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Faith Nation: April 2, 2019

Faith Nation: April 2, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Working towardpeace in the Middle East.

How Evangelicals are joining forces

with the White House on a plan for

the Palestinians and Israel.

Overhauling Obamacare on hold.

Why Republicans will wait to try to change

health care in America,and the Supreme Court

will soon decide are fertilized embryos

people or property?

All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.

(upbeat music)

- Faith leaders working to bring peace

in the Middle East,welcome to Faith Nation,

I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

Evangelicals are joining President Trump

on the front lines as he crafts his plan

for peace in the Middle East, and while

faith leaders are urging the White House

to support Israel, they are also calling

for help and prayers for the Palestinians.

- CBN's White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy

spoke with some of the evangelicals.

Ben, what did you learn?

- Well, John and Jenna, faith leaders

told the White House to never forget

that Iran remains the real enemy

in the Middle East, that being said,

the deal won't work unless the Palestinian

authority is open to talks.

To solve that dilemma,the Trump Administration

wanted to hear directlyfrom Christian leaders.

- We were stunned by that.

- [Ben] Stunned that the White House

wanted input from leaderslike pastor Jack Graham

on Middle East peace.

- We talked about, ofcourse, the sovereignty

of Israel, that that's very important

for Christians, andparticular Bible-believing

Christians, that Israelhas a right to exist

and Jerusalem as its capital.

- [Ben] In the meeting that included

Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo and

the President's son-in-law, Jared Kushner,

Graham and others, urgedthe security of Israel

must be a priority.

- Making sure that Israel is safe.

As long as people keep throwing bombs

at Israel, it's gonna bedifficult to have peace.

So everybody understandsthat, but at the same time,

we talked about partnershipswith Arab countries

and governments that could be partners

and economic development, I think,

will be a part of the plan.

- [Ben] Another attendee,pastor Jentezen Franklin agrees.

Do you think this plan could actually stop

the violence along the Gaza border?

- I believe there's a possibility.

There is a different, there's something

that is working andpeople like Jared Kushner,

and Jason Greenblatt and others

are working diligently, tryingto find some middle ground.

- The middle ground could include

a two state solution, the challenge lies

with the Palestinian authority

who has refused to speakwith the White House

since President Trump recognized

Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

What needs to be in this plan to get

the Palestinian authorityto the table to even talk?

- Opportunity.

Everyone needs to live with hope

and so many Palestinian peopleare living without hope.

- God cares and loves the Palestinians

and cares about them and so do we

in the evangelical community,but we cannot allow

parts of Israel that serve so greatly

to protect and secure the people of Israel

to be given away.

- The White House has stopped short

of releasing derailsabout that Middle East

peace plan in September, President Trump

said it would be ready in four months,

but clearly, it is takingmore time to hash out a deal.

John, Jenna.

- Ben, once the plan is unveiled,

do faith leaders thinkthe Palestinian authority

will actually negotiate?

- Well, Jenna, actually on Sunday,

PA President Mahmoud Abbassaid, "There is no room

"for the US in this peace process."

To be honest guys, it'sa bit of a wait and see

for one, if they willlook at the peace plan

once it is unveiled and then,if they're open to dialogue.

That's the latest outside the White House,

Ben Kennedy, CBN News.

- Alright, thank you,Ben, well it is unlikely

the Justice Departmentwill meet today's deadline

to release the full,un-redacted Mueller report.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler

and leading Democratsplan to vote tomorrow

to authorize subpoenas so they can see

the probes findings, alongwith all of the evidence

from the Trump-Russia investigation.

Attorney General Bill Barr, who issued

a summary of those findings last week,

told Congress he plans to release

the nearly 400 page report bymid-April or possibly sooner.

Some portions of thatreport might be concealed

to protect classified information,

like sources and methods, or material

that could effect ongoing matters.

Barr's summary of the Mueller Report,

cleared the President of any collusion

between Russia and the Trump campaign.

- Well President Trump's push to overhaul

Obamacare is on pause for now.

The President says onTwitter, "Republicans are

"developing a reallygreat healthcare plan,

"but that a vote won't comeuntil after the 2020 election."

Congressional Democratshave long been critical

over the President's calls to repeal

and replace the Affordable Care Act,

also known as Obamacare,even more so today

after the President'sannouncement on delaying action.

- The President Tweetedthat they will come up

with their plan in 2021.

Translation, they haveno health care plan.

It's the same old songthey've been singing.

They're for repeal, they have no replace.

President Trump confirmedthat he will hold

Americans hostagethrough the 2020 election

when it comes to health care.

- The Justice Department agreed with

a District Court rulingthat the Affordable Care Act

is unconstitutional andshould be thrown out.

Meanwhile, House Democrats introduced

a new bill to strengthenthe Affordable Care Act.

It would make more middle class people

eligible for subsidies, and help

lower income recipientsalready in the system.

That bill should make it through the House

but not the Republican-controlled Senate.

Well, Indiana senator Mike Braun says

before Obamacare repealeffort takes place,

Republicans need a clearplan on what will replace it.

Today he spoke with CBN News' Capitol Hill

correspondent, Abigail Robertson.

Abigail, the President keeps saying

Republicans are going to be the party

known for health care,does Senator Braun agree?

- Well Senator Braun toldme that he was surprised

to hear President Trumpsay this, but he said

it's very much somethingthat he would like to do.

Now, Senator Braun has only been here

just over a hundred days and he told me

that he thinks Republicans, people in

his own party have defended big

health care companies for too long.

He said he knows from personal experience

running his own business, that patients

and companies are not getting good deals

from these insurance companies,

and there are many changeshe would like to see

take place, now while he does not agree

that a repeal should happenwithout a replacement,

he said he's willing towork with the President

on a more long term solution, take a look.

- Leader McConnell I think was wise

to step in and say that, let's make sure

we get it right this time, and I think

it is such a big deal, so comprehensive,

that it'd be hard forus to be out there now.

What I'm gonna do is workon lowering the cost,

making it more transparent,and take that approach.

Somewhere down the road, it's gonna be

the alternative, that theother side is offering

which sounds so enticing,Medicare for all.

I think we'd regret it,because first of all,

it costs so much more when we're already

running deficits to where we don't pay

for the government thatwe're already demanding,

so I think they've gota lot that we can hit

to where how's that gonna work,

that's not gonna pan out.

On the other hand, we'vegotta devise a system

if we wanna save thesystem, it's gotta shrink,

it's gotta get better, it's gotta offer

better value, thatmeans solve the problems

and lower the prices.

- Senator Braun addedthat while President Trump

wants to wait until after 2020,

he's going to go ahead and put forth

some bills that wouldhelp patients right now.

- Abby, as we just reported,Democrats on the Hill

are demanding to seethe full Mueller Report

even on the brink of issuing subpoenas

for that report, what did Senator Braun

have to say about that?

- Well, Senator Braun is all for releasing

the full report, here's his full answer.

- And I think it should beout in its fullest form.

Only qualified by whatevercan't be displayed

due to ongoing investigations,

and classified material,but it should be out there

so we can all see it to the extent we can.

- That's definitely a sentiment

that has strong bipartisansupport here on the Hill.

- Abigail, another issue the Senate is set

to tackle this week is the nuclear option

to confirm Judicial nominees.

What did he say about that?

- Well, John, that's right.

We're hearing reports from Republicans

of lower courts that are really struggling

with backups because theyhave a lot of vacancies

and they say that thisis because Democrats

are taking the full 30hours of debate time

on each nominee, which theysay is pretty unprecedented.

So they're prepared to go nuclear in order

to get these PresidentTrumps nominees through

and this is something thatSenator Braun supports.

- The Democrats are all for this,

if it would go into effect in 2021,

that's what I don't like about this place.

I feel almost certain that if the had

the levers of power, there'd be no doubt

what would happen and here, the fact that

through the Clinton, Bushand Obama Administrations

they were only in the first two years

an average of eight cloture votes

and we've had a 128, I'mglad Leader McConnell

was doing it and I think we're all

gonna be on board and surely we'll get

a few Democrats and if not, I think

we'll get it done the other way.

- And we'll see how that votepans out later this week.

- Capitol Hill correspondent,Abigail Robertson.

Thanks, Abby.

- Well, today Republicans are moving

to force a House vote on a bill that would

protect infants to survivea botched abortion.

The Born Alive AbortionSurvivors Protection Act

would make it a crime to withhold

life saving medical carefor abortion survivors.

- Is the Born Alive Act even necessary?

- [Jenna] Survivors of abortions

gone awry say the answer is yes.

- And I wish I could tell you that when I

was born alive, everyone saw my humanity.

And immediately provided me medical care.

- [Jenna] Melissa Ohdensurvived an attempted abortion.

- I was the little girlgasping for breath.

- [Jenna] And she's not the only one.

- My life, actually, was a miracle.

- [Jenna] Claire Culwell isan abortion survivor too.

- I wasn't my birth mother's body.

I was a separate body andI had a separate heartbeat

inside of my birth mother's body.

- [Jenna] So is Gianna Jessen.

- I was born aliveafter being burned alive

in my mother's womb.

- [Jenna] Republicanswant to force the issue

and get Democrats on record.

- All of us here today havea message for Nancy Pelosi.

If you won't bring itup, we'll bring it up.

- [Jenna] Representative Steve Scalise,

is second in command inthe Republican House.

- It should be easy toget all four hundred

and thirty five membersof Congress to sign this,

but it's not, in fact,it's going to be hard.

We know it's an uphill battle.

- [Jenna] And Republicanssay they have support

from some Democrats in the house.

- And I thank those brave Democrats

that are gonna cross the line.

- [Jenna] Scalise saysthis is their chance.

- There are a lot of Democrats who won

their election last yearflipping a Republican seat

saying that they wouldcontinue to be pro-life

and stand up to Nancy Pelosi.

Here's gonna be their opportunity.

- [Jenna] Democrats saythe bill goes too far.

- This bill is Washingtonpolitics at its worst.

I will vote no.

- [Jenna] All but three Democrats voted

to block a similar billlast month in the Senate.

- So this vote does not occur in a vacuum.

It's part of a patterntaken by President Trump

and Congressional Republicans to limit,

deny, or circumscribe awoman's right to health care.

- [Jenna] Democrats say the bill

is an attack on abortion rights

and prevents doctors fromusing their best judgment.

- Decisions such asthis, should be made by

providers, physicians.

- [Jenna] That judgment,put on full display

last month during a radio interview

with Doctor and VirginiaGovernor Ralph Northam.

- The infant would be delivered,

the infant would be kept comfortable,

the infant would be resuscitated if that's

what the mother and the family desired,

and then a discussion would ensue.

- [Jenna] Republicanssays doctors like Northam

are only comforting themselves.

- There's nothing comforting about

abandoning a little baby to die.

- [Jenna] Jill Stanek is a nurse

who claims infants wereleft to die on her watch.

- I couldn't bear the thoughtof this suffering child

dying alone and so Icradled and rocked him

for the 45 minutes that he lived.

(dramatic swooshing)

- Born alive, joins usnow from Capitol Hill.

Congresswoman Wagner, thanks so much

for joining us, it's great to see you.

- It's wonderful to bewith you and your viewers.

- Why do you think it's important

to demand a vote now in the House?

- We've been trying nowfor well over a month.

We passed forward and moved on the floor

25 different unanimous consent to try

and force Nancy Pelosi tobring this bill to the floor,

as has been brought in the past.

This is a piece of legislation

that has been passed inthe previous Congress

and before that, also,on a bipartisan basis.

But now more than ever, while we see

legislatures and governorsacross the country

that are rolling backprotections for children

and babies that are born alive,

we must act, we must act as a Congress

and put everyone's vote onrecord with their districts.

- Congresswoman, criticssay a measure like this

the Born Alive ProtectionAct is unnecessary

because cases where infantsneed to be protected

like this are extremely rare or could

penalize or criminalize doctors.

How do you respond to that?

- Well it's simply not true.

There are only six statesthat actually report

right now and the CDC has put forward

hundreds of cases of babies and infants

that are born alive and then left to die

and be discarded andkilled in the procedure

or operating room.

What this bill does, whatpeople have to understand,

it does four very, very key things.

First of all, it makessure first and foremost

that the doctor and the facility

are held criminallyliable, there are penalties

in place for someone that actually kills

a child that's been born alive.

Next, it also requiresthat records and data

be taken and kept so that we have

a sense of how prevalent this is.

It also is very important for the mother.

It gives the mother thekind of civil remedies

that may she need in caseshe wants to take action

against that doctor thatkilled a born alive baby.

But most important, itgives life saving care

to a baby that is bornalive, and that is just

it's not just a pro-life issue,

this is an issue that'sa human rights issue.

This is an issue that our Founding Fathers

guaranteed in ourConstitution, life, liberty

and equal protection under the law

and I assure you that our Founding Fathers

never put an age limit on life, liberty,

and equal protection under the law.

Every child deserves to havea chance at life after born.

- Congresswoman, how confident are you

that you will have thesupport to bring this about.

Do you think some Democratswill break with leadership?

- They need to, I expect we will have

some Democrats that willsign the discharge petition.

It depends on what kind of a stronghold

that Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Pelosi,

puts on her members,I hope that she allows

all members to votetheir conscience on this.

If she were to allow them to vote

their conscience, this would be

the easiest vote that any legislature

would ever choose, youeither choose to give

life-saving care to babies that are born

or you choose to let themdie, and discard them.

It's a simple choice and I think one that

all Americans can be for, and if you look

at some of the polling numbers out there,

you would see that the vast majority

of Americans, no matterwhere they may stand

on the abortion issue,believe that a child

that is born alive should always be given

life saving care.

- Congresswoman Wagner, thank you again,

always good to see you.

- It's my honor, thank you so much.

(dramatic swooshing)

- Senator Bernie Sanders'2020 Presidential

campaign has raised just over $18 million

in the first few months of 2019.

The campaign says the money comes from

about 900,000 contributorsand the average donation,

$20, a major grassroots campaign.

10 million came during the first week

after Sanders announced he was getting

into the race for the White House.

Sanders is expected tobe one of the biggest

fundraisers among the packof Democratic hopefuls.

(metallic swooshing)

- A second sexual assault victim

speaks out against Virginia'slieutenant governor.

What she's saying inher first TV interview

and reaction from lawmakersin the Commonwealth

when we come back.

Welcome back, a secondsexual assault victim

speaks out against Virginia'slieutenant governor.

What she's saying inher first TV interview

and reactions from lawmakersin the Commonwealth.

I apologize, a secondwoman who has accused

Virginia's lieutenantgovernor of sexual assault

is speaking out with details of her story.

Meredith Watson says while the two

were students at Duke University

back in 2000, Justin Fairfax raped her.

Fairfax denies that claim, saying Watson

has not filed criminalcharges or a lawsuit

but instead, is going to the media

speaking today on CBS this morning,

Watson said she had nothingto gain by coming forward.

- The only thing coming forward has done

is invited criticism andchaos and scrutiny of me.

And put me under a microscope.

And it's been difficult enough,

what I've gone through the last 20 years.

I didn't need this.

But I had to tell the truth.

- [John] Both Watson andFairfax's other accuser,

Vanessa Tyson, have askedVirginia's lawmakers

to hold a public hearingon their allegations.

Fairfax says such ahearing would be a partisan

media circus, and isinstead calling for a,

"Fair, full, and impartial investigation."

- Well, Eric Philips is in Richmond,

Virginia today, following the story

and he joins us now with more.

Eric, his accuser's pushedfor a public hearing.

- Party lies with this hearing regarding

the lieutenant governor is concerned.

The republicans are saying given

the horrible nature ofthe sexual assault charges

they need to be vetted publicly,

and they have made a proposal to do so,

but so far, Democrats have said no,

they will not have thispublic hearing move forward.

Now, the victims, the alleged victims,

both Meredith Watson and Vanessa Tyson

have said they wouldlike to testify publicly

in front of the people of the Commonwealth

but and this is justsomething we've learned

in the last hour, theysay they will only do so

if there is bipartisansupport for this hearing.

They will not speak underany other circumstances

and that is why HouseMajority Leader, Todd Gilbert

says he's hopingDemocrats will reconsider.

- I think that anybody who takes off

their partisan hat for even a moment

and is able to look at that testimony,

those interviews andhow compelling they were

would agree that when those women say

something terrible happened to us

and we deserve a hearing infront of the legislature,

before all of Virginia,so that all of Virginia

can judge for themselves whether

their lieutenant governorcommitted these horrible acts,

I think everybody should agree that

that is something that weshould afford these women.

- Now, it is important to note that

the Republicans do holda majority in Virginia.

However, in that the alleged victims

have said they will not move forward

without the consent of the Democrats,

Republicans actually needthe Democrats in this case,

so unless something drastically changes

very soon, it appears that this

public hearing will be a no-go.

What's interesting to note, though

is if it had in fact happened,

this would have been the first time

that the second ranking Democrat

in the state had such ahearing, John and Jenna.

- Alright, Eric Philips reporting

in Richmond, thanks somuch for that report, Eric.

- Well coming up, how anupcoming Supreme Court

decision on embryos couldhave a ripple effect

on abortion in America.

(upbeat music)

The Supreme Court has a chance to decide

a big question for the country.

Are fertilized embryos people or property?

- A decision could lead to a change

in the state of legalizedabortion in America.

Paul Strand reportsfrom the Supreme Court.

- Recent cases involving the fight

over the frozen fertilized embryos

show another exampleof our divided nation.

For instance, an Arizona court ruled

an ex-wife could give birth to her

frozen embryos, despiteher exes objections.

While a Colorado court decided in favor

of an ex-husband, stating embryos

could be treated likeproperty and thrown away.

The US Supreme Court has been asked

to take the Colorado case and rule

the frozen embryos arepersons with a right to life.

You may not think it matters whether

embryos are considered people,

but if the law here in America decides

that they are, or even ifit decides they aren't,

it has major implications.

Constitutional law attorney, Jenna Ellis

warns about a ruling thatembryos are mere property.

- I think we're gettinginto very dangerous

ethical and legal questions if the court

decides to go that way.

- We are commodifying human life.

We are commodifying whatit means to be human

and I think that hasdevastating consequences.

- [Paul] David Christensen of the

Family Research Councilpoints to the court's

1973 decision allowing abortion.

- Roe v. Wade and Doe v.Bolton legalized abortion

and now we have sixty million unborn

children that have been killed.

There's no question about the impact

on families and family dynamics

and the way we view each other

and the way we view unborn children.

- [Paul] Ellis says ruling embryos

as property could potentially expand

to other stages of life.

- At what point does that arbitrary line

go from fertilized embryos at merely

the conception stage, then all the way

to say someone who's in a coma at the end

of their life, are they then morphed into

property because they don't have

any decision making autonomy?

- Rather than looking at human embryos

as property, we shouldlook at them as they are.

A member of the species, homosapien,

and they should be protected.

- [Paul] Pro-choice advocates worry

declaring embryos persons with rights

could end up stripping adults

of their right not to be a parent.

Ellis believes the issueis more fundamental.

It's about life itself.

- This is a really great opportunity

for the Supreme Court to recognize

that human is human life, nomatter how tiny and small.

- [Paul] Could that,then, shape the so-called

right to abortion?

- We're seeing with advanced technology

that human beings are human beings

even in the womb, no matter how small

and I think that Roe's days are numbered

and we're gonna see a pro-life win

at the Supreme Court very very soon.

- [Paul] Paul Strand, CBNNews, the Supreme Court.

- The debate rages on.

Well that's gonna do itfor tonight's Faith Nation.

- Have a great night.

(upbeat music)


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