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Ben Shapiro: Judeo-Christian Values 'Made the West Great'

Ben Shapiro: Judeo-Christian Values 'Made the West Great' Read Transcript

*crowd chanting*

- [Jenna] Ben Shapiro cancertainly draw a crowd.

*crowd chanting*

And sometimes protests, like this one

at the University of California Berkeley.

But he doesn't let that stop him

from sharing his conservative views.

- The reason that I am here

is because fascism doesnot own this university.

- [Jenna] And often timesrunning intellectual

circles around just abouteveryone he goes up against.

Ben talk about what it's like when

you go to some of these college campuses,

you spark a pretty big reaction.

- Yeah I think thatthere's a willing attempt

to undermine the verybasis of what I stand for.

People deliberately lie about what it is

that I am saying, people will suggest

that for example I'm a white supremacist

when I am militantlyanti-white supremacist.

- [Jenna] In fact the 35year old Harvard-educated

lawyer is devout in his Jewish faith.

- They attempt to paintme as some sort of racist,

they attempt to paint meas some sort of bigot,

or somebody who wantsto hurt other people.

I'm some sort of Fascist.

Those lies are the way that the left

avoids the debate unfortunately,

the hard left avoids the debate anyway.

- The debate is something he doesn't

shy away from, and in his new book,

"The Right Side ofHistory" he makes his case

for how Judeo-Christian values

and Greek natural law made the west great.

And you say this book is really about

two things, it's about two mysteries.

The first is why are things so good,

and the second, why are we blowing it?

Explain what you mean.

- So we live in the most prosperous

time in human history, a time when

a baby born can expectto live past the year 80.

A time when virtually no one is living

in starvation conditions in the west,

when virtually everybody can expect

to have a long healthy life,

when racial toleranceis at an all-time high,

when freedom is at an all-time high.

So how did things get so good?

How did we end up here,because two centuries ago

everybody was dying in nasty,brutish, and short fashion.

So what exactly changed,is question number one.

And number two is, why are we so angry

at each other amidst themost glorious conditions

ever lived in by anyhuman beings at any time.

And the answer is, we have to investigate

the roots of our civilization.

- He says the reason we're tearing

each other apart isbecause we've forgotten

the foundations that brought us together.

- And those foundations I contend in

"The Right Side of History" lie one,

in Judeo-Christian ethics, and two,

lie in Greek teleologythe idea that we can

apply reason to theuniverse and come up with

good, moral answers,and scientific answers

to the conditions that surround us.

So that combination, you push and pull

between human reason,and divine revelation,

that push and pull created the west.

We have tried forcibly in many cases

to undermine both of those bases

for western civilizationthen we're surprised

when we return to thechaos that proceeded them.

- And it's that chaos he's trying to

fight against on hisradio and podcast show,

cable news, and columns he writes

for the Daily Wire, which he founded.

Ben, how does moral purposeplay into all of this,

you say we've reallyabandoned this as Americans.

- Well, I mean there are two perceptions

of moral purpose thattend to merge in the west.

Perception number oneis that it is your job

to serve God, that Godput you on the planet,

not to serve your own ends,but to serve His ends.

And this is in theJudeo-Christian tradition,

the idea of revelation, that God gave you

a moral purpose, andthat you have to live out

that morality if you want to fulfill

the purpose for which youwere put on planet Earth.

- [Jenna] And perceptionnumber two, Greek tradition.

Which he says suggestswe all have the capacity

for reason, and that paired with virtue,

is what it means to be human.

In the west, he says thesetwo perceptions merged.

- So the idea was that serving God

was serving reason at the same time,

and that you push andpull between those two.

Applying reason toJudeo-Christian morality

and applying Judeo-Christian morality

as the fundamental foundations of reason,

that that is how you get to human rights,

that's how you get to science,

that's how you get to theidea that we ought to have

political discussions, that's how you get

to democracy as opposed to a dictatorship.

That the push and pull,the tension between

these two poles is what creates

the bridge upon whichwestern civilization sits.

- [Jenna] As for why Christians

should be especially interested.

- I mean I think the reasonthey should buy the book

is because it gives a rationale for why

Judeo-Christian values lie at the root

of western civilization because

what we're hearing fromall of our relatives

is that you're an idiot if you believe

in Revelation at Sinai, orthe Sermon on the Mount.

That you're a fool ifyou believe the tenets

of Judeo-Christianity, that if you believe

any of those values thatyou're basically a dunce

and that we could come toall these values on our own.

This book is a ringingrebuke to that notion.

You do need to make certain fundamental

assumptions about thenature of the universe

that are rooted in aGod-based orderly universe,

if you actually want to have a western

civilization worth fightingfor and preserving.

- [Jenna] He does.

- Threatening to lock up journalists--

- I needed 600 officersto protect me at Berkeley.

- [Jenna] And puts himself on the

front line leading that charge.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN news.


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