(upbeat music)
- Border protection at a breaking point.
A look at the rise of migrationat the Southern border.
The push to impeach the president.
A House lawmaker takes steps to move
against President Trump.
That impeachment measurecomes as the president
takes a victory lap in thewake of the Mueller report.
The latest from the White House and more,
tonight on Faith Nation.
(mid-tempo music)
As some Democrats dig deeper
with their call for impeachment,
Republicans have a newtarget on Capitol Hill.
Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.
- And I'm Jenna Browder.
Less than a week since theMueller report was released
and congress is more divided than ever.
On one side, Democrats giving new life
to impeaching the president.
- And on the other side,
Republicans want HouseIntelligence Chairman
Adam Schiff to step down
after continued claims of collusion.
CBN News Capitol Hill correspondent
Abigail Robertson joins us to explain
all the congressional frenzy, Abigail?
- Thanks John and Jenna.
It looks like the end ofthe Russia investigation
is just the beginning.
Here on Capitol Hill,the Attorney General's
four page summary of areportedly 300 page report
is like putting gas ona spreading wildfire.
- Impeachment is a very divisive issue.
- [Abigail] The top Democrat in congress
hasn't changed her tune.- No one, madam speaker,
including the Presidentof the United States
is above the law.- And neither has
a freshman Democrat knownfor sparking headlines.
- I want to impeach the (bleeping)
- [Abigail] Her latestfirework exploded Wednesday
with Congresswoman RashidaTlaib calling for a probe
to impeach the president.
- Some people have been askingfor impeachment for a while.
- [Abigail] Dismissing that resolution,
the Speaker of the Houseremained on message.
- Show us the report.
- [Abigail] But as someDemocrats mull impeachment,
Mueller's report hasRepublicans smelling blood.
- You've been at the center
of a well-orchestrated media campaign--
- [Abigail] Calling for Adam Schiff,
head of the House IntelligenceCommittee to step down
for repeated calls of collusion
between Russia and the president.
- We have no faith in your ability
to discharge your duties in a command
or consistent with yourconstitutional responsibility
and urge your immediate resignation
as chairman of the committee.
- [Abigail] Congressman Schiff fired back,
holding firm to his claims.
- My colleagues may think it's OK
that the Russians offered dirt
on a Democratic candidate for president
as part of what was described
as the Russian government's effort to help
the Trump campaign.
You might think that's OK.
I think it's immoral,I think it's unethical,
I think it's unpatriotic,
and yes, I think it's corrupt,
and evidence of collusion.
- [Abigail] And SpeakerPelosi is standing by her man.
- I'm so proud of the work
of Chairman Adam Schiff.
- [Abigail] House MinorityLeader Kevin McCarthy
joined the calls for Schiff to step down.
- There's nothing that couldcome from this committee
that can be trusted- Adding that
the Special Counsel's findings
clear former RepublicanChairman Devin Nunes
from any wrongdoing.
- And didn't the Mueller report
justify exactly whatChairman Nunes has said?
There is a difference here, drastically.
One member lied to the American public,
one member told the truthand was attacked for it.
- Back to you John and Jenna.
- All right Abigail Robertsonfor us on Capitol Hill.
Thank you Abigail.
Well the battle of the border again
the center of the President'sTwitter feed today.
- President Trump callingout Mexico, Honduras,
Guatemala and El Salvadorsaying they're doing nothing
to stop the flow of migrantscoming to the United States
and adding that he quote, "mayclose the Southern border."
- The President's Tweet, inresponse to new warnings,
the Mexican border crisisis pushing authorities
and national security to the brink.
They say there is simply no place left
to put the illegal immigrantscaptured by border patrol.
CBN News National SecurityCorrespondent Eric Philips
joins us with why someare calling the situation
at the border broken, Eric?
- Well Jenna that's right.
The head of the USCustoms and Border Patrol
did not mince words, saying the government
must take action now,because the country's safety
and security is at risk.
(speaking Spanish)
Authorities say crisis and emergency
do not overstate problems at the border
between El Paso, Texas and Mexico.
- A high number for us is 4000.
A crisis level is 6000.
- [Eric] But as ofWednesday, authorities had
more than double that number in custody.
Mcaleenan calls 13,000 unprecedented
and says it undermines thepatrol's security efforts.
CBN contributor Chuck Holtenis on the ground in El Paso.
- And the border patrol issaying they're drowning.
They're having to pull peopleoff of law enforcement duties,
things that are very important
to the national security of this country,
in order to process all these people here.
And because they don't have the facilities
to take care of 'em, they'rehaving to just let them leave.
- [Eric] They're beingreleased with a notice
to appear in immigration court,
a process that could take years.
- And within that flow arethousands of criminals,
smugglers, gang membersand public safety threats
that we're sworn toprotect this country from.
- [Eric] This warning comes a day after
the Pentagon shifted amillion dollars of its budget
to build a border fence,construction that some say
is desperately needed.
- We're not seeing peopleclimb the fence because
it just ends.
Right here, that's Mexicoback behind me there.
And you can see downbelow, there's no fence,
there's nothing.
So the migrants don't haveto climb the no-climb fence,
they just walk around it.
- [Eric] Acting DefenseSecretary Patrick Shanahan
defended moving the money forthe fence on Capitol Hill.
- Given a legal order fromthe Commander in Chief,
we are executing on that order.
- To look at the Pentagonas sort of a piggy bank
slash slush fund whereyou can simply go in
and grab money forsomething when you need it,
really undermines the credibility
of the entire DOD budget.
- [Eric] Those on the ground say
mending the broken borderwill take a multi-level fix,
and it needs to happen soon.
- Legislative relief, changes in the law,
and closing the vulnerabilitiesin our legal framework
is the only way that thisflow is gonna be reduced
and we're gonna be ableto restore integrity
to our immigration system.
- And officials say time is of essence
because with warmer weather coming,
that will only increasethe flow of migrants
and continue making abad situation even worse.
John and Jenna.
- National SecurityCorrespondent Eric Philips,
thanks for that report.
- All right thank you Eric.
Well here now for moreare Matthew Continetti,
Editor in Chief of theWashington Free Beacon
and CBN News Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody.
Matt to you first, let'stalk about Russia collusion.
We've seen the Muellerreport, it came out,
or we've seen part,whatever Bill Barr released.
But some Democrats like AdamSchiff, they're still saying,
they're still pushingthe idea of collusion,
doubling down, what areyour thoughts on that?
- (laughing) Well,
I guess they have nowhereelse to go but down.
This is the Democratic line.
I think it was kind of wishful thinking
on the part of a lot ofRepublicans and conservatives
to think now that wehave the Mueller report,
now that Bill Barr's letterhas come out and we see
that the president didnot collude with Russia,
we see that there will be noobstruction of justice charges,
it was foolish to think that Democrats
would just abandon it.
Because you have to understand,
the conspiracy theory of Russian collusion
is really the only thing that's keeping
the Democratic Partytogether at this point.
It fuels subscriptionsfor the New York Times,
it fuels ratings for theleft-wing cable channels.
And it keeps theDemocrats all on one page.
So they're never gonna give this up.
- Well speaking ofcollusion, this is an issue
that divides the Democratic party.
You already have peoplelike Rashida Tlaib,
and Congressman, TexasCongressman Al Green
who are pushing for theprocess of impeachment.
Is this going to be, David,something that divides the party
all the way up into the 2020 elections?
- Yeah I think so, untilthey have a candidate.
And then that candidate'sgonna have to figure out
to pull everybody together,that's typically how it works.
But typically and Trump and Democrats,
we can throw all that out the mix.
That word doesn't existin our politics today.
The Democrats have all sorts of problems.
And real quick going backto the collusion situation
with Adam Schiff, look they keep saying
they want the underlying evidence.
Well why do they wantthe underlying evidence?
So they can create theirown Special Counsel Report.
They'll come to their own conclusion
one they see the underlying evidence.
That's what this is about.
- Could their investigationthough be as thorough
as Robert Mueller's?
- Well even if it was as thorough,
the short answer is probably not.
But even if it was as thorough,it's gonna look partisan.
It doesn't matter.
I mean Robert Mueller had 500 witnesses,
2800 subpoenas, $25 million,
and he came up with no collusion.
Real quick, I do want to say, Adam Schiff,
if you notice what he said today,
Abby mentioned some of this but,
he's saying I said collusion.
I never said there was conspiracy.
He's trying to kind of split hairs here,
collusion versus conspiracy,
that's his way of getting out of it.
- Wow.
To the issue of the border,
we're seeing a lot of imagesfrom down there today,
the president todayTweeting that he may close
the Mexico border.
Matt, this of course is one ofhis bread and butter issues,
how heavily do you thinkhe'll play on this in 2020?
Is this a winner for President Trump?
- I think it definitelykeeps his base together.
I think more importantlythan the politics though,
it is a crisis.
You listen to the authorities down there,
they don't know what to do.
The problem isn't so much in the fact
that we don't have a wall,which is now being built
because of the emergency declaration,
or is about to be built,
the problem is in our amnesty laws.
You have to change the laws inorder to address this problem
which is unaccompaniedminors and family units
crossing the border illegally
and then once they are apprehended saying
that they wish to seekasylum in the United States.
Even though they mightnot actually be asylees,
they might be just economic migrants
looking for a better life.
Until congress changes theselaws and fixes these loopholes
which allow this procedure to happen,
I'm afraid there reallywon't be any solution
to our border crisis.
- Maybe for both of you, is this perhaps
a potential breaking point?
Because you heard the Director of Customs
and Border and Security talk about
these historic numbers this week
potentially reaching up to 100,000 people
crossing the border illegally this month,
what's going to be thegroundswell for there to be
an addressing of whatthe Trump administration
isn't just calling a border crisis
but a humanitarian crisis?
- The breaking point is that we no longer
have beds in facilities to hold
the people who are crossing illegally.
And so what you've had is thatCBP has had to release them
into the population, and this is something
that the Trump administrationhas worked very hard
to prevent but can't seemto do it without congress.
- And release themwithout ankle bracelets.
And I think that is something Donald Trump
is not gonna have any part of.
That's part of the reason why you saw,
maybe I've gotta closethe Southern border,
'cause you can alreadysee that Donald Trump
who's supposed to be tough on immigration
and can't stand catch andrelease is now all of a sudden
letting all these folksgo and CPB has to actually
have no ankle bracelets on these folks?
That's the crisis point that we're at.
- Yeah, all right, DavidBrody and Matthew Continetti
thank you both.- Thanks.
- Well if the election was held today,
Americans are split on if President Trump
would have the upper hand.
A new NBC News SurveyMonkeypoll finds 43% say
the president would be reelected.
At the same time 43% say it would be
his yet to be determinedDemocratic opponent.
45% say they approve of thejob President Trump is doing.
And where that numberclimbs is among Republicans.
FiveThirtyEight shows the President
has an 87% approval rating among the GOP.
- All those numbers, welcomenews to the President
as he prepares to takehis show on the road.
Some call it a victory lapas Mr Trump has to rally
some of his faithful base in Michigan.
- Now the rally comes as many lawmakers
are pushing to see RobertMueller's full investigation.
CBN News White HouseCorrespondent Ben Kennedy
joins us from the North Lawn, Ben?
- Well Jenna and John, we'rehearing that Mueller report
is more than 300 pages long.
And we'll likely hearmore about it tonight
during the rally in Grand Rapids.
Media outlets are takingnotice such as Time Magazine
which released thiscover of President Trump
just singing in the rain about news
that Mueller found nocollusion in his report.
Tensions on the rise inDC as pressure mounts
on Attorney GeneralWilliam Barr to release
the full Mueller report.
Before that happens,however, Barr must remove
grand jury and classified info.
- He also wants to chat with prosecutors
that have cases associated
with this issue, thatit won't undercut them.
- [Ben] Or possibly compromise
international security and intelligence.
- It was proven verystrongly, no collusion,
no obstruction, no nothing.- That's certainly
the AG's summary of the22 month investigation.
Despite that, the top Democraton the Judiciary Committee,
Senator Diane Feinstein saidthe report should be released.
- Paid for with public money,
it's done under public auspices.
It's a matter of uniqueinterest to Americans.
- Said at this rate it'lltake Barr weeks not months
to go through it, and thereport should be released
sometime in April,Benny Kennedy, CBN News,
The White House.
- [John] Coming up,religious freedom in America,
why some worry it's in jeopardy.
(energetic music)
- Well is religious freedomin America in danger?
After four years ofresearch, the Barna Group,
has just released the largest study ever
on religious freedom in America.
Three quarters of theUS clergy now believe
religious freedom is becomingless valued in our country.
43% say religious freedomis worse in America
than it was 10 years ago,and 44% of faith leaders
think it'll continue to getworse in the coming decade.
Barna President, DavidKinnaman, says a vast majority
of pastors feel they oftenare constrained or limited
in the way they preach orteach in today's society.
- And joining us now is Tony Perkins
President of The Family Research Council.
Tony thanks for being with us.
- Good to be with you.- Well first of all,
I just want to startwith that Barna study.
It shows that an overwhelmingmajority of pastors, 75%
are concerned about religious liberty.
That number though, is downfrom the high in 2015 and 2016
which was 82% so stilla cause for concern,
but the number is not as high as it was.
Why do you think that is?- Well we're seeing
positive developments here,we have an administration now
that has fully embraced
the promotion and theprotection of religious freedom.
We've got the executive order in place,
we've got administration that is promoting
religious freedom abroad.
So there's positivethings that are happening.
The problem is the damage that was done
in the previous administration,
a lot of this is beginning to play out
in local communities across the country.
Whether it's the bathroom policies where
children are being forced to shower
or use the restrooms withpeople of the opposite sex
because of this whole policy
of pushing gender confusion.
And that overlays with religious freedom.
I mean because people havemoral objections to that.
You see
bakers, florists, you see these things
still playing out in the courts.
So still a lot of concern,
especially pastors seethe implications of this
on their congregants, butthey're also very concerned
about what this means tothe future of the church.
Are we going to be quarantined
within the four walls of our church
and not allowed to takebiblical teaching outside?
That's really what a church does.
A church is to equip the saints
for the work of the ministry,
that's proclaiming the gospel,the truth of scripture.
That's at stake if we continuein this cultural confusion
that was really launched in earnest
by the previous administration.
- I want to ask you, turningthe topic now to abortion.
Next week, House MinorityWhip Steve Scalise
plans to force a vote on something
called the Born AliveSurvivors Protection Act
to protect babies bornafter a botched abortion.
Probably no-go in theDemocratic controlled House.
Democrats blocked a similarmeasure in the Senate
just earlier this month sowhy do pro-life lawmakers
have such an uphill climb with this?
- I'm actually somewhat optimistic.
They really get this.
I talked to CongressmanScalise, a friend of mine,
he and I were elected at thesame time back in Louisiana
so we work closely together.
Look this is such an issue.
Only 13% of the American public
subscribes to this idea thatwe should allow infanticide.
Now it's disturbing that13% of the population,
but when you look at wherethe Democratic Party,
Nancy Pelosi, ChuckSchumer and others are at,
they are so far outside the mainstream
of the American public.
And so what
I think's gonna happen is thisdischarge petition comes out
and you have to have 218 signatures.
You've got
197 Republicans, I thinkthey will all be on board.
You gotta pick up 21 Democrats,
I think that's very possible.
Because many of these Democrats remember,
defeated Republicans, someof them moderate Republicans,
but still in kind ofconservative leaning districts.
I mean this is so far to the left,
I think there'll have to be support.
- How much of an issue do you think
this is gonna be in the 2020 election?
- It's gonna be huge John.
I think it's gonna be a huge issue.
We're promoting this issuefrom a standpoint of,
I think this is a decidingmoment for the nation.
And the President put it forth
in his State of the Union address,
essentially giving America achoice between life and death.
I mean he put it outthere boldly and clearly.
We are launching an an initiative
called End Birthday Abortion.
Where we're gonna take thismessage to Nancy Pelosi with
a hat, you may be familiar with these
thermal hats that newborn babies get.
We're gonna take 90,000of these to Nancy Pelosi.
So that she can't deny thefact that this is real,
and that we're talkingabout taking the lives
of babies who are born alive,refusing them medical aid.
I actually think
that in the 116thCongress, we can pass this.
- I would be remiss not toput their point on the table
which is, but this is abouta woman's right to choose,
this is about reproductive health.
How do you answer, argue against that?
- When this baby is born,
surviving the first attempt on their life,
you have to go back tothe times of the Romans
when they allowed the babies
to die because they didn't want 'em.
What defined Western Civilizationis that we understood
the value of each and every human life.
This is not an issue of an abortion.
This is an issue of whether ornot we're gonna be a culture
that will take the life of a born child.
This is a defining moment for America.
And I have faith in the American people.
Now it's gonna take a little bit of work
to get the political classto go along, but I think
it has to happen, andI think it will happen.
- Zooming out a little bit, this week,
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced
expanded measures forthe Mexico City policy.
Can you talk a little bit
about the significance of that?
- I met with the Secretarybefore he made that announcement.
Again, this is consistentwith an administration
that is advancing religiousfreedom and human life.
This is where I thinkthe conservative voters,
Christians in particularneed to understand
that elections have consequences.
And we're reaping the benefits of
an election in which weelected an individual
who has selected a team that is operating
primarily according to theRepublican Party platform
that laid out all of these things.
That they would be a partythat would advance human life.
I haven't said this before publicly John,
I think I can say it to your audience,
and I think they'd understand it.
I think what we see happeningin America right now
is not with the wordsbut with the actions.
I think America is repentingfrom its embracing of abortion
46 years ago with Roe V Wade.
Now we're accustomed tohearing the words repentance,
but repentance in the New Testament,
the Greek metanoia, itmeans to change, to turn,
go the reverse course.
That's what this administrationis doing on abortion.
I think we need to continue to pray
that we'll go full courseand turning the course,
and embracing life once again.
- Tony Perkins with theFamily Research Council,
we always appreciate you being with us.
- Good to be with you, thank you.
- Thank you.
- As clean up begins, the new threat
facing cyclone victims inMozambique, when we come back.
(energetic music)
Cases of cholera confirmedtonight in Mozambique
after that deadly cyclone tore through
the East African nation.
At least five cases have been confirmed
in the hard-hit port city of Beira.
The city is home to about 500,000 people,
many of which are stillstruggling to find clean drinking
or sanitation water.
The World Health Organization is warning
of a second possible disasterif water borne diseases
like cholera spread inthe devastated region.
The WHO says about900,000 cholera vaccines
should arrive later this week.
- Well for more on thesituation in Mozambique
I spoke with Heidi Baker earlier.
She ministers on the ground there
with her organization Iris Global.
And I asked her what she's seen firsthand.
- So much bizarre devastation.
The village where we just went,
hundreds and hundredsand hundreds of houses
were totally destroyed.
The roofs were gone, peopleare sleeping in the mud.
But there is intense resilience
in the Mozambican people.
- Just one last question for you.
Can you talk about whatIris Relief is doing
to help people out and how long you plan
to be on the ground there?
You've got your hands full.
- Yeah, I got my hands full. (laughing)
Iris Global and IrisRelief are working together
so the relief wing's helpingwith the immediate disaster.
As far as Iris, we've been in Mozambique
for nearly 25 years, sowe're gonna be on the ground
till Jesus comes back.
The key really here is that we have
hundreds and hundredsand hundreds of thousands
of believers who arewilling to work with us,
with Iris Relief,
and all the churches are joining together,
and they're able to use
this NGO that we have there
to get things distributed
with national leaders.
So that's what's reallyexciting to me, is the national
people, the people of Mozambique,if we can just help them,
they don't just want hands out,
they really want the hand up.
They're lovers of Jesus,they believe in the Lord.
Anybody who didn't knowhim like just today,
anybody who didn't knowthe Lord received the Lord.
But they literally are readyand they want to work with us.
our desire is to partnerwith the body of Christ.
- You know really so appreciatethe work of Heidi Baker
and her team, I think the death toll
is somewhere around 500,just hovering around there,
affecting more than two million people.
So certainly those folksare in our prayers.
- Yeah, she's an amazing lady.
- Yeah.- Great story.
- Well that's gonna do itfor tonight's Faith Nation.
- Have a great night.