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- Alright questions.
- Ready for some email?- Let's go for it, questions.
- [Woman] This is Fatima who says,
are Jesus and God the same?
- Well Jesus is definitely God,
but we believe in atrinity; a father, a son,
and the holy spirit andso Jesus talked about
the father and the fathertalked about the son,
but at the same time they're one.
I mean there's three inone and Jesus is God,
the father is God, the holy spirit is God.
So I won't go into all the questions about
what makes the trinity up,but that's what we believe
and yes he's God, alright?
- This is Howard who says,Pat, my momma gossips,
talks about everybody; theirmoney, the amount they're
spending and if theycan afford to spend it.
When I say something aboutit she says it's not gossip
when it's between family or close friends.
Pat, am I right or is she?
- You're right.
Blabber mouth is not agood thing and you know
the bible says we'renot supposed to reveal
secrets about people andslander is one of those things
that will keep you out of heaven.
So it's one of those thing that Paul said
people who slander, he liststhat with immorality; slander.
And so that gossip oneis a type of slander
and slander's not a good thing.
So you don't reveal secrets.
If you're a friend youlisten to what somebody says,
but you don't reveal secretsthat's not a good thing
and momma is doing something bad.
- Okay this is BJ who says,
I like a girl who attendsa different church,
but I want to date her and even marry her.
I've been praying if it's inGod's will for the two of us
to be together, but I don'tknow if I should forget
about her or pursue her.
What do you think?
- I don't know the girland I don't know you,
so I hate to give maritalcounseling on somebody
I've never seen before.
But the fact that you goto different churches,
the bible says don't be unequallyyolked with unbelievers.
But they didn't say with somebody who goes
to the Methodist churchinstead of the Baptist church.
I don't know what kind ofchurch you're talking about,
but you can be veryunhappy if somebody doesn't
know the lord and you do know the lord
and to get linked up likethat is a miserable thing
and you will be unhappy all your life,
so don't be unequally yolkedwith an unbeliever, alright?
- Okay this is a viewer who says,
since birth I've been legally blind.
I'm in my 40s now, I'vehad my own family tell me
that I wouldn't be able towork because of my vision
and that I wouldn't beable to hold down a job.
I fel like no one is in support of me.
I know that the bible saysthe people who don't work
are worse than infidels.
When Jesus looks at meis this how he views me?
I'm jobless right now;however, my counselor is
looking into some things.
Your thoughts?
- I think you need to be productive.
We had a man on this program who
was a guy to the blind and he went skiing
and he would go skiing
and on his chest would be written a thing
that said blind guy.
And people would be scaredto death and he's coming
down the slopes.
He had a very rewarding life.
And you look at Helen Kellerwho had a tremendously
rewarding life, so youcan have a tremendously
rewarding life being blind.
And I think your familyhas done a disservice
to keep you from doing that.
One last question.
- This is Carmen who says, dear Pat,
recently there have beena lot of YouTube videos
posted about the threedays of darkness coming
before the Rapture occurs.
Is this biblical or just fear-mongering.
- It's fear mongering, I don'tknow anything in the bible
that talks of any three days of darkness.
I don't even know wherethey even got that,
first time I've heard about it.
It's not biblical.