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News on The 700 Club: April 2, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” April 2, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Welcome, folks, to thisedition of The 700 Club.

One week from today, the voters in Israel

will decide who their nextPrime Minister is going to be.

Is it going to be Bibi Netanyahu, who's

close association withPresident Trump seems to be

paying off?

Or will it be the formerChief of Staff, Benny Gantz,

the Black and White--

I believe that's what they call the party.

Well we're gonna have our

fearless analyst give arundown about what he thinks

and he's got that story from Jerusalem.

- Depending on which poll you believe,

Netanyahu's party isrunning a little ahead of,

or a little behind thenew Blue and White party.

It's a coalition runby political new-comer,

Benny Gantz, former Chief ofthe Israeli Defense Forces.

In fact, the Blue and Whiteparty is a notable collection

of military and secular leaders.

Many of them once served with Netanyahu,

but now are his bitter political rivals.

They see the pending indictmentof the Prime Minister

as an opportunity to replace him.

Israel's Attorney Generalannounced his intention

to indict Netanyahu justweeks before the election.

Since then, Likud has risen in the polls.

Knesset speaker, Yuli Edelstein is Likud's

second in command.

He often fields media questions about

the pending indictment.

- Do have to remind us thatindictment happens in court.

And before that, you know,according to the very old rule,

everyone's innocent til proven guilty and

that's the situation of thePrime Minister right now.

- [John] Pollster Mitchell Barak says

even a week before thevote, it doesn't feel like

the campaign has started.

- You know, there's been a lottamud slinging back and forth

but if you walk aroundJerusalem, or Tel Aviv,

or anywhere else, you don'tsee signs on peoples' balcony,

you don't see signs in their window.

- [John] Netanyahu has reaped the benefits

of his close relationshipwith President Trump

and the visit of BrazilianPresident, Jair Bolsonaro

to Israel.

Barak recently took an indepth survey of Israelis

and found their supportfor Trump has sky-rocketed

to 73%.

Trump has fulfilled the dreambasket of Israeli wishes,

from moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,

to recognizing theGolan as part of Israel,

to cracking down on Iranand Palestinian terrorists.

- So Israelis really, to a certain extent,

see that there's a Likudnik, if you will,

a Likud person in the WhiteHouse and they see that

Netanyahu is very, very close

with President Trump.

- [John] Israelis will decide April ninth

whether those closeU.S. ties will be enough

to put Netanyahu over the top.

Experts say many, if not, most voters

won't even decide untilthe final four days.

John Waage, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Well thanks, John.

One correction they saidwhat's Black and White

is Blue and White is Benny Gantz's party

against Likud but I declare the

closeness with President Trump and that

brilliant move on the Golan Heights

and they're moving theirembassy to Jerusalem

has made a huge, huge difference.

Well our Middle EastBureau Chief Chris Mitchell

is with us now.

And Chris, what aboutthose legal challenges?

Are they gonna have an impact?

- Well they had an impactback on the announcement

by the Attorney General a few weeks ago.

That's when the polls Likud went down,

the Blue and White went up.

But right now, the polls have changed

and right now, they're aboutneck and neck and you could say

that the announcementhas sorta been baked in

to the polling numbers right now.

So I think that's notgonna have a huge impact.

He may be indicted, butthat's gonna take a long time.

He has an opportunity to defend himself,

could take as much, up to a year.

Even if he's indicted and ifhe does become Prime Minister,

he doesn't have to step down.

I think one issue, Pat,that really might determine

the electorate right now is Bibi fatigue.

He's been there for 10 years and

they have to decide whether they want this

continued leadership by the Prime Minister

or they're getting tired of him right now.

- Well what kinda policy is Benny Gantz?

You know,

you remember, we were with Benny up on the

Golan and all over thatarea, the Hula Valley

and he was a great guy whenhe was a Brigadier General.

What kind of policieswill you think he'll be

putting into play?

- Well that's a good question, Pat.

Actually, the pollsthat we interviewed for

John's story, he saidthat he's sorta right now

like a fantasy candidate.

You really don't knowa lot of his policies,

he hasn't been making policy statements,

so it really is determinedwhether Israelis

are gonna sort of fill in that fantasy,

fill in the blank and seewhat kinda candidate he is.

On security issues,Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas,

I think everybody onthe political spectrum

is pretty much on the same page.

You know that from meetinghim up on the Hula Valley

and during the second Lebanon war.

But it remains to be seen what'sgonna happen domestically.

Likely, there'll be big changesthere but it still remains

to be seen what changes they would be.

- It looks like

Bibi's running on the Trump ticket.

Is Trump really thatimportant to this election?

- I think he is.

I think really,

what Netanyahu's been able to project

is that he's a world leader.

He's able to stand on the world stage with

leaders like Vladimir Putin,

leaders from Europe, butespecially President Trump.

He would love those pollingnumbers here in Israel, Pat.

73% of Israelis really support him and

you can go down the list.

You can go down tomoving the U.S. Embassy,

recognizing Jerusalem as the capital,

challenging the way Israel's been treated

in the United Nations,and the latest thing,

you know, recognizing the Golan Heights.

It really does kinda have an impact.

The Pompeo visit, we werehere just a few weeks ago

with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

He just visited Trump in the White House

so I think that's reallygonna have an impact.

How you quantify that remainsto be seen but really,

there is no equal, I think, here in Israel

of Netanyahu being able tostand on the world stage

like he has for the last 10 years.

- I know this is an embarrassing question

but I like to give it anyhow.

If you were gonna pick,who would you pick?

Who do you think the voters will say

is the next man?


- Well I may defer toour expert, John Waage,

but I would pick right now Netanyahu.

I think the momentumis with him and I think

as John noted, the last fourdays are really gonna make

a big difference.

That's when Shabbat isgonna be on Friday night.

Shabbat's a big deal here, Pat.

People, family, and friends,they sit around the tables,

they talk about what's happening.

Our pollster said really,that's when people are gonna

sorta wake up and sayfour days is election.

My sense is they're gonna stay with

sorta the status quo.

The fact that Netanyahu has been able to

manage this geo-politicalquagmire here in the Middle East.

You have Iran on the Golan Heights,

you have Syria really

going through a dramatic change, and

managing all this, theinvolvement of Russia,

I think Netanyahu has beenthe one that has been able

to help Israelis and really,

I think Israelis aregonna be picking somebody

they're gonna feel secure with so

my bet would be Netanyahu.

- Well, Chris, we'll look forward eagerly

one week from today to see what happens.

Well in other news,Democrats are getting ready

to take legal action

to force the early releaseof the Mueller report.

John Jessup has that.

- That is right, Pat.

The House JudiciaryCommittee will vote tomorrow

to authorize subpoenas toobtain the full and complete

Mueller report along withall evidence gathered

during the Russia Trump investigation.

On Wednesday, HouseJudiciary Committee Chairman,

Jerry Nadler and House Democrats

plan to issue thosesubpoenas after setting today

as a deadline to seeRobert Mueller's findings.

Attorney General WilliamBarr released a summary

of those findings lastweek, clearing the President

of any collusion betweenthe Trump campaign

and the Russian government.

But that's doing little toconvince House Democrats

who still wanna see the detailsof the full investigation.

- We're already hearing that the President

may wanna claim executiveprivilege on some of this

but the fact is,

he has no right to claimexecutive privilege

on any evidence of wrongdoing.

- But others like famous legalprofessor Alan Dershowitz

say there's no legal basisto demand the investigation's

un-redacted release.

Pat, back to you.

- Well I agree with

that distinguished jurist Alan Dershowitz.

I think he's absolutely right.

The House Democrats arebeating a dead horse

and it's time they oughta get on

a horse that's got some life in it.

This business that I'm looking for more

dirt on Trump is just not going to play.

And Nadler in my opinion isbarking up the wrong tree.

You can't force anun-redacted report to come out

and force an Attorney Generalto give something like that,

make it public.

That's just nonsense, you can't do it.

And I've said beforeand we've confirmed it

with legal experts,

this has to be pursuant tosome legislative initiative.

All these queries have got to be...

And what is it the

House Republicans are trying to do?

What initiative are theytrying to put in place?

What legislation is going toflow out of these hearings?

And the answer is none.


- Pat, Senate Republicans areheavily criticizing Democrats

for holding up an aidbill for Midwestern states

hit hard by floods in recent weeks.

Democrats want to add moremoney for disaster aid

for Puerto Rico but President Trump says

Puerto Rico has alreadygotten a great deal of money

and accuses the local politicians of being

corrupting incompetent.

Republicans say Democratsare just playing politics

with the bill.

The Midwest flooding did anestimated one point three

billion dollars ofdamages in Nebraska alone,

including nearly 850 million

in losses in crops and cattle.

Operation Blessing is at work in Nebraska,

helping people there hurtby the widespread flooding.

The damage is so extensivethat surging water levels

have left large areaswithout any way to protect

against future floods.

Volunteers are working to remove debris

and sheet rock from homesthat have water damage.

Jamie Brush says she'sglad to have organizations

like Operation Blessinghelp her elderly parents.

- My dad is 62 years oldand my mom is almost 60

and she's not healthy so she'sunable to really help him.

And so we, my siblings and I,

were really pushing for my parents to

ask for volunteer helpand so they finally did

and now we have a big groupof people here helping them,

which is amazing.

- And Pat, as you well know, OB is working

and will continue to workwith volunteers to help those

in need after this historic disaster.

- Thanks.

I wanna point out

Operation Blessing islooking for volunteers.

Here's the deal.

You've gotta be at least 18 years old,

dress appropriately for work,

long pants and hard-soled shoes.

Provide your own transportation.

If you wanna help, thisis Fremont, Nebraska.

These people need help, theclean up is terrible, the

loss of property and the abilityto plant crops is enormous

but they need help.

I mean, it's been horrible flooding and

you can see what's happenedto some of those houses.

So here's the number.

It's 800-677-7974.


If you wanna be a volunteer to help,

Operation Blessing would beglad to have your assistance.


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