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The Global Lane - April 25, 2019

The Global Lane - April 25, 2019 Read Transcript

- Today from the Global Lane.

Terror strikes Sri Lanka.

We look at how it happened

and the impact on the nation's

tiny Christian community.

Kidnapped for sex in the name of Allah.

How this 15-year-oldPakistani Christian escaped.

Sex trafficking, it's notonly happening overseas,

children are victimizedright here in the USA.

And the politics of impeachment.

Reaping what we sow.

And it's all right here, rightnow from the Global Lane.

- Islamic state has claimed responsibility

for a series of EasterSunday bombings in Sri Lanka.

The country's defense minister says

Islamic terrorists acted in retaliation

for the shooting at mosques

in Christ Church, New Zealand last month.

They bombed luxury hotels

and three churches in Sri Lanka.

It happened during the middleof Easter worship services.

It appeared to be awell-executed bombing conspiracy

against Christians and foreign visitors.

Anton Sudharshan of the British Pakistani

Christian's Associationis in Sri Lanka right now.

He joins us with an update.

He was on the scene just moments

after those churches were attacked.

He has spent time with the injured

and the families of some of the victims.

So Anton, tell us how are the injured,

the victim's families and thecountry doing at this time?

- You can't imagine thepain they are going through.

It triggered the angerof most of the people.

Albeit the pain and is hascome a big trauma right now.

I have seen the people on the ground

and they were put into white bags

and some were burned out.

But God has helped us togo into the exact place

where the bomb blast hasgone and then went off

and I could see there was another suspect.

But many of them had the chance to escape.

And the people, to be honest,

they don't know what to do

and they were also in shock,

because something like thisnever happened in Sri Lanka.

As Christians we suffereda lot by the hands

of extremists from alldifferent groups of religions,

but this time we never thought that this

kind of attack would come on us.

- 10 years ago it was the Tamil Tigers,

Hindu terrorists striking the country.

Militant Buddhists haveattacked Christians

and their churches, butnothing like this Anton.

Why now, why Islamic terrorism?

- I think they've organized themselves

and there was an organization

called National Thowheed Jamad

and they were training themselves

for a long time as we see the ISIS

has come to play a big role in Middle East

and they were losing their fight

against the forces and then they were

trying to capture otherplaces and other countries.

They were trying to enterthe other territories

and try to get controlover the territorial waters

and the lands of thesoutheast Asian places.

So I'm sure these, ThowheedJamad, had the link

to go and get trained, and then

to train themselves in such warfare.

Even very recently I'veseen these Thowheed Jamad,

the founder, he himselfwith another two or three,

or five people were gettingtogether to pray for a mission.

They had prayed and wesee the result right now.

It is evident, and there is the connection

that they had with the ISIS.

Mosque leaders, or we call them, or imams,

who were well trained, andwho were well educated,

and they went and theygot the ranks in ISIS

and they fought and some of them died.

After the death, finally we came to know

that they were SriLankians among ISIS ranks.

I believe they have found avery special way to return back

without giving the authorities,maybe, don't know about it.

- And how are Christians responding?

- The cardinal of the Catholic church

asked the people and the highest Catholics

to come down not too hard, or not to do

as they have done to us andto imitate Christ's love,

as how He did it on cross.

- What can our viewers do?

- We should pray first andask the Holy Spirit to move.

And then, we should also respond

and it should be materialistically

and if it's possible, tosend medical equipment

and medical needs and tobuild up our churches.

And to make sure that people,when they enter church,

and they can help to havea very protective mechanism

there set up to be given the protection

and also the internationalChristians to pressure

on the government of Sri Lanka

to honor the Christiangroups and their churches

to be saved and to let uspeacefully worship the Lord,

that we believe in Christ and we want

to live a peaceful lifeand also our rights

to be protected at the same time.

- Okay, Anton Sudharshan,

a British Pakistani Christian, Sri Lanka.

Thank you for joining us with that update.

- Thank you so much.

- When we come back,terrorism of another kind.

Kidnapping and sexualenslavement of girls in Pakistan.

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- Religiously motivatedkidnappings for purposes

of sexual enslavement andforced religious conversion

are commonplace in many Islamic countries.

In Pakistan, there's newhope that the government

intends to take tougher actionto combat human trafficking.

Pakistani Christians say authorities

often ignore this horrid crime

when Christian girls are the victims.

But, on the morning of Apriltenth, police raided a home

in Faisalabad and freed15-year old Christian,

Shalad Javad from herMuslim rapist and kidnapper.

Well, joining us from London, with more

on this story, is the president

of British PakistaniChristians, Wilson Chowdhry.

Hi, Wilson, so tell usabout young Shalad Javad.

It's quite rare, I guess, whenPakistani Christian girls,

like her, are actually rescued

from a religiouslymotivated sexual kidnapping

like this one.

- I'm actually quite juiced about how much

the police actually wantedto assist with her release.

What actually transpiredwas that when the police

went to make a raid, theperpetrators of the kidnap

and forced marriage, managedto get some prior knowledge.

As a consequence, whilethey were running away,

Shalad Javad took heropportunity to flee their grasp,

their clutches, and managedto contact a local person

who allowed her to call herparents, who arrived promptly

to bring her to safety.

But, without a doubt, thevery fact that a police raid

was going to happen enabled her to escape.

- How common is this, Wilson, in Pakistan?

Explain what typically happens

to beautiful, young Christian girls there.

- Well, often, they will be going

to school with friends or colleagues,

same age as them: the averageage will be 13-years old.

And when they decide togo on a shopping trip,

an uncle will suddenly appear or a father

will suddenly appear andask to take the girls

to the shopping center by vehicle.

When this happens, thegirls will get trapped

into a sexual captivity andforced in Islamic marriage.

But, in many cases, the morebrave or brazen individuals

will actually kidnapgirls from their homes,

finding an opportune moment.

They may or may not know the family

who they kidnap the girls from,

but they will have informationon these young girls.

- And what role did faithplay in this for young Shalad?

What did she say about God rescuing her

from sexual enslavement?

- Oh, she rejoiced andshe had been praying

throughout her captivityfor an opportunity

to escape, and God showed herthe light and an opportunity.

She took it, and God protected her

throughout that wholeescape, finding a strange man

from a Muslim home who allowedher to contact her parents,

and they were able to swiftly respond

and bring her to a place of safety.

It is a miracle thatshe has been taken away

from their clutches,because the government

would never have done that.

- Are Pakistani governmentattitudes changing

about this, since ImranKhan became Prime Minister?

Why or why not?

- Again, it's really hard to establish

any real impetus towards change.

Girls are still being kidnapped.

Police are still refusing to take cases

to investigation level,and we're still finding

it's extremely difficultto win court cases.

As I said, in this particular case,

God has intervened, in this miracle,

during a bungled police raidwhere a tip-off was made,

Shalad Javad took heropportunity, escaped,

and managed to findsafety, calling her parents

from a stranger's phone.

If anything, and there isWestern pressure on Imam Khan,

and we have noticed that inmany cases of persecution,

such as Asia Bibi, and her freedom,

and the fact that 3500lives have been arrested

who were leaders of extremist groups,

that the impetus to riot wasnullified by those arrests.

Now, the only option hereis by the Pakistani courts,

ensuring that laws are evenstronger, protecting minorities.

But, despite the manychanges that have happened

over the last five to six years,

including the Women'sRight and Protection Bill,

we find enforcement is,unfortunately, lacksadaisical,

and it's luck of the draw.

Overall, there isn't muchchange and the progress

that has been made are changes in law

that we still need tosee come into effect.

- So, you can still have allthe laws on the books you want,

but it comes down toenforcement, does it not?

So, what can our viewers do, then, Wilson,

about these religiously motivated,

sexual enslavement kidnappings?

- Well, we need Christiansacross the globe

to pray about this situation.

Pray for the freedom of these girls.

Pray for these laws to now be enforced.

Pray for the Pakistanigovernment to accept

its responsibility toensure that every citizen

within their realm areprotected and have equal rights.

More importantly, if theyreally do want to help,

we do run a piorse and we cannot afford

to run our faith houses or ourwomen's protection programs

without assistance from Christians

who are willing to donatefinancially to help us.

And that's one way they can help.

- Okay, Wilson Chadrey.

I know you've been verybusy today, from London.

We appreciate you joining us.

Thank you.

- [Announcer] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put the pressure on myself

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- [Announcer] It's about overcoming.

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"Keep practicing hard."

- [Announcer] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- You know, I think, asa father, it's my job

to lead; just be the besthusband and father I can be.

- [Announcer] Watch Goingthe Distance with Shawn Brown

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.

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- Human traffickingand sexual enslavement.

Most of us think, "Well,it happens over there,

"in other countries, likeIndia, Nepal and Pakistan."

But, it's also happeningright here at home

in the good ol' USA, where it's become

a $13 billion per yearcriminal enterprise.

Andi Buerger is tryingto do something about it.

She has a ministry in Redmond, Oregon,

that's committed to rescuing girls

from sex abuse and trafficking.

It's called Beulah's Place,and she's here to tell us more

about what is happening and how to help.

Andi, so glad to have you with us.

So, tell us, we alwaysthink of sex trafficking

as a problem in other countries.

How bad is it here in the USA?

- It is shamefully bad, Gary,

in terms of every singlestate in the union

has been documented as havingsome kind of trafficking

in their communities.

Whether it's a larger community,

like Atlanta or Portland, Oregon,

or places like that,or smaller communities,

because we really have nochecks and balance on this.

And the predators haveapparently free reign.

It's a business tothem, so it is very easy

for kids to go missing, and not be found

or to disappear and it's justnow coming into our purview

of what that really means.

Communities are starting torecognize that it can happen.

And I know from personalexperience that it does happen,

because I survived it myself,before there ever was a term

called human trafficking.

- I want to get back to that in a minute,

on your own personal story,but I know that a lot of times,

this happens to runaways.

Are they the most vulnerable?

- They are, but actually, it's school kids

of any age, from theyoungest ones to the teens,

that we rescue, anywherefrom the 12, 13, 14-year old.

Predators will pay others toactually target young girls

or young boys, and they becomerecruited into trafficking.

One of the reasons I'm here inChicago is to promote a film

that helps show this sothat we can create more

of an awareness for young peopleand the parents and anyone

in the community, especiallychurches and schools,

where the greater populationof kids usually are.

- And I'm sure there's awhole new dynamic nowadays,

compared to years ago,when you were young.

It's the social media, it's the internet.

What role does that play?

- [Andi] It's a tremendous pressure.

There's a lot of peer pressure.

You really don't knowwho's on the other end

of that chat line,which makes it very easy

for, say, an unpopular teen at school,

or a teen that's goingthrough troubles at home,

to reach out and find what they think

is an understanding voiceor person on the other end,

but in reality it could be a trap,

and usually a very painful,or even deadly trap.

- Andi, what are you doingto make a difference?

How do you help?

- My husband and I co-foundedBeulah's Place 10 years ago,

and what we do is we rescue the at-risk,

homeless teens in danger of trafficking

or other criminally predatory activities.

We get them off the street, get them

to graduate high school,if they haven't already.

We get them jobs and thenwe help them reintegrate

into communities successfully.

And instead of talking aboutit, we decided we needed

to do something about it, and we have.

- And I know that it's yourfaith that motivates you

to do what you do, Andi.

Tell us about your ownexperience, and what role

has faith played in inspiringyou to begin your ministry?

- When I was very young,from age six months

to 17 years old, my birthfamily trafficked me,

sex trafficked me.

My mother was the primary sexual predator.

And then there wereextended family members,

and by the time I was five,Gary, I wanted to take my life,

and I tried to, becausemy birth mother said

my days were numbered, anyway.

And, since she was intent ontaking me out of this life,

I thought I would beat her to the punch.

But, while I was sitting onthe curb, waiting for a car

to be coming by fastenough to jump in front of,

I looked up into this bigsky, and no cars were coming,

but I looked into the sky.

I thought, "Somebody had to make that sky.

"Somebody has to be biggerthan the people hurting me."

And that's where Godinterceded in my heart.

I just heard this voicesaying, "There's a purpose

"and a plan for you."

So, I did not kill myself, clearly,

and I promised at thattime, as a five-year-old,

whatever I was called to do, I would do,

if I lived long enough to doit, but it was a very long

and painful childhood and teenage-hood.

The last time my birthmother tried to take my life,

I was 17.

- Wow.

Andi, that's an incrediblestory, and what can you say

to others that may have gone through this

or are going through this?

I know the trauma of someonewho's been through that

must be just horrific.

How do you ever get beyond that?

- In my life, and in anylife, Gary, to be honest,

I don't know how you getthrough it without Jesus.

Because, without Him, withoutGod, I would not be here.

But, for those of you who are wondering,

You can be transformed.

You can be whole and healed.

It's not an overnight process.

There's a lot of things that go into that,

whether it's counseling orother people that support you,

but He truly is the only one

that can take yesterday'sgarbage and turn it

into something positive,like He did in my life.

But, what we tell our kids is we are here

to offer help, healing and hope.

And I would hope, as aChristian community, nationally,

that when your viewers go to our website,

at, they'll see things.

There'll be hotline numbers.

There are things that they can do.

But, as a Christian community,that we would rise up

and say, "Enough.

"We will not allow ourchildren to be sold or abused,"

the way I was or the way manyothers that are still praying

that somebody out there caresenough to go look for them,

to go find them, to lovethem without judgment.

- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big, diplomatictug-o-war here in the Middle East.

- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the temple mount.

- [Announcer] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief,

Chris Mitchell, and getthe Biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel then ends up going

to other places.

- [Announcer] Watch JerusalemDateline, Friday night at 9:30

on the CBN News Channel.

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- Coming soon to our nation's capitol,

a long, hot political summer.

If you love political news,you're sure to get your fill.

If you hate politics,you'll likely be annoyed.

You see Democratic partycandidates for president

already campaigning inNew Hampshire and Iowa

are trying to win votes of the far left.

They're pushing for impeachment

of our duly elected president.

And you know the left hatesTrump and they'll stop

at nothing to get rid of him.

They don't want to waituntil the next election.

That' because they fear American voters

may send him back to the White House.

So, impeachment is theironly option, right?

Well, at least in their view.

But, Democrat leaders, like Nancy Pelosi

know impeachment willonly hurt their party.

They want to continue the investigations.

Pelosi and others hope thatthat will placate the left.

Just keep telling them, "Wedon't have all the facts.

"More needs to be learned."

The problem is, after twoyears of investigating,

with an extensive team of seasoned lawyers

and investigators, special counsel Mueller

discovered plenty, and he foundthat Trump and his campaign

committed no crime ofconspiring with Russia

to rig the 2016 election.

So, folks, if therewas no crime committed,

then there was no crime to obstruct.

How can you obstruct a crimeif no crime was committed?

Well, let's look at twoof the main points raised

when Democrats talk about obstruction.

First, the firing of formerFBI director, James Comey.

The Mueller Report statesthat Trump fired Comey

because he wouldn't publicly acknowledge

that the president wasn'tunder investigation.

Trump said he fired Comeybecause he's a dirty cop.

And evidence now suggeststhe former FBI director

lied to Congress, leakedgovernment documents

to the press and acted inappropriately

in the Hillary Clintonclassified email investigation.

Another big concern, thespecial counsel report says,

Trump asked former White House Counsel,

Don McGahn, to fire Mueller.

If true, well Muellerwasn't actually fired,

it was just discussed.

Is simply talking aboutsomething obstruction?

Doesn't it have to domore with covert actions,

like witness tampering?

Another former WhiteHouse counsel, John Dowd,

said he briefed the president every day

and never heard him demandthat Mueller be fired.

- At no time did the president ever say,

"John, I'm going to get rid of him.

"John, just not going to do it."

It was just the opposite.

Here's the message the president had

for Bob Mueller, to me, to carry.

One, you tell him Irespect what he's doing.

Number two, you tell himhe's got my full cooperation.

- House Judiciary Chairman, Jerry Nadler,

has subpoenaed McGahn.

But, the president is fightingthe subpoena in court.

He doesn't believe WhiteHouse aides should be forced

to testify before Congressfor political reasons.

This is Deputy White HousePress Secretary, Hogan Gidley.

- They don't want to get to the truth;

they want to get to this president.

And at this point, I don'tknow what Jerry Nadler

thinks he's going to getthat Robert Mueller didn't,

except for some politicalpoints, with the base.

- And, Senator Lindsey Graham agrees.

- They're going to use the Mueller Report

and anything they can find totry to destroy his presidency.

Nancy Pelosi's not in chargeof the Democratic party,

the radical left is in charge.

- Don't you love the newand improved Lindsey?

It seems like he'srevealing more of his true,

conservative self, now that his friend,

John McCain has passed away.

Anyway, back to the Democrats.

Some in the House of Representatives

believe they can do a better job

investigating this president

than a seasoned teamof Mueller prosecutors.


I thought Congress' job was to enact laws,

and decide where our money goes.

Yes, Congress does havegovernment oversight authority,

but this is going waybeyond just investigating

Russian election tampering.

This is destruction politics.

If you can't defeat acandidate in the voting booth,

then you destroy him, personally:

his success, his business, his life,

and everyone around himbecomes collateral damage.

And the problem is when you throw bombs,

sometimes they blow up in your face.

For the Democrats, thattactic may surely lead

to electoral defeat.

America is ready to move on.

The voters, not the politicians,

should determine the fateof this president next year.

In the meantime,Democrats and Republicans,

all of us need to heedwhat the Bible tells us.

Galatians 6:7 says, "Do not bedeceived, God is not mocked;

"for whatever a man sows,that he will also reap."

So, may we sow moretolerance, civility and love

in Washington politicsand in our own lives.

Well, that's it from the Global Lane.

Be sure to follow uson Facebook, Southload,

iTunes, YouTube and Twitter.

And until next time, be blessed.


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