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700 Club Interactive - October 3, 2019

See how Heather Bromley’s desperate prayers for help are immediately answered as she pries the jaws of a cougar off her 7-year-old son Zach Bromley. Read Transcript

- Never did I ever thinkthat anything would happen

to my kids in my own backyard.

- [Narrator] A mother goestoe-to-toe with a cougar.

- [Chelsea] It's aparent's worst nightmare.

You see this cougar latched onto my child.

- [Narrator] See how hercries were answered as she

pries the jaws off her seven year old son.

- [Chelsea] I just reachedmy hands into its mouth,

and I'm just pulling.

Okay, God!

- [Narrator] Plus, chasingthe American Dream?

Ali Master, a Pakistani immigrant,

shares how he went fromsuicidal and unemployed

to a partner in one ofthe top consulting firms

in the country.

All that and more on today's700 Club Interactive.

- Hi, welcome to the show.

Every week, there's ablockbuster movie, TV show,

or an artist making headlines.

- And to keep us upwith all of that today,

we have Efrem Grahamwith this week's top five

trending stories from Studio 5.

Take a look.

- [Efrem] At number five,

♪ If death comes to me tonight girl ♪

- [Efrem] That's gospelrecording artist, Royce Lovett,

securing his spot on thisseason of NBC's The Voice.

- There's a few times in mylife where I clearly heard God,

and he said "Do what you know."

And at that time, what Iknew the most of was music.

- [Efrem] And this is Royce in Studio 5,

years before hitting that Voice stage.

Did mom introduce you to music?

- I would say so.

- [Efrem] Sharing his story and his music.

♪ If I could write it on thewall for everyone to see ♪

♪ It'd be a song of freedom,it'd be a prayer piece ♪

- [Efrem] At number four,

A bit of Super Bowl 2020 news to share.

- [Narrator] It's official,

Jennifer Lopez takingher Louboutin's to Miami

to perform at the SuperBowl halftime show.

And she won't be alone,

Shakira will co-headline the show.

The two performing togetherfor the first time ever.

Shakira says she can't wait torepresent Latinos and Latinas

and it'll be her birthday.

JLo says she's dreamed ofdoing the halftime show

ever since she saw Diana Ross do it

and fly off into the sky.

That was 1996.

♪ On the floor ♪

- [Efrem] At number three,

♪ Where is the high king ♪

- [Efrem] He's a familiar voice,

worship leader and Bethelmusic recording artist.

But Sean Feucht is making headlines

for taking the stage in a new arena.

- [Narrator] Sean doesn't looklike the average politician,

because he's not.

A man of faith, a man of mission,

a man of character and integrity.

- [Efrem] He's runningto fill California's

third congressional district seat

in the U.S. House of Representatives.

- [Narrator] John is taking a stand.

A stand millions likeyou and I need to take

if we are determined to betterthe future for our children

and grandchildren.

- [Efrem] At number two,

♪ You stick out of the crowd,baby it's a no-brainer ♪

♪ It aint that hard to choose ♪

- [Efrem] It's wedding bellsagain for Justin Bieber.

The star sharing thesemoments on Instagram.

"Got myself a little wedding gift."

And this throwback, with the caption,

"My wife and I, where it all began."

And then, this one,

also from when the Bieber andBaldwin families first met.

With this note,

"Me and the wife and the in-laws.

Thanks for letting your daughtermarry a savage like me."

Anything you want to sayabout your son-in-law?


- Yeah, please for myfamily across the board,

please pray.

- [Efrem] TMZ captured thesephotos of the happy couple

taking a boat to the rehearsal dinner

nearly a year after tying theknot in a New York courtroom.

There are also photos of someof the A-list celebrities

in attendance this weekend.

And shots of the South Carolina resort

where the faith-filledceremony takes place.

- Hailey and Justinchoose to publicly profess


So that means there'sa whole lot of forces

that will be against them.

And that's real.

- [Efrem] At number one,

♪ Use me, use me how you may ♪

- [Efrem] Kanye West andhis pop-up Sunday Services

continue to make headlineswith the rapper's announcement,

he will no longer record secular music.

- Let's not be concerned with

the opinions of men at all!

- [Efrem] Despite harshcriticism from Christian critics,

♪ Sunday service, don't get nervous ♪

♪ Back with a purpose,not just for service ♪

- [Efrem] Kanye is ona bit of a church tour,

promoting his gospelalbum and his new film,

both titled "Jesus is King."

- He has had an amazingevolution of being born again

and being saved by Christ.

It started off healing for him,

and now it's become somethingthat he just really wants

to share for everybody else.

- Alright, well joining Ashleyand me now is Efrem Graham.

Efrem, always great to have you.

- Great to be here.- Nice to have you.

- Thank you.

- Alright, Kanye West in the news a lot.

And now the criticism iscoming from the church,

it's coming from the non-church.

He's getting hit from all sides.

- From all sides.- What do you think of this?

- Many people questioningthe truth and authenticity

of his transformation.

Some thinking that thisis a ploy to boost sales

considering his last album didn't do well.

We're hearing it from all sides.

But I will say, following Kanye West,

being a fan of some ofhis music in the past,

to me the journey seems really authentic.

I remember from the weddingwith Pastor Rich Wilkerson

performing the wedding ceremony.

With somebody like that in yourlife on a consistent basis,

then you have Kirk Franklin in your life

on a consistent basis,

Chance The Rapper in your life.

These people cannot, in any way,

be in your life, day in and day out,

without having some kind of impact.

He started this back in January,

these pop-up Sunday services,

and he's invited ministers to come,

he now pops up at some services.

He popped up at three servicesjust this past weekend.

And it's there where we heard him say

I'm no longer going tobe doing secular music.

There's an album that did not come out.

And it didn't come out, Kanye admits,

it's because he wasn'tcomfortable with it.

He went back and cleanedup even the singles

that he did release,

because he wanted it to besomething that's pleasing.

So I don't question it, I applaud it.

Because I say to this,

for someone of his stature,to now say that Jesus is king,

and that's what I wantto point people towards,

I can't find any fault with that message.

- I mean the fact that KimKardashian sat on The View

and said he has been born againand saved by Jesus Christ.

(laughing) I mean she saidthe words Jesus Christ

on national television.

Incredible, incredible.

- And when the pop-up services began,

there was a little apprehensionof saying exactly what it is

and putting a name on it- [Ashley] Yes, exactly!

Yes, I remember that!- They were very hesitant.

But right now, it's like this is a

Christian worship experience,gospel music is center,

Jesus is center.

And for him to label his nextalbum and the very first film

he's doing, documentary, "Jesus is King."

- I love it. Amen.

- Still a young guy to declare

I am no longer making secular music,

it's only gospel from here out.

That's quite a commitment.- That's huge.

- Indeed it is.

But I will say, if you watchthe music that he does create,

what he's been doing is takingsongs that have been popular

in the secular world, andgiving them deeper meanings,

playing with the lyrics,inserting scripture.

And then people are listening and realize,

wait a minute, this isn'tquite the song as I remember.

There's a different message here.

So I think we'll see more of that,

we've seen other gospelartists do the very same thing.

- Real quick on this, it'sinteresting that in New York City

you've got people goingin kind of undercover,

columnist reporters, toobserve these Sunday services.

They love reporting howChristians, church members,

are walking out.

Kind of trying to stir up the controversy,

so it may last a long time.- Absolutely.

Not at all surprised at that of course.

They just feel likewherever Kanye West goes,

he's gotta bring some controversy.

Even if that's not his intention.

You name it, there's gonna be backlash.

- Of course, yeah.

- Alright, the Bieber wedding.

I have to admit,

you're probably not goingto be surprised by this,

I did not know that they knew each other

early on in their childhood.- Yes!

- You probably knew that, Ash.

- [Ashley] I actually, I didn'tknow until some photos were,

I found the photo a couple months ago.

But yeah, do you know the connection?

- [Efrem] Yes, they actuallyfirst met at the Today Show.

- [Ashley] No way!

- [Efrem] Justin Bieber wasperforming on the Today Show

and Hailey Baldwin's dad, Stephen Baldwin,

was the guest on the Today show.

So backstage the two of them met.

She had already liked him and his music,

so she wanted to go with her dad

knowing that he wasgoing to be on the show.

So they met, they starteddating like that as kids,

but they were just kids.

And then dated on and off as he grew up.

So they've been consistent and bonded

from that very beginning.

And now we see it come to fruition.

This has been about a yearsince their first wedding,

and now we get a ceremony.

Not a public ceremony,got like 150 people there.


- I mean the photos look amazing.

- Yes, they couldn't resist.

They said no photos, you saw TMZ got in.

And I kept saying okay Iknow they're going to release

some wedding photos.

So some photos came out, Iwanna say last night or today

from the wedding itself as well.

- [Ashley] It's been all over.

- One from him, one from Hailey as well.

- Yeah, all over my Instagram feed.

- They had to share.

- Yes, exactly.

Okay well let's switch gearsand talk about Super Bowl 2020.

- Oh yes.

- Okay, who are the performers?

- We know that we have got,as expected, Jennifer Lopez.

It's funny how this wassupposed to be a secret,

and she's still in negotiations,

you see her do interviews playing coy.

"I don't know, I don't know."

So we do know for sure JenniferLopez as well as Shakira.

Two Latina women performing together,

that's going to be beautiful.

I will say, like Jennifer Lopez or not,

if you know anythingabout her performances,

when she takes the stage,- [Ashley] She's amazing!

Like incredible.

- Her performance issomething that's made for

Super Bowl halftime show.

And when she says thatDiana Ross inspired her,

I was like wow, I actuallyremember watching that.


- Her fly out.

- Yes, I remember watching that.

Like yeah, that was pretty impressive.

So I'm sure she's gonna want to top that.

- Well I am super excited for that.

I'm a fan of Shakiraand JLo. Are you a fan?

- Of course!

- You'll be watching?

- Yes, on DVR.

- [Ashley] Good to know.

- The game, anyways.

- Yeah, exactly. I'll bewatching the halftime show.

More so than the game.

But for all of the latestentertainment news,

check out Efrem's weeklyshow Studio 5 as always,

you can watch it on the CBN News channel,

or online at ""

Thank you so much, Efrem.

- Pleasure

- As always, it's a pleasure having you.

We'll see you next week!

- See you next week!

- Andrew?

- Well coming up, a story thatwent viral around the world.

A mother hears a commotion in her backyard

and runs out to find acougar attacking her son.

- [Chelsea] It's aparent's worst nightmare.

Your heart just sinks into your stomach

And in a moment's time, I knewthat God, I need your help.

- [Andrew] See why that cougarwas no match for this mom,

you don't want to missher incredible story.

Stay with us.

(dramatic music)

Well as soon as ChelseaBromley heard a strange sound,

her mom intuition kicked intoaction, and within seconds,

she threw herself betweenher seven year old son

and the gnashing teethof a vicious cougar.

- We live on Vancouver islandin a small town, Lake Cowichan

for approximately four years now.

My husband is Kevin,

and we have five of our own kids together,

and I also have a step-son.

When you live here, youhave a lot of privileges

because you're in abeautiful forested area.

It's not uncommon to seedeer, raccoon, bears.

Our community is very closed off.

We have a safe environment here.

Never did I ever think thatanything would happen to my kids

in my own backyard.

The thought never crossed my mind.

This was an average Friday afternoon

around 3:40ish.

Yeah, and Kevin was working,

but the children were doingeverything they normally do.

Make the popcorn, and put thepopcorn bowl onto the porch.

And Zach,

he just felt like he neededto have some time to himself.

He was headed to his fort.

And he loves his fort, heworked very hard at it.

And I did know that hewas in the backyard.

(ominous music)

I just, doing normal things.

The normal things I do every single day.

So when I was in my laundry room,

I heard the sheet metal onthe neighbor's fence binging.

And I thought,

it sounds like a child'skicking that metal fence.

I knew something was wrong.

I went outside, and Icould hear this banging.

Sounds like he's trying toget something off of him.

I ran down the stairs, andI'm calling Zach, Zach.

And I knew he's in that areaso I just leaped over there.

Turn the corner, it's aparent's worst nightmare.

(cougar growls)

I see this cougar latched onto my child.

It took me a moment to process,

what on earth is happening?

Your heart just sinks into your stomach.

(cougar snarling)

And I needed to try and get control

of what was physically harming my child,

which was the cougar's mouth.

And in a moment's time, Iknew that I needed to pray.

I knew that, God, I need your help.

I just reached my hands into its mouth,

and I'm just pulling.

Okay, God!

He's the only one at this point

who's going to be able to save my son.

I believe in Jesus.

I believe in his power, Ibelieve in his strength.

I know that God is gonna save my kid.

At about three sentences into my prayer,

the cougar just unlatchedits mouth off of him,

and it just slinked away.

I scooped him up, and Ijust ran in the house,

snd I said, everyone get inthe house, get in the house!

He had an MRI but there's no brain damage,

or no fractures to hisskull, and no broken bones.

So deep lacerations isall we had to deal with,

and the wounds healed. Amen.

And praise the Lord! (laughs)

- You may have heard of thisstory, it's gone international.

- A mama bear versus cougar.

- [Reporter] A mother inCanada went toe-to-toe

with a cougar.

- Is being credited withsaving her son's life.

- When the first news peoplearrived, I though oh, okay,

This hit the news. Andthat's as far as I thought.

When it went onto Good Morning America,

I was really surprised.

The reason I wanted to allow it

was so that the right story got out there.

We give God 100% credit. Itwasn't me who opened its mouth.

It was the power of the Holy Spirit

that made that animal flee.

Zach today, I would sayhe's doing quite well.

I know the Lord has reallyhelped heal him emotionally.

I tell him that God saved him,

and I tell him that the Lord intervened.

Through this experience,

he can see the power ofthe Holy Spirit working,

and the importance of calling on God,

not just in times ofneed, but in all times,

having a relationship with the Lord.

- Wow, what an amazing story.

Frightening for anyone,especially parents, grandparents.

Thinking of that happeningto our loved ones,

our children and grandchildren.

It's such a reminder ofhow vulnerable we can be,

and how things can come at uswhen we're least expecting it,

and our greatest fears come about.

And maybe you're living infear about something right now,

maybe there's somethingyou need prayer for.

Ashley and I would love to pray for you,

whatever your situation is.

We're gonna take a few minutes to do that,

as we see God's provision in that story.

Father God, we come before you now,

and we see how we can be vulnerable.

And life comes at uswith unexpected dangers,

things we face we were notprepared for, Lord God.

In the words of Paul, wewant to be firm in our faith,

on guard, living lifewith courage and strength.

Strength in the Lord God.

And Father, thank you.

Itching to the very hairsnumbered on our head,

you know the details of our lives,

and you care about the criesand concerns of our heart.

In Jesus' name.

- And in just feel like thatstory was such a depiction

of what the enemy does to us spiritually.

You know, he's lurkingand seeking to attack us.

And I'm just reminded ofthe scripture where it says

"Resist the Devil, and he will flee."

Just as that mountain lion just fleed

because of the Holy Spirit.

That's what God wants to do for you today,

anyone who's watching who's in sin.

Turn from your sin, lookto Jesus, cry out to him.

The enemy will flee in Jesus' name.

- And we think in the New Testament

how we are told the enemyprowls like a roaring lion

looking for someone to devour.

We don't talk about thisnow, or pray about this now,

because we're fearful.

But we need to acknowledge and remember

the spiritual battle thatreigns for our very soul.

And Lord God today, we put onthis spiritual armor of God.

The shield of faith,the sword of the Spirit,

the belt of truth, thehelmet of salvation,

the breastplate of righteousness,

and sandals to proclaim thegood news of Jesus Christ.

Help us wear the armor,

be prepared for battle,living for you, Jesus.

We commit our fears to you, ourconcerns, and our anxieties.

And we thank you, Jesus, forvictory through the cross.

It's in Jesus' name we pray.

Amen.- [Ashley] Amen.

Well still to come, he came tothe U.S. to get an eduction,

but before a year was over,his whole world crumbled.

See the American dream throughthe eyes of an immigrant

next, when we come back.

(uplifting music)

When Ali Master moved tothe U.S. from Pakistan,

he thought he knew all heneeded to know about America

from television.

But he learned far morethan he ever expected.

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Ali Master grewup in a typical Muslim family

in Pakistan.

When he came to theU.S. to attend college,

Ali dealt with extreme culture shock.

But he also found freedomshe'd never experienced.

Not only did he earn a degree,

but Ali embraced Christianity,

found love and married, raised a family,

and went on to become ahighly successful tax expert

and partner at Ernst & Young.

In his first book,"Beyond The Golden Door,"

Ali shares his uniqueperspective on the American dream

through an immigrant's eyes.

- Well with me now, is Ali Master.

Ali, thank you so much for being here!

- Thanks for having me, Ashley.

- It's a pleasure having you.

Well let's get right into it.

So about 30 years ago, youmoved to the U.S. from Pakistan.

- Yep.

- And you came from a verystrict Muslim family and home.

Take us back to that moment,were you in total shock

when you came to the U.S.?

What was that like for you?

- Yeah, as sort of the preview said,

the only things you knew about America

was through Archie comicsand watching shows like

Dallas and Dynasty,

which you probably weren't around for.

But you just get these syndicated shows

and you learn about America,

and all these stereotypeson what America's

going to be like.

So yeah, you come over here,

you think you know the language,

and you don't know Texan.That's where I was.

- [Ashley] Oh goodness! Yeah.

- And you go from, economicallywe were pretty well off,

I had a lot of help.

We had a chauffeur anda gardener and a cook.

And then over here, my dad'slike, well you're on your own,

you're gonna have to start working.

So you're sweeping floors at McDonalds's.

So it was a big culture shock.

- Well why did you come over to the U.S.?

- To go to school.

- Okay.

- Yeah, to go to University of Texas

and to study engineering.

- Okay wow, so you came over,started going to school,

but things didn't go aswell as you had hoped.

You started to fail classes,

and you even sent yourparents fake transcripts?

- Yeah, do we have to get into that?

- Did you ever come to a point

where you just wanted to go home?

I mean, talk about that.

- Well, you couldn't go back, you know.

That's the one thing about immigrants.

Sometimes not having a lot of options

really is a blessing inthe way that you have

to pick up the bootstrapsand make it happen.

Because you're the only child, only son.

Not everybody gets thechance to legally come

into the United States, as you know.

So I couldn't go back,

but I also was struggling as you said,

with the lifestyle over here.

And so you had to find another way.

- Yeah. Well, was there evera moment that you just kind of

gave up hope for you?

- Yes. So "Beyond The Golden Door,"

the book talks aboutliterally me in a hospital

with a slashed wrist.

It was a low point in my life

because I just had raninto the wrong crowd,

everything that I hadbeen raised with about

the decadent Americanlifestyle was proving true.

I thought everybody inAmerica was a Christian,

and so I had been raised froma strict Islamic background,

and I was like yeah, my mother was right,

this is a difficult place.

I just need to get my education.

And I just couldn't handle it all,

so that was a low pointin my life, obviously.

- Yeah. Well, then you met a co-worker,

- Yes.

- At McDonald's. Andyou guys started dating.

She obviously impacted your life,

tell us about that relationship.

- So I'm under strict instructionsto make sure it's clear

that Judy, the girl that Ifirst heard about Jesus from,

she was like I wastrying to get rid of you.

So all these dates werelike going to church,

or going to a concert,a Christian concert.

And so I just was so interested in her

that I thought we were dating,

but she thought we werejust going out innocently.

And she's the one thattold me about Christ

for the first time.

- Wow, wow. So what happened from there?

After she kind of told youabout Jesus, what happened?

- Yeah, so you know yougrow up thinking you know

who Jesus is as a, Muslimsall love Jesus as a prophet.

But that's it. He neverdied for your sins,

there are also a lot of misconceptions

about the Bible being corrupt.

And growing up in Pakistan,I didn't know Arabic,

it's not an Arabic speaking country.

Most Muslims countriesdo not speak Arabic,

but that's what you're readingin the Quran, the Book.

And so I get an EnglishBible from Judy as a gift,

and that's when I startedto really see who Jesus is.

Combined with her life, her family's life,

and her friends were all veryjust god-fearing and joyful.

So, I start to really get toknow this Jesus on my own,

and at one point her friendsays, hey you really are dating.

So we break up and go our separate ways,

'cause I was a Muslim, shewas a believer in Christ.

And at that point, I keepgoing to church on my own,

and then I take two weeksto read the book of Romans

and at that point,

it clicks to me that I haveto accept him as a savior.

- Wow, that's amazing.

Well how did your familyreact to this transformation,

and coming into the Christian faith?

- Not very well, as you would imagine.

Many people like me gothrough a lot of struggles

if you do accept Christ.

So I went back home at the missionary,

because I felt like I hadstumbled onto this secret,

'cause I had incompleteinformation about Jesus.

So I want to just go tell my parents,

not understanding thatit's really a big deal,

and a very bad thing to turnyour back on your family.

'Cause I was still young,I was like 20 years old.

So I go back home,

and that's when I reallyhad a lot of hardships

with my family and at the sametime, God grew bigger for me.

And I met Jesus in Pakistan as well.

- [Ashley] Wow!

- And that's when I realized that He is a

global, universal God.

- [Ashley] Yeah, absolutely.

- My parents over time startedto build that bridge back.

- [Ashley] Really, that's amazing.

- Things have gone reallywell over time with my family.

- [Ashley] That's so good.

Well you talk about in yourbook that there is a connection

between the Christian faithand American freedoms.

Briefly, what do you mean by that?

- Sure, so I talk aboutfive freedoms in the book.

So I share my storiesthrough the lens of freedom.

So it's the freedom tofail, freedom of love,

freedom of religion,freedom of entrepreneurship,

and freedom of government.

And after that, Ibasically end the book with

where do these freedoms come from?

And so I'm not a constitutional scholar,

but I did my own studies,

and it's pretty evidentto me that the core,

fundamental values, theJudeo-Christian values

that we believe in, are at a bedrock

unless you believe thatthese rights are given to you

by your Creator.

And there are inalienable rights,

it's hard to transport democracy.

So I see Christ all overthe founding principles

of this nation.

- [Ashley] Definitely, definitely.

Well I wish we could talk more,

but we just scratched the surface.

And if you want to learnmore of Ali's story,

make sure you get his book.

It's called "Beyond The Golden Door."

And it's availablenationwide in all stores.

So Ali, thank you so much forsharing your story with us.

- Thanks for having me, Ashley.

- God bless you.- It's a pleasure.

- Thank you so much.

And we leave you guys today

with some words ofencouragement from Romans 11:29.

For God's gifts and hiscall can never be withdrawn.

That's so true, thank you guysso much for joining us today.

We love you, we are thankful for you.

And from Andrew and all of us here at the

700 Club Interactive,

have a great day.

We'll see you next time.

(soft music)

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