Wen's Ouster and Ex-Planned Parenthood Insider Make It Clear: 'They're Really Not in the Business of Promoting Healthcare'
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- Dr. Leana Wens departure highlights
what critics of PlannedParenthood have said
about the organization all along.
It is more about abortionthan women's healthcare.
- The mistake that Dr.Wen made, unfortunately,
is the same mistake that thousands
of American women make every year.
She trusted Planned Parenthood
when Planned Parenthood said
it was all about women's healthcare.
- [Heather] Dr. Wen wrotein The New York Times
this week that she was asked to leave
for the same reason she was hired,
changing the directionof Planned Parenthood.
Wen didn't want to just promote abortion,
she wanted to care for women'shealth across the board.
- I thought it was an interesting move
when Planned Parenthoodhired Dr. Leana Wen.
I think they were tryingto give themselves
some credibility hiring a physician.
But they really need an activist
because they're really not in the business
of promoting healthcare, evenproviding standard healthcare.
They're in the businessof abortion, period.
- [Heather] Wen's oustercomes as Planned Parenthood
faces mounting challenges.
Already this year,
nine states have passedabortion restrictions.
In Arkansas on Monday, aPlanned Parenthood attorney
argued against a new lawrequiring abortion doctors
be board-certified or board-eligible
in obstetrics and gynecology.
- If they are allowed to go into effect,
they will, in all likelihood,shut down abortion
or most of the legalabortions in Arkansas.
- [Heather] Wen had advocated,
reaching out to those withmore nuanced views on abortion.
In her op-ed she wrote,
"We need to stop treatingthose whose views differ
"from our own with scorn and suspicion."
Heather Sell, CBN News.
- Thanks, Heather.
Gordon, back to you.
- Well it just goes to showthe propaganda campaign
that's been going onwith Planned Parenthood
for some time.
If you remember, therestrictions that were attempted
to be passed by Congressjust a few years ago
and then the drumbeat,
well Planned Parenthoodis about women's health,
and it's about breast exams,
and it's about all these other things.
That was a continualdrumbeat to try to justify
the hundreds of millions of dollars
of federal money that goes toPlanned Parenthood every year.
And so to see the ousterof this new president,
who was trying to actually make that real,
to say let's do somethingabout reproductive health
and not just do abortions.
Well you see the effect of it.
And then on top of that,
to have the ArkansasPlanned Parenthood argue
that you shouldn't be a physician,
you shouldn't have a specialty in ob-gyn
in order to perform abortions.
Well where's women's health in that?
And if you can't havenormal health regulations
and normal protections for women going
through these procedures,
well then what are you really about?
And it's been what the pro-life movement
has been saying now for decades.
What they're really about is abortion.
And they're really aboutabortion in poor areas,
which goes all the wayback to Margaret Sanger
and eugenics and whatwas the founding of it.
We need to curb populationin low-income areas.
And that's what this is about.
That's been the game for decades.
They've been hiding it for decades
and the amazing thing, to me,
is people haven't awakened.
Well this is what they--