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Ex-Planned Parenthood Employee Says Abortion Giant Treating Trans Kids Like a 'Cash Cow'

Ex-Planned Parenthood Employee Says Abortion Giant Treating Trans Kids Like a 'Cash Cow' Read Transcript

- A former Planned Parenthoodemployee is speaking

out about the organization'stransgender activism.

The ex-staffer recently spoken anonymously

with "Wall Street Journal" contributor

and author Abigail Shrier.

She said her job atPlanned Parenthood involved

providing hormoneprescriptions to teen girls

who identify as boys.

She testified that no doctors were present

to evaluate the girls atthe clinic where she worked,

and that they were not alwaysaccompanied by a parent.

The worker also said the clinic manager

who handled treatments of testosterone

and other hormones had noprior medical experience

and that many children being treated

had suffered emotional and mental abuse.

I think this is abuse as well.

- It is abuse, Wendy.

And you know, it's just really crazy

that we're seeing thisincrease in young children.

And I think our next guest is gonna talk

a little bit more about that,

and we're gonna jump into that right now,

but as the transgender movement becomes

more publicly acceptable,one man is standing up

for the truth that Jesuscan change and heal anyone.

Jeffrey McCall joins us now.

Welcome back to The Prayer Link, Jeffrey.

- Thank you for having me.

- Jeffrey, first of all,quickly tell the audience

a little bit about your background

and how you came to know Jesus Christ.

- Yeah, so in my own life,I dealt with homosexuality

and transgender issuessince I was very young.

At 27 years old, I decidedto begin living transgender.

I saw a doctor and wasdiagnosed with gender dysphoria

from a psychologistand from a psychiatrist

and began living my life as Scarlett.

Scarlett was the name I went by.

And in 2016, I had anencounter where God spoke to me

and told me that I would live for Him.

And so that's when my life just went

in a totally different direction.

- Wow, so what happened to Scarlett

when God said, "I wantyou to live for me"?

- About two or three months later

I threw away my life as Scarlett.

And about a month or two after that

I began the process ofsurrendering homosexual identity.

And so that it was a process.

It was a couple months for all of it.

But through that, I just followed the Lord

and I left my wholeold life to follow Him.

I lost all my friends,probably 95% of my friends.

And I just fell in love with the Lord.

And He told me to goout and share my story.

And that's what I do now.

And share the love ofGod even with the LGBTQ.

I mean, sometimes I go in gay clubs

and minister on the streets,

but I love to share whatJesus has done in my life.

- That's beautiful.

Well, as you just heardabout how Planned Parenthood

is helping impressionableteens to change their sex,

or at least to get the hormones,

can you give us some insight into why

so many young people strugglewith their gender identity?

- Well, one very common reason is just

it's so pushed on thisgeneration like never before.

They're seeing such an influxof the percentage of people

that are saying they'restruggling being transgender.

And that's because it'sbeen pushed on society

through Hollywood, throughsociety, through books,

the movies, the musicthat this door is open now

and just do whatever you want.

And so now people, even some people

that necessarily don't evenreally struggle with it,

think it's cool to just transition

and that be part of their life.

And then there are a lot of people

that truly do struggle with identity.

And I think that is dueto so many factors of

how they grew up, whathappened in their life,

and also spiritual factors.

- Jeffrey, what advice would you give

to a Christian parent whodoes have a child who,

a teen who's strugglingwith this right now?

- I would definitely say get your child in

some really strong spirit-based,

Holy Spirit-based Christian counseling.

There's so many evenpeople in the medical field

pushing for this now.

I know in my own life, itwas just quickly diagnosed

in my life, and they were telling me

I could begin hormones andbegin surgeries or even do both.

So I would really tell aparent to seek the Lord,

to love their child unconditionally,

to share the Word of God with their child.

What does the Bible say about this topic?

What does scripture say?

Because we can never go wrongwith what the scripture says.

And then just following theHoly Spirit as He leads you

to minister to your child.

That child has been putin your care by God.

So it's a very, very, it'sa high responsibility.

So don't handle that lightly and make sure

that you're partneringwith not only the truth,

but also with grace,and not only with grace,

but also with truth.

- Jeffrey, you touched onthis a little bit already

about the messagescoming out of Hollywood,

but do you think there's a bigger agenda

by the LGBTQ transgender community

to make being trans normal?

- Yes, I do.

It definitely has been pushedto become that this is normal.

Really though, going backto what the scripture says,

Paul wrote that we don'twrestle against flesh and blood.

We're actually wrestlingagainst principalities

and high levels of wickednessin the demonic realm.

And so I think that people that are hurt

and people that are deceivedare being used by the enemy

in the LGBTQ community and in Hollywood

to push things that are anti-God.

I don't think it's thepeople in those communities

that we should be against.

I definitely think it'sthe spirit behind it.

And it's the spirit of antichrist.

It doesn't want to confess Jesus as Lord

and to be your own godand do your own thing.

So I think we have totackle the spiritual aspect

to make any move in lowering all this

that has been pushed on children.

- That's a great word,Jeffery, you're right on.

We wrestle not againstflesh and blood, definitely.

- Amen, thanks so much foryour insights, Jeffrey.

God bless you.- God bless.

- Thank you.

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