'Judeo-Christian Values are Something I Am Willing to Fight For': European Nation Unapologetic About Protecting Borders and Christian Culture
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- This is the borderbetween Serbia and Hungary.
This is the fence oftenreferred to as a wall
that draws so much criticismfrom western Europe
and much of the world.
It went up six years agoas hundreds of thousands
of migrants from Syria andother countries stormed
through this central European country
on their way to Germany,
a scene that's repeated itself.
(crowd clamoring)
Today, a warning broadcastin seven languages.
- [Announcer] Approaching the border fence
or touching it can cause injury and pain.
I urge you to refrainfrom committing the crime.
- [Wishon] Border police sayit's still mainly young men
trying to cross the border,often approaching the fence
in military formations.
Hundreds of migrantsattempt to cross each day.
(men speaking foreign language)
Riot teams remain on standbyand now, officials are bracing
for another wave from Afghanistan.
- Around 400 have guns,including the family members
are now in Hungary and wedefinitely will take care of them.
But here there's a full stop.
We will not receive anyone else.
We will protect our border, wewill withstand the pressure,
and we will continue tostick to our own right
to make our own decision whom we allow
to enter the territory of our country
and with whom we areready to live together.
- We're getting an arielview of the border.
Hungarian officials tellus in the summer of 2015,
150,000 refugees were walkingacross the border every month.
They walked miles across a great expanse
of quiet farmland, shocking residents.
- (speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] There was a lot of damage
in the agriculture.
- (speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] There weresome farms, you know,
and they just went into the houses
which was very much irritatingto people living here.
- [Wishon] General Bakondi Gyorgy,
Hungary's Chief National Security Advisor
was waiting for us whenwe landed at the border.
Could you have curbed thisproblem without a fence?
- (speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] A fence was needed.
- (speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] So a fence was needed.
- [Wishon] In a country with a history
of oppressive occupationsand a post-World War 1 treaty
that dramatically reduced its size,
Hungary is unapologeticabout preserving its culture
built on the foundation of Christianity.
- (speaking foreign language)
- [Translator 2] Migrationalready brought forward
a huge cultural clashand will bring even more.
- Under Soviet rule, PastorNiemeth Sandor was forced
to practice his faith underground.
Today, he leads thelargest evangelical church
in the country.
- (speaking foreign language)
- [Translator 2] I believeit's a tragic mistake.
- (speaking foreign language)
- [Translator 2] Wasted theheritage of the Apostle Paul.
- (speaking foreign language)
- [Translator 2] Godsent the Apostle Paul.
- (speaking foreign language)
- [Translator 2] He laid thefoundations of Christianity
on this continent.
- [Wishon] Senior Hungarianofficials tell CBN News
it's simple, they don't wanta multi-cultural society.
- We think that migration is harmful.
It creates parallel societies.
It, you know...
People losing their rootsand their traditions.
Also, promoting migration gives room
to trafficking organizations
and have also many security concerns.
- [Wishon] Azbej and other officials say
while they're not opposedto legal migration,
the government seeks tohelp people where they are
rather than transportingthem to a foreign culture.
And in the face of criticismfrom the European Union
and much of the world, Hungarysees securing its borders
as key to its survival.
- [Translator 2] TheJudeo-Christian revelation
and well use are something I am willing
to fight for at the moment.
- [Wishon] Jennifer Wishon, CBN News,
reporting from Hungary's southern border.