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Mother Pries Open a Cougar's Jaw to Save Child

The Bromley’s made international news when Chelsea saved her son from a cougar. She credits prayer and God for Zach’s survival. Read Transcript

(soft peaceful music)

- We live on VancouverIsland in a small town,

Lake Cowichan forapproximately four years now.

My husband is Kevin, and we have

five of our own kids together,and I also have a stepson.

When you live here, it's,you have a lot of privileges,

because you're in abeautiful forested area.

It's not uncommon to seedeer, raccoon, bears.

Our community is very closed off.

We have a safe environment here.

Never did I ever thinkthat anything would happen

to my kids in my own backyard.

The thought never crossed my mind.

This was an average Friday afternoon,

around 3:40ish, yeah,and Kevin was working,

but the children are doingeverything they normally do,

make the popcorn and put thepopcorn bowl onto the porch.

And Zach, he just felt like he needed

to have some time to himself.

He was headed to his fort,and he loves his fort.

He worked very hard at it,

and I did know that hewas in the back yard.

(ominous music)


I just, doing normal things,

the normal things I do every single day.

So, when I was in my laundry room,

I heard the sheet metal onthe neighbor's fence banging.


And I thought, sounds like my child's

kicking that metal fence.

I knew something was wrong.

I went outside and Icould hear this banging.


Sounds like he's trying toget something off of him.

I ran down the stairs, andI'm calling, "Zach, Zach!"

And I knew he was in that area,so I just leaped over there,

turned the corner, it's aparent's worst nightmare.

(loud growling)

I see this cougar latched onto my child.


It took me a moment to processwhat on earth is happening.


Your heart just sinks into your stomach.

Needed to try and takecontrol of what was physically

harming my child, whichwas the cougar's mouth.

In a moments time, I knewthat I needed to pray.

I knew that, God, I need your help.

I just reached my hand into it's mouth

and I'm just pulling, okay, God,

he's the only one at this point

who's going to be able to save my son.

I believe in Jesus.

I believe in his power.

I believe in his strength.

I know that God is gonna save my kid,

and about three sentences into my prayer,

the cougar just unlatchedit's mouth off of him,

and it just slinked away.

So, I scooped him up andI just ran in the house,

and I said, "Get everyone,

"get in the house, get in the house"

(ominous music)

And he had an MRI, butthere was no brain damage

or no fractures to hisskull and no broken bones,

so deep lacerations isall we had to deal with,

and the wounds healed,amen, and praise the Lord.


- You may have heard of this story,

it's gone international.

- A momma bear versus cougar.

- [Reporter] A mother in Canada

went toe to toe with a cougar.

- Is being credited withsaving her son's life

- When the first news people arrived,

I thought, oh, okay, this hit the news,

and that's as far as I thought.

When it went on to Good Morning America

I was really surprised.

The reason I wanted to allow it was so

that the right story got out there.

We give God 100% credit.

It wasn't me who opened it's mouth.

It was the power of the Holy Spirit

that made that animal flee.

(joyful music)

Zach today, I would sayhe's doing quite well.

I know the Lord has reallyhelped heal him emotionally.

I tell him that God saved him,

and I tell him that the Lord intervened.

Through this experience,he can see the power

of the Holy Spiritworking, and the importance

of calling on God, notjust in times of need,

but in all times, but having

our relationship with the lord.

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