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'Take Back the Rainbow:' Former Transgender, Lesbian Drug Dealer's Mandate from God

'Take Back the Rainbow:' Former Transgender, Lesbian Drug Dealer's Mandate from God Read Transcript

- For 20 years, Nichol Collins lived

as a lesbian and drug dealer.

After a brutal attack,she became a Christian,

and now stands up for God and her faith.

She went by the name Esco inthe clubs and streets of LA

where she was known forpartying and violence.

- My breaking point was as I was living

as a transgender lesbiandrug dealer in Los Angeles,

I was attacked by a manfrom behind with a hammer.

And all glory to God,miraculously I suffered no injury.

And so I tell people thatGod literally used that

to knock some sense into me.

- [Charlene] Whilesurrendering her life to God,

she admits leaving her oldlifestyle was not easy.

- It took me seven months tocome out of men's clothes.

I didn't just jump in a dress right away

and my hair was bald, and soall my hair is grown back today

but I didn't always feel so beautiful.

I felt very awkward, but asI submitted myself to God,

He began to beautify me with salvation.

- [Charlene] After breakingfree, Collins says God gave her

a mandate to restore theBiblical standing of the rainbow,

which the gay rights movementclaims as its symbol.

- I saw a hand coming through the clouds,

clutching a rainbow,and I saw an inscription

in those clouds that saidtake back the rainbow.

And I jumped up andbegan to sketch it out.

- [Charlene] The rainbowis mentioned in Genesis 9

as a promise to Noahafter the great flood.

And God said, "This is the signof the covenant I am making

"between me and you and everyliving creature with you,

"a covenant for all generations to come.

"I have set my rainbow in theclouds and it will be the sign

"of the covenant betweenme and the Earth."

Collins uses inspirationalquotes and designs

in her Christian clothing lineas a reminder of God's word.

- We as Christians, wecan't be afraid to wear it.

God's a very colorful creative personality

that has given us the liberty to walk

in the vocation wherewith He's called us.

- [Charlene] Her Biblicalstance has clashed with many

in the gay community.

- A lot of verbal attacksthrough social media,

I have a page calledovercoming homosexuality,

and I've got a lot of people saying I need

to overcome judgment and justspewing all types of venom,

putting gay porn and thingslike that up on my page.

And so I know that they're not happy.

- [Charlene] Despite the backlash,

Collins remains determined,

while spreading the messageof God's love along the way.

- I think it's veryimportant for the church

to become educated and partnerwith people such as myself

and those who havetestimonies of deliverance

to come in and show them howto express the love of God

without compromise and to let people know

that God loves themright where they're at,

and He's able to changethem from the inside out.

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.


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