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Healthy Living - April 2, 2019

Healthy Living - April 2, 2019 Read Transcript

(light music)

- Welcome to HealthyLiving, I'm Lorie Johnson.

Are concerned about the amount

of chemicals you're exposed to?

If so, you're not alone.

They're in our cleaning products,

stuff we put on our bodies,even our medications.

Many folks are tryingto detox by replacing

the chemicals with essential oils.

Take a look.

Like millions of Americans,

Sarah Hilburn struggledwith emotional issues

that led to physical ones.

- I had gotten to the pointwhere my anxiety and depression

was keeping me from sleeping at night.

I would spend several days out of the week

just being awake the entire night,

being awake the entire day.

- [Lorie] Instead ofseeking a prescription

for Ambien or Lunesta, sheturned to lavender oil.

- I can honestly say thatessential oil saved my life.

- [Lorie] Putting the oil ina vaporizer next to her bed

helped her begin getting more rest,

and in turn feeling happier.

- I diffused the lavenderusually by itself

just because it's very calming,

and it smells really good,and it makes me sleepy.

- [Lorie] Sarah also found other benefits.

She puts coolingpeppermint oil on her feet

when she's feeling overheated,

and credits rose oil forher flawless complexion.

Oils extracted from plants have been used

for medicinal purposes for centuries,

but just in recent years essential oils

have exploded in popularity.

In his best-selling book,

The Healing Power of Essential Oils,

Dr. Eric Zielinski explains how to use

dozens of these natural extracts.

- You know, the Bible says,"The leaves of the trees

are for the healing of the nations."

I can think of no othersubstance on the planet

that epitomizes that like essential oils.

- [Lorie] Essential oilscome from distilling

parts of plants like the root,bark, flowers and leaves.

- When you inhale citrusessential oils specifically,

like orange, neroli,bergamot, lime and lemon

it's been shown clinicallyto help decrease anxiety,

decrease depression, and boost your mood.

A lot of research being done with cinnamon

and blood pressure balancing,

so whether someone'sdiabetic, someone's obese,

there's a lot of things you could do.

- [Lorie] Even many pills wetake mimic what's in nature.

Aspirin, for example, ismodeled after willow bark

which people used forcenturies as a pain reliever.

- So next time your son or daughter,

your grandson, yourgranddaughter gets a fever

you can apply some dilutedpeppermint or orange oil

on his or her back, andyou'll see the fever go down.

Next time you get a sore throat,

you could gargle with a little bit

of myrrh essential oil and water.

Next time you get a headache,

you can apply some pain relieving oils

like frankincense or copaiba.

- And benefits go beyondrelying on the medicine cabinet.

Dr. Zielinski and his wife, Sabrina,

use essential oils instead of

store-bought syntheticsthroughout their home.

From body lotion, to deodorant and beyond.

More people who are concerned about

the chemicals in household cleaners

are choosing essential oilsbecause they clean naturally.

Sabrina makes her own laundrydetergent using ylang ylang.

No chemicals and about 20bucks to wash 150 loads.

- So when you're thinkingabout not just your kids,

but your animals as well,it's really important

to choose the right thingswhen you're cleaning.

- [Lorie] That includesmixtures for dusting,

cleaning glass, granite,and even tougher jobs.

- But what about likeyour all purpose cleaner?

What about my stove, is thisreally gonna work on the stove?


Usually it has an orange, aclove, a cinnamon, a eucalyptus.

It smells amazing, I meanwait 'til you smell this,

you're gonna be like, wow,that smells like Thanksgiving.

- [Lorie] Mmm.

In just minutes you canwhip up hand sanitizer.

- All you need is a twoounce glass spritzer bottle,

10 drops of essentialoil, my favorite is lemon,

then you need 10 drops of witch hazel,

10 drops of a grain alcohol,

and then you fill therest of the bottle up

with either purified ordistilled water, shake and go.

- [Lorie] Since essentialoils are highly concentrated

it's best to dilutethem using what's known

as a carrier oil, like jojoba.

And watch out for fakes.

- It is absolutely necessary to only use

pure essential oils.

What most people don't recognize is

what a lot of thesemanufacturers are doing

are synthetically addingdifferent chemicals

to essential oils and to other compounds

make them smell sweeter,

and that's where you get yourplug-ins from, your aerosols,

and they have been linkedto a number of diseases.

Neurotoxicity, cancer,

we're talking Alzheimer's and demential.

- He recommends organicoils indigenously sourced

with a batch report showingthey're the real deal.

So these days Americans increasingly turn

to natural, wonderfulsmelling essential oils

for healing, personalcare, and around the house.

When we come back we'll tell you about

the latest breakthrough in Alzheimer's

prevention and treatment.

Just the word Alzheimer'scan be frightening.

It steals memories and is America's

third leading cause of death.

One doctor believes the diseasecan be successfully fought,

and his patients agree.

These days 69 year old, Sally Weinrich,

smiles almost all the time.

Ever since her Alzheimer'ssymptoms reversed.

- Life is good, I likebeing able to remember,

to connect the dotsbecause I've experienced

the absence of thinking,and that is scary.

- [Lorie] Her husband,Martin, equally overjoyed.

- She just come back.

- [Lorie] Sally's not alone.

Hundreds of patients with mild to moderate

cognitive impairment experience

never before seen improvements thanks to

a revolutionary treatmentdeveloped by Dr. Dale Bredesen.

- Alzheimer's diseaseis no longer a mystery.

You don't have to say, wedon't know why you get it,

we don't know what to do about it.

We do know why you get it, wedo know what to do about it,

and we know how to prevent it.

- After 30 years of research, Dr. Bredesen

is sharing his treatment in the new book,

The End of Alzheimer's, aswell as in medical journals.

Just like a roof with36 holes can only work

when all 36 are repaired,

Dr. Bredesen says there are36 causes of Alzheimer's

which must all be addressed.

- There are specific exposures,you wanna get rid of those.

If there are specific nutritional changes,

you want to address those.

If there are hormonal changes,you want to address those.

If there are inflammatory changes.

- [Lorie] Sally and Martin sensed trouble

when she began forgetting things,

like her grandchildren's namesand her purse at the grocery.

A test confirmed earlystages of Alzheimer's.

- It was a total sense of hopelessness,

a wish to die and not want to live

because I, as a nurse, I'vecared for Alzheimer's patients

and I also have had familymembers who I love dearly

who've had advanced Alzheimer's

and who died from Alzheimer's in fact.

- So, of course, I was scared.

- [Lorie] Martin, a scientific researcher

scoured the internet for help.

He found Dr. Bredesen'sProtocol and got Sally on board.

- You don't wanna wait untilit's very late in the game.

The earlier the better,and the more likely

you're gonna see dramatic improvements.

- [Lorie] Sally got what Dr.Bredesen calls a cognoscopy,

blood work, genetic tests and more

to identify where she was when it came

to Alzheimer's 36 causes.

- All of us should have a cognoscopy

when we get to 45 or more,

just as we get acolonoscopy when we're 50,

everybody knows that.

- [Lorie] Sally's results pinpointed

specific areas of concern.

- Each person's program is different

so we developed a computerized algorithm

so that you can look at allthe different contributors

for each person, identify.

- [Lorie] The next step for Sally,

tailor made treatment that zeros in

on where she needs improvement.

In her case, that meant certain medicines,

vitamins and supplements,more sleep, less stress.

- And the first thing Istared doing was spending,

because Dr. Bredesen talksabout decreasing stress,

was spending 30 minuteseach mornin' prayin'.

I immediately saw improvementin what I could recall.

Next thing I did was increase my exercise.

I immediately sawimprovement in my thinking.

- [Lorie] Sally eats amildly ketogenic diet

as part of her treatment.

That means no sugar and veryfew other carbohydrates.

- When I am ketogenic,my brain thinks clearer

than when I'm not ketogenic.

- [Lorie] Sally eliminatedexposure to certain toxins,

like mold and pesticides,

addressed hidden infectionsin her body, and much more.

- I have not gone to townand forgotten my pocketbook

since I've started this program.

Hallelujah, 'cause I need my credit card.

- And it takes typicallythree to six months,

but we see unprecedented improvements

in their scores, in theirability to go back to work,

interact with their families,

increases in the hippocampalvolumes, things like that.

- When it comes tosustainability, Dr. Bredesen says

people who have been on theprogram for five years now

are still mentally fit.

So while genetics mean anestimated 75 million Americans

are predisposed to Alzheimer's,like Sally Weinrich,

Dr. Dale Bredesen says they no longer

have to fear being tested because now

there's something they can do about it.

- The fear is pretty much gone,

the doubt is pretty much gone,

and that's the real Sally.

That's who God and DaleBredesen have given back to me.

- When we come back we'll show you

how to balance your hormones,and as a result, lose weight.

(light music)

When it comes to losing weight,

the body can have a gender bias.

According to one physician,

hormone imbalances putwomen at a disadvantage.

But we can hit the hormone reset button

and shed those unwanted pounds.

After years of frustration,Laurie Mazzone found a way

to reclaim her high school figure.

It helped her lose 11pounds in just three weeks,

followed by another seven.

And she's not done.

- I lost four inches off my waist.

Four inches in a month is unbelievable.

I had not seen that kind of result

in anything that I've done.

- [Lorie] Laurie balanced her hormones

under the direction ofgynecologist, Sara Gottfried,

who lost 25 pounds when shefirst tried it on herself.

- I stated to share itwith women in my practice

and the results were amazing.

So women lost on average about 15 pounds,

they dropped their bloodsugar by 21 points,

they lost four inches off their waist.

We know have had 5,000 peoplego through this program.

- If one or more of sevenkey hormones is out of wack,

forget about losing weight.

But the good news is, we canbalance them with our fork.

Specific foods can disrupt hormone levels.

That can be fixed byavoiding the disruptive food

for at least three days.

In her book, The HormoneReset Diet, Dr. Gottfried

lays out a 21 day plan forseven weight-related hormones.

- It was gradual, it wasn'tlike a shock to my system,

it wasn't like, okay,

now you're off of all these foods at once

and it wasn't overwhelming.

It was done in small bit and pieces.

- [Lorie] Starting withred meat and alcohol,

which can raise estrogen.

- Estrogen is what makes us feminine,

it gives us breasts and hips,

but when it's out of wack,

when it's too highrelative to progesterone,

it's gonna make you haveweight loss resistance.

You're not gonna be able tolose weight no matter what.

- [Lorie] There are substitutes.

- When I would come home atnight I would get a wine glass

and I would just fill it with seltzer

and apple cider vinegar.

I felt like I was drinking wine.

- [Lorie] The next three days,

add fruit to the off limitslist to reset leptin.

- It's the satiety hormone and that means

it controls your hunger.

- [Lorie] Then give up caffeine,which disrupts cortisol.

- Cortisol is the main stress hormone

and when it's too highit grows this muffin top,

it just gives you belly fatthat you can't get rid of.

- So once I've come off the caffeine

I was sleeping like a baby.

- [Lorie] Thyroid levels that are too high

or too low can cause problems.

- Some of the commonsymptoms are thinning hair,

weight gain, typically 10, 20pounds, fatigue, depression.

- [Lorie] Eliminate grainsto reset your thyroid.

- [Laurie] I grew up in an Italian family

and they serve you likea half a pound of pasta,

so like I was dying.

How am I gonna do that?

- [Lorie] She did it byeating pasta substitutes,

like spaghetti squashor shirataki noodles.

Next, avoid sweets to balance insulin.

- The sugar cravings werecompletely gone after four days.

And I was really addicted to sugar.

- [Lorie] Abstain from milk products

to reset your growth hormone.

- [Laurie] Dairy, I thought,would be hard for me

'cause I like cheese so much,

but I replaced it withhumus and I was fine,

I didn't even miss it.

- [Lorie] Finally avoidenvironmental toxins,

like plastic and certaincosmetics to balance testosterone.

- The average woman puts onabout 515 synthetic chemicals

every day on our skin.

- After you've reset your hormones

you don't necessarily have toavoid these things forever.

Every three days add one back

and see how your body respondsbecause everyone's different.

- And then you feel like ablank canvas, and you're like,

you've gotten rid of all thesefoods and you feel so great,

and then you get to bring themback and see what happens,

and that's kind of interesting.

- [Lorie] When Laurieresumed eating red meat

there was no change, soit's still on the menu.

Dairy, however, broughta different result.

She gained five pounds in just three days,

a clear sign to stay away.

- I felt like I was doing ascience project on myself.

- [Lorie] That was just the beginning.

- I missed my caffeine, I thought.

So I had a cup of coffee andthat night I didn't sleep.

And that was it, I justnever had it again.

- So for women, hormones often dictate

whether the body will burnfat, or hold on to it.

By replacing disruptive foodswith healthy substitutions,

we gain another weapon inthe battle of the bulge.

When we come back, a doctor reveals

the true cause of heart disease,

and it's not what you think.

Heart disease is America'snumber one killer,

but what causes it?

According to a growing number of doctors,

it's not what you might think.

In the fight for better health,

American's view cholesterolas public enemy number one.

Doctors tell us to stay away from food

high in saturated fatlike butter, eggs and meat

because it's responsiblefor heart disease.

But what if that's wrong?

- You know, cholesterol is found

at the scene of thecrime for heart disease,

but it's not the perpetrator.

- [Lorie] Cardiologist, Stephen Sinatra,

and a growing number of physicians

believe cholesteroldoes not heart disease.

They point the finger at inflammation,

which can be caused byeating too much sugar.

Sinatra admits a smallfraction of cholesterol is bad

because it's inflammatory,

but for the most part it's good for you.

- Cholesterol many timescan be a gift in disguised,

a higher cholesterol.

- [Lorie] In his new book,The Great Cholesterol Myth,

Sinatra explains thatsince half of all patients

hospitalized for heartdisease have high cholesterol,

that means the other halfhave low cholesterol.

- I was doing angiograms onpeople with cholesterols of 150

and they had far advanced heart disease.

In the converse I would do an angiogram

of somebody with cholesterols of 280

and they had no heart disease.

- [Lorie] Since high cholesterol

gets the blame from most doctors,

they prescribe cholesterollowering statin drugs

to their patients with it.

But Sinatra says only a small percentage

actually need the drug.

He only prescribesstatins to middle-aged men

with coronary heartdisease, like Albert Taise.

- Other than getting older,

I'm not feeling any worse for wear.

- [Lorie] Sinatra says asmall percentage of women

can also benefit from statinsas an anti-inflammatory,

not to lower cholesterol.

But he says, for many statin users,

the risks outweigh the gains.

- The side effects of satinsare grossly under-reported,

I mean grossly under-reported.

- [Lorie] Muscle pain andfatigue are two key complaints.

- Doc, I can't get out of a chair anymore,

I have weakness in my thighs,I can't play double's tennis,

I walk the dog and I'm vitally exhausted.

These are statin side effects,however, a lot of the doctors

or the patients thinkthey're getting older.

They're not getting older,these are statin side effects.

- [Lorie] Patients over 70are especially vulnerable.

- They can't remember names,

they can't remember where theyput their glasses or keys,

they forget sometimes who they are.

If you do take a statinit can actually bring on

the onset of Alzheimer'sdisease by 15 years.

So, you have to be cautious with statins.

- So while statins may ormay not be right for you,

one thing is certain,reducing inflammation

is good for your heartno matter who you are.

The best way to do thatis cut back on sugar.

- You know, cholesterolis sort of your friend,

sugar is your foe, it's thevillain, it's your enemy.

- [Lorie] Sugar damages arteries,increases blood pressure,

and ages your organs.

And we're not just talkingabout soda and candy,

but also food that turns intosugar as soon as you eat it.

Refined carbohydrates, like white bread,

white pasta, and white rice.

68 year old, Joan Jackson, is living proof

that a low-sugar diet improves your heart.

At one point she neededa heart transplant,

but after changing her diet and lifestyle

Joan was taken off the transplant list.

- I feel great.

I'm not gonna say I'm 16,but I feel great at my age.

I feel I can do anything andaccomplish anything I want to.

- [Lorie] He secret, good,old fashioned self control.

- We have a tendency of saying,

oh, I want that last piece of pie,

or I'm gonna have this piece of candy,

but sometimes you have to say no.

- [Lorie] Dr. Sinatra describeshis healthiest patients

as those who avoid sugarand refined carbohydrates,

and get this, fill up on fats.

He highly recommends unsaturated fats

like nuts, avocados, fish and olive oil.

He even touts saturated fats

like unprocessed meat and coconut oil.

- Coconut oil is a saturated fat.

Because it's a saturated fat,it's less prone to oxidation,

so it really protects you.

- [Lorie] But stay away from trans fat,

which is manmade and addedto most packaged foods.

- I call trans fats unguided vessels

that really cause enormousinflammation of blood vessels.

- Remember to pay close attention

to the ingredients in your food.

The word hydrogenated is your red flag

because that means trans fat.

So while doctors may disagree about

whether cholesterol causes heart disease,

one thing is certain,

if you go easy on sugar and trans fats,

you're headed in the right direction.

And that's it for thisedition of Healthy Living.

I'm Lorie Johnson.

Thanks for joining us, andwe'll see you again next time.

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