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Faith Nation: March 20, 2019

Faith Nation: March 20, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] Some call him

the Donald Trump of South America.

CBN News sits down foran exclusive interview

with the President of Brazil.

Campaign 2020 is in full swing.

More on the ever growinglist of Democratic hopefuls

who want to take on the President.

And the Secretary of Stateheads to the Middle East.

We have a team traveling with him,

and will bring you the latest from Israel.

All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.

(upbeat music)

- The President of Brazilmakes his way to America.

Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

Well he is called theTrump of the tropics,

and Brazil's newpresident, Jair Bolsonaro,

has wasted no time rollingback left wing agendas.

- He met with President Trumpyesterday at the White House

and shortly after hisvisit to the Oval Office,

Bolsonaro sat down withCBN's George Thomas

for this exclusive interview.

- [George] Jair Bolsonaro is in America

to tell Donald Trumpthat he has a president

who not only admires him, but is also

a friend of the United States.

- [Interpreter] It is time to overcome

old resistances and explorethe very best potential

between Brazil and the United States.

After all, it is fair to say that today

Brazil does have a presidentthat is not anti-American.

- [George] During atwo hour meeting at the

White House Tuesday,which included a luncheon

and Rose Garden pressconference, the two leaders

signed agreements anddiscussed how to work together

to end the upheaval in Venezuela.

President Trump said Bolsonaro'shistoric election win

marked a new day in Brazil and a new era

in friendship with the United States.

- I want to congratulate you again

on your tremendous election victory.

Last October it was an incredible feat,

and really a truly incredible challenge,

and the end result was something

the whole world was talking about.

- [George] By all accounts,Bolsonaro's inauguration

as Brazil's 38th presidentwas a significant milestone

in the world's fifth largest country.

After years of leftistrule, the 63 year old

former paratrooper turned politician

is the first conservative president

in Brazil's democratic era.

- [Interpreter] My campaigndidn't have a lot of money.

Almost all the media inBrazil was against us,

so it was a huge miracle that we won.

- Now, just 78 days into his presidency,

Bolsonaro is already shaking up

Brazil's political establishment.

Unlike previousadministrations that pursued

an aggressive anti-Americanand anti-Israel foreign policy,

Bolsonaro is pushing for stronger ties

with the United States and Israel,

even announcing shortlyafter winning the presidency

that he intends to movehis country's embassy

from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

President Bolsonaro.

- Okay.

- George Thomas, pleasureto meet you, sir.

Welcome to the United States.

Following his meetingwith President Trump,

Bolsonaro sat down foran exclusive interview

with CBN News at Blair House,

located steps from the White House.

Blair House is used forvisiting dignitaries

and foreign heads of state.

You've discussed movingyour country's embassy

from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

When is that going to happen,

and why is this important to Brazil?

- [Interpreter] Each country has the right

to decide where its own capital is,

and the capital ofIsrael became Jerusalem.

Therefore we are studying the possibility

of making that decision at the right time.

When Trump took over, ittook him almost nine months

to make the decision, andI am now in my third month.

- [George] Bolsonaro is often referred to

as the Trump of the tropics.

Like President Trump, Bolsonaro believes

the mainstream media is fiercely opposed

to his presidency and agenda,

and Bolsonaro alsoregularly uses social media

to connect directly with his supporters.

- [Interpreter] To a large extent,

I support what Trump does.

He wants to make America great,

and I also want to make Brazil great.

I also have concerns aboutthe indiscriminant entrance

of foreigners without any criteria.

Beyond this, we are bothChristians and are God-fearing men.

(crowd cheering)

- [George] Bolsonaro'smiddle name is Messias,

Portuguese for Messiah.

He is a Catholic and his wife, Michelle,

is a Protestant evangelicalwho attends a Baptist church.

An assassination attempt bya knife-wielding attacker

a month before the electionalmost cost Bolsonaro his life.

He says it is nothing short of a miracle

that he's alive today.

- [Interpreter] Doctors whoattended to me said that

for every 100 stabbingsof the kind I endured,

only one person survives,so I am a survivor,

and owe my life to God.

It was His will for me to live.

- [George] The attackbecame a turning point

in his campaign, as the populist candidate

went on to win, promising to tackle

Brazil's rampant corruption and violence.

Two months into his presidency,

Bolsonaro is shakingBrazil's political world,

even standing up to dictators

like Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro.

Both Bolsonaro and Trump refused to say

whether military plans were on the table

to intervene in Venezuela.

- [Interpreter] I discussedthis matter with Trump,

and obviously that conversationwill remain private.

Trump says all possibilitiesare on the table,

and I, in large part, support decisions

of the American government.

- President of Brazil (foreign language)

- [George] Bolsonarohas surrounded himself

with well-known Brazilian evangelicals

like Pastor Silas Milafaia,who regularly visits

and prays with Bolsonaro.

Silas told CBN News thathe believes Bolsonaro

is God's chosen man to lead Brazil.

- [Interpreter] Even thoughBolsonaro is not an evangelical,

he always defends theprinciples that we evangelicals

have defended, namely,he is against abortion.

He is against the privilegeof the LGBTQ movement.

He recognizes the greatnessand importance of Israel,

defends the family, andwants to fight corruption

and restore our economy.

- On his first official day as president,

Bolsonaro promised to makeJudeo-Christian principles

a top priority in his administration.

Can you talk about the impact

that decades of leftist ideology has had

on the social andspiritual fabric of Brazil?

- [Interpreter] The ideologyof the left has taken over

the universities and alsothe journalists of Brazil.

The impact has been the worst possible,

and one of the main goalsis to erode family values.

- [George] It was thiskind of message that drove

the majority of Brazil'sevangelicals to support Bolsonaro.

- [Interpreter] The evangelicalsof Brazil are equivalent

to a third of thepopulation and are growing.

I had massive support from them,

because until recentlythey had no one to support

who shared their values and faith.

- Your motto is Brazil above everything.

What do you mean by that?

- [Interpreter] 28years, and I saw that in

never existed, and my feeling

to know the truth.

- His favorite Bible verse is John 8:32.

Then you will know the truth

and the truth will set you free.

Why is faith so importantto you, Mr. President?

- [Interpreter] Just like in a marriage

between a man and a woman,if you don't have truth,

the marriage ends quickly.

In politics, if you don't have truth,

the government ends quickly.

- After our interview, President Bolsonaro

met with a group of prominentAmerican evangelical leaders.

Among them, the ChristianBroadcasting Network's

Dr. Pat Robertson and Gordon Robertson,

and evangelist Ryan Reinhard Bonnke.

The American delegationprayed for Bolsonaro

and promised to standwith his administration

as he fights to protect Brazil's

Christian heritage and family values.

They also pledged to help Brazil provide

humanitarian relief forthose suffering in Venezuela.

Why is this meeting importantto you, Mr. President?

- [Interpreter] I recognize the work

evangelicals do in mycountry, which is no different

to what they do around theworld, sharing the Word of God

and strengthening family values.

- Thanks, George, and joining us now

is Bishop Harry Jackson,pastor of Hope Christian Church

just outside of Washington, D.C.

Bishop Jackson, thankyou for being with us.

We know that you were in theroom with evangelical leaders

and President Bolsonaro yesterday.

Why was it so importantfor you to be there,

and what was it that you and the group

wanted to communicate to him?

- Well, I think we wanted to communicate

support for his views.

He's pro life, pro family,also he's pro Israel,

which is pretty amazing,and he stated with us

out of deep, sincere faith,that two miracles occurred.

You've covered some of them already.

One was that he surviveda near death attack,

and Brazil is noted forthe high murder rate.

Maybe you don't really realize.

As many other South American countries,

there's a violent back drop.

Then secondly he received80% of the Catholic

and 80% of the evangelicalvotes, so he seems to be,

and he quoted Scripture, SaintJohn chapter eight verse 32

it says, "You shall know the truth

"and the truth shall make you free."

He said as he covered thecountry and shared the truth

as he understood it aboutwhere his nation was

and God's way, in a sense, out,

the people that heard it responded.

That's how he won.

We were there to say we offer support.

Some of the pastors are going to work on

humanitarian and evangelistic support.

There were words by ReinhardBonnke that were amazing,

talking about people comingto Christ by the millions

in a country if we have faith.

He seemed to be open to all of that.

Then there were other players,without going too long winded

who I believe could help himorganize for future victory.

As you know Pat Robertson hasexperience in all those areas,

ran for president, organizedin national political parties,

understands how to do outreachto the least of these,

so we became like an assembled team

that says hey, we'llhelp you turn your nation

into a sheep nation.

- Yeah. Bishop Jackson,what was your impression

of Bolsonaro, just being up close to him?

- Well, I'll be very, very honest.

I was very impressed.

As he came in, I wasone of the first people

that he greeted, and hissincerity, genuineness

seemed to be almost tangible.

But you also had that military bearing

in a sense of you couldfeel a sense of courage

and a sense that thisman was an ambassadorial

kind of figure, stands onprinciples and very brave.

- Real quickly here,you spent time praying

with the Brazilian delegationand for the president himself.

What was it that you guys prayed for

and why is it importantfor us not just to pray for

our national leaders, butfor leaders around the world?

- Well, we really prayedfor the peace of his nation.

Pat Robertson led us corporately in prayer

for the salvation,evangelization of the nation.

I believe that national reformation

is the thing we should be seeking God for,

but there's a new alignment of

light versus dark around the world.

I think it has to do withwhether you're pro life or not

in the nations, and also strangely,

whether you're pro Israel, if you believe

that Israel has a right even to exist.

So this man is courageous on those fronts

and it's exciting to be supportive of him.

- Bishop Jackson, thankyou so much for your time.

- Thank you, John.

- Well turning to the2020 election, one issue

making headlines as Democratskick off their campaigns,

changing the way Americanselect our president.

Among the proposed changes,

abolishing the Electoral College.

- We can have national voting,

and that means get ridof the Electoral College.

- [Jenna] It was the ElectoralCollege vote that gave

Donald Trump the victoryover Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Clinton won the popular vote.

- President Trump seemsto be in a Twitter fight

with the husband of one ofhis top White House officials.

George Conway is the husbandof Kelly Anne Conway.

He has long been a vocalcritic of the president,

but now the two are goingafter each other on Twitter.

Earlier this week, Conwaytweeted he believes

the President has amental health disorder,

even linking to guidelines from diagnoses

used by medical professionals.

Well, the President isfighting back today,

tweeting George Conway,often referred to as

Mr. Kelly Anne Conwayby those who know him,

is very jealous of his wife's success

and angry that I, with her help,

didn't give him the jobhe so desperately wanted.

I barely know him, but just take a look.

Stone cold loser and husband from hell.

Conway replied to the Presidentwith just three words.

You are nuts.

- Ooh, ouch, okay.

Well Julia Manchester withThe Hill joins us now.

Julia, great to have you.

Thanks for being here.

- Thank you for having me.

- What do you make of this back and forth

between the President and George Conway?

- Yeah, well it's interesting.

We've seen this story kindof bubbling over the past,

I guess, couple of months,more than a couple of months.

You know, we see that GeorgeConway is very popular

in conservative circles,along with Kelly Anne.

However, ever since theMueller investigation

really started to play out,we've seen that Conway,

who's a lawyer, hasrecently really stepped up

his criticism of President Trump,

and I think it all justcame to a head this week

when the President responded on Twitter.

In a strange way, I think this is almost

a good thing for KellyAnne, because it gives her

an opportunity to prove herloyalty to President Trump,

and we know that loyalty is something

that the President putsquite a bit of stock in.

- Prove loyalty, but alsostrange to parse that

with this is your husband andbeing loyal to the President.

- Interesting dinnertime conversation.

- Yeah, I would only imagine.

So the President's also being criticized

for tweets that he made onthe late Senator John McCain

saying that he was never a fan.

Why can't he seem to let this go?

- You know, I think the President

is a fighter in a way, and Ithink this is his own way of,

in a way, exerting dominanceover the Republican party.

If we really delve into this,if you look at Lindsey Graham,

Lindsey Graham heads theSenate Judiciary Committee,

very good friend of the late Senator's,

and the Senate JudiciaryCommittee is obviously

tied into all of theseinvestigations in a way

that are happening in the House.

It's kind of the mirror image of that,

so this may be PresidentTrump in a strange sort of way

sending a signal toRepublicans on Capitol Hill,

who have rebuked him inthe past couple of days,

whether it has been on his foreign policy

or a couple of other resolutions.

- Switching gears here, inan interview with NBC News,

Representative JamesClyburn, he drew a comparison

between Hitler and President Trump.

Julia, does this kind of extreme rhetoric,

is it helpful forDemocrats, or do you think

it could backfire againstthem if they're not careful?

- Right, so I think the numberone rule in public relations

people are often taught, is don't bring

Hitler or Nazis into the conversation.

I think this absolutely could backfire

for Representative Clyburn.

I don't think it's necessarily helpful

in the on-going discussion insuch a partisan environment

in Washington, and I thinkessentially, you know,

this could play into thePresident's hands in a way.

He could say, well, thisman compared me to Hitler.

It gives him a direct line ofattack onto House Democrats,

who he already has a very tenserelationship with right now.

- Real quickly onto the2020 Presidential race,

the Wall Street Journal isreporting that Joe Biden

told supporters he wantsto run or he will run,

but needs fundraising, buthe's also trying to make sure

he makes a mark kindof like Bernie Sanders

and Beto O'Rourke when they announced.

How big of an issue is thefundraising issue for him?

- We're actually hearingfrom a lot of Democrats

and those in Biden's innercircle that fundraising

is proving to be a bitof an issue for him,

and that Biden may havesome anxieties about that.

We saw that Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Rourke

have really come out swinging

with these small dollar donations.

Let's not forget thatBeto O'Rourke was able

to get national donors in hisTexas senate race last year,

and I think Biden is a little on edge

because the progressive wing of the party

is really on fire supportingpeople like Bernie Sanders,

but Biden has always beenseen as a centrist Democrat.

- Of the crowded Democratic field, Julia,

who else are you keeping an eye on?

- I think Kamala Harris at this point.

She has also fundraised quite a bit.

She's had a near flawlessroll out, if you will,

coming out on Martin LutherKing day with that video,

scoring a CNN Town Hall, thefirst Democratic candidate,

I believe, to get thatsort of exposure this year.

She's also a woman of color,and I think that speaks

to a lot of Democratic voters who are

looking for more diversity.

- Julia Manchester with The Hill,

thank you so much for being with us.

- Thank you.

- [Jenna] Well, the Secretary of State

is in the Middle East, and CBNNews is right there with him.

Up next on Faith Nation.

(upbeat music)

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- Well at the top of theshow we brought to you

that exclusive interviewwith the President of Brazil,

and during the report, GeorgeThomas mentioned the prayer

that Pat Robertson prayedover President Bolsonaro.

- That's right, and tonightwe want to leave you

with a little bit of that prayer.

- All right, that's going todo it for Faith Nation tonight.

- Have a great night,and see you tomorrow.

(upbeat music)


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