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News on The 700 Club: March 20, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” March 20, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Well now in the news,

he's being called theTrump of the Tropics.

And Brazilians' new PresidentBolsonaro wasted no time

in rolling back left-wingagendas when he took office.

He met with President Trumpyesterday at the White House.

And then we had thehonor of praying with him

as a group of evangelicalsmet shortly after his visit

to the Oval Office.

Bolsonaro sat down with our George Thomas

for this exclusive interview.

- [George] Jair Bolsonaro isin America to tell Donald Trump

that he has a president,who not only admires him,

but is also a friend of the Unites States.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] It is timeto overcome old resistances

and explore the very best potential

between Brazil and the Unites States.

After all, it is fair to say

that today Brazil does have a president

that is not anti-American.

- [George] During a two-hour meeting

at the White House Tuesday,

which included a luncheon andRose Garden press conference,

the two leaders signed agreements

and discussed how to work together

to end the upheaval in Venezuela.

President Trump said Bolsonaro'shistoric election win

marked a new day in Brazil and a new era

in friendship with the United States.

- I wanna congratulate you again

on your tremendous electionvictory last October.

It was an incredible feat

and really a truly incredible challenge.

And the end result was

something the wholeworld was talking about.

- [George] By all accounts,Bolsonaro's inauguration

as Brazil's 38th presidentwas a significant milestone

in the world's fifth largest country.

After years of leftist rule,

the 63-year-old formerparatrooper, turned politician,

is the first conservative president

in Brazil's democratic era.

- [Translator] My campaigndidn't have a lot of money.

Almost all the media inBrazil was against us.

So it was a huge miracle that we won.

- And now just 78 daysinto his presidency,

Bolsonaro is already shaking up

Brazil's political establishment.

Unlike previous administrations

that pursued an aggressive anti-American

and anti-Israel foreign policy,

Bolsonaro is pushing for stronger ties

with the United States and Israel,

even announcing shortlyafter winning the presidency

that he intends to movehis country's embassy

from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

- President Bolsonaro?

- Okay.- George Thomas,

pleasure to meet you, sir.

Welcome to the United States.

Following his meeting with President Trump

Bolsonaro sat down foran exclusive interview

with CBN News at BlairHouse, located steps

from the White House.

Blair House is used forvisiting dignitaries

and foreign heads of state.

You've discussed movingyour country's embassy

from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

When is that going to happen,

and why is this important to Brazil?

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Each country has the right

to decide where it's own capital is,

and the capital ofIsrael became Jerusalem.

Therefore we are studying the possibility

of making that decision at the right time.

When Trump took over, ittook him almost nine months

to make that decision, andI am now in my third month.

- [George] Bolsonaro is often referred to

as the Trump of the Tropics.

Like President Trump,

Bolsonaro believes the mainstream media

is fiercely opposed tohis presidency and agenda.

And Bolsonaro alsoregularly uses social media

to connect directly with his supporters.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] To a large extent,I support what Trump does.

He wants to make America great

and I also want to make Brazil great.

I also have concerns aboutthe indiscriminate entrance

of foreigners without any criteria.

But beyond this, we are both Christians

and are God-fearing men.

(loud shouting)

- [George] Bolsonaro'smiddle name is Messias,

Portuguese for Messiah.

He is a Catholic, and his wife Michelle

is a protestant evangelicalwho attends a Baptist church.

An assassination attempt bya knife-wielding attacker

a month before the election

almost cost Bolsonaro his life.

He says it is nothing short of a miracle

that he's alive today.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Doctors who attended to me

said that for every 100stabbings of the kind I endured,

only one person survives.

So I am a survivor and owe my life to God.

It was his will for me to live.

- [George] The attackbecame a turning point

in his campaign as the populouscandidate went on to win,

promising to tackle Brazil'srapid corruption and violence.

Two months into his presidency

Bolsonaro is shakingBrazil's political world,

even standing up to dictators

like Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro.

Both Bolsonaro and Trump refuse to say

whether military plans were on the table

to intervene in Venezuela.

- [Translator] I discussedthis matter with Trump,

and obviously that conversationwill remain private.

Trump says all possibilitiesare on the table.

And I, in large part, support decisions

of the American government.

(speaking in foreign language)

(crowd clapping and cheering)

- [George] Bolsonarohas surrounded himself

with well-known Brazilian evangelicals,

like Pastor Silas Malafaia,who regularly visits

and prays with Bolsonaro.

Silas told CBN News thathe believes Bolsonaro

is God's chosen man to lead Brazil.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Even thoughBolsonaro is not an evangelical,

he always defends the principles

that we evangelicals have defended.

Namely, he is against abortion.

He is against the privilegeof the LGBTQ movement.

He recognizes the greatnessand importance of Israel,

defends the family, andwants to fight corruption

and restore our economy.

- [George] On his firstofficial day as president,

Bolsonaro promised to makeJudeo-Christian principles

a top priority in his administration.

Can you talk about the impact

that decades of leftist ideology has had

on the social andspiritual fabric of Brazil?

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] The ideology of the left

has taken over the universities

and also the journalists of Brazil.

The impact has been the worst possible.

And one of the main goalsis to erode family values.

- [George] It was this kind of message

that drove the majorityof Brazil's evangelicals

to support Bolsonaro.

- [Translator] The evangelicals of Brazil

are equivalent to athird of the population

and are growing.

I had massive support from them,

because until recently,they had no one to support,

who shared their values and faith.

- Your motto is Brazil aboveeverything, God above all.

What do you mean by that?

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] I have beena congressman for 28 years,

and I saw that in politicstruth almost never existed.

And my feeling is thatour people are thirsty

to know the truth.

- [George] His favoriteBible verse is John 8:32,

then you will know thetruth, and the truth

will set you free.

Why is faith so importantto you, Mister President?

- [Translator] Just like any marriage

between a man and a woman,if you don't have truth,

the marriage ends quickly.

In politics, if you don't have truth,

the government ends quickly.

- [George] After our interview,President Bolsonaro met

with a group of prominentAmerican evangelical leaders,

among them, the ChristianBroadcasting Network's

Doctor Pat Robertson and Gordon Robertson

and evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

The American delegationprayed for Bolsonaro

and promised to standwith his administration

as he fights to protectBrazil's Christian heritage

and family values.

They also pledged to help Brazilprovide humanitarian relief

for those suffering in Venezuela.

Why is this meeting importantto you, Mister President?

- [Translator] I recognizethe work evangelicals do

in my country, which is no different

to what they do around the world,

sharing the word of God andstrengthening family values.

- George joins us nowfrom the White House.

And George, what do you think?

When you go away from this man,

what's your deep impression?

Do you think this relationshipbetween Brazil and America

is gonna be long-lasting?

- There is absolutely no doubt.

I mean, you have tounderstand the context, Pat,

of Latin America.

3/4 of Latin America has beenruled by leftist governments.

Brazil was one of them foralmost two decades, Pat.

And Bolsonaro came on the scene

pretty much from political obscurity,

and he saw what theleftist ideology was doing

to his nation.

And as a man of deep faith he realized

that the leftist ideology wanted

to launch an all-out assault on the family

and to introduce all these things

that was against the Bible and his belief.

And so he ran on that platform,

promising to restore the family,

promising integrity to the nation.

And in the process, he saidtwo decades of leftist ideology

we coddled Iran, we coddledCuba, we coddled Venezuela.

Those days are over.

Typically, when the newadministration comes

into Brazilian power, they typically,

their first overseas trip,Pat, is to Venezuela or Cuba.

Bolsonaro said, no, we are in a new era.

My first bilateral trip isgoing to be to Washington DC.

Right after he became the president

he said we are going to move our embassy

in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Again, it was a seismic shift,

and obviously he's takingthe blow back from that.

Various Latin Americancountries are making fun of him

that he is coddling andcozying up to the Yankees,

to President Trump.

But clearly, he has seta tone for his country,

and Brazilians are supporting him.

They said they are also fed upwith this leftist government.

Look at what it has brought.

And Bolsonaro kept sayingduring his campaign,

do you guys want to be like Venezuela?

If that's what youwant, don't vote for me.

- (laughs) George, speaking of Venezuela,

that Maduro is getting worse.

It's now like two millionpercent inflation, it's unreal.

I mean, we just can't conceiveof anything of such poverty.

Did you talk about militaryintervention with him at all?

- We did, I asked thatquestion directly to him.

Obviously, he said thatis a private matter

that he and PresidentTrump had spoken about.

President Trump said he has a plan.

He has an idea of howto deal with Venezuela

during the press conference.

He was asked that questiona number of times.

Again, both leaders refusedto reveal their hand

on what they want to do.

Keep in mind, Brazil has direct contact,

military-to-military contact,with the Venezuelan Army.

And President Trump is hoping,

encouraging President Bolsonaro,

listen, will you put somepressure on the Venezuelan Army?

Keep in mind, Pat, youknow this very well,

the Venezuelan Army, how they fall,

whether they fall for theinterim president Juan Guaido

or will they continue toswear allegiance to Maduro

is a very, very big factor.

And so what the Brazilians aresaying to their counterparts

in Venezuela, listen, ifyou abandon your allegiance

to Maduro, we will not arrestyou for your alliance with him

for things that you have done.

This is a new day.

This is a new opportunity to restore hope,

to restore democracy in Venezuela.

- Well, George, it wasa great day yesterday,

and I'm so glad you were there.

And I was thrilled when weprayed with the president.

And his heart is so warmtoward evangelicals.

And he understands.

It's amazing, it's almostthe same percentages.

Trump got, oh, maybe, 83%or more of the evangelicals

in America, which is the mostsolid broken voting bloc,

and Bolsonaro is the same thing in Brazil.

- That's right.

In fact, he even mentionedthat to you, Pat.

He said, when you wereall around that table,

he says, I am in a familiar place.

I feel like I'm at home, becausehe knows the relationship

that he has had with the evangelicals.

Remember, evangelicalsfor such a long time

they had their allegiances splattered

across so many different candidates.

Then when Bolsonaro came on the scene,

and they saw what a deepman of faith he was,

his wife Michelle is an evangelical,

attends a Baptist church, as I mentioned.

When they saw his heart and his desire

to restore moral valuesto uphold the word of God,

to uphold Judeo-Christianprinciples, they said, wow!

We've never had such a candidate before.

It's impossible to even imagine

that such a candidate could even win.

And so they threw intheir support for him.

And today what you have here, Pat,

is a seismic tectonic political shift

in the largest South American country,

and it is giving notice tothe rest of Latin America.

As you have seen, theBrexit in England, Germany,

in other parts of Europe,you're seeing this right turn.

And clearly, Bolsonaro is partof that wave you are seeing,

not just in South America,but around the world.

- George, thank you very much,

and thank you for your reporting.

It was a moment--- You're welcome, sir.

Thank you.- Important moment.

We were deeply touched.

I mean, it was marvelous

as a number of us were there together.

And I was there side by side

with my dear friend Reinhard Bonnke.

And we both prayed for the president

and asked God's blessing on him.

Well, more than 15 Democrats

are already running for president.

And the claim has been madethat Donald Trump is a wild man,

and he's seeking to overturnthe foundational principles

of our nation.

Well, this bunch are proposing big changes

in the American political system,

like putting more justiceson the Supreme Court.

Roosevelt was a dominant roleof the Senate and the House

couldn't pack the court,

and these people are gonna pack the court.

They wanna put in morejudges on the Supreme Court.

And that's just the start.

They wanna change the Electoral College.

And just down the line,it's radical proposals.

Dale Hurd has that.

- If you can't win, change the rules,

President Trump argues.

That seems to be thethought of some Democrats

who've decided America'spolitical system needs an update.

Big on their list is abolishingthe Electoral College

and using the popular vote

to determine who's elected president.

- We can have national voting,

and that means get ridof the Electoral College.

- [Dale] It was the Electoral College vote

that gave Donald Trump the victory

over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Clinton won the popular vote.

The founding fathers institutedthe Electoral College

to protect the nation froma large faction of voters

who might want to introduce tyranny.

But now Colorado hasjoined 11 other states

in support of a movementto use a popular vote

to elect our president.

Some Democrats also wantto add more justices

to the Supreme Court, which in their view

has become increasingly conservative.

Beto O'Rourke wants toexpand the high court

to as many as 15 justicesand give them term limits.

Another Democratic proposal is

to lower the voting age to 16.

President Trump tweeted his response

to the Democratic plans overnight saying,

the Democrats are getting very strange.

They now want to changethe voting age to 16,

abolish the Electoral College,

and increase significantly the number

of Supreme Court justices.

Actually, you've got towin it at the ballot box.

The president alsoguarantees the Supreme Court

will not be expanded for sixyears while he's in office.

- Ladies and gentlemen,this country is called,

not the Democratic America,

it's called the United States of America.

That's why there werestates that came together.

And it was the states thatmade up the Constitution

and made up this Republic,and it's the United States.

And so each of those states,

and the little states understood

that the big populousstates could overwhelm them,

and that's why they setup the Electoral College,

so they would give a voteto all the small states,

so that everybody would have a voice

and there just wouldn't be one huge state,

like California or New York,who would swamp the system.

That's why the ElectoralCollege is so very important.

Well, Dale, let me ask you.

These are shocking proposals

to radically overhaul the government.

They've accused Trumpof this, haven't they?

- Yeah, and it's not clear at all

that this is constitutional.

I mean, as you've said, Imean, the Constitution lays out

a state-by-state systemfor electing our president.

I have something that's a little funny.

It's kind of shortsighted.

I mean, they're assuming the Democrats

will keep winning the popular vote.

Well, Trump could easilywin the popular vote

in the next election.

Is California going toreally tell their electors

to vote for Trump?

I find that hard to believe.

- (laughing) Well, what else do you see

that these radicals are doing?

I mean, it's just crazy thestuff they're proposing,

but this...

Give me some of the radical proposals

that they're coming up with.

- Well, they want toincrease the Supreme Court.

That's not going to pass muster either.

I mean, they need aconstitutional convention

to do the kind of stuff they wanna do.

And I just don't see that happening.

Americans need to appreciate the purpose

of our Electoral College,which is it unifies the nation.

If it was popular voteonly, our candidates

wouldn't even campaign incertain parts of the country.

They would only campaignin their strongholds.

The Electoral College keeps them honest,

and it actually unifies the nation.

And it also encourages a two-party system.

If it was popular vote,

who knows how many parties we might have?

- Well, we're looking andappreciate that story.

And ladies and gentlemen,

it's just beginning, the radicalization.

Free tuition for everybody.

Free healthcare for everybody.

A guaranteed annual wage foreverybody in the country.

And it goes on and on and on.

And the proposals about the Green New Deal

are so radical it will destroy.

They wanna do away with airplane travel.

They wanna do away with car travel.

They wanna do with fossil fuels.

They wanna take away coaland gas from the utilities,

and it goes on and on.

And Mitch McConnell isgoing to force the vote

in the Senate on the Green New Deal

to put them on record,because this is so crazy.

And with the debt levelright now of 200 and,

well, whatever it is.

I forget how many trillions of dollars,

but (laughing) it's 22trillion going on 30 trillion.

The numbers are so staggering

and yet these people wannago up, up, up, up, up and up.

And it looks like when this is happening,

somebody's going to call the tune.

But I think when it comesout, it's gonna be time.

We're looking at Joe Biden, and he's going

to probably be the candidate.

And Joe is a very nice man,but he's a bit leftist,

and once he becomes the nominee,

the idea from the Republicans is gonna be

to kneecap him as fast as they can.

So you can see some rather nastystuff coming down the pike.


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