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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - March 27, 2019


- [Wendy] This viewer says Ibelieved I married a Christian

39 years ago, but he's turned out to be

a serial womanizer.

This culminated three years ago

with him booking a room witha former pupil half his age.

He told me about it andswore nothing happened,

but confessed to othersecret one-night stands

with several women.

I decided to try to forgive him

and save the marriagebut three years later,

I don't see any change in him spiritually

so I'm wondering whatcould happen in the future.

I don't feel safe, I've told him this,

but he comes home into victim mode.

We are in our mid-60s.

I think it's time for him to leave.

I don't want to end up like this.

What do I do?

- Well that's a difficult situation.

You know, you asked forthe biblical ground.

This is the clear ground for divorce.

You know, he has brokenthe marriage repeatedly

by uniting with other women

so he's broken the bondthat he has with you.

So you're no longer, quote, one flesh.

And I see no reason, ifyou want to divorce him,

and I think infidelity, I mean,

you have grounds for a divorce.

And you have groundsfor maintenance from him

and all the things that go along with it.

I know divorce is painful,

but you don't want tolive under that situation.

I mean this man is taking advantage of you

and it shouldn't happen.

You shouldn't let it happen.

I hate to see divorce.

God says, I hate divorce, butif it's something like that,

I think it is appropriate.

It'll ruin your life.

You're in your 60s,

but you may have another 20 years to live

and you don't want tohave it under that cloud.

So get a good lawyer andyou have ample grounds

at law and in the Bible.

- Yeah, so sad.

All right, Steven says I'ma Christian married man.

Our pastor, who has always been friendly

to me and my family, didsomething I didn't expect.

One day after church, he toldme I have beautiful hair.

He also asked me if wecan go out for coffee.

I'm beginning to think our pastor is gay,

but I'm afraid to tell anyone.

Should I stop going to this church?

- I think that would be appropriate.

I don't know that you want tobring a charge or something.

Of course, you don'thave any full grounds.

You're just suspicious.

But you can always just stop

and that would be the best thing

I would recommend right now.

All right.- And that would be weird

if you're, someone toldyou have beautiful hair

and it's a man.- Oh, come on.

I mean, that's weird, really weird.

- All right, this viewer says,

I would like to knowwhere we go after we die.

How does it work exactly?

- Well, here's the deal.

You have three parts.

You have a body, you have a spirit,

and you have the combinationof body and spirit

which is called a soul.

Now, when you die, the spirit,

the body goes down into the dirt,

I mean down to the ground and it dissolves

and it's all over.

But the spirit goesto, if it's with Jesus,

he said to the thief on the cross,

"This day you'll be with me in paradise."

The spirit of the other person

is going to some kind of a waiting place

where they wait for the last judgment.

But that's what happens.

So the soul doesn't exist anymore

when the body and the spirit are gone.

So the spirit will live on forever.

Your spirit is eternal, it'simmortal, so keep that in mind.

And we spend so much timefixing up these bodies

and putting clothes on themand primping and everything.

They will all perish,

but the spirit will liveon forever, all right.

- Amen.

Matthew says, hi, Pat, thankyou for taking my question.

We were raised Protestant,

but within the last few years,

felt as if the Lord had been calling us

to join the Catholic Church.

This Easter, we will be confirmed

and take our first communion sacraments.

We still visit ourformer Protestant church

because we miss parts of it.

Our question is, are wedoing something wrong

if we take part incommunion in both churches?

We know that both Catholic and Protestants

have the same faith,

but our beliefs do slightly vary.

- I see nothing wrongwith taking communion

in both of those churches.

I admire so, especiallythe charismatic Catholics.

They're wonderful Christianpeople and they love the Lord.

I disagree with the worship of Mary

and some of this

and being a Baptist,

my views of baptism are different

from that of the Catholics.

So you may have some disagreements,

but the question is,

is the Lord Jesus Christ,is he at the center of it?

And if he is, that's what'simportant, all right.

- Cathy says, how do I know if the plan

that God had for my life has been aborted

because of some badchoices that I've made?

I have been a Christian for many years.

- Well, the thing of it is,

God says I want you to becleansed of bad conscience

that you might serve the living God.

He doesn't want you to be bringing up

all the mistakes of the past'cause we all make mistakes.

But unfortunately, unfortunately,

we can make mistakes interms of committing a crime,

we can make mistakes in financial matters,

we can make mistakes in terms of

our sexual preferences and so forth.

And when we do, it can alterthe plan that God's had.

God's plan is to bless you andgive you a hope and a future.

That's what he wants.

But you can destroy that plan

along the way with your action.

He won't necessarily hold it against you.

You can be forgiven eternally,

but you may have to bearthe temporal consequences.

That's just the way it is.

I mean he doesn't free us

from making really screwed up mistakes.

We can ask him to see ifhe can't make it better,

and he does for most of us,

but those things often

you've done it to yourself, all right.

- Except Romans 8:28,

all things work together for good.

- (laughs) Well, thatreally means, the Greek

really means God shapeseverything together for good

to those that love him.

So he'll shape even yourmistakes, that's right.

- Okay, this viewer,

I've been sinning so much lately

and I don't feel likeGod is with me anymore.

I don't think I feel genuinelysorry for my sin anymore.

I don't even cry anymore.

I feel like I am an Esau.

What do I do?

- You go back and ask God to forgive you

and he will, but if anybody's in Christ,

he cannot keep on sinning.

You can't keep on doing itand say you're born again.

If you've been born again,

you're born to a new life in Christ.

So I would say your eternal destiny

is very much in the balance,

and I think I'd do something

about it real fast if I were you.

- Amen, Nancy says,

can demons take a physicalform like angels do?

All these stories of aliensabducting people into ships,

are those demons?

- I think they're demonic

and I won't get into allthe forms of manifestation,

but I think there's no question

that people can be inhabited by demons.

And there's this giftof discerning spirits,

it's not discerning demons,

it's seeing beyond the veilat what's really there.

And sometimes when somebodyhas this enablement

they see beyond the physicalmakeup of some human being

and they see somethingabsolutely horrible.

So, yes, demons can inhabit human beings,

they call them being demon possessed.

I've encountered such as that,

and I think they're there, all right.

- Here's one from Gene, he says,

I am the only male in my family.

I've been married for 51 years

and we have two adultgirls and six grandkids.

One of my daughters is a single mother

and has needed a lotof support financially.

The support I give to herhas caused great turmoil

between the siblings sothen I end up giving money

to the other daughter out of guilt.

My wife insists I stophelping both of them

or she will leave me.

I love my wife very much,

but also don't feel like weshould abandon our daughter

who is doing the best shecan in a hard situation.

So what should I do?

- First of all, a wife shouldn't

try to blackmail her husband.

The husband has got responsibilities

and she ought to leave him alone.

But I tell you one wayyou can solve that problem

if you wanna do it, you're giving money

to the single daughter who's got trouble.

All you have to do is say,

look, I'm gonna take care of her now,

but when I die I'm gonna have a will,

and I will deduct fromthe will the amount I've

been giving her now,

so when I die and pass on,

you'll have a larger part of the estate.

And I think that would be oneway of handling the problem.

But the wife has got no businessblackmailing the husband,

if you give to thosedaughters, I'm gonna leave you.

I mean.- That's awful.

- No way, Jose, okay?



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