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How Should Christians Respond if Biden Becomes President? Pastor Robert Jeffress Has These Biblical Answers

How Should Christians Respond if Biden Becomes President? Pastor Robert Jeffress Has These Biblical Answers Read Transcript

- Well, joining us now isPastor Robert Jeffress,

of First Baptist Church in Dallas.

He is also a spiritualadvisor to President Trump,

Pastor Jeffers, thanksfor joining me today.

- Thanks for having me.

- Well, first off, have you had a chance

to talk to PresidentTrump after the election?

How are you encouraging him?

- Well, actually thevice president called me

a couple of days after the election,

and we talked quite a bit about everything

that was going on.

And look, we realized that most likely

the election results aregoing to be contested,

and there's nothing official yet,

but it does look like that Joe Biden

will become the president-elect,

unless the president prevailsin some of these contest

of the election.

And, you know, this is abitter pill for millions

of Christians like myself,who supported President Trump.

And it's hard to believethat this has happened.

And many Christians, Ifound, are questioning,

"Why would God allow this to happen?"

And I just remind people

that God is sovereign over everything,

including elections, and Psalm 103:19.

The Psalmist said,

"The Lord has establishedhis throne in heaven;

his sovereignty rules over all."

God is not semi in control.

He is in control of all thathappens, including elections.

- What a wonderful reminder there.

You say, Pastor Jeffress,that former vice president,

Joe Biden, if he takes office,

it is a quote, "rubber meets the road"

moment for believers.

Why do you say that?

- Well, for the last four years,

those of us who havesupported President Trump,

and there's been no pastorwho's been more outspoken

in his support of PresidentTrump than I have,

but over the last fouryears, we've told people

that you need to respectthe governing authorities.

We quote Paul in Romans 13, who says,

"There's no governmentauthority that exists,

that hasn't been established by God."

And when Paul wrote that, remember, Nero,

the evil emperor ofRome, was on the throne.

And he was the one who ultimatelybeheaded the apostle Paul.

And yet Paul would say, "Nerois there by God's permission."

And I think we have tosay now that we believe

that what we've saidfor the last four years,

that if Joe Biden becomesPresident of the United States,

it's all part of God's planthat is incomprehensible to us,

but makes perfect sense to God.

- You definitely put that incontext with Paul and Nero.

Pastor, how should we bepraying as Christians?

And, and what role shouldChristians play in healing

what is clearly a divided America?

- Well, I said in myopinion piece for Fox News,

that as Christians, we, first of all,

should commend President Biden

for any good things that he does.

We ought to condemn thebad things that he does,

but above all, we shouldpray for his success.

Just like we prayed for Donald Trump,

and any president's success.

Because the truth is ifPresident-elect Biden succeeds,

we all succeed.

- Pastor Jefferson, I wishwe had much more time,

but we are out of time.

Thank you so much for being with us today.

- Thank you for having me.


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