Former Transgender Drug Dealer Launches 'Corona Revival:' Sees More than 120 People Baptized in Holy Spirit
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- Thank you so much forbeing with CBN News today.
My first question to you,for those who may not be
familiar with your story,
I know that we've run it on the 700 Club,
we did a story with youlast year on CBN News,
but for those who may not be familiar
with the amazing testimony that you have,
just kind of bring us up tospeed on that a little bit,
what God's done for you and for, you know,
those who may be wonderingwhat's her story,
what is your story?
- Well, I first want tothank you for the opportunity
once again, to come onand in a capsule form,
my story is I'm an extransgender lesbian drug dealer
who was in a gang for 20 years
out in the streets of Los Angeles,
abusing drugs, drinkingalcohol, being a lesbian
and same sex relationships.
And for two decades, theenemy stole half of my life.
But I thank the Lordthat God is a deliverer
and he delivers without residue.
So he snatched me out with a mighty hand.
He transformed me bythe renewing of my mind.
It began to be an inward work
before it exuded to the outward.
And after going to churchfor seven months as a man,
the Lord spoke to me andtold me do not come back
in this house in those clothes.
And I began to start the metamorphosis
of caterpillar to butterfly.
And here I am today, allmy hair has grown back.
I had a ball fade and Godhas really restored me
with beauty for ashes.
- Wonderful, wonderful testimony.
God is just so faithful Nichol.
And I love the fact that you know,
now that you are a true servantof the Lord, Jesus Christ,
you're reaching back andyou're ministering to people
who are still strugglingwith same sex attraction,
who were in that lifestyle.- Yes ma'am.
- I love the fact that you'reworking in that ministry
and I understand that, youknow, when the pandemic hit,
you started somethingcalled the Corona Revival.
- Yes.- Tell us what motivated you,
why did you want to dosomething like that?
- Well, for the past,about three or four years,
people have received thebaptism of the Holy Spirit
with the evidence of speakingin tongues on social media.
I started off on Periscope.
And so when the pandemic broke out,
a lot of people started contacting me
because they already knew thatI was a spiritual midwife,
so to speak.
And so people were terrifiedand they wanted to be
endued with power.
So they started saying,hey, I heard that you pray
with people to receive the Holy Spirit.
And I always clarify to peoplethat I'm not giving it out.
God is pouring out His Spiritin the last days on all flesh.
I'm just a conduit to pray with people
and kind of coach themthrough it and explain it
and make them more comfortablethat this is a gift
to anyone who asks accordingto Luke chapter 11:13.
And so people started contactingme kind of in a frenzy.
And so I started praying with people
to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
And when we got to number six or seven,
the Lord just dropped in myspirit the Corona Revival.
What the devil means for evil
God always turns thinggoes around for the good.
So I was like, you know what?
I'm gonna start hashtagginga Corona Revival.
My mom thought at first itsounded a little morbid.
She was like, people are dying from this.
I'm like, the Lord gave methis, the Corona Revival.
And so I asked the Lord andpetitioned him for 50 souls.
I said, Lord, just fill 50people with the holy ghost.
I think that'd be a great goal.
That's the number in Jubilee.
And so before I knew it,50 souls have been filled.
They were coming on thecamera, being a guest.
Some people were calling on WhatsApp.
Some people were on Instagram Live.
I mean, all social media platforms.
This thing was justbeing poured out. And so-
- Let me ask you, who are these people
that have been filled with the Holy Spirit
during this revival?
Who are these people?
- I don't even know, Charlene.
These are total strangersthat have maybe seen
even like the 700 Club anddifferent television networks
that I've been on.
They have contacted me viaemail or found me on Facebook
with the overcoming homosexuality page,
or just look me up and email me
and just got in touch with me.
Even through my clothing website.
They've been emailing on
- Are they former, are they struggling
with same sex attraction these people?
- No, many of thesepeople have not even been
in the homosexual lifestyle.
It's been about maybe 10out of this, 125 people,
it's been about 10 that werecoming out of perversion.
They were cross dressing.Some men were living as women.
Some women were living asmen and some were just living
the lifestyle without cross dressing.
But it's also been about 20people in other countries.
It's been actually three people in Uganda.
One was a brother and sister,
another person was just a random person
not associated with them.
It's been people inShanae, India, Jamaica.
I mean just numerous countries.
- So these are justpeople who are just hungry
for more of God.
They want the Spirit of God.
And you know, the Bibleis what the word says
that in the last day God'sgonna pour out his Spirit
upon all flesh and God is doing-
- That's what the word says.
- He's doing it. And you're seeing this.
And God is using you.
Did you ever imagine thatGod would be using you
in such a way.
- Honestly-I mean over 120 people.
- Yes.- Filled with the Holy Spirit
during this revival.- Yes.
I just asked God to fill 50and it got here so quick.
It was on Good Friday, fivepeople in one day, God filled.
And so I was like, ohwow, okay, we're at 50.
And then when you contactedme a few weeks ago,
we were like at like 80 something.
And I said, well Lord, beforeshe schedules the interview,
fill a hundred people.
By the time you contacted meand said it was a hurricane,
it was already a hundred people.
So I said, Lord, fill 120,like on the day of Pentecost.
When they were in that upperroom, there was 120 souls,
including the mother of Jesus.
And now God has exceededthat and filled 125 people
as of this morning, Charlene.
I was going 10 minutes beforeI logged in to talk with you,
somebody was receiving the holy ghost.
- I have a feeling that it's not over.
- It's not over.
- I have a feeling that you'regonna see even more people
baptized in the Holy Spirit.
And we just thank God for you.
We thank God for your ministry.
Nichol, what's next for you?
- Well, during the pandemic,
I've actually completed two more books.
So that makes me the authorof six published books.
One is a LGBTQ deliverance manual.
It's called "Without aTrace, Breaking the Bondage",
"Without a Trace".
And so this is beingsold independently by me
because I wanted the testimonies of myself
and two other people whocame out the lifestyle,
a young man and a young ladywho I actually mentored.
I put our testimonial photos in color,
so I didn't put it on Amazon.
I went through a printer myself
and so people are contacting me
and I'm shipping this out myself.
But I do have all the restof my books on Amazon.
And they're easily accessiblethrough my website, like the world globe
and a salt shaker plural,
But I wrote this foranybody who's receiving,
who wants to receive thebaptism of the Holy Spirit.
It's called the "Total Package".
And so it talks about repentance.
It talks about how that's apreparation to be baptized.
You know, Jesus was withoutsin and he got baptized.
So we know we need to do it.
And then the Bible saysthat he's poured his Spirit
out on all flesh and he'sgiven it to anyone who asks.
So the same informationthat I would tell someone
step-by-step on how to receive it
is right here in this bookcalled the "Total Package".
- Praise God, Nichol Collins.
You are definitely a globeshaker for the body of Christ,
for the kingdom.
- Hallelujah.
- Thank you so much for beingwith us on CBN News today.
God bless you.