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CBN NewsWatch PM: March 20, 2019

CBN NewsWatch PM: March 20, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.

- Thanks for joining us for CBN Newswatch,

I'm Mark Martin.

Large crowds gather in thecapital of Illinois today

protesting yet moreradical abortion bills.

Similar to legislation in New York,

one bill allows an abortionup until the moment

of birth for any reason.

Another strips the requirementfor parental notification.

Our Heather Sells joins usnow in the newsroom with more.

Heather, what's going onin the capital of Illinois?

- Mark pro-life activiststell me that they expect

well over a 1,000 peoplein the capital rotunda

this afternoon to protestboth of these bills.

One 30 year pro-lifelobbyist in Illinois said

he has never seen an outpouringagainst abortion legislation

like he has this year.

And here is one reason why.

More than 14,000 peoplehave filed statements,

they're called witness slips,

to oppose the Reproductive Health Act.

It allows abortions upto birth for any reason.

Also, more than 12,000people have filed statements

opposing a bill that repealedparental notification

and that means a teenagercan get an abortion

without their parentsknowing what's happening.

pro-lifers fear thatif these two bills pass

that Illinois will becomean abortion destination

if you will.

Abortions in the state are already

at historically high levels

and that's thanks to a new law

that allows the stateMedicaid program to fund them.

Researchers on both sidesof the debate have found

that when taxpayers fund abortion,

the numbers of abortion go up.

- Essentially when theprice of abortion goes down,

the instance increases.

And if low income women canget abortions subsidized

through Medicaid programs,

they're more likely to get abortions.

- You may remember that earlier this year,

New York passed legislationallowing abortion

up until birth.

Virginia and Vermont are considering

similar legislative bills right now.

So there is definitelya trend toward this kind

of extreme abortion legislation this year.

- And Heather, I understand there's also

a big abortion fight takingplace in Kentucky right now.

- Yes, the governor there isdefending a new pro-life law.

It bans a woman fromseeking to abort her child

because of gender, race, or disability.

The ACLU has sued.

They're saying the law removesa woman's right to abortion,

but governor Matt Bevin says

the law bans discriminationagainst fetuses.

- So it sounds like abortion advocates

are in effect defendingdiscrimination here Heather.

- Yes, that's exactly right Mark.

- Okay, thanks so much for your report.

Jenna Ellis is aconstitutional law attorney

and she joins us now.

Jenna we're gonna startwith the Illinois laws.

Do you see these bills passing?

- You know, I actually do unfortunately.

Just like how there'sbeen so much extreme push

for abortion in some ofthe more liberal states.

Some of these bills unfortunately

are going through the legislature.

But what pro-life advocatescan be very hopeful for

is that these extreme liberalstates are recognizing

that Roe versus Wade and its progeny

at the Supreme Court level,their days are numbered.

And so because we do have

a conservative originalist majority,

likely one of these types of bills

and this type of legislationis going to go up

to the Supreme Court andgive the perfect opportunity

for the originalist majorityto then overturn those cases.

- Yeah that's one reason.

Why else do you think we'reseeing more and more states

adopt pro-abortion legislation?

- You know unfortunately we'reseeing the abortion-on-demand

with the extreme progressiveliberal movement.

And so as the Democraticparty in particular

becomes even further progressive left,

and as we stray further andfurther from God's truth,

we're seeing a split really in culture

where abortion-on-demandand not recognizing

that all human beings aremade in the image of God,

this kind of recognition that women have

this so-called right to choose

is being pushed further andfurther in these extreme states.

Because that's part of theliberal progressive agenda

and this is why pro-lifeadvocates have to not just talk

about the legislation in particular,

not just talk about pro-lifeas a legislative issue,

but we really need to bring it down

to the Christian worldview level

and talk about why allhuman beings are made

in the image of God and whythis isn't just a policy issue,

this is really a life andtruth and cultural issue.

And we have to make sure thatwe're advancing biblical truth

every day in everyparticular area of life,

and show why we are consistent,

not only with science but alsowith the truth of God's word

and apply that to our policy.

- So, so true.

We need to pray for heartsand minds to change.

In Kentucky the newHeartbeat Bill is a win

for pro-life but willit stick do you think?

It's already facing lawsuits.

What are we expecting from that?

- Yes, so similarly but justthe opposite side of the coin

to Illinois and some of theseother really far progressive

liberal agendas, states likeKentucky and Ohio and others

that have a pro-lifers whounderstand that human beings

are made in the image of God,

are passing Heartbeat Billswhich would seek to say

that once a fetalheartbeat can be detected,

then a woman a cannotchoose to abort her child

at that point.

And so, this of course, isgoing to be challenged in court,

it already is.

And this sets up anotherperfect opportunity

for the Supreme Court totake up these types of cases

and challenges to legislationto say that fetuses

are not just a clump of cells,

but that truly that termit means we're talking

about a human being, we'retalking about a child,

and the opportunity tooverturn Roe versus Wade.

Because Mark, the thingthat we have to recognize

from a legal perspective,

is that Roe versus Wadedid not grant a woman

a right to abortion.

That is a liberal, leftist talking point.

What it said was that womenhave a right to privacy

in their healthcare decision making.

And that covers some abortionsin some circumstances.

So as medical technology isadvancing and we're seeing

that fetal heartbeats can bedetected even at six weeks old,

then that would, even underthe current Supreme Court law,

allow for states to make thesetypes of legislation possible

and I think that pro-lifersneed to make sure, again,

that we're not just advancingour particular viewpoint,

but that we are legally soundand we are biblical sound

and we have to make surethat we are standing up

for life at every stage from conception

all the way to natural death.

- All right Jenna Ellis, aconstitutional law attorney.

Thank you so much for breaking it down

on a political and a spiritual level.

We appreciate it.

- Thank you so much Mark.

- The pro-life film,Unplanned, takes an inside look

at the abortion industry.

It tells the story of Abby Johnson,

the former planned parenthood director

who quit after witnessing the abortion

of a 13-week-old fetus.

Ashley Bratcher plays Johnson in the film.

While filming, Bratcher'smother shared a painful secret,

she came within momentsof aborting Ashley.

Bratcher now believes she waschosen to star in this movie.

- I think it was a divine appointment.

For me going into this,no one knew who I was

before I did this movie, let's be real.

And I felt inadequate.

I had my own insecuritiesabout carrying this film

and the weight of the role.

And my mom sharing that story with me,

being brave enough to tell me that,

it was confirmation tome that God said, you.

God said, I chose you.

And it just empowered me toknow that God loves us so much

that he would plan oursteps from conception.

- Wow, well joining usnow is CBN Charlene Aaron.

She was at the premiere

for the movie.- Yes

- Welcome Charlene.- Thank you.

- You saw the film Unplanned.

What's your reaction to it?

- Mark I was absolutely moved to tears.

There was not a dry eye.

I watched the premierein L.A. on Monday night.

There wasn't a dry eye in the place.

Several of the scenes are very graphic,

but it tells the truth

and that's what thedirector set out to do.

We set out to tell what really happens

in the abortion industry andI think they've achieved that

and it's very moving.

- The film did receive an R rating

from the Motion PictureAssociation of America.

Tell us about that.

- Yeah they were pretty amazed and shocked

that they received thatrating first of all.

They were not anticipating the R rating.

They were expecting a PG-13,

because the film doesnot contain any nudity,

no profanity, there are no sex scenes.

There the two scenes that are in question.

One has to deal with whenAbby Johnson received

the abortion pill, thehemorrhaging that she experienced,

it was real life, sheactually told us off camera

that basically that scene was not as real

as it could have been

because there was alot more graphic detail

that was left out.

Also, the second scene of ababy in a abortion situation,

they're showing this babysquirming to get away

from the abortion instrument.

Very, very powerful.

Things that the abortion industry

does not want people to see.

And they believe it's purely political

that they've received this rating.

- And we talked earlier thatthe people behind this film

think the R rating might actually

work in their favor.- They really,

- Can you talk about that?- they really feel

that this is actuallygoing to galvanize people

to go see this film insteadof staying away from it.

And Abby Johnson has reallybeen encouraging people,

go see this film, take yourchildren to see this film,

it's very important.

These are all the things thatthe abortion industry does not

want people to know.

So people need to go.

I learned a lot going to see this film.

Absolutely amazing.

- You mentioned that Abby haswritten a letter to parents.

- Yeah.- What else does she suggest?

- She really suggests,her 12-year-old daughter,

she says she is going to takewith her to see this film.

Several friends of hers are taking

their 10, 11, and 12-year-oldchildren to see this film.

And there's one thingthat I want to point out

that Ashley does mention inthis letter that she's written

and she basically is saying,

you know, it is a movie about abortion,

but even more so, it'sa movie about the truth

of forgiveness,repentance, and redemption,

because that is what the storyof my life is really about.


- Abby Johnson wrote that

- Absolutely.- in the letter?


- Powerful.- Okay.

Well thank you so much- You're welcome.

- for attending the premiereand sharing this information

with us so viewers- Absolutely.

- can know about this movie.- Important.

- Yes, and once again, Unplanned will be

in theaters March 29th.

In other news, Vice President Mike Pence

visited flood ravaged areasof both Nebraska and Iowa

Tuesday where three peopledied and two are missing.

The historic flood watersleft more than 80 cities

and 70 counties underwater in Nebraska alone.

A total of six states haveseen record flood levels.

The vice president showing his support

by praying with the people devastated

by this natural disaster and telling them

they are not alone.

- To all the families thathave seen their homes flooded,

seen livestock lost,

to have their lives,their communities upset

by these extraordinaryfloods and severe weather,

our message is this, we're with you.

- Pence promised thatfederal resources and aid

would be provided for families in need.

Repairing public property could cost

more than half a billion dollars

and agricultural lossescould be double that.

Pope Francis today prayedfor what's being called

the worst humanitarian crisisin Mozambique's recent history

after a massive flood killedpossibly a 1,000 people.

Francis issued an appeal at the end

of his weekly general audience

for those affected by the flooding.

Speaking to thousands gatheredat St. Peter's Square,

Francis said that weentrust the many victims

and their families to the mercy of God

and urge comfort and supportfor those who have been struck

by this calamity.

Aid workers are rescuingvictims from trees and rooftops

as the flooding is socatastrophic that it created

what's being called an inland ocean.

Mozambique's president says400,000 are left homeless.

The damage isn't over yetas heavy rains are expected

to continue in that partof Africa through Thursday.

Wow, a lot to be in prayer about.

Coming down, we sat downwith Brazil's president

in an exclusive interview.

We'll have more on that next.

(upbeat music)

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your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- Hello, I'm Terry Newsome.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it grew a ministry

from my heart called Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated,

and they're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- Welcome back.

President Trump met

with Brazilian PresidentJair Bolsonaro Tuesday.

At a Rose Garden press conference,

the two announced new trade agreements

and a commitment to workmore closely together

in regional and global affairs.

Bolsonaro seeks closer ties to the U.S.,

in fact he's been dubbedthe Trump of the Tropics.

Bolsonaro sat down with CBN'sGeorge Thomas in D.C. Tuesday

to talk about the views he has in common

with our president and whyhe has the strong support

of Brazil's evangelicals.

- [Translator] To a large extent,I support what Trump does.

He wants to make America great

and I also want to make Brazil great.

I also have concerns aboutthe indiscriminate entrance

of foreigners without any criteria.

But beyond this, we are both Christians

and are God-fearing men.

The evangelicals of Brazil are equivalent

to a third of thepopulation and are growing.

I had massive support fromthem because until recently,

they had no one to support

who shared their values and faith.

- Shortly after hisvisit to the Oval Office,

Bolsonaro sat down

with CBN InternationalCorrespondent George Thomas

for an exclusive interview.

You saw George in someof those clips there.

CBN's Efrem Graham spokewith George earlier today

to hear more about their meeting.

- Why are Brazilian evangelicals

so strongly behind this president?

- In large part Efrem,because for 20, 25 years,

since the modern eraof democracy in Brazil

and the fall of thedictatorship in the early 80s,

evangelical Christians in Brazil

really did not have one candidate.

It was so fractured.

The entire sort of votingblock was fractured

across numerous candidates.

This past year's electionwas so significant

because Jair Bolsonaroemerged as the voice

that could representthe ideals, the values,

and the aspirations of Brazils' growing,

if my even use the wordexploding, evangelical community.

And so he emerged as the person.

And so they all rallied, majorityof them rallied around him

and that's why in essence hewon the presidential contest.

- In his talk with the president,

did he talk about Venezuela?

- Oh absolutely, it wasat the top of the agenda

and in addition to bilateral trade

and other foreign policy issues,

Venezuela was numero unoif I may use that phrase.

Primarily because Venezuelasits to the southern border

of Brazil and so it's a hugeconcern for the Brazilians.

Thousands of Venezuelanshave crossed the border

seeking shelter and refuge in Brazil.

And also incidentally,

shortly after President Trump came out

and said that Nicolas Maduro,

the socialist president ofVenezuela had to step down

and recognize to the interimleadership of Juan Guaido,

Jair Bolsonaro came right in line

with President Trump along with

some 60 other heads ofstate around the world.

And so it was a monumentalshift for Brazil.


Because Brazil hashistorically held a sort

of anti-American foreign policy attitude

and has always supportedtheir regional neighbors.

For example, Venezuela and Cuba.

And so the fact that the newlyelected Brazilian president

would go against Nicolas Maduro and side

with the United States,

was very, very significant and those talks

were part of the discussionsyesterday afternoon

at the White House.

- Jair Bolsonaro also metwith evangelical leaders

following the interview.

Tell us about that.

- He did, you know he saidin the meeting with these

about 18 evangelicalleaders from a wide spectrum

of the American Christian community,

he said I am in familiar territory

because he has had numerousdiscussions, events,

with evangelicalChristians, with Catholics,

keep in mind Brazil has thelargest number of Catholics

in the world.

So, he's in familiarterritory, by the way,

Bolsonaro's wife Michelle,is an evangelical Christian.

She attends a Baptistchurch, they both do attend

a Baptist church every week.

And so he was in familiar territory.

The evangelical leaderscame around him not only

to support him, to say we stand with you,

we will continue to pray for your nation,

but said to the president, what can we do

to come along side your nation

and to lift the aspirations of Brazilians

and to give them hope forthe future for the long term

not just economically, politically,

but also more importantly,for the men and women

around that table, spiritually.

What can we do?

And so they prayed forhim and encouraged him

to say that the Christiansin America are praying

for him, praying for the nation of Brazil,

and whatever they can do tohelp his nation they will do.

So they also agreed thatthey will join their efforts

to bring relief and desperatehumanitarian supplies

and other facilities and other needs

to the Venezuelans in Brazil.

- All right, SeniorInternational Correspondent,

George Thomas, thank youso much for your time.

- You're welcome sir.

- President Bolsonaroalso met with a group

of prominent American Evangelical leaders

and among them the ChristianBroadcasting Network's

Dr. Pat Robertson and Gordon Robertson

and evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

The American delegationprayed for Bolsonaro

and promised to standwith his administration

as he fights to protectBrazil's Christian heritage

and family values.

They also pledged to help Brazilprovide humanitarian relief

for those suffering in Venezuela.

- [Pat] And we pray Lord,

the anointing of theHoly Spirit come upon him

so he may have wisdom,

that he will hear a voice in his ear

when he turns to the right or to the left

saying this is the way and walking in it.

The Lord may the blessingof God accompany him.

May the angel of God surroundthe nation of Brazil.

- That was Dr. PatRobertson praying there.

God is definitely on the move.

You can catch George'sfull coverage on the story

on Faith Nation and that'stonight on the CBN News Channel.

Well don't go anywhere, we'llbe back right after the break.

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The I Wills of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

- Parents across Santa Ana,California were recently stunned

when they found out theirmiddle school aged children

went to an LGBT fair.

Parents said they hadnot been notified at all

about the fair nor even given the option

for their child to attend or opt out.

The Family Research Councilreported people were dressed

in drag and giving makeup lessons

to the 11 year olds inthe school building.

Well joining us now with more

from The Family ResearchCouncil, is Peter Sprigg.

Peter, how are parentsresponding to all of this?

- Well, parents turned out in force

at a school board meeting

in the Santa Ana Unified School District.

My understanding from thereporting from Kira Davis

in Townhall, is that not onlywas the boardroom filled,

but the overflow room was filled

and so there was quite a lot of outrage

on the part of parents over the fact

that they had not been notifiedas to what would be going on

and what their childrenwould be exposed to.

- What is the school saying?

Has the districtresponded to the incident?

- Well it's very disturbingto read Kira Davis' account

in Townhall, which wasreally our source at FRC,

and see how the membersof the school board

as well as advocates who support

this comprehensive sex education program,

were quite disrespectful and contemptuous

towards these parents.

And this is not withstanding the fact

that the new sex education law

that was adopted severalyears ago in California

requires parental notification.

It gives parents the optionto opt their children out

of this type of curriculumor this type of activity.

So, we had concerns aboutthe passage of that law.

The so-called CaliforniaHealthy Youth Act,

which was signed into law in 2015,

but even the provisions of that law

which were designed to protect parents,

it seems are not being observed

and the school board,

at least in the Santa Ana School District,

seems to have no shame about that.

- Then quickly, do you thinkthere's a double standard

when it comes to the situationversus religion and prayer

in the schools?

- Well (laughs), there certainlyis a hostility to religion

and there is a hostility to viewpoints

that may even be perceivedas motivated by religion.

Whereas anything thatis serving the interest

of this, you might evencall it, the new religion

of the sexual revolution,is going to be promoted

and they will even sidestepregulations on the books

in order to promote thisradical ideology and agenda.

- Okay, Peter Sprigg withFamily Research Council.

Thank you sir.

- Thank you.

- And we'll be right back.

Stay with us.

(light music)

- [Narrator] When you give,

smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Newsome.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection, andthe overwhelming desire

to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it grew a ministry

from my heart called Orphan's Promise.

Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

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- A reminder to check outour CBN News daily podcast

with Caitlin Burke.

She gives us a behind thescenes look at a key story

in the news every day and you can find it

at on the Showtab, click on it's title

to listen and subscribe.

Well that's all for today,thanks for again for.


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