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Former Trans Man and Former Lesbian Say Church Was Key in Setting Them Free: 'The Lord Can Heal Anyone'

Former Trans Man and Former Lesbian Say Church Was Key in Setting Them Free: 'The Lord Can Heal Anyone' Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to Prayer Linkeveryone, I'm Wendy Griffith.

- And I am Charlene Aaron.

It's great to be back with you today.

- How you doin'?

- I'm doing great.

We certainly had some major.

- Oh, my gosh.

- Horrific tragic newsright here in Virginia Beach

in our backyard.

- You know.

And everywhere you go now, yousee hashtag Virginia strong.

VB strong.

- [Charlene] That's who we are.

Because of God.

- And all you can do in a time like this

is cry out to God.

- What else can we do?

Fall to our knees and cry out to the Lord

and just continue to pray

for the families and thosewho are in the hospitals.

- Yes, four people.

- There were four peopleinjured in Virginia.

- Some of them critical,

so please continue to pray for those

who are in the hospitalrecovering right now

and, of course, for the entire city,

we covet your prayers right now.

- Absolutely.

- Well, speaking of the shooting,

that city of Virginia Beach

is hosting a special memorial service

for the victims of thecity's recent shooting.

12 people killed, four others wounded

last Friday when an employee walked

into a building at thecity's Municipal Center

and began shooting.

The gunman was killed aftera gunfight with police.

Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer is calling

the massacre an act of evil.

He told Gordon Robertson that although

the recovery from this tragedy will

be a lifelong process,prayer is essential.

- We have community herethat is going to embrace

and love and if there'sany time of prayer, Gordon,

now is the time for prayer.

- The memorial service will be held

at Rock Church in Virginia Beach.

Rock Church is on Kempsville Road.

That's at 7:30 p.m. and you can watch

our special coverage of this service

on the CBN News Channel.

Meanwhile OperationBlessing has set up a fund

to help the families ofthe victim of the shooting

and you can give by going

- Wow, well police in aGerman town have revealed

that a speeding driverwas spared a hefty fine

because of the Holy Spirit, that's right,

the Holy Spirit.

The Viersen motorist was traveling nearly

15 miles over the speedlimit and would have

been given a ticket,but a white dove, Wendy,

amazing, swooped in front of the driver

blocking the offender's face

and making it impossible to identify them.

A lighthearted police statement suggested

that perhaps quote it was no coincidence

that the Holy Spirit intervened.

In an official statement, the police said,

"We have understood thesign and leave the speeder

"in peace this time.

"We hope that theprotected speeder likewise

"understands this hint from above and

"drives appropriately in the future."

I had a difficult time even

reading that without chuckling.

- This happened in Germany?

- In Germany.

- Wow.

- And for the police to say,

"Acknowledging the Holy Spirit."

- That's amazing.

You know, but here theyget your license plate,

so they don't even need your face.

- They will send you that ticket honey.

- Yes, they will.

- You'll get it in the mail.

- Been there, done that.

Well an Iraqi Christiansays he experienced

a series of miracleswhile being persecuted

for his faith at the handsof Islamic extremists.

This Yazidi man wasinterviewed for a documentary

called "Heart and Hands, Iraq"

by singer and songwriter Sean Feucht.

The man was

imprisoned and torturedby ISIS for two months

and he tells Feucht there was pressure

from ISIS to convert to Islam,

but amidst the persecution he says

Jesus appeared to him and spoke to him.

Take a look.

(speaking foreign language)

- When they found out that he was?

- Yes.

- Following Jesus.

(speaking foreign language)

- That's crazy.

(speaking foreign language)

- Even they once, lasttime they put 20 gallons

of gas or oil.

(speaking foreign language)

Of kerosene over him.

- Over him.

(speaking foreign language)

- And even they burnedme and I didn't burn.

- Wow.

We were just blown away by the testimony.

- But I didn't burn, that's a miracle.

- Miraculous, totally miraculous.

Wow, God is still doing miracles

and here is an update to a miraculous

story that we told youabout a few weeks ago.

Back in April, Jacob Palmer was poised

to jump from a bridgehere in Virginia Beach

in an effort to end his life when

a good Samaritan intervened.

Collin Dozier sharedthe gospel with Palmer

and was able to pull him to safety

and the ministry has since continued

and Palmer was baptized last Sunday

at the Virginia Beach oceanfront.

And Dozier took part inthe special ceremony.

Palmer said that it was a day that he

will never forget.

I can't imagine him saying otherwise

and that he thanked Dozierfor showing him the way.

What an incredible story all around.

You just see God's hand just working

in the life of this young man.

God's got big plans for Jacob Palmer.

- He really, really does.

- God bless him.- He loves him.

- Well, for 14 yearsJanet Boynes lived life

as a lesbian.

She went from relationship to relationship

with other women.

- That's right, but in 1998,

after an encounter with God she walked

away from that lifestyle and today

she helps others in thehomosexual community

find healing and freedom.

Welcome to Prayer Link, Janet.

- Hey, thanks for having me.

There's nothing like lifting up

to the name of the Lord.

- Amen, sister.

And first of all, Janet, tell us about

your decision to getinvolved with a woman.

What motivated you to do that?

- You know I believe it was from

being raised in a family of seven kids,

four different fathers, watching my father

abuse my mother, beingraped by mother's husband

and then by an altar boy.

With that being said, I was not at a place

where I wanted to be in arelationship with a man.

When I was about to get married in 1985,

three months before I was supposed

to walk down the aisle,I called off my wedding

and walked away fromthe Lord for 14 years.

I was a Christian when I wentinto the homosexual life.

- Wow.- Wow.

- That is incredible, it's amazing.

What made you finally decideto leave that lifestyle?

What happened?

- You know, the Bible saidsin is fun for a season.

And after four or five years,

I was empty.

I was no longer enjoying myself.

I got involved in drugs

where I had to put myselfin treatment in 1989.

I became bulimic, was put in the hospital

where they even strappedoff the water fountains

in the bathroom so I wouldn't purge.

My life was taking a downward spiral.

But the Lord was working on my heart

and I would go past this church

in my particular area when I was living

with this one girl

and the Lord really spoke to me,

even when I was in the world

that you're gonna goto this church someday.

And I would say to my girlfriend,

"I'm gonna go to this church someday."

And she encouraged me togo, but I wasn't going

to this church.

So I had my own cleaning business

and I was doing, workingat this health club

called Lifetime Fitness.

And 3 o'clock in themorning I told my staff

I'm gonna go to the grocery store,

which I've never done a day in my life

after I put myself in treatmentand when I was going in,

this woman was coming out,

her name is Tammy Brown and we engaged

in a conversation andafter I shared with her

about my life, she invited me to church.

And it was the same church that the Lord

told me I would go toprior to meeting her.

It was Maple Road Assemblies of God

and that's where the church assisted me

and helped me to comeout of that lifestyle.

It was all the women in the church,

they were amazing.

- Wow.

Not a coincidence.

- Isn't that amazing?

Janet, you know, you walkedaway from the church,

but God never walked away from you and was

still speaking to you even when you were

in that lifestyle.

Tell us about your ministry now to others

who are trapped in thegay and lesbian lifestyle.

- You know we have a ministry that assists

and help men and women tohave a better understanding

of possibly why they went into that life.

A lot of people don't realize 85% of women

that live the life of homosexuality

have been molested.

Even Ellen DeGeneres isnow sharing her story

that she was molested.

Rosie O'Donnell, you know, was molested.

Many, you know, stars arestarting to talk about,

not that everybody goesinto a homosexual life.

But with me being molestedand having a better

understanding of what a lot of these women

and men went through,we want to do our best

to give them the toolsto fish for a lifetime.

So we want to assist them and help them

and get them with the right counselor,

get them involved in their church

and talk to churches around the country

as to how they can work with those

that are struggling.

I'm working with pastorsand ministry leaders

behind the scenes, assisting them in

how do they deal withtheir issue in their church

'cause what I found out is when

your image and yourinfluence and your income

is being determined by people like you,

people will be silent

when they should be speaking out.

And the church is silent because

it's having an impact on being threatened

by those in the gay community.

It's really sad to watch.

- Janet, isn't it interesting

that you can be a Christian,

you can be in that lifestyle,

but that molestation is the open door

that the enemy uses andif you don't deal with it,

at some point it seems like it does take

over your life.

Is that what happened to you?

- It is and I think if you don't deal with

any root of something, you will eventually

go back to it.

Once you get to the root,

I think we all heard you eventually

will start seeing fruit.

And I, for myself, when Iwas about to get married,

I never dealt with the molestation,

I never dealt with the abuse

that I went through at home.

I thought that I could deal with this

in a marriage and I couldn't.

I think that because I watched

my mother get abused, I thought going

into that marriage,maybe once I get into it,

I would start being abused and I think

I had a lot of fear, so once I came out

of the life 14 years later,

I thought it was time for me to get

the help that I neededand that's what I did.

- [Charlene] Wow.

- [Wendy] Amazing.

- Well, Janet, there is this sense

that when Christians speakout against homosexuality

that it means that they aren't loving.

You hear that, you know,Christians are mean.

What are your thoughtson this and what advice

do you have for the church on this issue?

- You know it's funny that you say that.

They don't really see a lotof us Christians being mean.

I'm not being mean to a gay community,

but you would never understand the

threats that we get viaemail or on Facebook

or on Twitter from the gay community.

If we don't support their view,

then they call us a bigot or a hater.

You know, we're not haters,

we're just trying to be kingdom advancers.

You know?

We would like to see people not walk

out of homosexualityinto a heterosexual life,

but we want to see them walk in holiness.

And so to the church, Ithink it's really important,

those that are strugglingwith homosexuality,

we can't close our doors

because the doctor is inside the church.

Not that you have to getthe help in the church,

but I believe that whenpeople are going to church,

and they're hearing the word of God,

which is sharper than a two-edged sword

and pierces the heart of the marrow,

I believe we're gonna see lives changed.

They need to be in church so that's

where we can help them the best.

- Absolutely.

- Good word, amazingministry that you have.

- Absolutely Janet Boynes.

Thank you so much foryour time and thank you

for the ministry thatGod is having you do.

It's really, really important and we'll be

praying for you, thank you.

- God bless you.

- Thanks for having me, God bless you.

- Well, coming up, he'sa towering 6 foot 4 man

who lived for two yearsas a woman named Scarlet.

Hear why this former transgender says

he is now transformed.

After this.

- I was Muslim for four years.

I had spells cast onme and just everything

you can think of.

I never got what I was looking for.

There was no real power to change my life.

I had tried everything.

It just came to a point where it was like,

you know what, I don'twant to do this anymore.

The little old lady at the church,

she'd come and get me.

She prayed for me and all I know is I felt

the love of God.

We would read from Genesis to Revelation

and we just went deep in the word of God.

Everything about me,even my very countenance

began to change after that point.

And now I just have a desire to see them

experience the loving kindness of God

that I have experienced.

To see that true change is possible

and that what you thoughtthat you were looking for

can only be found in Christ.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to the Prayer Link.

Well, many recognizedJune as gay pride month

and with the recent push for legislation

to broaden anti-discriminationprotections,

for LGBTQ, there's a message being sent

that if you don't get on board

that you're a bigot and a hater.

- That's right.

We just heard that from ourformer guest, Janet Boynes,

but Jeffrey McCall istraveling to major cities

across the U.S. with a different message.

He once lived as a transgender woman

and is sharing how God'sgrace changed his life

and can change the lives of others

living the LGBTQ lifestyle.

He's also sharing hisstory in a new book called,

"For Such a Time as This, From Transgender

"to a Son of God."

He joins us now by Skype to share more.

Jeffrey, thank you so muchfor being with us today.

- Thank you for having me.

- Now Jeffrey, you'vegot quite the testimony

and you know, how did you first of all

make that decision to live as a woman?

- Well, my whole life growing up,

I always heard, you know, in my mind

that you're more feminine.

Even these homosexual relationships

with other men aren't working

because you're truly meant to be a woman.

And in 2014, I really pursued that idea

that that's what I truly was,

was a woman inside of a man's body.

- [Charlene] Wow, andat one point you lived

as the name Scarlet, you know,

you thought that's whoyou were created to be.

What changed for you?

What changed all of that?

- Well, the Holy Spiritreally just starting

convicting me and speaking to me.

I grew up in church,

but in my mind, God wasalways way out there

and we're here.

I never had any relationshippersonally with him

or knew him.

And so around 2016, I had an encounter

where I was living as Scarlet.

I was actually secretly listening also

to a pastor named Jensen Franklin.

I wouldn't go to church as Scarlet,

but I was listening to his messages

and then other things the Lord was doing

to really just show me the truth.

And after an encounter in my apartment

where I called out to God and I was just

weeping and crying and I said "God,"

I said, "Will I ever live for you?"

And I said, "I know Godthat there's something

"more than must church."

It's like something happenedin some people's lives

where they had joy and peace

and it was crystal clear.

All my thoughts, everything I was speaking

went silent and peacefuland I heard God say,

"Yes, you will live for me."

And that was like the firstseed of hope implanted

in me to go on to a new future.

- Jeffrey, while youwere living as Scarlet,

did you struggle with guilt or depression?

- Yes, I was very depressed.

I had thought aboutcommitting suicide at times.

It was just, the furtherI went into trying

to become Scarlet, the heavier it felt.

The more depressed I was,

I actually had some time

in a psychiatric part of the hospital

because of thoughts of suicide,

so yes, I was verydepressed living as Scarlet.

- Wow, you know you said you listened,

you were secretly listeningto Jensen Franklin.

What was it that he said thatreally resonated with you?

- Yeah.

- Well, it wasn't I guess just one thing.

I would just listen to him all the time

because I wasn't obviously gonna go

to church as Scarlet andduring that time period,

when I would listen tohim it was just so many

different things he said.

And I'll never get one message,Deep Wounds, Deep Healing,

and it talked about just such deep wounds

that sometimes we have and about the Lord

can heal them, and that was one message

that specifically spoke out to me,

to know that there wasa process of healing

the Lord could bring to any of us.

- Jeffrey, our lastguest was molested when

she was a young girland that's why she got

into the lesbian lifestyle,

which she's now out of.

Did something happen toyou that opened a door

to this lifestyle?

- There were multiple things.

I never was like physically molested

or raped when I was young,but an older gentleman

in my family would repeatedly like

expose parts of his body anddifferent things like that

and that brought a confusion.

Also at a very early agemy parents were divorced.

And I heard my mother talking about my dad

had committed adultery onher and so in that, too,

I was just like wait a minute,

this is what men do to women,

I don't want to do that.

It was just like one thing after another

that my little tiny young toddler brain

couldn't understandand the enemy used that

to confuse me and deceive me,

so there several things that led up

to my identity and homosexuality.

- Right.- Wow.

- Well, Jeffrey, you are now the founder

of the Freedom March,an event where people

who have left the LGBTQ lifestyle testify

about how God has transformed their lives.

Why did you decide to start that?

- I was actually at another event.

I was asked to share mytestimony in D.C. in 2017

and while I was there,I just thought I said

everyone in this country is marking

and doing all these thingsfor what they believe in.

I said we need to havea place where people

who left LGBTQ lifestylescan share their testimonies

of leaving that to follow Jesus Christ.

And I know that sometimes the church

gets uncomfortable or triesto push these testimonies

a little bit to the backand I know the world

won't share the testimony,so when no one's

helping you, you gotta do it yourselves.

So I just did it myself and started it

and every year they've grown more and more

and there are more and more testimonies

at the Freedom Marches of people

that have left these lifestyles.

- Amen, and not only areyou doing the marches,

but you have a new book out"For Such a Time as This."

Talks about your journey.

What motivated you to write about it?

- Yeah, I just want to say real quick

the for book is called, "For Such a Time."

I just don't want anyone to get confused.

There's no as this on the end of it,

but yes, I have written a book called,

"For Such a Time," and thebook is just about my life.

It is about, I just wanted to have a book

that was like a memoirthat was very raw and real

and just tells everything I went through,

things that I don't evennecessarily want to share,

but I tried to just follow the Holy Spirit

in writing it and share everything to show

like no matter how crazyand messed up your life is,

like mine was and became,

that there's a redemption and a freedom

that can come to you throughYeshua, through Jesus.

- Amen.- I love it.

- Well, Jeffrey, youminister sometimes outside

of gay clubs and citiesoutside the country.

Do you ever get pushbackfrom the LGBTQ community

for what you're doing nowand how do you respond?

- Yes, of course, yes,ma'am, I do get pushback.

I get emails and I getcomments through social media,

very derogatory, but mything is like I've just

learned that I'm not mad at them.

I can't judge them.

I look at them and thinkGod, you love them so much.

I remember when I was under that deception

and I would say crazy thingsto think crazy things,

so I just have such a heart of compassion

and mercy to them.

We all have to rememberbefore we were born again,

we all were deceived,we all didn't have the

veils lifted over our eyes,

so that's how I look at them that they

need just as much helpif not more and just

to have a loving heart towards them

and remember that they're worth the same

as me and you and all of us Christians

because Jesus Christ died for them also.

- Absolutely brother,you're preaching, amen,

that's right, we were alllost sinners, that's right.

And recently, Jeffrey,school administrators

in Wisconsin alloweda male science teacher

to show a personaltransgender coming out video

to his students.

Can you talk about howdamaging something like this

is to young minds?

- Oh, definitely.

It's very damaging to young minds.

You know, at the adultlevel, 18 years and older,

I think, you know,everything is, people have to

make their own decisions,but when we start

trying to push it on young minds

to indoctrinate them to lies,

I think it's very dangerous and it's like

playing with fire in this country.

So I just think as brothers and sisters

in Christ Jesus need to continue to pray

against these things.

And prayer does work.

I mean, look at all that's happening

with so many topics, suchas LGBTQ and abortion.

I mean, she's are getting flipped

that no one thoughtwould ever happen again.

So we need to continue topray against the schools.

And he biggest part about the schools

is once you started teaching evolution

and that there is noGod and that we evolved

from nothing, we don't mean anything,

then you'll teach anything.

So it's once again a root problem

that's manifesting withall these different issues.

- Absolutely.

- Well, Jeffrey, thankyou so much for your time.

- Incredible story.

- Your incredible story.

- Incredible story.

- And your ministry.

Our prayers go with you,

we're excited about your new book

and we encourage people to get a copy

wherever books are sold and God bless you,

thank you so much.

- God bless you Jeffrey.

- Thank y'all.

- All right, well, coming up,

we will be praying for your needs.

Don't go away.

Stay with us.

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- All right, we're gonnaspend the next couple

of minutes praying for your needs

and those who were hurtand lost loved ones

in the Virginia Beach shooting.

- That's right, please join us as we pray.

Heavenly Father, wejust thank you right now

that, Lord, despite the tragedy that has

taken 12 innocent lives in Virginia Beach,

you are still on the throne.

Father, we thank you thatyou're still in control

and you are still good.

And we're praying for thefamilies affected, Lord God,

those who are burying theirloved ones, Father God,

and even those who are inthe hospitals recovering

from the shooting,Father, we just ask that

you would blanket families, Lord,

and comfort and heal andbind up their wounds,

Lord God, Lord, justdraw them closer to you.

Let them feel your presence,let them feel your love.

Thank you for the churches and the pastors

and the ministers and the chaplains

that you have dispatchedto minister Lord God.

Thank you for the prayers of people

from around the world, Father.

Lord, we just thank you right now

that what the enemy meant for evil.

- That's right.

- That you, Lord, somehow, someway,

in your great power, LordGod, turn it and work good.

Bring good out of Father God and glory

to your kingdom.

- Yes, in Jesus' name.

- Thank you Father, inJesus' name we pray.

- Thank you God, hallelujah.

And Lord we list up all of those

in the homosexual lifestyle,transgender lifestyle

that have seen these interviews today

and say that's me, I feelstuck, I want to get out.

Lord, there is a way outand his name is Jesus

because Lord you, your love is greater

than any love that they could possibly

try to get in that lifestyle

and Lord you will show them the way out.

Lord we ask right now that they would just

come to you God, as they are,

and give you everything, the shame that

they might feel, the condemnation,

Lord those that evenhave suicidal thoughts,

God, rescue them right now.

- Yes, Jesus.

- Lord, you loved us whilewe were still in our sin,

Lord you died for us whileyou went to the cross,

not only for the healing of our bodies,

but to save our souls.

God your blood covers a multitude.

- Thank you Father.

- Of sins.

Lord, rescue your people today.

- Yes, Father.

- Those who are crying out to you.

- In the name of Jesus.

- In the name of Jesus.

Lord we love you and we thank you Lord.

- Yes.

- In Jesus' name, amen.

- And we also pray Father God

for those who are watching,

whatever the needs they have today.

Father, we thank you for meeting them

at the point of their needs.

Father God we thank youfor showing them Lord God,

your power, your grace,your favor, your love.

In Jesus' name we pray.


- Amen, amen, God is good.

- God is good all the time.

- Prayer works.

- Prayer does work.

- Well, up next, we're bringing you

the word of the week, stay tuned.

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- Welcome back to the Prayer Link

and before we go, hereis the word of the week

from Nola Jones withNola Jones Ministries.

- I'm such a regular ata local smoothie shop

that when they see mepull into the parking lot,

they immediately startmaking my favorite blend.

Most of the staff arelocal college students

trying to make ends meet due

to financial aid challenges

and when I stopped by ona chilly day recently,

the young lady working told me

that she loved my coat.

She shared that she hadleft her coat back home

and wasn't able to buy a new one,

so she was just layering with shirts

to try and stay warm whileshe walked around campus.

As I was making my way back to the car,

I felt the Holy Spiritsay, "Give her your coat."

So I immediately took itoff and went back inside

and gave it to her and she was speechless.

She tried to tell me, "I can't take that."

But I insisted.

It was a brand new coatand I had just taken

the tags off that morning towear it for the first time.

She she teared up andsaid, "Wow, thank you."

As I left that store, I began thanking God

for the ability to give.

You see, I had two morecoats in my closets

with tags on them, more thanI could possible wear or need.

Yet how many of have more than we need,

but we continue to hold onto the surplus

like we're lacking.

Matthew 5:42 says that if someone asks you

for your coat, give them your tunic.

If someone tells you to go a mile, go two.

If someone asks you to borrow something,

don't turn away from them.

I believe that God blesses those who give,

immediately, cheerfullyand with gratefulness

for the ability to give.

The reason why so many people are lacking

is because so few people are giving.

Prosperity is not found in how much

you can keep for yourself,

it's found in how muchyou give away to others.

A closed fist canneither give nor receive.

- Okay, I need to go clean out my closets.

- I need to give coats,shoes, purses, all kinds

of stuff right away.

- Throw them my way.


It just, it's a vicious cycle.

Anyway, we are going to do what Nola said,

thank you Nola.

Well, that's gonna do it for our edition

of the Prayer Link.

- Don't forget to share your

prayer requests and testimonies.

Email us at

Until next time, God blessand remember prayer works.

- I like that.

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