

It's Rabbi Goren.

And the thing is that in the mystery--

- He has to borrow a shofar to do it.

- And the shofar, Inever talked about this,

the shofar he borrowsis the Priestly Shofar,

is from a priest, and on Jubilee

it's a priestly shofar that--

- How do you know it's a priest?

- It was his father-in-law.

His father-in-law wasDavid Kohen, the priest,

he was also a Nazarite,

and he went to him, he gavehim his shofar, he's a priest.

There's a whole Mysteryof the Priest to this day.

- [Gordon] I didn'tknow he was a Nazarite.

- Gigantic.

- He dedicated his--

- He was a Nazarite, andthere's a whole other thing.

- I didn't know they existed anymore.

- Yeah, he was called theNazarite of Jerusalem,

he said he's not leaving his house

until Jerusalem is restored.

And so Goren sends for his father-in-law,

brings him, and there's a mystery

because the days of theseparation of the Nazarite

and only by bringinghim to the Sanctuary--

- [Gordon] Yes.

You have to carry him.

- And the one who drivesthe jeep is a priest,

he's a soldier who's a priest,

and they're not trying todo it, it's just happening.

And the word that was appointed

all around the worldin the Six-Day War was,

"You shall bring theNazarite the Sanctuary

and the days of separation will be over."

This is how it is and I'venever told you about that.

But the thing is, when the Jubliee comes,

the land returns to its original state.

So here you have RabbiGoren sounding the shofar

on the Temple Mount.

What was the Temple Mount originally?

It was a threshing floor.

In Hebrew the world forthreshing floor is goren.

It's his name, he's namedRabbi Threshing Floor.

He's born in the year1917, the other Jubilee,

he's 50 years old sounding it,

and the other meaning for his name, Goren,

is horn, Rabbi Horn.

Okay, so God is doing all these things,

but if you fast-forwardto 50 years, or 2017,

you have the Jubilean Declaration.

And the Jubilee, as you know,

on the Jubilee the trumpet sound.

Jubilee, trumpet sounds.

What does the name Trump mean in English?


So here President Trumpet,President Trump is appointed,

he comes to power, when?

The year of Jubilee.

It says that he'llsound forth to the land,

he's been sounding forth every since,

and when he sounds forth,

that's when the land, the trumpet sounds,

returns to its original owner.

- [Gordon] I thought he missed the time.

- No, no, no, no.

- 'Cause there was a wholevisit on the 50th anniversary,

I thought for sure he was going to say,

I'm going to move the embassy.

- Oh, okay, for the movingof the embassy, okay.

Yeah, the Declaration is in 2017.

- [Gordon] But that's from the Senate.

- No, no, no, the Senatemakes a resolution

calling for the Presidentto recognize it on June 5th.

But then Trump, before 2017is over, a month before,

he issues the Declaration, in 2017.

And the thing is that when he did it,

you know the Bible speaks about

the declaration going forth by Cyrus

of recognizing Jerusalem and return,

and it says it happens after 70 years.

If you go back from when Trump did that,

70 years it takes since 1947,

Israel is voted into the world.

I looked at the exact dayon the Hebrew calendar

and the day is Kislev 17, andif you fast-forward 70 years,

and it says after, so thenext day is Kislev 18,

what does it fall on?

It falls on December 6th,which is the exact day

that Trump issued theJerusalem Declaration.

70 years to the day.

- So he hit the 70th.

- Yes, and also, when itwas dedicated, as you said,

it was May 14th, it was exactly 70 years

from the birth of Israel.

So all of this, and I'm sureTrump isn't studying Leviticus

to try to make it happen.

- I'm sure he isn't eitherbut I remember thinking,

he has to do this, he has to recognize

Jerusalem as the capital

at the Six-Day War.

He's there, he's gotthe world's attention,

he's got the world stage,make the declaration.

- Yeah, but he didn't,but he did it at this time

which was exactly this day.

And so when you see allthese things converging--

And the other thing, when Trump was born,

there was a word actually thatwas appointed for the day,

he was born on the Sabbath,and the word has to do

with the bringing forth of the trumpet.

So it's almost like Trump is waiting

for that year of Jubilee.

But also the other thing is,

and people don't know, ifthey remember "The Harbinger,"

it's done in a story around it,

so there's these sevenDoors of Revelation,

and each one is a different thing.

The sixth door deals with the future,

and one of the bigmysteries of the end times

is the Jubilean Mystery thatit's the mystery of return,

and one of the things of the end times

is that everything has to return

to where it was at thebeginning of the age.

Jewish people were in Israel,so they have returned,

but it's also the world.

If you look back at thebeginning of the age

the world was obviously not Christian,

it was pagan, it was anti-Christian.

What are we witnessing in this world,

you just had a story on it,

we're watching it--

- [Gordon] Falling away.

- Yeah, a return to whereit was at the beginning.

But the good side of this is--

- [Gordon] That's horrifying.

- Yeah, and we're watchingit everyday in the news.

But on the other hand, the other part is

that the church, at thebeginning, was radical,

revolutionary, Book ofActs, the most powerful.

God is calling the churchto return to where it was,

and that is there'll be a falling away,

but those who stand for God,

He will anoint them for this time,

that it could be our greatest hour.

So it's a mystery ofeverything, really everything.

And we look at the endof the Bible, what is it?

It's everything returns,we lost Eden, we departed,

now we're coming home,to Jerusalem actually,

and everything gets restored.

The whole salvation is Jubilee,

and our whole walks, Jesus is our Jubliee.

It's about being restored to what it is,

so it's really everything.

- Okay, we can't cover allof this in the time allowed,

but you can read it.

The book is called,

"The Oracle: Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled,"

it's available right nowwherever books are sold,

and thanks for being here.

- Oh, thanks, Gordon.

- Alright, Terry, over to you.

- Sex trafficking, it's such a blight

in the day that we live in.

How does one get involved in such a thing?

Well Jasmine's boyfriend told her

that since she was already having sex,

she might as well get paid for it.

He also told her she couldwalk away whenever she wanted.

That's how Jasmine was lured into

the seedy world of sex trafficking.

But when she tried to leave she found out

just how hard it was to escape.

- He had diamond jewelry,and a wad of cash,

he was handsome, andhe was dressed nicely.

He spent seven bucks onme but I was impressed,

that's all it took too forsomeone to get my attention.

- [Narrator] Attention iswhat Jasmine Grace Marino

had craved since childhood.

Her dad worked long hours,

and her mom struggled with mental illness.

- That nurture and care, thatcloseness wasn't available.

I didn't know who I was for a long time

because I had become whoever I had to be

to take care of her.

- [Narrator] But itwasn't just her parents.

At church, even God felt distant.

- You don't wanna mess up'cause then you're bad.

And then by the time I was12, 13 I had messed up so bad

that I thought I could never approach God.

- [Narrator] Throughout her teen years

she found validation in theparty crowd, boys and sex.

Then after high school,while at a night club,

she met a man who showeredher with gifts and affection.

A man she believed couldprovide everything she wanted.

- I felt connected tohim, and that I loved him,

and that he loved me.

- [Narrator] By then she wasworking as a hair stylist

and planned on going to college

hoping for a stable future,a home, and a family.

But that, he said, would take time.

He had a better plan.

- I know a way you canhave a lot of money,

we can have a business,we can have a family,

everything you want.

But it seemed like you can have

all this stuff sooner than later.

- [Narrator] She'd soonrealize his business

was selling sex.

She objected at first,but he was persistent.

- He's telling me I'm having sex anyway,

I might as well get paid for it.

He tried to talk me intoit, I'd change my mind,

go back and forth, back and forth.

And when I said if I wanna stop, can I,

and of course he promised,

yeah, if you don't wannado it you don't have to.

- [Narrator] Then she saw an old friend

who was making a lotof money as a stripper.

- Her room is filledwith clothes, and shoes,

and jewelry, and she wasn'thandcuffed to anything,

she wasn't drugged, she wasn'tbeaten, she looked good.

And I started feeling like,maybe I am missing out,

maybe this isn't that bad.

- [Narrator] So she agreedto go to a massage parlor

where she could give it a try,

but the shame and guilt quickly followed.

- The first time I had to exchange myself,

nothing prepares you for this, nothing.

It was just horrifying,it was so disgusting,

it was so shameful.

- [Narrator] After a few weeks,Jasmine told her boyfriend

she didn't wanna do it anymore.

In response, he beat her up.

- [Jasmine] Oh crap, whatdid I get myself into,

I'm not gonna be able to just walk away,

this isn't that simple.

- [Narrator] For the next five years

she worked as a prostitutestuck in a cycle

of codependency fueled by fear

and an overwhelming sense of shame.

She left him several times,but always went back.

- And he'd badger me, manipulate me, cry,

show up with diamonds,I'll never hit you again.

Then it would go to, butyou're a dirty prostitute,

no one will ever love youagain, you're so disgusting,

no one will every marry you.

So I'd just stay, and stay.

There were some moments where I thought,

okay, maybe this is gonna be okay,

maybe I will have the cars, and the house,

and the family, and the business,everything he's promising.

I had to hope in something,

and that hope that he would someday change

and everything wouldcome true kept me going.

- [Narrator] But when shegot pregnant by her boyfriend

and he coerced her to get an abortion,

she realized the truth.

- At that moment I kneweverything he promised

was never gonna come true.

I knew, I gotta go, Igotta get outta here.

- [Narrator] After months ofskimming cash off the top,

she had the money and courage to leave

and put a restrainingorder on her boyfriend.

It was the last she saw of him.

But happiness would elude her.

The coming three years wouldsee her addicted to heroin

and returning to prostitution.

- I wanted to be well, and I'll tell you,

during the whole time of being trafficked

and my drug addiction,somewhere in there I knew

that I was not created to live this life.

I was just so trapped andI didn't know another way.

- [Narrator] Finally in2006 she decided to get help

after her brother diedfrom a drug overdose.

She was living in a rehab home

when an older lady invited her to church.

- And I was like 27,straight off the street,

I felt like a junk tank,just so dirty and so gross,

but all these people were in this church

and they were praisingthe Lord and loving life,

and I was like, what do they have.

And she goes to take mehome, and she turns around,

and she says, "Honey,do you wanna know Jesus

"and how much he loves you,

"and wash you clean, and forgive you?"

And I was like, "Yes, whois he," and I'm like crying,

and I literally received Jesus that day

in the backseat of a car.

- [Narrator] Jasmineovercame her addiction,

but still carried the burden of shame

telling no one about her old life.

Five years later, at achurch women's group,

Jasmine, now married with children,

found the courage to speak up.

One of the members wastalking about ministering

to women in the sex industry.

- And all of a sudden I'm on fire,

and I have to raise my hand and tell her,

"I had a pimp, I danced, I was on drugs,

"I did everything you're talking about.

"How do I help young girls sothey don't end up like me?"

And she said, "You're asurvivor, you're amazing!"

All these ladies started clapping,

and they were all thrilled,

and I couldn't believe theroof didn't set on fire

'cause I just told you mydeepest, darkest secret,

and everything changed from that moment.

The Lord was just healing me,

and it started to feel empowering in that

if I had suffered all that,

but now I help heal somebody else,

then that's okay with me.

- [Narrator] Today, Jasmineis not only a survivor,

she also works in theanti-trafficking movement.

She says by God's grace,she is a new person.

- I see myself so muchnow as how Christ sees me,

and my identity is in him,

and my security is in him alone.

Oh my gosh, I changed my life.

- He is everything you'veever needed or wanted.

Here's the best news, if you're struggling

with deep-seeded secretsthat you've never told anyone

that bring shame into your life,

Jesus specializes in new beginnings

and it's available foranybody who asks for them.

You don't have to live under that shame,

that is the enemy of God,

the Father of Lies trying to redefine

in your own heart and mind who you,

as a child of God, really are.

You get a fresh beginningwith Jesus by coming to him,

and just laying down your life before him,

and saying, I give it all to you,

the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Take it and make somethingthat matters out of it.

Jesus took her on that.

Today she is helping otherwomen who find themselves

in the same situation shewas in become set free.

I don't know what's holding you back,

but I know that Jesus lovesyou with an everlasting love.

You're the reason he went to the cross.

So today, don't wait anotherminute, just come to him,

he's there, right were you are, with you.

Maybe you need somebody to pray with you

as you go through that entirewalk and commitment to Christ.

Our number's toll free and there's friend

on the other end of theline who'd love to do that.

It's 1-800-700-7000.

You are not to be filled with shame,

God has been waitingfor you all this time,

let Him love you, let Himlove you back to wholeness

and give you a fresh beginning.

Call now, 1-800-700-7000.


- Here's a verse fromFirst John, chapter four,

"And we have known and believed

"the love that God has for us.

"God is love, and he whoabides in love abides in God,

"and God in him."

Let that verse comfort you today.

God bless you, we'll see you again.

(upbeat music)

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