The Best of the Global Lane. Children of ISIS rape hated and rejected in Iraq; Activist Mommy fights for America’s future; Christians & Jews united battling global persecution; Helping ex-cons gain employment & move on with their lives.
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(dramatic music)
- Today, the best of The Global Lane.
Rejected and hated, thechildren of ISIS rape
struggle to survive,
and the Activist Mommyfights for America's future,
and it's all right here, rightnow from The Global Lane.
(dramatic music)
As ISIS is defeated inSyria, there are still
more than 6000 missing Yazidis
who were taken as slaveswhen the Islamic State
took over northern Iraq in 2014.
Hopes are waning that mostof them will ever be found.
But for the Yazidi families who were
able to escape from ISIS, life has been
very difficult for the past four years.
Chuck Holton went to visit some,
and they're hoping thatone day they'll return home
to their town of Sinjar.
- These beautiful ladiesare the matriarchs
of some of the 14families that live in this
abandoned building onthe outskirts of Erbil,
the capital of Kurdistan.
They moved in here four years ago
after they were chased outof their hometown of Sinjar,
out in the western part of Iraq,
and they had to flee ISIS.
They've been living, basically camping,
in these makeshift shacks and shanties
for the last four years.
They get their water from rain that they
collect off the roof, theydon't have electricity per se,
and you know, it getspretty cold here at night.
There have been three or four babies
born to these peoplein the last four years
here in this building, and you can imagine
how cold it gets withthese uninsulated shacks,
so they are basicallyjust biding their time.
They can't go back to Sinjar yet
because the situation thereis still very dangerous.
The city is still destroyed,there are no essential services
and still IEDs and explosives
placed all over the city thathaven't been cleared yet.
- Chuck, how many Yazidis arestill internally displaced?
- I mean, essentially all of them.
I mean, they say, I justread a report this morning
that said there are 130,000 people
in the IDP camps in Iraq.
Most of those areYazidis, some are Syrians,
but most of them are Yazidis.
And so, you know, Sinjarwas their hometown.
It has been for centuries.- Nothing left there.
You've been there.- Yeah, and I've been there
and that place reallystill has no services.
It still has no electricity,no running water, no anything.
- Anybody back there at all now?
- There's a few peoplethat have moved back in.
You know, a lot of the Yazidis,when they fled from ISIS,
fled up Mount Sinjar, youknow, Sinjar's right at
the base of the mountain.- Yes.
- They fled up into themountain and camped up there
and they've been therefor four-plus years.
- ISIS brides, so-called ISIS brides,
that were Yazidi, they were kidnapped,
they were taken into sex slavery
and many of them got pregnant,
and now the children of those ISIS brides
are back in Erbil, and they're
rejected by the Yazidi people.
They don't want to talk about it.
What did you find out?
- Yeah, I think calling them ISIS brides
is probably not the best term.- Yes.
- Because they were actually just slaves,
and many of them, they were just raped,
and they eventuallyhad children from that.
You know, illegitimatechildren have always
had a hard time throughout history,
but especially in a situation like that
because every time thoseYazidis look at those children
and they see the Arabicfeatures in them or whatever,
they are gonna be reminded of the horrors
and the brutality that have happened.
Now, it's not those children's fault.
- No.- And those poor children
are gonna have difficult lives.
There's no two ways about it,
and I think really, the answer to that,
the only way to solve that is Jesus.
Those people need theirhearts turned to Jesus.
They need to start realizing that
every one of us is made in God's image
and there are no mistakes,
and every child is a gift from God.
- Listen, we appreciate you,we appreciate what you did.
You risked your lifegoing to report for us
and to help the people there.
God bless you, and stay safe.
- [Announcer] CBN presentsthe I Wills of God,
your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.
- We are going to talk aboutsome of the incredible promises
God has made to his children.
- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,
you'll discover the I Wills of God,
I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,
be with him in trouble, deliver him,
honor him, satisfy him with long life ,
show him my salvation.
And see amazing stories
of God's promises in action.
- What I felt was loved and treasured.
- God spared my life twice in three days.
- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.
- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.
- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear,
but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.
- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000
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The I Wills of God, your path
to overcoming fear and anxiety.
- [Announcer] Remember for a moment
what it was like to be a child.
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You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's
orphaned and at-risk children believe?
We believe the Bible tells
the only story truly worth believing.
We believe that every child
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in the greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(light music)
(children laughing)
(dramatic music)
- According to Open Doors,their World Watch 2019 Report,
one in nine Christiansexperience high levels
of persecution worldwide.
About 11 Christians are killed every day,
simply for following Jesus,
and it's not just Christians who suffer.
Jews around the world arefacing increased violence,
and growing acts of anti-Semitism.
Well, joining us withmore is Susanna Kokkonen.
She's the former director of
Christian Friends of Yad Vashem,
the Holocaust memorial in Israel.
She's recently founded the organization,
Help for Persecuted People.
So Susanna, it's good to have you here.
- Thank you so much.
- And I think a lot of ourviewers would like to know,
we've got Christian organizations
that deal with persecution, Jewish ones
that deal with anti-Semitism,but it seems like
you've got an interestingmix going on here.
Why did you start this organization?
- I really believe thatwe have to stand together,
Jews and Christians.
I personally believe thatthere are more things
that connect us than separate us,
and when I was working at this
Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem,
I was building bridgesbetween Jews and Christians,
and today, I believe that we need
Jewish communities to stand for Christians
who are being persecuted,and we need Christians
to stand for their Jewish brethren,
increasingly facing anti-Semitic attacks,
not in some faraway countries,
but actually in our Western countries,
where we would not think thatthese things would happen.
- Well, you're European.- Yes.
- You're originally from Finland.
We've seen recently arise of anti-Semitism
around the world, especially in Europe.
- Yes.- We saw in Ukraine,
a Nazi flag unfurled ina popular mall there.
We saw, of course, theJewish cemetery in France,
in the Alsace regionof France, vandalized,
other incidents of anti-Semitism in Paris
from the Yellow Shirts.- Yes.
- [Gary] Why is this happening now?
- You know, we look back at the Holocaust,
and in 1945, when World War II ended,
the Holocaust was like a vaccine
against the most extremeforms of anti-Semitism,
because the connectionbetween the hatred of Jews
and this practical act ofmurdering them was so clear,
but you see, a virus like anti-Semitism
is going to change, it's goingto be able to recreate itself
and I would say that thatvaccine of the Holocaust
is no longer effective.- Right here, in the halls
of the U.S. Congress, Ilhan Omar,
for a second time, she made some remarks
that were considered anti-Israel,
anti-Semitic even, where she said
that members of Congress,some members of Congress
have dual allegiances,
that they listen to a foreign power,
and she was referring to Israel.
Do you think that is anti-Semitism,
or just anti-Israel sentiment?
- I know that it's anti-Semitism because
one way of expressing anti-Semitism
is using ancient anti-Semitic accusations
against the State of Israel.
This is part of aninter-governmental definition
of what is anti-Semitism,so this accusation
of dual loyalty is sucha very old accusation,
we find it from the timeof the Enlightenment,
when religious anti-Semitism became
kind of socio-economic envy,
Jews have too much power,they are only loyal
to other Jews, and so on, so for me,
this is absolutely ananti-Semitic accusation.
- [Gary] As Christians,hear anti-Semitic remarks,
when we see anti-Semitic acts,
what is our responsibility?
What should we do, how should we respond?
- You know, if I hearsomebody speaking like that,
and it's a group, and I'm theonly person who disagrees,
it's very difficultfor me to make a stand,
but I do believe that,
we find this in the Bible,
that in such situationswe are to speak up,
at the very least, so people know
that there is anotherway of looking at it.
- Speak for truth.- Yes, exactly.
Speaking the truth, but also because
you don't want to be somewhere
and someone is saying things,and with your silence,
you are contributing to it.
When I look around the world,
and I think that I cannot change the past,
there is no way I can goback and change the past,
but God is not askingme to change the past.
God is asking me to change what I can
today around me, and that was like,
that was the faith, faith in God,
and faith that God wouldbless doing what I can today,
and we are at the beginning, and you know,
everything is new, and weare trying to put together
an organization that I trust
that God is also going to send people
who are going to want to blessthe work and be part of it.
- [Announcer] It's about the competition.
- I kinda put that pressure on myself,
and I think people had expectations.
- [Announcer] It's about overcoming.
- We use this phrase all the time,
keep chopping, keep practicing hard.
- [Announcer] It's aboutgoing the distance.
- You know, I think as a father,
it's my job, you know, to lead,
just be the best husbandand father I can be.
- [Announcer] Watch Going theDistance with Shawn Brown,
Saturday night at 7:30
on the CBN News Channel.
- Whoo-hoo!
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- [Announcer] Discover the I Wills of God,
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- What I felt was loved and treasured.
- God spared my life twice in three days.
- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.
- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000
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The I Wills of God,
the latest teaching from Pat Robertson.
(dramatic music)
- Are you upset about states enacting
or proposing laws allowinglate-term abortion,
right up until moments before birth?
Are you concerned aboutyoung children choosing,
and parents willingly changing
their son or daughter's gender?
How about men being allowedinto bathrooms with young girls
just because they feel female?
Well, our next guest says it'stime to stand up and fight
the left's radical agendafor American society.
Elizabeth Johnston's video blogs
have received more than 70 million views.
She's known as the Activist Mommy,
and is author of the newbook, Not On My Watch:
How to Win the Fight forFamily, Faith and Freedom.
Elizabeth, good to have you here.
- Thank you, it's an honor.
- And you have 10 children.
- Yes.- And I'm sure you're
very concerned for theirfuture, and the culture.
What's happening to ourculture and why now?
- Yeah, my children andmy future grandchildren
is really what motivateseverything that I do,
other than my love for Jesus Christ.
Really when Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk
who would not sign the marriage license,
when she got thrown in jail
for exercising her Christian faith,
and when Obama issued theTransgender Bathroom Directive,
that was when I no longerrecognized my country
and said I have got toget off of the sidelines
and on the front lines of culture.
That's when I filmed my first video
after the Transgender Bathroom Directive,
and the rest is history.
Lo and behold, there was really a hunger
in our country and across the world
for a bold response,and a biblical response
on these moral and social issues,
the hot topics of culture.
People are tired of thepolitically correct,
you can't say this, you can'tsay that, don't go there.
They really do appreciate a bold response,
and that's why this platformhas gone where it has.
- And it seems like it's gone beyond
just the politically correct speech,
and now it's becoming law.
Example, New York, Governor Cuomo,
smiling and everyone applaudingas he signed into law
late-term abortion, whichmeans a baby can be killed
just until moments before birth.
I'm sure that disturbs you very much.
- Absolutely, and you know,they didn't just sign the law.
They celebrated like theyhad won the Super Bowl,
and I think that that celebration,
lighting up the World Trade Center pink
and cheering in the chambers,
I think that that celebration
is what has completely distressed
and outraged American citizens.
As God's people, we havejust sat silently by
and allowed it to happen.
We have not been the Good Samaritans
that Jesus has called us to be.
We have walked by theselittle unborn babies
and not done our duty, andit's a big story right now.
Everything about abortion right now
is front and center and trending,
and people are disgusted.
Now, I will say, thateveryone should have been
just as disgusted by a baby
nine weeks gestation beingmurdered as 40 weeks.
We need to repent for our bigotry
against babies that aresmaller and younger.
They are just as important to God.
We've gotta get God's heart on this.
This is the concern is that
this isn't just a horizontal issue,
a policy issue.
This is a vertical issue wherewe don't have God's heart
and we don't grieve like God does,
and we don't hate what Godhates and love what he loves.
- And it seems these laws, like the one
that New York justenacted, are something new,
and the reason I say that is because
it seems like the trend in our society
is in favor of life,and not aborting babies.
There's been a downward trend,
has there not, as far asopinions and attitudes,
especially with youngpeople, fewer abortions?
- Well, I believe thatthe left is terrified
that Justice Ginsberg is going to
lose her life at somepoint here in the future
with all the illness that she's had,
and that Trump is going to get
another Supreme Court pick,and they are horrified
at the thought that these little babies
are no longer gonna be executed.
What an unbelievable thought.
And they are going nowstate by state by state,
and they are securing the right
to murder these children statewide,
which is what we should bedoing, state by state by state,
we should be securing the right to life.
We should be ending abortion.- Heartbeat babies.
- Well, we should beprotecting all children,
not just babies with a heartbeat,
not just babies that are a certain age.
We should be protecting all children.
That is God's heart.
- What else really disturbsyou right now in our culture?
- How silent God's people are
in the face of radical cultural Marxism,
in the face of thesexualization of our children,
how quickly Christiansare bullied by the left.
We have got to
toughen up and be soldiers.
This is a battle, this is a fight,
and a war we are waging,and we have to toughen up
and become soldiers in this battle.
- Now, I'm sure you'veheard from some Christians,
and I have, who've saidwell, wait a minute.
We can't get involved in politics,
because that's verydirty, Christians don't
want to be dragged through the mud
and involved in that stuff,we're cleaner than that.
Your thoughts.- I believe 50 years
of Christians sitting ontheir hands in church pews
is what has gotten us in this mess,
saying Jesus is gonna come back
and rescue us from all of this,
and so I'm gonna disengage from culture,
and I'm gonna go to church every week.
That is why now my children
and my future grandchildren
are having to live in this Hell on Earth.
- Yeah, what's thetakeaway from your book?
What do you want people to learn from it?
- Well, I am so blessed by the messages
I'm getting from peoplethat are reading the book.
They are truly saying they are inspired
to get off of the sidelinesand onto the front lines,
and that they have found their voice,
that they were afraid to speak up
on the controversial issues.
They were afraid to goto their city council
and deal with thetransgender bathroom issue.
They were too afraid to standoutside of an abortion clinic
and offer help.- What are they afraid of?
- Well, I mean, you know, weget doxed, we get bullied.
I get death threats.
A couple of weeks ago Igot an email that said
I will murder you and your children.
The left is ruthlessand they want us gone.
They want us out of thepicture, if we're honest.
These are not people thathave the love of God in them,
and so they are ruthless,and it is very hard
to stand up against thebullying of the left,
but you know, God's word says that
the wicked flee when no one'seven chasing them, right?
But the righteous are as bold as a lion.
God gives us courage, andthat's what I'm seeing
from this book, thatpeople are being encouraged
to be bold and courageous,and if we would just,
all 80 million of us that
name the name of Christ in this country,
would exercise that boldness and courage
that God has given us,
we would not live in the same country.
This would be a different place.
- [Gary] Okay, the bookis Not On My Watch:
How to Win the Fight forFamily, Faith and Freedom.
- [Elizabeth] Yes.
- Elizabeth, thank you for being with us.
- Thank you, God bless you.- God bless you.
(upbeat music)
- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside...
- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.
- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief,
Chris Mitchell, and getthe biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- What starts in Israel, thenends up going to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,
Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
- Orphan's Promise is committed to loving
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We are working in over 60countries around the world,
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There's an old Africanproverb I love that says,
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but we don't want to go alone.
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Will you join us?
(upbeat music)
(children laughing)
(upbeat music)
- Meet the pastors whoare preaching the gospel
in a fresh, fearless way.
(upbeat music)
I'm Robert Torres-Cedillo.
Join me each week for Next Gen Voices.
(upbeat music)
And watch God transform a generation.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
- Signed into law late last year,
the First Step Act wasthe most significant
bi-partisan overhaul of the
U.S. Criminal Justice system in decades.
It reduced mandatory minimumsentences in certain cases,
and also helps non-violent offenders
move on with theirlives outside of prison.
Well, President Trump recentlycelebrated the new law
at the White House.
So far 500 inmates have beenreleased from federal prison
because of this legislativechange, but what now?
Reentering society hasproven extremely difficult
for most former inmates.
Our next guest is Gilbert Gomez,of Bakersfield, California.
He says at the age of nine,
he became involved with gangs and drugs.
By the time he was 21, hefaced a 30-year sentence
in federal prison, but heturned his life around.
Now he's helping others do the same.
He's an ex-con, Gilbert, thanks for
coming on to share your story.
- Thank you very much for having me.
- So you made some bad choicesas a child and as a teenager.
What made you, in prison,
change your life around for eternity?
Tell us about that.
- You know, there was asix-month trial in my case,
and during that time I was shackled up
and inside a prison cell,
and I remember all thetimes that people would
share with me the gospel, share with me
about changing my life,and how Jesus Christ
had died for my sins.
I didn't really quite understand that,
but I do remember one ofthe persons in my life,
who was a principal,one day, and a friend,
he told me that I wouldalways be a dead man walking
in a dead man's world, andI didn't understand that
until I came to one day ask
Christ to change my life,Jesus to change my life,
and ever since that dayI've never been the same.
- Gilbert, how was it then, that you
were able to find employment?
- There was a general contractor
by the name of Steve Sabaroni,
who took a chance on me, and he actually
introduced me to the construction field.
He gave me the opportunity toactually just work for him,
which turned out to bea blessing to this day.
- I know, Gilbert, that there's still
this stigma of being a felon.
Many businesses and companiesjust refuse to hire felons.
I know in this period offull employment right now,
there are more construction jobs available
than there are workers to fill them,
so is that why they're showing more grace,
because they need theworkers, what's happening?
- What happens is there's guys that are
willing to give you an opportunity,
and regardless of your background.
What they want to see isthat you are committed,
that you show up to workevery day, that you're loyal.
Like I said, one of the things that
my construction contractortold me, he said, Gilbert,
I'd rather have somebody herethat doesn't know anything,
but shows up to work everyday willing to learn,
than to have somebody that'shere, and has all these skills,
but yet calls in sick or steals from me.
I'd rather have somebody that's loyal
and shows up every day,and as they see those,
they're willing to invest in your life.
- [Gary] And Gilbert, Iknow that you're really big
on ex-cons finding employment,
like you did, in theconstruction industry.
Tell us about that.
- Through one of the programs,
we're able to go back and talkto the graduating candidates
that were getting ready for release,
and share our stories or our testimonies
to let 'em know that they don't have to--
They can be productivecitizens of society,
that somebody's willingto take a chance on them.
For me, it was my faith, of course,
that I trusted in the Lord toprovide for me and guide me.
As we connected with these
business owners,
we basically built these bridges,
and we're trustworthy.
You know the scripture says that
it's better to have a goodname than to have riches,
you know in Proverbs, it talks about that,
and one of the thingsis to having a good name
amongst these people, they trust you.
They trust you into their homesand into their facilities.
I started working remodeling banks,
so in a sense I was doing legit bank jobs
with this general contractor,and based on that,
we're able to also help theguys that are in group homes,
throughout in the community,and then also introduce 'em to
the workforce, in a sense.
- What do you really want former inmates,
some of them releasedunder the First Step Act,
I guess 500 of them now,
what do you want them to know, and others?
I'm sure sometimes they get discouraged
when they're looking for employment.
What do you want to say to them?
- You know what, don't give up.
You gotta exhaust allpossibilities, regardless.
You have to go to and give it a chance.
The same way you've given 100%
towards the gangs or drugs, or whatever,
turn it around, go 100%,
exhaust all possibilities,
'cause somebody's willingto give you a job.
There's jobs out here in California
in the fields, in the grapes, wherever,
picking up trash, it doesn't matter.
They're willing to hire you,
but you gotta give it 100%.
You can't have one foot in the door,
one foot out in the world,
or in whatever it is that you do.
- And with you, thatchange began for eternity
in faith in Jesus Christ.
Yes, we know that Jesuscame for all people,
and he has commanded hisfollowers to love one another.
In John 13:34-35, he said,
"A new command I give you.
"Love one another.
"As I have loved you, soyou must love one another.
"By this, everyone will knowthat you are my disciples.
"If you love one another."
Do we really practice what Jesus preached?
Well, that's it from TheGlobal Lane this week.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook,
iTunes, SoundCloud, YouTube and Twitter,
and until next time, be blessed.
(dramatic music)